Who was EoTM made for?

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


I mean, what types of players?

All of these chokepoints will end up causing even more zerging as people get funneled into the same place. It’s extremely difficult to meet up with people on a separate part of the map. The cannons are just absolutely horrible. It feels like fighting in an eternal battleground where you own nothing and all the towers, keep, and SM have people manning all of the siege. The difference is that your mobility is far more restricted in EoTM.

Don’t think I’ll be spending even another minute in the zone. Small groups looking for fights want fights in relatively open areas without siege or mob interference.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Grav.3568


I mean, what types of players?

The types that are too stubborn to transfer down for the good of the game.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: MajorFauxPas.2364


It was made for PvE players as a gateway to WvW.
But it didn’t fulfill it’s purpose.
– a WvW player

Hey, um, which way to the outhouse?

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Karolis.4261


It was made for zerglings, same as any www map.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743


Is EBG 2.0

I don’t understand arenanet. they want to try to discourage massive zerging and they release content over and over to encourage massive zerging (scarlet invasion, queens event, etc…) What am i missing?

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Didn’t WvW guilds help design this map?

Too early to say what I think of it yet…it may grow on me…

I find lack of wps annoying.
Also, the terrains going to become more annoying the longer you play on it.
I am not really sure the map promotes good fights.

I think I will either come to like it or just find it very annoying…

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Teerlys.5630


I mean, what types of players?

It was made for WvWers who are stuck in queue. Honestly, from the limited time I had on it last night, it was a lot of fun. Less pressure to cap and hold for points, and much more small scale fighting. We had a lot of laughs knocking people off of the edge of the map and getting knocked off ourselves. I don’t know what it’ll evolve into yet, but at the moment it’s something new which has been kind of fun.

Memorable moment, we downed a necro near a bridge and 3 of us went for the stomp. He picked one of us and feared us off of the cliff from downed state, then got stomped before our engi fell far enough to actually die and rez him. Lots of laughs were had over that.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Is EBG 2.0

I don’t understand arenanet. they want to try to discourage massive zerging and they release content over and over to encourage massive zerging (scarlet invasion, queens event, etc…) What am i missing?

Even some of the datamined WvW Masteries that the devs are probably tinkering with hint at being zerg focused (tired of being ambushed?, here is some stealth and swiftness when you leave spawn to let you get to your commander!..). :/

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I’d say it was made for people who want to be entertained while they wait in queue. A place to goof off.

Gate of Madness

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.6972


Made for Tier One servers, there are hardly ever queues in Tier Two and lower servers.
Why would I want to play EOTM instead of WvW if there are never queues?

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Rigel.3092


Fighting, Oozo, fighting and may I add, the wvw guild I belong to had some glorious fights in the hour we spent in EoTM last night.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


It’s made for people who want bags! I like the map. It’s a nice middle ground between wvw and pve, and seems like a good place to go when you don’t really know what to do. It’s a good map for roamers who are in a stale matchup (sad when you can recognize roamers from other servers because you’ve been matched for weeks). The only rough part is it’s difficult to organize people, and atm a lot of pve commanders are in there without a clue.

IMO, it was made for roamers and karma farmers.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: stoat.4257


I saw a grenade engineer one shot himself on a zerg with the pve strength retaliation. I would say it wasn’t made for him.


Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Virtute.8251


EoTM was made for the rest of us (the vast majority of the game’s WvW-playing population) to enjoy, while a very few among us burn inordinate amounts of energy worrying and complaining about it.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It was absolutely awful….Boots you out after a match is over…Zergs everywhere, just a minefield of noobishness…I am beyond disappointed, (but also expected the first day to be garbage, but was ashamed of the amount of garbage I saw) the only hope I hold out at this point is that it will get “old” to the zerglings and people will go back to EBG.

Oh btw if you are tagged up in EoTM you are part of the problem…

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


I think it’s fun. I think that it is possible that this could reduce zerging in WvW a tad. If it turns out that zerging in EoTM is better rewards than zerging in WvW (some people probably already know the answer to this), then some people wanting to zerg may just go into EoTM and forget about WvW. I’m pretty confident this would reduce zerging in WvW but I dunno how much exactly it’ll reduce it by.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: OneManArmy.9732


I mean, what types of players?

for me. full zerk staff ele. I want to fight other, not just running around for 1-2 hours in attempt to find any big group.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.6972


Don’t worry, the map will be dead in a month or less.
I honestly doubt people will play it even if there’s a queue.

It might be decent for GvGs though.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


I’m not sure Oozo, but after about ten minutes in there, I was more disapproving then Bill Nye at last nights Science vs religion debate.


