Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

also, I had no problem ignoring any of this and leaving in peace but it was you guys that started msging me every day almost all week about how amazing you were or how you killed one of my guildies lol.

Right. Or should I say, who started this?

Sure, you can blame my guild because of the unpleasant event that happened at temple of Malendru, riiiggghhhttt.

Here’s a funny question for you. If you found an employee at McDonalds was treating you badly, who do you talk to? Their manager. Same thing with guilds, if there’s something wrong with the guildmates, wouldn’t you talk to their leader/someone high in position to talk about it?

As far as I know, no body ever talked to me anything about it, except like two days prior you guys decided to leave Kanieng. During that whole time, all you guys did was trash talking, being racist, does nothing but watch while SoS fought their hearts out for Kaineng. Real mature, real mature indeed.

So stop whining and crying that it seems the whole Kaineng server is picking on you, you decided to do this the wrong way, and instead of trying to fix it, you decided to provoke it and makes it worse. I for one knows what it means to sometimes choose the wrong methods to get the result that I want, and bear every consequences followed by this action, so if I were you, I’d just shut up and not gonna fight back, because this is an action you made.


“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Chaster it was who you msged me this exact line last night.

“get ready to get kicked”
- kicked?
“in the kitten #8221;
“by our alliance you suck”

pretty much that exact quote… I was reading your convo in vent and everyone was having a pretty good laugh at it

You honestly must have amnesia because you or one of your SoS members msgs me and trash talks every night. It’s a revolving door of ignore.

also, please look up the definition of racist before you accuse someone of it, then get back to me … or you can ask any one of the many korean members of this guild

get over yourself. we left for many reasons and it wasn’t all about you… people move on… I’d hate to see how you handle someone breaking up with you.

It wasn’t you it was us.
There’s more fish in the sea.

Good luck to the rest of kaineng on your next match up!

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

Jeesh, never heard so much qq’ing. Oh no, people are pming me trash talking me, what am I to do? People are being mean to me on the interwebs. Ignore them and move on. Tired of reading all this pointless bickering. That goes for everyone in the match up.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster it was who you msged me this exact line last night.

"get ready to get kicked"
- kicked?
"in the kitten
"by our alliance you suck" <-- nice randomly inserted false accusation

you were talking about how we mages you day and night, and when I am telling the root of all these hatred, you brought up something that happened within 24hours? I don’t know man, but is that diversion that I’m smelling here because I poked you right where it hurts?

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


We want our CDs back

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I am not agreeing it takes skill because during the peak hours its almost always even between the three servers… somehow you fail to acknowledge that.

No, I don’t fail to acknowledge that at all. I’ve said exactly the same thing several times in fact. Maybe you’re thinking of someone else.

This is what is referred to as a strawman.


I’ve never called you a noob. I’ve never messaged you. I’ve never called you a narcissist. I’ve never been rude to you. I’ve never talked to you outside of the times you’ve replied to my forum posts in a negative manner for no reason, and I’ve ignored almost all of those.

You keep playing the victim card here, talking about how everyone’s always calling you names and starting drama with you, yet every time I turn around you’re starting more drama. Your post history speaks for itself, like three weeks ago when you tried to run SoS off the server.


Now here you are trying to make it look like Chaster, who’s a really cool guy btw, is trying to start fights with little innocent ol’ Smilingknight.

We have two options here. Either the entire Kaineng server population is full of drama queens who only exist to try to make your life miserable, or the problem is you. The laws of Occam’s razor dictates that it’s probably not the entire server population of Kaineng that’s the problem.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


lol stop drawing this out what needed to be said was said

go back to night capping

there’s a whole 10 of us online bonus points for finding us

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: nysta.6713


i always say if you’re going to be beaten by the wooden spoon team, you really have to have some good excuses. way to go, sniffy. you got the holy grail of excuses;
a: we got nightcapped and so we lost.
b: they engaged in smacktalk and we were demoralised.
c: they weren’t skilled. they just have more players on.

awesome set of excuses there. i mean, really. you’re nightcapped, smacktalked, and outNUMBERED by kaineng? KAINENG?

you’ve been out somethinged, alright.


as for kaineng: doesn’t take much to see you guys have put a lot of effort into this. i really hope you do win. also, if you find sniffy up there on the map tonight – spike him a few times for me

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Loxon.8037


Congrats Kaineng. I don’t see FC or DR winning for awhile unless we get some sort of Far East infusion (and from the looks of this thread it seems more are on their way to Kaineng tasting blood.) Of course, speaking for Ferguson’s Crossing, we’d be more than happy to welcome some of our own international flair, but I don’t expect that until Kaineng makes its way to the next tier and there’s an easier time of coming to a server like FC with less of a Far East presence.

