Where's Marmatt?

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Tseikk.9032


What has happened to him? I’m quite sure he hasn’t replied to any threads for over a month

I speak for myself, not for my server or my guild.
Solo roamer, all classes.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


Last we heard the forum specialists were waiting for anet to give them a template to use to make their reports.

But if the forums specialist think they can make these reports without taking to us here on the forums, then they have no idea what they are doing!

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I don’t know really. The Gates Assassin, the pvp forum specialist, is commenting on every major thread trying to clarify the debate. I wish we would have something similar on this forum.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


If you look at his posting history, it’s pretty normal for him to post for a few weeks or month, and then drop out for a month. At this point he’s like a middle manager, you get mostly abuse from those under you and mostly the same from those above… It can be exceptionally frustrating. He made a very significant effort countering a lot of grief he got here, and now it looks like that effort is stalled by those above him. He might just be taking a short break.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


I don’t know really. The Gates Assassin, the pvp forum specialist, is commenting on every major thread trying to clarify the debate. I wish we would have something similar on this forum.

Hmmmm…. esports connection = Dev attention to specialist? nah.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


If you look at his posting history

We did, we complained, we were ignored.

We gave him a chance and well if other specialists are regularly posting on their forums then marmatt is not fulfilling his role!

Let’s have a look at the last time the others posted:

Rising Dusk.2408: Dungeons and Fractals – 19 minutes ago
The Gates Assassin.9827: PvP – 19 hours ago
Riku.4821: PvE – a day ago
Wolfey.3407: PvP – 10 days ago
Marmatt.8590: WvW – 20 days ago

Marmatt has been the least inactive! Wolfey a bit more active but PvP has 2 specialists, the other of which posts regularly!

(edited by Orochimaru.4730)

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

That’s why so many people questioned the decision to pick someone that had never posted in the WvW forum over the people that post here on a regular basis.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: TheSongBringer.2834


That’s why so many people questioned the decision to pick someone that had never posted in the WvW forum over the people that post here on a regular basis.

How about, we do not go though this again. If he hasn’t been posting, then either there is a reason or there isn’t one. If there is a reason, then He can take all the time he needs. If there isn’t one, then we can complain that he is not doing his job. But let’s not go back through questioning his credentials again. That whole mess was the most toxic that I have seen these forum.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Reanne.5462


There really are only two outcomes here. Either he will make the wvw community happy, or the community will eventually chew him up and spit him out.

What do you think the chances are he will make you happy.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


If you look at his posting history

We did, we complained, we were ignored.

We gave him a chance and well if other specialists are regularly posting on their forums then marmatt is not fulfilling his role!

Let’s have a look at the last time the others posted:

Rising Dusk.2408: Dungeons and Fractals – 19 minutes ago
The Gates Assassin.9827: PvP – 19 hours ago
Riku.4821: PvE – a day ago
Wolfey.3407: PvP – 10 days ago
Marmatt.8590: WvW – 20 days ago

Marmatt has been the least inactive! Wolfey a bit more active but PvP has 2 specialists, the other of which posts regularly!

Well, so far I thought his summation post was pretty good. With all of the HoT hype I don’t expect anything from the Dev team for a while besides that new map… We might get some attention when the beta goes live, since there will be a short period while things are in test mode.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

That’s why so many people questioned the decision to pick someone that had never posted in the WvW forum over the people that post here on a regular basis.

How about, we do not go though this again. If he hasn’t been posting, then either there is a reason or there isn’t one. If there is a reason, then He can take all the time he needs. If there isn’t one, then we can complain that he is not doing his job. But let’s not go back through questioning his credentials again. That whole mess was the most toxic that I have seen these forum.

You must be pretty new around here then.
The question the majority of people were asking was pretty justified. Basically, “Why pick someone that has shown so little interest in WvW to be it’s forum specialist when there are so many others that are more qualified for the position.”

Most people weren’t bashing marmatt for taking the job they just questioned the decision on anet’s part. The concern was that the specialist would quickly lose interest and we would be left without communication once again, which appears to be the situation we are in right now.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

You must be pretty new around here then.
The question the majority of people were asking was pretty justified. Basically, “Why pick someone that has shown so little interest in WvW to be it’s forum specialist when there are so many others that are more qualified for the position.”

