Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Before you read on I want you to know that I am from the server Blackgate and I have no affiliations with any of the servers I’m about to talk about.

When most people view rankings…the average person scrolls through the names of the servers and looks for who is number 1 and where is his/her server ranked. Rarely do they examine the chart beyond that….

Henge of Denravi is currently the #1 ranked server in the world. I’ve fought them on Blackgate in well organized groups and I rarely remember a time when we were able to hold a base against them….it was a slaughter….and most servers we dominate. We were all grateful when Henge of Denravie transferred to a new group. But my post isn’t about Henge of Denravi’s success….it’s about one of the servers that competes on the same level as them…but with A LOT less people.

How many people does Eredon Terrace have? Out of all the servers listed in North America they are all highly populated servers with the exception of 3 which never go above a medium population….those 3 servers are Kaineng, Devona’s Rest, and…..Eredon Terrace. Devona’s Rest is ranked second to last in the world….and Kaineng is ranked dead last in the world…..yet a server with the same size population who rarely gets mentioned on any forum post is ranked 4th in the NA and 5th in the world. What this means is that server has a high concentration of very highly skilled and organized guilds.

If guilds are thinking about transferring to a different server….Eredon Terrace should be their #1 destination….because with a few more people Eredon Terrace will be the #1 server in the world.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Cos Ascension Alliance and Ruin transferred there (they were on Northern Shiverpeaks previously) when they first lost to HoD and (was it JQ/SBI or Beastgate I forgot… ) cos the ques we’re getting crazy.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Crise.9401


Because there is about 13+ more or less dedicated WvW/PvP guilds on that server, they used to be on another server but moved because of queue times. So, I doubt they want people flocking to them. Edit: ninja’ed.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


I wouldn’t join a server where whole alliances bail after a few harsh losses. Shows how much dedication they have to the community they’re apart of.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: bartsimpsons.6135


i think no one wants to join ET because that RUIN guild has a bad reputation for ruining things

also; who wants be no.1 anyway? thats boring, you have nothing to work towards

(edited by bartsimpsons.6135)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: jmndro.4869


Server population =\= WvW population.

It just happen that major of their Server population make up their WvW population too.
As some server with full population status might not be that into WvW currently, but do really well few months from now. you never know.

JustMe. :)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


server population has nothing to do with it.

the only anomaly here is that their WvW activity is extremely high for a low population server. and most know why.

-Desirz Matheon

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


So basically you’re saying.. “I’m subliminally trying to recruit for ET, this paragraph should be a smart enough disguise” but in all RUIN is giving ET a bad rep, it’s the last place you’d want to transfer to.

I HIGHLY doubt any of the guilds on ET want people transferring to that server. The only reason I even have the information I have is because I was thinking about transferring off Blackgate and I was trying to get information on other servers I was interested in. I can assure you I’m not from ET in fact my Charrs name on Blackgate is Kaide….however I might be transferring to ET now…since I’ve done enough research to realize what most people havent realized yet…that its an amazing server with a medium population so that you rarely lag…and always win win win.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


.and always win win win.

LOOOL, so far they’ve lost to HoD 4 times.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


.and always win win win.

LOOOL, so far they’ve lost to HoD 4 times.

The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


.and always win win win.

LOOOL, so far they’ve lost to HoD 4 times.

The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Blackgate made it far enough to challenge HoD too. Why not stay if that’s the logic you’re using? -_-

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


.and always win win win.

LOOOL, so far they’ve lost to HoD 4 times.

The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Blackgate made it far enough to challenge HoD too. Why not stay if that’s the logic you’re using? -_-

Blackgate is ranked 9th….but its not just that we are ranked 9th…its also all the lag that comes from world events/etc with a highly populated server. If I can transfer to a server thats ranked 4th….and rarely ever have lag or gathering issues due to the population size….why wouldn’t you?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


If you lag during dynamic events, your pc will explode in WvW..

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


Blackgate seems like a pretty decent server.

I think we would be within like 10k points if not for CD’s organized night crew.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Xaros.3986


I know I’m nit picking, but you can’t take two separate lists, merge them, and call them “world ranking”. The scores on each list are calculated independently from each other, based on matches between the worlds in that region, which makes the absolute values of the scores strictly “region specific”.