I’ll keep on fighting, but I still have to go to work and get some sleep at some point.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



since your score exploded in the off peak during the last days, I really doubt you didn’t have any transfer going on.

I really wanted Kaineng to win, but not like that. It just feel weird that you’ll win this tier (maybe) because of your crazy day crew. There is something less honorable in PvD.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


no score update? so is this history in the making?

has Kaineng won its first ever WvWvW match?!


Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Loxon.8037


I submitted a score update to millennium but it’s probably going to take a while for that site to update. Kaineng has a slight lead, but when I logged about an hour ago they were still ticking +600 and change in the overnight and FC was at +60 income. FC doesn’t seem to pick up until the afternoon into the evening, so I think Kaineng winning this week is pretty much a foregone conclusion.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


You don’t need far easterners to get ahead at night. Technically speaking, Europe is 5 to +8 EST depending on where you’re at over there. A lot of the gamers that I used to play with years ago from the UK and such didn’t like being up until 4am EST to run raids and such. So, technically if we had a European presence earlier in our playing day, Kain would not have run of the map for 8 hours “overnight”. 4am EST is 9am GMT (at the moment, Sunday it’ll be a +4 hour jump for something like 2 weeks or so). Not that many UK’ers are going to log in early am, but their afternoon is our morning. Unless you’re a working adult or a student (college or otherwise), you’re not waking up at 6-7am EST for anything and lets face it, most American’s are lazy and don’t get up until noon or so in their respective timezone. This barring anyone having sleep disorders or their addictive GW2 habits have forced them into a different sleeping pattern (happens a lot).

So, DR and FC are either going to need an influx of offset timezone players or we need to gang up on Kain (which is quite literally possible). Or….this next week’s matchup, let Kain go into the next bracket by allowing the win and work on farming gold up for the week after matchup…just saying.

All I can say about Kaineng at this point is, grats on all your recent influx of WvW players, but don’t paint the blackboard white just because it suits you to do so. People know what’s going on whether you want to ‘man’ up to it or not (e.g., following the flow of topics from these forums about what guilds have transferred and to where and how many numbers they had before they moved).

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Loxon.8037


And after I said my piece, Millenium updated their site:


Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: kiwiburner.2186


Sniffles – I have to agree with what nysta and others have said above about lacking insight into the effects of your own behaviour and blaming others.

Quick anecdote – I came to GW2 maybe 3 weeks ago together with a co-worker – we both live in Japan and work til late (11pm JST). Both of us were focused on finding a guild that actually gave a kitten and would be happy to have us as casual players interested in WvW.

During the 2 weeks I was looking for a guild, I had two significant experiences:

1) I read Fubuki’s post (before he merged with WAR) titled a different kind of kaineng war report. I found him to be candid, honest (in his PR-angle) and inspirational. I immediately got in contact with him in game. He was likewise honest and candid about the state of his guild/his plans etc.

2) I went on a PUG AC story mode with 4 KWBH members. We kept wiping because one of your members had to keep leaving for spliffs (I told him I was jealous, since I live in a police state and another had to keep helping his mum. People would go AFK without notice. At the end of the dungeon, an invite was sent. I advised I was interested, but I wanted to hear back from Fubuki about his alliance/plans. The attitude of the KWBH members was derisive (to paraphrase: “that alliance is nothing”, to quote: “soon KWBH will have more members than the entire alliance combined”).

Not terribly impressive that KWBH decided to jump ship a week or so later.

Anyway, no surprises that I (and as of last night my colleague) joined WAR. I have been WvW’ing a lot with them for the last week, and finding members even in my pretty odd hours. People have been extremely dedicated about the WvW’ing, and they’ve been kind in other aspects.

