Let’s take a moment to discuss Kaineng.
I decided to check out Kaineng after reading a post by Fubuki (which will be linked at the bottom of this page).
All most of you know about Kaineng is that it is a low populated server at the bottom of rankings chart. You might assume that due to it’s size that it would not be a competitive server for you to move your guild to. However this is not the case with Eredon Terrace. ET “started out” the same size as Kaineng however it is ranked “on average” 4th in the world (even when it was the same size). Why? Because ET has a single very coordinated guild to support it. Why did RUIN choose ET? So that the performance of the server is mostly based on the coordination and skill of RUIN and not the dependence on other guilds. RUIN also understood early on how to capitalize on a server looking for leadership and greatly expanded its membership base. Which is easy to understand…..since by taking your guild to a smaller server you also have less competition in terms of other guilds vying for members….and have the server rally under one banner whenever a territory is captured.
My main server is Dragonbrand…but after several EU guilds decided to flood into one of our competitors servers and carry them on Europe’s back…I decided to take a brief break from DB for 24 hours and see what being on the last place server was really like…..
At around 7-8pm I went into Kaineng’s WvW. The Kaineng team was fighting at their entrance against a much larger Ferguson’s Crossing army holding their own. I asked who was commanding and they said they had no one…..I asked what the main guild was for WvW and they said there was not one and that they use whoever shows up. So we organized the group to hit Redvale Refuge and we over came the larger sized Ferguson’s Crossing army and captured the supply depot. We then hit Redbriar and were successful in capturing the tower…..I’ll admit with how smoothly it went I got a little kitteny and directed us to hit another base not knowing that the army we had fought so bravely and conquered was not the real Ferguson’s Crossing’s Zerg. While we were leaving the tower to hit Champion’s supply depot a massive army double the size of the one we had fought before swarmed us and recaptured the keep. I learned right then that these guys have to play differently than they would on a high pop server and that they need to capture something then build its defenses before they move on to the next target. So we rinsed and repeated a couple of times and now Kaineng owns both Redvale Refuge and Redbriar and Champions and are in the process of expanding….without leadership or guilds….and a team thats out numbered 3 to 1.
I know this is nothing impressive to the servers I’ve played on but it was a challenge considering our numbers and I was impressed with the organization and skill of the Kaineng players who are simply just looking for a guild to lead them….whenever we hit anything everyone on the map showed up for it. At one point someone advised me “we don’t need to hit the towers….we need to just attack supply depots like we normally do” when I asked why he replied “because Kaineng can actually capture the supply depots.” The organization and skill is there but without guilds to lead them the confidence is not.
Oh and in PvE I used the chat channel in as many zones as I could and always had several people respond to me….so the server isn’t dead.
I’m not a Guild Master by any stretch of the imagination but if I was I’d transfer my guild to Kaineng knowing that there are several people there who would be more than willing to join my guild and help in any way they can.
If you think your guild is the best then why not be the main guild for an entire server and never have to worry about your guild waiting in ques again? Or at the very least while server transfers are free try out Kaineng.
Fubuki’s Post
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)
(edited by Kaine.3501)