Xáros – Necromancer

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: vrgadin.1943


lets be real here folks. ET is a very active wvw server. in fact HOD would not be undefeated if they didnt cheeze stonemists keeplord from underneath at the last second….they won by about 1k points realized in the final hours they couldnt take SM legit and farted on ET with a very pungeant fromunda cheeze.

anyhow i digress. ET welcomes anyone who would like to join but especially oceanic guilds as we run a skeleton crew at night NA

Severinaa- 80 Norn Guard
Eredon Terrace {RUIN}
“I’m the one with the scary horned skull helm”

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Our day ques are full most of the time what we need are night players and pretty much only night players. ET is a melting pot we have alot of guilds from outside the states if you are looking for others of your nationality check out http://www.gw2guilds.org/view-alliance/2

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


People who viewed this post talked to me on Blackgate…..I’m pretty sure thats the server I’m from.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


I recently transferred my second account to Eredon Terrace so I could do jumping puzzles in peace without queues while I level a toon. For that, ET is absolutely great. Other than that, it’s not so great. The “main” guilds are not friendly and don’t even help each other when one is undermanned (I was truly shocked at the response of “that’s X guild’s job” when someone pointed out a different borderlands could use some help). The only requests for help were not just ignored, but flatly rejected as “not our problem”. And offensive pushes are not pre-announced in team chat so others can join, which means anyone not in the guilds would find the experience frustratingly disorganized.

ET might become a better server eventually since most of the people seem nice, but some of those guilds trying to run WvW desperately need to learn how important it is to build a community that responds to calls for help instead of a community where guilds seem to rejoice at the failures of other guilds on their own server. WvW needs to be server against server, not guild against guild.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: canadianimpact.6957


K A I D E, the Dolyak Defender? Please don’t come to ET, your one of the reasons why I left BG.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Grace.6074


ET is a medium population server, so there often aren’t enough people around to do PvE events such as instance runs and dynamic events such as the opening of temples. If you like to do those things that’s something to take into consideration. Temple of Balthazar I have NEVER seen open on ET and it requires several server transfers just to find a server that has it open if you want to buy the karma gear and then transfer back.

Also, it may be a medium population server, but it has a very active WvW population and at peak times there is generally a queue. Granted, it’s not a 4-8 hour queue like I’ve heard HoD has, but queue times are generally up to an hour on weekdays and longer on weekends.

The server could stand to benefit from oceanic/overnight players but aside from that, I really don’t want my queue times to be longer. :P If I wanted that I would have transferred to HoD myself long ago (haha jk – Being #1 is boring, the second and third teams in each bracket have the opportunity for far more karma and xp because if they have a big enough force it gives them many more nodes to take, even if they lose them again afterwards. Defending rarely gives that much especially when the other teams are so demoralized they’re only spawn camped).

Aerre – Sylvari Elementalist

(edited by Grace.6074)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: vrgadin.1943



we split up the BL between guilds, we are not being unfriendly, just doling out responsibility. we routinely check in with other guilds ts and ask if they need backup.

if someone spouted in map a comment like “its the other guilds job” was likely cause they didnt feel like explaining the setup.

Severinaa- 80 Norn Guard
Eredon Terrace {RUIN}
“I’m the one with the scary horned skull helm”

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


K A I D E, the Dolyak Defender? Please don’t come to ET, your one of the reasons why I left BG.

Some people never forget…

I’m a changed man.

and for the record…if I didn’t escort those Dolyaks who was going to do it? I didn’t do it for the half level of XP I got each escort….I didn’t go it for the gold ANET kept shoving into my pockets each time a Dolyak made it home….I didn’t do it for the fame so that everyone on my server called me the Dolyak King….or even the girls….and there were many. No I didn’t do it for any of those reasons…..I did it because along the traitorous path Dolyaks encounter many crazed wild animals chomping at the bits to sink their teeth into some nice Dolyak and steal their crate of new born fluffy kittens and there is no one to stand up to those wild beasts……so I alone…..one man with a Charr warrior stood up and said enough is enough….I will not let another Dolyak die….and I escorted those Dolyaks for almost 24 hours a day….only afking to bathroom….and THIS is the thanks I get? A MOCKERY of my work? Good day to you fine sir….GOOD DAY

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207



we split up the BL between guilds, we are not being unfriendly, just doling out responsibility. we routinely check in with other guilds ts and ask if they need backup.

if someone spouted in map a comment like “its the other guilds job” was likely cause they didnt feel like explaining the setup.