TL; dr – You can blame Kaineng beating you on having good coverage across time zones, but even achieving that is creditable to the actions of its community members. I think you need to accept some responsibility for the effects of your guild’s behaviour and its reputation. It’s reputation to those who remember it on Kaineng is not exactly shining. Surprised?

“poopsock made it past the filters!” -stinkypants.8419

(edited by kiwiburner.2186)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


No congrats on the win Kaineng. I really wish I could, but to be completely honest you didn’t deserve it. I just see no honor in night capping all 4 maps and getting 600+ points per tick for 8+ hours a day. I really wish there was some way to fix this, it’s a new thing to me being from FC.

Applaud you guys who have stuck to it from the beginning though, good job.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


The beginning of the end.


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


The beginning of the end.

Just ridiculous…..

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


From the scores it looks like the matchups may very well stay the same for next week.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


No congrats on the win Kaineng. I really wish I could, but to be completely honest you didn’t deserve it. I just see no honor in night capping all 4 maps and getting 600+ points per tick for 8+ hours a day. I really wish there was some way to fix this, it’s a new thing to me being from FC.

Applaud you guys who have stuck to it from the beginning though, good job.

Funny. When Kaineng only had 20 players total and FC was beating us by 500K points and spawn camping us in all 4 zones during prime time every night, we congratulated you on the win.

And btw, it’s not JUST our oceanic crews that beat you. You make it sound like we didn’t even show up in prime time. We’ve been out there every night putting up the best fight we can trying to make it fun. We’ve 3 capped the orbs, we’ve ran FC out of their own Borderlands, and have done the same to DR, and both of you have done the same to us. We’ve taken over EB, and we’ve watched FC and DR both do the same to us. It’s been a very even back and forth week, that has been a lot of fun for most people.

To get on the forums and complain when you lost is just poor sportsmanship, period. We’re not claiming to be anything we’re not. We’re just a bottom tier server getting out and putting up the best fight that we can.

Losing more respect for FC by the minute.

BTW: This screen shot was taken during prime time two nights ago. Could it be that maybe FC just didn’t deserve to win this time?


(edited by Moderator)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


You misunderstand. I absolutely LOVE when you guys show up durin prime time. However; it really ticks me off when Kaineng is pounding their chests because they had a a massive advantage due to the night capping. Not to say that you guys don’t put up a very good (and usually balanced) fight durin prime time, as you said above, but because of that it’s impossible for us to win because we have to retake everything, everyday, after the night/morning. Not only that, but you collect incredible amounts of points during the PvD sessions and the following several hours while we have to recap everything. When his fight first started, I was SO excited because Kaineng was actually keeping up. However at this point, I’m rather annoyed with HOW they’re keeping up.
Also I’m probably one of the most annoyed on FC, don’t generalize my server solely on me and a few others.

Regarding the screen shot, I do remember when that happened. Kaineng was destroying us on our BL since we had low pop that day, Kaineng controlled their BL; and Devona controlled theirs. Just taking one instance doesn’t justify a loss for us though. Take a look at almost any other point during prime time, and you’ll see that we were repeatedly capping towers and keeps back from you guys. The biggest problem was just having to take everything back every day.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

(edited by Darek.1836)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: smiljem.4632


Kain totally showed those empty doors who is boss.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I love how you guys have already forgotten in one short week that you used to be the ones night capping your way to victory week after week in this bracket.

Since Kaineng was brought online, FC has been picking up 50K+ points every night while night capping us. When you guys beat us by 500K points (most of which was gained while we were offline), we congratulated you. We also warned you it wouldn’t always be this way. You guys laughed and told us to bring it on.

We campaigned on the forums to get more players because we couldn’t compete with only 20 people, and Kaineng was (and still is) the smallest server in NA. We recruited our PVE players. We got our guilds talking to each other. SoS stepped up and stopped all the night capping problems we were having for us. Turn-about is fair play, right?

Now you guys are getting a small dose of what it was like to be Kaineng for the last 6 weeks and out comes the tears.

Here’s a screenshot from Sept 29, when FC was night-capping us on a regular basis. Hop over to the Kaineng War Report while it’s still online and take a walk down memory lane. See how much complaining we were doing about “fair” and “honor”.