Most people weren’t bashing marmatt for taking the job they just questioned the decision on anet’s part. The concern was that the specialist would quickly lose interest and we would be left without communication once again, which appears to be the situation we are in right now.

And the answer was pretty simple: he applied, and those “more qualified” didn’t. Can’t hire someone who doesn’t apply or show interest for the job in the real world, can’t do it on the forums either.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


You must be pretty new around here then.
The question the majority of people were asking was pretty justified. Basically, “Why pick someone that has shown so little interest in WvW to be it’s forum specialist when there are so many others that are more qualified for the position.”

Most people weren’t bashing marmatt for taking the job they just questioned the decision on anet’s part. The concern was that the specialist would quickly lose interest and we would be left without communication once again, which appears to be the situation we are in right now.

And the answer was pretty simple: he applied, and those “more qualified” didn’t. Can’t hire someone who doesn’t apply or show interest for the job in the real world, can’t do it on the forums either.

those who were more qualified to be the WvW forum specialist were automatically disqualified for the position. Many of those posters have been openly critical of Anet’s decisions and would have received infractions that automatically disqualify you for the position of being a specialist in this subforum.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


You must be pretty new around here then.
The question the majority of people were asking was pretty justified. Basically, “Why pick someone that has shown so little interest in WvW to be it’s forum specialist when there are so many others that are more qualified for the position.”

Most people weren’t bashing marmatt for taking the job they just questioned the decision on anet’s part. The concern was that the specialist would quickly lose interest and we would be left without communication once again, which appears to be the situation we are in right now.

And the answer was pretty simple: he applied, and those “more qualified” didn’t. Can’t hire someone who doesn’t apply or show interest for the job in the real world, can’t do it on the forums either.

Well, part of the problem is that the the main people at Anet responsible for the maintaining and moderating the forums didn’t really understand that many people don’t bother looking at the “official announcements” and so a lot of the more focused WvW posters just missed it and didn’t apply. I would imagine this also the case with the other specialists too. It just the basic “my way or the highway” approach that Anet takes to most things. It’s their forums area not ours…

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

You must be pretty new around here then.
The question the majority of people were asking was pretty justified. Basically, “Why pick someone that has shown so little interest in WvW to be it’s forum specialist when there are so many others that are more qualified for the position.”

Most people weren’t bashing marmatt for taking the job they just questioned the decision on anet’s part. The concern was that the specialist would quickly lose interest and we would be left without communication once again, which appears to be the situation we are in right now.

And the answer was pretty simple: he applied, and those “more qualified” didn’t. Can’t hire someone who doesn’t apply or show interest for the job in the real world, can’t do it on the forums either.

Because a lot of the people on this forum check this forum and maybe a handful of others. If they wanted a forum specialist for the WvW forum they should have made a post in the WvW forum.

Anet likes to use facebook, reddit, twitch, etc. for all of it’s actual “news and announcements”. Posting in that forum is about the same as sticking it in a cellar with no lights or stairs, locked in the filing cabinet of a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ’Beware of the Leopard".

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


I have been overly against the way Anet handled all of this.
Not putting a post about it in WvW at all.
Tossing out good applications over infractions that occurred during the questioning phases we WvWers had with Anet over our beloved WvW.
I didn’t care for the pick of our forum thread liaison either – But I must pause for a moment and ponder….

As someone who is chronically ill in RL(Causing my own unfocused actions) , I have to step back and go “Maybe something happened to this guy or to someone he knows” and excuse his absence since we do not know what’s going on until he can explain himself.

As a side note -

I hope everything is alright. Please let us know what is up and how reports are going.

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

From his past post history and pretty clear lack of WvW exposure, his absence is not surprising.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I suspect the whole thing will go on hold until after the expansion now. It’s not like they’re going to change the current game before then.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Maarmaaaaaaaaaattt! Dinner’s readyyyy!

Y’know, when forums start to ask after you… it might be your time to shine. :o

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Where's Marmatt?

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


Indeed, those who are more qualified were automatically disqualified.

Anet’s recruitment post might as well have been a Ferguson Police recruitment poster asking for someone to represent the Black community, and adding “Whites Only” as a requirement! Yes I am exaggerating, but you cant really get a white guy to represent a black community, so…..