While I can respect splitting up the work, you really should make sure you portray a good image to others in team/map chat. I’ve only been on the server a couple days and have already seen people having a very negative view of how things are run. Non-guild players also don’t feel included, and when they ask what to do in map they go unanswered. While it might be fun just organizing the guilds and ignoring everyone else, I think you’d really benefit by ensuring your non-guild players are at least semi-productive and helping you instead of hating you.

Honestly, best of luck and I really do hope you guys succeed at becoming significant competition for HoD.

P.S. This will sound stupid, but please have your guilds use /say to tell everyone at the supply depots to grab supplies after capping one. You’re really going to want randoms carrying supplies next week, and unfortunately a lot of them just don’t know how supplies work yet.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


@richerd most of the borderlands have commanders i personaly think commander tags are counter productive and a waste of gold but 3 of the 4 boderlands use them so if you couldnt find your way to an assult team somehow im supprized.

I do agree with you about communication ironiclly ruin thinks pugs are inferior even though they recruit all of there forces from map chat lol. The teams on the other maps use the allied forces often.

Now to your use of our server for jumping puzzle plz exfer to a non competitive server for your jumping puzzles there are 2 other low pop servers xfer there plz. Most of us are here to compete and since you do not have the same goals it would be nice if you could go to one of the other servers.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


You ET guys know you have like the same amount of oceanics as us right?

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Heill.7468


@richard. you have a valid point. the issue is when we do try to help out, which we do quite frequently, we get yelled at by the guilds commander that is responsible for that BL to get out. its not like when we are helping them we are rude. we all have the same objective and that is to win. im guessing they think we are trying to take over their boarderland, which is not the case. we do our best to work with our allied guilds. quite frankly, depending on who is leading the bl in ruin, we do annouce where we are heading and what needs to help defending in map chat..

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


@Thesilentflute, you have to realize most players don’t know what to do regarding commanders. Most players still don’t even realize they need to represent a guild, let alone how commanders work in WvW.

And I’ll transfer back to Dev’s Rest (or maybe Kaineng) before the new matchups start. My main account is on HoD, so there’s no way I’d stay once you’re up against HoD. But right now the other 2 med pop servers can’t do jumping puzzles due to their matchup, and your server really isn’t hurt by dead weight in your current matchup.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


@ skyexile maybe but I don’t think so on the 2 nights we competed against you guys allot of us were skipping out on sleep so we could compete it may have seemed that way but was not.
I was one of those guys and i was just one of many.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


eredon terrace is rank 4th because we are a well organized group of WvW focused guilds. we are low population, but most our population spends 8-15 hours in WvW. also over the last week we have recruited a large amount of oceanic players who are happy to work with us.

above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face.. at least most of us are. we have only ever taken 1 day off WvW where at least ruin’s members were told not to join WvW to work on closing the level disparity and gearing disparity (we had hit a wall where our forces were all ~lvl 30-50 fighting against army’s of full 80’s, so a pve break was necessary to continue to compete) while many people may get mad at us, we never give an enemy the benefit of the doubt, if we fight you, we are not content until we hold the whole map, no matter the point difference.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Tuco.2419


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

its cute, but even in our last competitive fight with HOD, we only lost by 1000 points, we stay in the game until it is over and thats how we play. everyone can take cheap shots at us as much as you want, but ruin has never backed down from a fight even if we are losing, but we cant hold the entire map by our selves.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Geff.1930


When I first started the game in the early access weekend I started in Blackgate. Blackgate was doing fairly well for some time in the first few days. Their success might or might not have been due to the incredibly high population. The swift decline or Blackgate might have been caused by people leaving the server.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Henge of Denravi’s playerbase is now largely comprised of former Blackgate players. During my time in Blackgate, the Blackgate players have proven their ineptitude over and over again. They have no inkling of an idea on how to play effectively. Any success they have had after the first few days was infact due to their high population and relentless ineffectual suicide squads. The PUGs will not take instruction of any kind and will forever move around in a zombie zerg banging their heads against keep walls until they die, respawn and return to what they were doing.