Kaineng’s not the reason your server is in the bottom tier, and we’re not the reason you’re getting beaten by a smaller server. If your server is behind 22 other servers in NA (all of which are using the same rules to win), you’re not doing something right.

Don’t take that out on Kaineng.


Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


All I have to say is way to go Kaineng!!!

I left a few weeks ago, not due to PvP, but due to the fact that I couldn’t get anything done in high level PvE areas.

Props to you Fubuki, you’re the biggest reason that Kaineng is on the way up.

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Koega.8653


Congratulations on how much you’ve progressed Kaineng. I am on Fergs and between FC, DR, and Kaineng, we’ve all danced around the lowest tier together, but I feel we’ve always had a good relationship between our servers in the past.

I have always had great respect for your server, because, even when chips are down, you guys never seem to give up. That’s a great quality. I am happy for you guys and look forward to seeing you progress, of course, hopefully in the future it’s not at the expense of my server.

Perspective is a funny thing though. I do agree with my fellow Fergusson’s Crossingonians that we have noticed a significant change in the dynamics of our bouts with Kaineng. Even in primetime, your numbers seem to equally match ours (not all the time, but more so than before). This week I have spent most of my time in the eternal borderlands and I can say that after last weekend, it has been a struggle for us to keep up. Probably in peak US hours, we do have a bit of an advantage, but from my perspective, Kaineng is far from being outmanned these days. This is not a bad thing. Fubuki and the rest of Kaineng WvW’ers have worked hard promoting their server and increasing their ranks.

The biggest change has been the overnight and early morning strength that Kaineng has developed. This is a very large factor of the turnaround we have seen. From my perspective, Fergs is a server with mostly US primetime coverage (on weeknights, weekends are a little different). I do not think Fubuki’s comment about Ferg “nightcapping” tells the whole story. The way I see it, back in those days we had a huge population advantage. We would own majority of the map when all servers went to bed, and it stayed that way through the night and day (we did not have a strong middle of night presence, just a powerful primetime that never turned over because no servers had overnight coverage). This changed with the recent additions to Kaineng. Again though, it’s not a bad thing. Kaineng has moved itself to the top of the tier in their own right, regardless of how it happened.

I think we all need to take a step back and look at everything from the perspective of the other side. Kaineng has accomplished something great here and should be commended for it. However, there are many variables that do contribute to the outcome of the scoreboard and without specific data, we cannot accurately make sound assumptions on any of it.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


I just want to mention Kaineng is not a smaller server. Nope; sorry, you cannot say that anymore. Just because overall server pop may be lower does not mean your WvW pop is lower- Not at all.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


i always say if you’re going to be beaten by the wooden spoon team, you really have to have some good excuses. way to go, sniffy. you got the holy grail of excuses;
a: we got nightcapped and so we lost.
b: they engaged in smacktalk and we were demoralised.
c: they weren’t skilled. they just have more players on.

awesome set of excuses there. i mean, really. you’re nightcapped, smacktalked, and outNUMBERED by kaineng? KAINENG?

you’ve been out somethinged, alright.


as for kaineng: doesn’t take much to see you guys have put a lot of effort into this. i really hope you do win. also, if you find sniffy up there on the map tonight – spike him a few times for me

With respect to all of Kaineng, I am obligated, simply by this post to point out a few things about this round of WvW that you are either intentionally ignoring, or don’t realize.

1) Kains wvw pop has absolutely surged. You asked for transfers, you got your lions share of both non affiliated and dedicated WvW guilds. Don’t come on to the forums and downplay the very REAL fact that Kaineng does simply outnumber DR right now. We haven’t had the marketing or good fortune to get almost any transfers and since the loss of PTX I think we’re still running in the red.

2) With the taste of victory surging on your lips, I am hard pressed to find the humble, likeable, fun, Im-cheering-for-that-MFer-even-though-he’s-my-enemy, Kaineng. What happened? Maybe you can answer Fubuki, has the gracious fighting spirit from the elite guerrilla underdog given way to just more of the same kitteny trashtalk that you see from EVERYONE else?

Point being, you got what you wanted, but for how long and at what cost?

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I just want to mention Kaineng is not a smaller server. Nope; sorry, you cannot say that anymore. Just because overall server pop may be lower does not mean your WvW pop is lower- Not at all.