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Arnon.1563


People who want to WvW for fun. It was a blast last night and a bag/cupcake factory.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Arisal.9740


It’s funny people complain about zerging on this map because from what I can tell the map cap seems be be around 90 (30 per color) and I have seen tons of smaller skirmishes while roaming around the map (2v2, 1v1, 1v3, 2v3). It’s actually fun assuming you get in on a map that is not a blow out. If your in one of those and you hate zergs then leave and rejoin and hope to get in one where the scores are really close.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


30 per color? Rofl, I saw 3 orange swords drawn on the map. kitten these casuals need to go back to facebook games

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


It’s for players who doesn’t like to take empty towers and jump map to map whole day.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


People who want to WvW for fun. It was a blast last night and a bag/cupcake factory.

It is now declared, by me, the Queen of IoJ that using the term ‘cupcake’ for loot bags is now banned as it has been deemed nonsensical. Thank you and have a good day.

Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


It is now declared, by me, the Queen of IoJ that using the term ‘cupcake’ for loot bags is now banned as it has been deemed nonsensical. Thank you and have a good day.

She has spoken.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


It will be better after some weeks, at least I hope. For now there are lots of people trying out the new stuff, hunting the achievements and pve people stacking up in a tight ball. Was a bit frustrating earlier when I tried to solo roam due the blobberies and whatnot. I do like tha map tho, it’s pretty and you can use the terrain for your advantage. What I didn’t understand was the siege, irritating turrets gots stupidly long range and you only need 10 supplies to get them back up again. The open area would have been lovely for some skirmishing without those.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


People who want to WvW for fun. It was a blast last night and a bag/cupcake factory.

It is now declared, by me, the Queen of IoJ that using the term ‘cupcake’ for loot bags is now banned as it has been deemed nonsensical. Thank you and have a good day.

I’m afraid that Queen of Isle of Janthir has domain only over the Isle of Janthir. Maybe you can find the queens of the other servers and make some kinda joint proclamation.

Gate of Madness

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

It was made for roamers, small group WvWers and large scale battlers all at once.

You would find there is an overwhelming number of players loving this new map, should you dare venture outside the forums for more than a brief moment.

The choke points specifically promote spartan defense far more than zerg tactics…

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


At least some players should control those turrets and range should be shorter.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


I’m afraid that Queen of Isle of Janthir has domain only over the Isle of Janthir. Maybe you can find the queens of the other servers and make some kinda joint proclamation.

There is only one true Queen, that is the Queen of IoJ, Lillium Honeybuns. The opinions of the lesser, fake queens are of no value. You may now crawl back to whence you came.

How did we know that guy was gom…“cupcake” /facepalm.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It was made for roamers, small group WvWers and large scale battlers all at once.

You would find there is an overwhelming number of players loving this new map, should you dare venture outside the forums for more than a brief moment.

The choke points specifically promote spartan defense far more than zerg tactics…

People who say its for roamers, have no idea what it means to be a roamer….

Roamers hate: zergs, siege, blobbing, zergballs, PPT, scoring, PVE on PvP, etc

This map has all of that to this point…

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Don’t know about you, but my EOTM experience today was – commander blobs, avoiding each other and killing champs (lol @ the guy that said it was for people that didn’t want to take empty towers and hop all day). Good job. I won’t be going back there for some time, I will give it 2 weeks and hope people start playing properly(although without communication and server level organisation I doubt it…).

And bob is right… as a solo roamer/scout I hated pretty much everything about this map too.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I mean, what types of players?

It was made for WvWers who are stuck in queue. Honestly, from the limited time I had on it last night, it was a lot of fun. Less pressure to cap and hold for points, and much more small scale fighting. We had a lot of laughs knocking people off of the edge of the map and getting knocked off ourselves. I don’t know what it’ll evolve into yet, but at the moment it’s something new which has been kind of fun.

Memorable moment, we downed a necro near a bridge and 3 of us went for the stomp. He picked one of us and feared us off of the cliff from downed state, then got stomped before our engi fell far enough to actually die and rez him. Lots of laughs were had over that.

This x100… problem is with lag people were rubber-banding back onto the cliff side and knocking you off instead! Also there were groups of mesmers camping behind rocks and when people got to close, Focus 5, and pull groups without stability off sides. Is very interesting and very dangerous map. If you want to get away from enemies with speed (Ele FGS or Burning Retreat) be very very careful!

EDIT: What I hated about the map was the odd buffs the map gave people… Healing Per second, Condition Removal for entire zergs and Lightning damage??? Wow! Also transformations that are insanely OP.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Our night went well- we had 6-10 most of the night(trying to get ppl onto the same map) at first, we ran into a ton of 5-10 man groups as everyone was learning the maps but soon the tags started showing up. I had heard from others from our server that some maps had huge zergs but ours were manageable. It wasn’t uncommon for us to flank a large group and pull of a nice size fight. If ever a Zerg tried to chase Us the map allowed us to out maneuver them and still pull of chunks to kill. I think unless large Zerg guilds pull in their Zerg this cross server matching should discourage large mobs. I realize I’m optimistic but the terrain and ppl hating on commanders really set the ton for some fun battles. Now if you didn’t like the bridges and such I’m sure it would suck but I enjoyed the change up in battle areas. Now- I’m sure it sux to solo- and random one shot cannon fire was lame- but I think once ppl realize that there is no point in zerging the place (no ppt easily killed, pushed of cliff) then hopfully it will be a nice haven for 4-10 man groups…. Optimistic I know :/

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: You need to look at the point here. The map itself is filled with a lot of NPCs. It is designed to try to get more PvE people to make a move towards WvW. It is not intended for the hardcore WvW player.