I didn’t want to leave Blackgate I wanted to give it a chance, but I was forced to leave out of sheer frustration because nobody will listen to any instruction. it’s like dealing with kids. The server is just terrible. I don’t know how they suffer the repair costs. The server I moved to (not HoD) views Blackgate as a laughing stock, the perpetual suicide squad militia.

I still have hope for Blackgate. Perhaps some day the zombie zerg will grow a brain, but I don’t anticipate that it will happen any time soon just because of the large number of guilds in the server, none of them worth a dime, and none of them receptive to any type of cooperation suggestions.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

its cute, but even in our last competitive fight with HOD, we only lost by 1000 points, we stay in the game until it is over and thats how we play. everyone can take cheap shots at us as much as you want, but ruin has never backed down from a fight even if we are losing, but we cant hold the entire map by our selves.

Also forgot HoD came back from a 6k point deficit with 2 servers on their front yard

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


above everything else, we are ruthless against the servers we face..

It would be more accurate to say “ET is ruthless against servers they are beating”

its cute, but even in our last competitive fight with HOD, we only lost by 1000 points, we stay in the game until it is over and thats how we play. everyone can take cheap shots at us as much as you want, but ruin has never backed down from a fight even if we are losing, but we cant hold the entire map by our selves.

Also forgot HoD came back from a 6k point deficit with 2 servers on their front yard

im in no way downplaying the ability of HOD, but somewhere along the line ruin became synonymous with an organization that steamrolls the weak and then folds when challenged, and that is not the case. while i cant speak for AA, i can tell you we stayed on NSP for the first battle when AA left, we stayed through our entire first battle on ET and we fought tooth and nail for our last competitive match. now last thursday(friday?) fight we did send out members to do something else as i explained in my first post. but again speaking for purely ruin, we look forward to fighting henge tomorrow, and we wont be folding nearly as bad as many of this weeks competition did. at the end of the day, points are nice, but its battles that we are here for and we expect henge to give them to us.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


Being from SoS, I wouldn’t urinate on Ruin if they were on fire. But, you have give them cred, they are undermanned during Oceanic TZ and whatever you hit there is Ruin people defending, barely seen anyone else from ET off-peak. They do a ballsy job of defending when undermanned, even if we operate with the guile of a headless chook, numbers means a lot in this game.

You would do your server and your guild more service if you kept the kittens from the server from making ankitten of themselves in the public forum. When you carry on like spoilt brats and then plague us with offers to go to ET and Ruin you have to wonder if those people are a few cards short of a deck. That isn’t the way to woo anyone.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


Being from SoS, I wouldn’t urinate on Ruin if they were on fire. But, you have give them cred, they are undermanned during Oceanic TZ and whatever you hit there is Ruin people defending, barely seen anyone else from ET off-peak. They do a ballsy job of defending when undermanned, even if we operate with the guile of a headless chook, numbers means a lot in this game.

You would do your server and your guild more service if you kept the kittens from the server from making ankitten of themselves in the public forum. When you carry on like spoilt brats and then plague us with offers to go to ET and Ruin you have to wonder if those people are a few cards short of a deck. That isn’t the way to woo anyone.

unfortunately in a guild of ~ 1200 members (expanding by ~10-20 a day) its hard to keep the leash on people, and at the end of the day, we are a gaming organization. we are not here to be anyone’s mother or father and slap them on the wrist for making other people sad… infact a large portion of our member base doesnt seem to be happy UNLESS everyone is mad at them.

most of our organization has heard the “terribad zerg”, “lol zerglings”, “failbads” for about 8 years now, and you know what, we just keep getting stronger, and we eventually beat everyone we come across. i would be happy to be disproved, and ultimately time will tell. no matter what people may say, we are organized, communication is the most important part of our guild rules, and while some people in our guild see fit to make us “the bad guys”, at the end of the day we have a friendly guild atmosphere that happens to function very well in WvW. i sure as hell wouldnt be here if i didnt consider a large group of the guild it be friendly and fun to be around.

tl:dr… everyone has someone hell bent on pissing in other people’s cherios, and theirs an easy solution… ignore them

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Treble.1563


AA/Ruin couldn’t turn NSP into the #1 server when they had the population to compete with HoD, and I don’t see them taking ET to #1 anytime soon.