By saying that Kaineng has more people in WvW, you’re missing a very important point. I’m not saying this because I’m trying to make any excuses for anything. I’m saying it because I believe it can help you guys too.

Kaineng is a smaller server. Here’s why it’s important:

We put a lot of effort into taking our WvW guilds into the PVE zones and recruiting over the last couple of weeks. We’ve added hundreds of new players in our alliance, all from PVE land over the last two weeks. They came from our server, not from other servers.

I’m not trying to imply that we’re the underdogs. I’m merely suggesting that if we can do it on a medium population server, you guys can do it on a high population server.

This isn’t a pissing contest. I like facing FC. But I can see your numbers starting to dwindle down in WvW as the weeks go on. I’m simply offering up suggestions to help turn it around. This is what’s working for us. I think it can work for you too.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


Maybe you can answer Fubuki, has the gracious fighting spirit from the elite guerrilla underdog given way to just more of the same kitteny trashtalk that you see from EVERYONE else?

Not from everyone, no. Not from the vast majority in fact. Notice all of these posts on the forums are coming from a very small, yet vocal group of people. The people that are doing it though… what can you do? They don’t represent my opinions, we’ll just leave it at that.

The lines between server pride and distasteful boasting have been blurred beyond recognition this week. I understand people’s excitement, but I can also understand why the way some choose to celebrate is rubbing people the wrong way. A lot if it just comes off as distasteful bragging, and that’s not fun for anyone. I took down the Kaineng War Report this week because I didn’t want to contribute to it.

Still though, much of Kaineng are great people, as I’m sure much of FC and DR are great people. We’ve had a fairly unique history in the NA server population and a little pride in our accomplishments are in order. People just need to keep things in perspective, we’re still in the last tier in NA, fighting two servers that are having their own share of issues.

Sooner or later a little humble pie will get people back on track. Maybe even today.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Well, win or lose Fubuki. YOU and your efforts and those you recognize as being part of the solution, you guys are winners in my book.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


Congratulations Kaineng!

WvW is 24/7, some folks are just not used to it yet (yes there’s a whole bunch of us not living in North America – get used to it!)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


whats the big deal with nightcapping anyway? we cap when you are sleeping or something, whats wrong with that?

What to you is in the night in NA is to me my daytime in Asia

You cap as much stuff when im asleep as much as i cap stuff when you are asleep.
But all the people from NA timezone likes to paint us the Oceanic crew as bad guys
all the time

I cap your stuff when your at school/work
And you cap my stuff when im at school/work

You do realize that you people in NA regions nightcap all of us in Asia and Australia
all the time too?

But yes since America is the center of the world, people living in Asia, Europe and Australia are all just 2nd class citizens who should not be allowed to play when you guys are sleeping

Double standards

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


Icc.9374 nailed it. Oh the irony.

As a side note, FC and DR could also recruit some Asian guilds. Seen several other servers doing just that.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Stonehenge.7830


lcc since your playing on NA servers there is a preconceived time period in which battles should be played according to the public. Granted there are no Asian servers so by default other time zones would have to play during the “off time”. This is just fine, the problem people have is that servers that have the opportunity to have “off peak” players have a decisive advantage over those that don’t. ALL NA servers (can’t speak for EU servers) have majority of their population for WvW on at the same time meaning that since there is generally good resistance to 1 side of the 3 ring circus taking control over everything. No one has said, that EU and Asian players are 2nd class citizens and they shouldn’t be. Everyone deserves to be able to play where ever they wish. With that said, until every server has or can find some symbolance of an “off time” presence there will be people complaining because in all honesty it isn’t. Yes, every server can have a presence during the Asian/Australian/European primetime, but not ever NA server does. They are complaining about the imbalance of this. With ANET’s stance being what it is then you should just get used to the complaining because it will only get worse from here until either something is done about it or those players getting tired of it and stops playing WvWvW do to their opinion of an unfair fight, which would make WvW even less enjoyable.

