When Anet will answer ?
they will answer through their actions – next season rewards will be even worse
How should they react?
In their eyes it is quite logically acceptable, otherwise they wouldn’t have made the rewards like that.
And based on the extreme toxic post from some people in that thread I wouldn’t really want to subject my employees or colleagues to that, had I been part of ArenaNets management.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
So Kraljevo you’re so GENEROUS ! You’re a member of WVW Health Organization ?
You spend all your money to upgrade camps and towers ? You’re a so perfect player…
You are nothing except yourself, you’re the disguting problem here. You judge people without knowing what they do. On every serious WvW server, every one are complaining that they expected a skin (i don’t speak about ascended weapon or armor, i admit it’s ridiculous…). And in any case, i don’t care about your advise. I (we) just expect an awnser from Anet ! At the moment we prefer an answer (positive or negative) than anything.
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
So Kraljevo you’re so GENEROUS ! You’re a member of WVW Health Organization ?
You spend all your money to upgrade camps and towers ? You’re a so perfect player…You are nothing except yourself, you’re the disguting problem here. You judge people without knowing what they do. On every serious WvW server, every one are complaining that they expected a skin (i don’t speak about ascended weapon or armor, i admit it’s ridiculous…). And in any case, i don’t care about your advise. I (we) just expect an awnser from Anet ! At the moment we prefer an answer (positive or negative) than anything.
if you want an answer this is not the sub forum you are looking for.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
So Kraljevo you’re so GENEROUS ! You’re a member of WVW Health Organization ?
You spend all your money to upgrade camps and towers ? You’re a so perfect player…You are nothing except yourself, you’re the disguting problem here. You judge people without knowing what they do. On every serious WvW server, every one are complaining that they expected a skin (i don’t speak about ascended weapon or armor, i admit it’s ridiculous…). And in any case, i don’t care about your advise. I (we) just expect an awnser from Anet ! At the moment we prefer an answer (positive or negative) than anything.
if you want an answer this is not the sub forum you are looking for.
Shhhh we’re not allowed to talk, we didn’t win first place in the gold league so we’re not serious enough about WvW.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
I images in a bit of disbelieve at the level of chosen ignorance that the players who complained about this seemed to comply forget about the 7 chest from doing the meta events the ap from though meta events and the big ap reward once you hit a set number of meta events completed. The rewards where a great deal more then the box at the end.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
we can expect that Anet will react and answer to people : yes or no.
Let’s imagine that they do.
Scenario 1:
Official post saying “yes, the rewards were unacceptable.”
Result: forums rage, even more people bandwagon for S2
Scenario 2:
Official post saying “no, the rewards were fine.”
Result: forums rage, then rage even more when S2 is announced
I’m sure Anet would love to communicate with the WvW community more. Unfortunately, the WvW community makes that impossible most of the time.
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
dont’ stack servers next season, then you will profit from the rewards.
Personally I liked the bad rewards. I hope next season they reduce the APs too, that way less people will be doing irrelevant things in wvw. Most of the only people complaining about rewards are the PVE’rs who played wvw only for the rewards.
New bunker meta sux
I wonder when Anet will react ?
When the main topic on wvw discussion is “WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable” (and other topics like that) we can expect that Anet will react and answer to people : yes or no.In any case we can expect an OFFICIAL answer and not just a blank.
As far as I can tell. Rewards in WvW season one were greatly done due ot many, many injustice that were present.
I’m really thankful to them by doing the right thing and I will opose every thread like this.
There are 4 reasons:
- you don’t need great rewars if you are WvW player cause all you did was play and have fun.
- if you went for the rewards it’s your problem, you expact gold mountains and you should just spend the time elsewhere – maybe in Frostgeorge?
- if you went for achievements you got your points so don’t scream for rewards now cause you got what you went for.
- if you made it for your server the glory for the spot in rankings is your and noone will take it back from you.
That’s basically it, so please let go and have fun playing.
Noone will give you a procursor even if you server was 1st in golden league.
Don’t expect ANet (or any company) to respond to absolutely everything the forums cry about.
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
So Kraljevo you’re so GENEROUS ! You’re a member of WVW Health Organization ?
You spend all your money to upgrade camps and towers ? You’re a so perfect player…You are nothing except yourself, you’re the disguting problem here. You judge people without knowing what they do. On every serious WvW server, every one are complaining that they expected a skin (i don’t speak about ascended weapon or armor, i admit it’s ridiculous…). And in any case, i don’t care about your advise. I (we) just expect an awnser from Anet ! At the moment we prefer an answer (positive or negative) than anything.
