Woo for 1 Desert BL
…I think having one desert BL is the perfect amount. You can play it if you like. I’m sure some people will get annoyed when it’s their turn to have it as their home BL, but they can stick to the other maps for those matches…
I wish all DBL haters were that perceptive…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Well it was a couple of polls that determined the fate of the desert borderland. Personally as much as I hate it and wish it was never implemented, I voted to keep it and for simultaneous maps for several reasons.
Even though I may not like it, WvW and GW2 being an MMO means you play with thousands of other players, I did not feel it was right to remove content that other players enjoyed and that developers worked on. I believe that as time passes more improvements can be made on it..hopefully. I also did not believe that voting it down and trashing it permanently would ever lead to us getting a new map, as much as I love alpine, playing on the same map for years gets boring for people its not hard to understand this. Simulatenous maps also gives people more choice on which map to play on, and I always feel that giving players more options and freedom is the best strategy, removing the dbl completely leaves one borderland map, and rotations turns all borderlands to the same map for 3 months at a time, I didnt think either of those options were healthy for the game.
Now everyone has a choice on what map to play on, although I think limiting it to only red bl might not be the best way to go. I dont like the dbl, so I dont play on it simple as that, but I know many that do like the dbl for a variety of reasons and I am happy they have a map they can enjoy.
It is also important to remember there are a lot of other issues since HoT that have turned players off of wvw, its not just the dbl.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
(edited by X T D.6458)
Just add Charr canons or Asura teleporters on all 4 sides of the center area that launch people to cover those distances quickly…or allow gliding in DBL.
If they removed some of the rocks on the way to Garrison and opened the area a bit more it would make a huge difference.
The middle area in my opinion should just be completely removed. It could be a huge lava-pit or endless hole and it would focus the gameplay more on the objective. People think that it would make it easier to karma train but I think that’s wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing once you have 3 servers karma training in circles. They are gonna collide at some point
People think that it would make it easier to karma train but I think that’s wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing once you have 3 servers karma training in circles. They are gonna collide at some point
What if the 3 trains run in the same direction? They will never collide. EotM was like at some point.
The middle area need a meaningful unique objective (not bloodlust bullcrap) so people will go there fight over it, just like people fight over SMC in EBG.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
The ideal would be 3 diferent BL’s….
Altough i would aprecieate that high rocky mountain to be deleted and map would feel more like crystal desert …, no mountain should be higher than the Air keep, place a deserts with a few tunels, remove shrines for something nice, less barricades, or longer timer for a path change etc..
The portals are actually help the feel of traveling in CD, but that south rocky zone….. and center… need a shave.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
The ideal would be 3 diferent BL’s….
Preferable while scrapping the “Home BL” style. Maps of a single color are boring because it mean there is no action going on. Maps that are played in thirds, like EBG, are much more likely to attract people than the boring Borderland playstyle.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
wohooo, EB 64 queue, blue border 32 queue, green border 24 queue, red border 0 queue dead as kitten. the joy its amazing.
this is from T1 btw.
wohooo, EB 64 queue, blue border 32 queue, green border 24 queue, red border 0 queue dead as kitten. the joy its amazing.
this is from T1 btw.
Eww, those queues are disgusting, sounds like red border is the only one doing something right. =P
wohooo, EB 64 queue, blue border 32 queue, green border 24 queue, red border 0 queue dead as kitten. the joy its amazing.
this is from T1 btw.
Too bad NA isn’t adapting to DBL like EU. Most of our organized guilds appear to be making fine use of DBL with no one squawking about QQs.
wohooo, EB 64 queue, blue border 32 queue, green border 24 queue, red border 0 queue dead as kitten. the joy its amazing.
this is from T1 btw.
Too bad NA isn’t adapting to DBL like EU. Most of our organized guilds appear to be making fine use of DBL with no one squawking about QQs.
He is EU t1, not NA.
NA has players going to the map. On the weekend, there was queues on DBL (on TC) and EBG … in fact it seems very random to what get queues now. I popped in on saturday and sunday and had some fun at the air keep, and roaming around the map to get better accustomed to it. Still don’t have a clue about siege placement and stuff, but it’s party of the discovery phase that I enjoy.
My server pairing has DBL for our home BL, and we were outnumbered last night…the other 2 servers came to play with larger groups! We also had queues on DBL over the weekend, too. (NA T3)
I agree with the OP, thanks Arenanet!
The improvements they’ve done the map were really worth it. It shows that when Anet listen to the player feedback and get to work they can really improve WvW.
Now that said, they need to keep improving DBL and not stop there.
- The Garrison area is way too crowded with junk rocks everywhere that get in the way of fights.
- The Keeps lord areas are really far, they way there should be faster and more direct: Instead of having 2 sets of stairs on both sides there should be only one in the middle.
- The middle part of the map is completely useless, and that’s fine, but why is it still there? Remove it completely.
Then if they can finish the WvW scoring system everything will be so much better.
Finally the last thing that is absolutely essential for WvW: A new meta. Bring the WvW class and skill balance similar to how it was in 2014. Small groups should have a chance to win fights against larger groups once more. For some reason I have the feeling that Anet is completely lost there and that skill balance is never going to be under their radar until the next xpac.
DBL is okay-ish as long as it’s not my home BL. This week, it is. FML.
I understand there are people who like it, but the very low numbers of people playing DBL while there are tags up and zergs/havocs in the other BLs and EBG show how many they are. Bad map is bad.
While every one is queued, queued plauyers go to the BL, so it is working, and do some defensive work if needed.
Im ok with that, if i had those queues.
Yeah… I don’t mind having just one bl as dbl but… why for yet another week my server has dbl as home… We have it for every week since they started doing it…
wohooo, EB 64 queue, blue border 32 queue, green border 24 queue, red border 0 queue dead as kitten. the joy its amazing.
this is from T1 btw.
Too bad NA isn’t adapting to DBL like EU. Most of our organized guilds appear to be making fine use of DBL with no one squawking about QQs.
He is EU t1, not NA.
NA has players going to the map. On the weekend, there was queues on DBL (on TC) and EBG … in fact it seems very random to what get queues now. I popped in on saturday and sunday and had some fun at the air keep, and roaming around the map to get better accustomed to it. Still don’t have a clue about siege placement and stuff, but it’s party of the discovery phase that I enjoy.
I can vouch for this…..am on NA T1, and there were definitely queues for dbl at times.
I gotta be honest….it surprised the heck out of me since the ‘experts’ here predicted that the game would instantly die when dbl came back. Just amazing that it hasn’t died. (heavy sarcasm)
Frankly, I love having DBL back. The 2 ABL and 1 DBL setup seems to be working nicely, imo.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
(edited by Teon.5168)
I played DBL almost all afternoon yesterday, was fun in their fighting with JOY up at ncamp or coming across the BG [WvW] roaming party at the shrines. A lot of people were playing it t1 NA, props to all those who came out and the commanders who led (this extends to DB and BG).
I am super glad it is back. My WvW Guild is back in action and I played six hours each night this weekend instead of one or two the past month or so.
Now if ANet would fix this bloody ridiculous boonshare bs…
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer
Still hate the map. Would rather roam alpine where there’s not always some stupid cliff to get around. The area above the fire keep is a bit better and a little more desert like. I honestly don’t mind the stupidity of some of the keeps so much as they make for interesting fights sometimes but the center of the map needs opened up more.
Good that it’s available for those that like it. Sucks that it’s my home BL this week though.
- The middle part of the map is completely useless, and that’s fine, but why is it still there? Remove it completely.
bring back the mega laser
or add -something- there, it’s a fun area, there’s just nothing there