S U M E T A L [ Warrior ][ S/Wh + Ham ][ Zerg Shout Support ]
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


also as to recruiting. you wouldnt believe the amount of organizations that approached us after the forum drama exploded and the reddit guild went nuts about us beating them. there truely is absolutely no such thing as bad press

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


tl:dr… everyone has someone hell bent on pissing in other people’s cherios, and theirs an easy solution… ignore them

I have no issues with someone playing the internet tough guy, it comes with the territory, if you play games like EVE and other competitive PvP MMOs you learn that kitten talking is part of the PvP foreplay.

It is when you get the kitten talking and then tried to be wooed in the next breath that is a bit off-putting. I associate fighting words with fighting, not love making. :P

Anyway, I just wanted to give some credit to Ruin because they have been really ballsy in the TZ I play in, and even though I am probably up to 20:1 in terms of kill/death ratio against Ruin, we have been completely pantsed on the scoreboard and at the end of the day the scoreboard is king.

I know people will want to stick the boot in to Ruin because of the perception of the minority that seem to represent the guild vocally, but you guys as a whole can definitely fight so kudos there.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Maybe I am in the minority, but I was surprised how helpful Ruin has been in WvW considering what I have read on these forums. I don’t see why they are so hated.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


tl:dr… everyone has someone hell bent on pissing in other people’s cherios, and theirs an easy solution… ignore them

I have no issues with someone playing the internet tough guy, it comes with the territory, if you play games like EVE and other competitive PvP MMOs you learn that kitten talking is part of the PvP foreplay.

It is when you get the kitten talking and then tried to be wooed in the next breath that is a bit off-putting. I associate fighting words with fighting, not love making. :P

Anyway, I just wanted to give some credit to Ruin because they have been really ballsy in the TZ I play in, and even though I am probably up to 20:1 in terms of kill/death ratio against Ruin, we have been completely pantsed on the scoreboard and at the end of the day the scoreboard is king.

I know people will want to stick the boot in to Ruin because of the perception of the minority that seem to represent the guild vocally, but you guys as a whole can definitely fight so kudos there.

20:1 against ruin? yikes.. come meet me north of speldan in an hour!

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


.and always win win win.

LOOOL, so far they’ve lost to HoD 4 times.

The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Blackgate made it far enough to challenge HoD too. Why not stay if that’s the logic you’re using? -_-

Blackgate is ranked 9th….but its not just that we are ranked 9th…its also all the lag that comes from world events/etc with a highly populated server. If I can transfer to a server thats ranked 4th….and rarely ever have lag or gathering issues due to the population size….why wouldn’t you?

So what you’re really saying is you’re an EZmoder who wants to ride coat tails to win win win!

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Doxshund.9235


Being organized > popualtion
if the other server WvW guilds recruited and taught others the would be up there too.
But some like being small and exclusive…they maybe good but running around taking supply camps only gets you so far…leave that to the pugs.
people dont want to organize and teach even though their server is full.

Asura > all

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: kharza.3974


Maybe I am in the minority, but I was surprised how helpful Ruin has been in WvW considering what I have read on these forums. I don’t see why they are so hated.

I used to be one of the so called loser PUGs that everyone seems to think RUIN hates so much. The difference? When they announced their teamspeak information in the battlegrounds I joined up to hear what was going on and the strategy. Turns out it is a lot easier to talk than type in map chat when you are in the middle of a huge battle.. imagine that. I hung around for a week or so being the leader of a small guild of RL friends that hadn’t leveled as fast as me and realized that they had their kitten together when it came to WvW. I joined up (thank god for multi guild!!) and haven’t thought it was a mistake yet. Sure I can’t say I get my kicks out of spawn camping servers, but after all the hate delivered on reddit and the forums I was happy to partake in the mass slaughter at the gates.

Reminds me of a good saying.. “Try not to awake the sleeping bear.. your gonna become a bloody pulp”

The reason people knock RUIN is because they don’t kiss anybody’skitten . they kick you in the mouth, they kick you when your down, they will even kick your puppy dog, all because they play to win. GW2 is a game to have fun in.. WvW is a game to win period. Contrary to all the crap posted here they do it without exploits or cheating too. It isn’t a win at any cost mentality.