This just made me ROFL..
I really don’t see your issue.. yeah the final season 1 chest wasn’t all that great, (especially if the RNG gods hate you) but so what.. count back how many chests you got through the season, then consider what you were actually in WvW for and just what were you really expecting…. you only have yourself to blame if you set your hopes to high because there was never any actual rewards guarantee outside of a mini for all and a finisher for the winners…. so what you call unacceptable certainly doesn’t account for your “everyone is complaining” logic.
How long have you been playing WvW.. cos anyone that’s been logging in for any length of time knows WvW isn’t about the reward its about the fun you have while your in it.. come to UW and see for yourself how hard WvW has become especially during season 1 but I would hazard a bet you wont find many complaining about the rewards for it.
I accept that RNG rewards are not the greatest, in fact my own chest reward was pretty good and UW finished rock bottom every week all through season 1 and I would hazard a guess that what I got was likely better than someone winning Gold League but that is RNG.. I just never got as much gold or that finisher.. gee whizz the world is ending!!
BTW if you think the biggest issue that came about through season 1 was rewards, then you may want to take a holiday to rest up a bit… there are far worse issues that need addressing than some crumby RNG loot imo.
First (virtual) world problems… Disgusting.
I for one played WvW every day in the season for about 3-4 hours each night. We had a lot of >>fun<< (yeah, some of you forgot what that is) battles and the loot was good as well.
I agree on the fact that the rewards could have been more WvW-specific, like blueprints or whatever, but I am completely fine with the current reward. Why? Because I played WvW for >>FUN<<. (Yeah, here is the word again!)
This new gamer generation is… What is this I don’t even..
So Kraljevo you’re so GENEROUS ! You’re a member of WVW Health Organization ?
You spend all your money to upgrade camps and towers ? You’re a so perfect player…You are nothing except yourself, you’re the disguting problem here. You judge people without knowing what they do. On every serious WvW server, every one are complaining that they expected a skin (i don’t speak about ascended weapon or armor, i admit it’s ridiculous…). And in any case, i don’t care about your advise. I (we) just expect an awnser from Anet ! At the moment we prefer an answer (positive or negative) than anything.
Hey, come out of your gamer cave before you take that tone with me.
I didn’t judge anyone, I am just speaking the truth. I’ve done a lot for my server myself and we were on the 1st place as well, so I know what effort this is. My point is that I know Arenanet (after several years of GW1) and didn’t expect a big reward, therefore I played for the fun and I think that a game is all about that.
(edited by Kraljevo.2801)
What do they have to answer for? The rewards were exactly what was deserved.
Knights of the WhiteWolf
i dont think a net need to respond to “entitled” players.
i also got the chest and when i opened it i just laugh and move on. on regular wvw match up you dont get anything at the end of the match and here you complained on the free gift given to you (the achievement is easy and you can get the key within a 7 week period)
a net will never respond to such rant, so dont waste your time
Hello everyone,
I wonder when Anet will react ?
When the main topic on wvw discussion is “WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable” (and other topics like that) we can expect that Anet will react and answer to people : yes or no.In any case we can expect an OFFICIAL answer and not just a blank.
PS : do we have to flood the forum like people did for the “Flamekissed Armor” to have an answer ? Because it seems that Anet only react when people flood the forum…
PS 2 : sry for my bad english x’)
I would think it becomes apparent by now that after the horrendous patches they’ve thrown at us in the last few months, they simply do not care.
Edit: the reward was the achievement points
How should they react?
In their eyes it is quite logically acceptable, otherwise they wouldn’t have made the rewards like that.
And based on the extreme toxic post from some people in that thread I wouldn’t really want to subject my employees or colleagues to that, had I been part of ArenaNets management.
Hostile customers are not a good excuse to not do your job. It’s part of customer service. I have done it most of my life. If you can’t deal with the heat, get out of the fire.
If the current reward structure is maintained, I see no reason to participate heavily in season 2.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
But how should they react then?
Clearly the rewards are acceptable in their eyes, so what would it help by them simply restating that?
The only thing it would lead to is even more kitten here on the forums.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Content Marketing Manager
We do not need two threads for the WvW season rewards topic.