As for whether it is successful or not, it will depend. If it brings more people into WvW, then yes, it was successful. If it doesn’t, the map is a fail.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Well, I didn’t enjoy how easy it was to get knocked off the map (and I am an engineer fully able to knock you off).
I did immensely enjoy the open feeling of the map and playing with other servers.
I enjoyed the intensity of the combat. You never were without a fight.
In my limited time, it was a good mix of small roam and zerg. That will change I am sure.

Just a few reactions.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I mean, what types of players?

The types that are too stubborn to transfer down for the good of the game.

Good shout, and 1st reply. +1 for you, sir!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that

I read a post once from the dev’s that left me with the impression that the reason they added the map as because they wanted to open the game up to new markets. They anticipated a ton of Chinese players and wanted a way to deal with them (I.e. Endless maps).

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that

I read a post once from the dev’s that left me with the impression that the reason they added the map as because they wanted to open the game up to new markets. They anticipated a ton of Chinese players and wanted a way to deal with them (I.e. Endless maps).

I’d still like to see “We wanted this for a specific reason” instead of guessing =P

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that


“Q11: What do you view under ‘We want the best WvW experience’? What is the goal of WvW and what would be the best WvW experience with the addition of this map?”

“11) The goal of this map is to provide a place for the thousands of people who queue daily to be able to experience the WvW experience rather than being left out. There will be massive battles, epic sieges, stirring defenses, and crushing defeats on this map. We want as many people as possible to be playing WvW and as we expand into other territories we want to make sure they don’t experience the massive queues that we saw at launch in NA/EU.”

Gate of Madness

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


And there it is, ty styx

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


And there it is, ty styx

Never shall we go to sleep worrying about the thousands tier 1 bandwagoners sitting in queues ever again.

Gate of Madness

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.6972


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that


“Q11: What do you view under ‘We want the best WvW experience’? What is the goal of WvW and what would be the best WvW experience with the addition of this map?”

“11) The goal of this map is to provide a place for the thousands of people who queue daily to be able to experience the WvW experience rather than being left out. There will be massive battles, epic sieges, stirring defenses, and crushing defeats on this map. We want as many people as possible to be playing WvW and as we expand into other territories we want to make sure they don’t experience the massive queues that we saw at launch in NA/EU.”

Rephrasing Devon – Map made for overstacked Tier 1 servers.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Brienson.7319


This map has more choke points than the Denver Broncos.

No thanks, I’ll just stick to EBG for my PUG battles.


Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Zerglings, siegemonkeys, and PVE’ers.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Excellent question. I really don’t know. Those who like the karma train / zerging will probably like the Eternal Battlegrounds more.

Roamers, like me, will surely hate this map. It really has all the worst elements for roaming, so many choke points, hazards and powerful NPCs with CC, that it is crazy (no, I haven’t died a single time in EotM, so I am not raging here, just stating facts).

With several changes and redesigns EotM could be made into a more beginner friendly introductory map:

1. Introduce railings or small elevations, so there is less chance for players to be knocked off the edge into infinity. The current design gives unfair advantage to those who have pull and launch skill and stability. We already over abundance of warriors and guardians in WvWvW and making the game easier for them just doesn’t make sense.

2. Tone down the amount of Crowd Control the NPCs are doing. Reduce their general amount by half.

3. Redesign some extremely clumped areas and choke points into open level fields. It can have some minor elevations like hills. This would be great for both small scale and large scale battles.

4. Add some water, lake + rivers, but place them so that the area is completely optional. Thus no player is forced to do underwater combat.

5. Remove all traps and hazards. The other WvWvW maps don’t have them and they are completely unneeded.

6. Remove or seriously tone down the effectiveness of cannons, turrets and similar Most WvWvW players want less siege, not more. Understand that Arenanet!!

7. Remove ALL the player specific buffs and special gimmicks (no immunities, no buffs)

Thank you!

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Why does everyone want to remove chokes? Does everyone hate having to be situationally aware…?

How are we supposed to farm mega-blobs without chokes?

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Gideon.6742


Players who find it hilarious to knock people of the edge. Mesmers especially since you can pull them off much easier, try it for a few giggles…choke points and bridge areas work best

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: ZhouFusion.1826


Its made for a few reasons:

  1. Testing ground for the other WvW Maps.
    - Lets hope they won’t introduce those Turrets accross EB.
  2. If all other WvW maps are in a Queue u still can do some WvW.
  3. And for Unpopulated servers to see how a real karma train works.
    and a bunch of other reasons that i could write but all are useless.

ANET has 1 goal with this map:
They want to expend the WvW experience.