So no it is not a double standard as NA guilds/players don’t go and cap everything while you sleep against virtually no competition. Double standard is if they capped everything and still complained about it. Honestly, there isn’t much ANET can do about it unless they have a point structure that varies on WvW populations. That would be about the only way to mitigate the dmg that low pop servers have to deal with the night capping and even that penalizes those in other time zones. :/

Johanne Timber – [Heap] – Borlis Pass
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


Great job Kaineng!
I’m getting tired of the FC’s saying Kaineng is always crying about being an underdog…I have never seen them complain but instead have a strong determination to endure and strengthen. And when these FC’s cry about Kaineng thumping their chest…have you read Fubuki’s posts? He has been nothing but humble. So, instead of being upset re-read the advice he gave you apply it and shut the hell up!

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: JMOR.3708


Great job Kaineng!
I’m getting tired of the FC’s saying Kaineng is always crying about being an underdog…I have never seen them complain but instead have a strong determination to endure and strengthen. And when these FC’s cry about Kaineng thumping their chest…have you read Fubuki’s posts? He has been nothing but humble. So, instead of being upset re-read the advice he gave you apply it and shut the hell up!

The problem that many people have, myself included, with the Kaineng forum team has nothing to do Fubuki. The problem stems from people, like Kaine, who brag and chest-thump about almost everything that happens in WvW.

I understand what it’s like being a server that does poorly in WvW, but that’s hardly an excuse to post propaganda day after day.

I want to feel happy for Kain; they worked hard for this victory/near victory, and they should be recognized for it. However, all these posts about how they’re CONSTANTLY outnumbered or how they’re fighting against OVERWELMING odds are simply not true. In US primetime, the fighting is mostly even between all three servers.

TL;DR: I want to feel good for Kain, but all the kittening/boasting on the forums makes it difficult

[SUNz] BosnianHitman, Devona’s Rest

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


The problem is that during the night it is 100vs10 and during the day it is 40vs40. I don’t understand how that is fair at all.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerokhol.7015


I am on Kaineng right now. I transferred over from Darkhaven when I got tired of the queues and read fubuki’s posts…

The first thing I did, with one of my guild mates that transferred with me, we join WvW. We spent almost all our time and money building up the defenses for Cliffside and defended it well into the night.

While there I saw Fubuki and his guild as long as lots of other guilds working together to actually improve the server…. but overall it was a pretty laid back and helpful server…

Over the next few weeks I noticed that the server got more and more people who transferred over and started trying to force themselves into leading instead of working together…. Then they would never be seen again after they failed to get things to work in their favor.(I assume they transferred off somewhere else…) I also saw some of the main WvW guilds transfer out…

I agree with Fubuki when I say that there has been a HUGE effort by most of the remaining WvW guilds to recruit in PvE… and it works.

I understand that FC is upset that they simply don’t have a night crew, but that may simply mean you have to fall down in the rankings… that’s how the game works and its not Kaineng’s fault you guys don’t have a night time crew.

Kaineng’s chest bumping is deserved, but it IS overplayed. Yes Kaineng was the last place server and are now fighting back and doing well, but we have only moved up ONE place. Our achievement isn’t that we won this week… our achievement SHOULD be that we had a close fight this whole week and ESPECIALLY in the last couple of DAYS….

the daytime fights for the past 3 or so days have been amazing….instead of getting rolled and only being able to defend ONE tower for a couple of hours, we were fighting on equal ground with the other two servers.

So long story short… Both Kaineng and the other two servers are right, and both are wrong.

Kaineng is an underdog because they started in last place…. but they worked to move up…. even getting transfers from other servers is due to the work Fubuki and others have put into it….

This win is deserved….. but its also not the win that we should be proud of…. I would much rather keep the day time fights all hours of the day but we can’t recruit people for your servers.

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


I love how you guys have already forgotten in one short week that you used to be the ones night capping your way to victory week after week in this bracket.

Since Kaineng was brought online, FC has been picking up 50K+ points every night while night capping us. When you guys beat us by 500K points (most of which was gained while we were offline), we congratulated you. We also warned you it wouldn’t always be this way. You guys laughed and told us to bring it on.

We campaigned on the forums to get more players because we couldn’t compete with only 20 people, and Kaineng was (and still is) the smallest server in NA. We recruited our PVE players. We got our guilds talking to each other. SoS stepped up and stopped all the night capping problems we were having for us. Turn-about is fair play, right?