  1. is it a game.. don’t take it so personal..
  2. it is a war and you win wars by doing more than fighting and zerging at people.
  3. don’t be fail.. listen and learn.. only way to get better at anything

Learned a ton in the first HOD matchup.. can’t wait for this one.. should be another epic war.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


Just remember Ruin is basically the pugs with TS, they add almsost any unguilded player.So while you may see the tag “ruin” you might have also seen the forest grove protectors in DAOC, same thing just a guild for all the pugs. Now, i am sure some of the players there are decent players and their leader keeps them in line decently well. Remember that random guy in daoc rvr group chat that lead everyone? that’s basically Archaos . So deciding not to transfer to ET because of ruin is kinda ignorant considering we have very few “pugs” it’s either RUIN, or AA or some of the other random smaller guilds that pvp, and believe it or not, everyone is pretty much attuned to what’s going on except the very small puggers

If you play from 6pm est till 12am est, you aren’t needed on ET. We have multi hour queues during real matches, which this week is not.

If you want to try and play from 2am till like 3pm, then be sure to transfer over, we always needs daytimers and overnighters

If you’re looking for a guild. i believe almost all guilds are recruiting, obviously some have stricter guidelines than others.Some are newer guilds, some are older school guilds.

From Team Legacy, to LOTD, to FOE to Darkhand.

Below is a list of a few websites if oceanic players are interested.

FOH= www.fohguild.org
DDH = http://the-darkhand.com
LOTD= www.lotd.org
RUIN = http://www.ruinnation.com/

Thesse are just a few of the top guilds on the server.

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

(edited by willwill.9318)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Tuco.2419


Below is a list of a few websites if oceanic players are interested.

FOH= www.fohguild.org
DDH = http://the-darkhand.com
LOTD= www.lotd.org
RUIN = http://www.ruinnation.com/

Thesse are just a few of the top guilds on the server.

Of those guilds, FoH is the strongest thanks to the PGT, FSR and shovel bat technology.

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: I AM.2186

I AM.2186

The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Not really… Being on a medium pop server allows them to get more of their members (that are in VOIP) into the matches than the TA on HoD can due to the over population of HoD.

So the fact that HoD can STILL perform as well as they do despite a lower ratio of “guild” vs “militia” is pretty spectacular. AA has already shown they’re not willing to work with the other people on their server by leaving 1 server already.

If ET gets to high population, I bet their rank actually drops.

Salvo – Ranger – SoS
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS

(edited by I AM.2186)

Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: Gavello.2813


The fact that they are even competing against HoD is an accomplishment in itself. That’s literally like you watching the movie “300” and laughing at the Spartans for losing.

Not really… Being on a medium pop server allows them to get more of their members (that are in VOIP) into the matches than the TA on HoD can due to the over population of HoD.

So the fact that HoD can STILL perform as well as they do despite a lower ratio of “guild” vs “militia” is pretty spectacular. AA has already shown they’re not willing to work with the other people on their server by leaving 1 server already.

If ET gets to high population, I bet their rank actually drops.

Not particularly, ET already has this strong co-ordination in TS and the addition of more players most likely means they will fold into one of the core guilds just boosting the effect.

Also I’ve never really seen much of the HoD “militia”, whenever ET faced them, if i was defending a keep it was most likely being headed by one of the major guilds on there. So I believe there simply in a similar situation.


Why is Eredon Terrace ranked 4th in NA and 5th in the World?

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


@Thesilentflute I think everybody was doing the same that weekend, but not what i was refering to. off the top of my head AA includes(or did) the oceanic guilds: FOO, harequin, oceanian, Resonance, Pinoy heros, Noctornal, Conquest. All of them i believe are over 100 members besides pinoy maybe? and im sure you have oceanic guilds not in ASC too.

HoD has in TA: DIE, The Elite, Synapse, Yaki and TRF, with other guilds Villain Walker and Crusade not in the alliance. Im sure theres others who i dont know about, but those are the main ones, however only yaki syn and Crusdade are over 100 member guilds.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.