Now you guys are getting a small dose of what it was like to be Kaineng for the last 6 weeks and out comes the tears.

Here’s a screenshot from Sept 29, when FC was night-capping us on a regular basis. Hop over to the Kaineng War Report while it’s still online and take a walk down memory lane. See how much complaining we were doing about “fair” and “honor”.


Kaineng’s not the reason your server is in the bottom tier, and we’re not the reason you’re getting beaten by a smaller server. If your server is behind 22 other servers in NA (all of which are using the same rules to win), you’re not doing something right.

Don’t take that out on Kaineng.

The difference is that Ferg owned the map the entire day for the entire week. You guys lost during the day and took it all at night. The two are not at all the same.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerokhol.7015


actually Kaineng didn’t lose during they day… its even during the day….

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


You guys pretty much lose during the day. I am not saying we don’t fight hard, but FC always comes out on top. We have more numbers so that is how it should happen.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerokhol.7015


Honestly, during the day you guys are getting the most points… but its usually only by about 50…. and its constantly changing whose on top…. it isn’t like we are getting crush… nor are you guys….

Honestly I just feel bad for DR who get overshadowed in all of the fighting in this thread….

Props to DR for keeping up with us… you guys have stayed pretty high in points as well

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Umm Kaineng has held point lead consistantly during primetime throuhgout the week.

try again.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Oh yeah I remember this guy (the OP). He transferred from my server (BG) to DB mid match then claimed he was going to kick BG off all maps and dominate us. He spoke too soon as we beat DB. Now he has moved to Kaineng? This guy is the ultimate server hopper and will hop from kaineng pretty soon.

Congrats Kaineng, just makes me sick to this flip flopper trying to act like he was a part of Kaineng from the beginning. He just got there.

Beast mode

(edited by pot.6805)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Congrats on the good fights to all, there may have been some bad blood over some over-excited players that Kaineg actually had a chance to win, but as we get to fight eachother again, everyone can see how it ends up during festival week, which could change the dynamics too.. See you all out there


Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Umm Kaineng has held point lead consistantly during primetime throuhgout the week.

try again.

How about I try this?

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


Yeah i guess it does suck to have everything taken by the “nightcrew”. Well actually i think many of the nightcrew would be happy to fight when there is more opposition too. But sadly timezones dont really allow that and until arenet comes up with some fix like opening Oceanic timezone servers or do points based on population. I think we’re here to stay.

Guess you guys will have to bear with us for like until…….god knows when?

And also the the guy who said:
“The problem is that during the night it is 100vs10 and during the day it is 40vs40”
Not fair at all

Well do note that if those 100 people were able to actually play during the day
You’d be seeing a 140v50
And then you’d still lose, and then you complain about being outnumbered, instead of nightcapping.

To be fair, maybe there are a bit too many Kaineng posts atm in the forums, a bit of chest pumping here and boasting here and there. But do remember that this is the first time that Kaineng actually could win so many people are just a bit excited and want to celebrate a bit. Im pretty sure the posts will die down a bit next week. Sorry for the incoveniences caused.

Oh and about the population issue. I think population kinda goes like this:

Kain=FC > DR

with Kain havent an advantage becos our pop is more spread out in different times

I dont know about other people, but yeah I at least and im sure a lot of other people do admit that we have more population now.

You poor people at DR dont need to get all sensitive and defensive becos both FC and now Kain is beating you up.
5 minutes till WvW reset, GL to DR and FC your in next matchups…….
You guys were good opponents

=.= yeah and i know i wouldnt be looking forward to mine

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Umm Kaineng has held point lead consistantly during primetime throuhgout the week.

try again.

How about I try this?

Thnxs for providing the link proving my point. Consistantly shows us in the lead during primetime for the last few days of the matchup.

On to the new matchup, good luck all!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Here’s something that I have to say about the "night crew"

Kaineng isn’t the only one that has Asian force, FC has some pretty good ones too, just you guys didn’t discover them, yet. I for one knows two guilds with size of hundreds sleeping in your server. Now it’s the problem of discovering them

I’ve been helping my players to promote WvW and explaining how WvW is and what could benefit us, and to inspire and motivate them. That’s what you guys should be doing if you want a good force.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open