World Boss(es)?

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Smigleesmits.7540


I’m not sure if it has been suggested before, but I think adding a world boss or bosses in WvW would be a nice additional objective – I mean as in earning actual points for your realm or some reward for your world in another way; as well as a possible way to earn tokens to get ascended gear. It would be an actual fight with a strategy of sorts, like a dragon encounter. Most importantly, these will be promoted to be disputed by the opposing worlds, the benefits could be decided by a cap point after the boss is defeated, like how claiming any territory currently works.

There’s many ways it could be added, but one I thought up is having a boss spawn in the Lord’s area in the center Stonemist (Replacing the Lord), then whichever world slays the boss gets the keep along with some point reward (Maybe even a chest with items, which could serve as a way to get ascended items in WvW with a rare chance or token system). The boss would spawn sometime between 10 hours after a new matching of WvW and 10 hours before that match ends, it would only spawn once a match and have a map wide notice (in WvW), the team must also have held Stonemist for at least an hour.

I also think little mini-world bosses that serve to give your server points would be nice, something to break the mold every now and then. The main issue I have with the current PvE “Bosses” or most things PvE in WvW is that they serve no real purpose towards actually winning (They give little incentive to be killed in general) and aren’t anything special.

For all of you saying this is just adding to PvE I would just like to point out something Kanikani put nicely, as well as other possible dynamics slaying these bosses could add, also think of this in terms of other possible objects to be added.

I understand the PvP people wanting more PvP content and less PvE. However they are thinking about WvW wrong. WvW is a strategy game, not a dueling game, it is about objectives, choke points, siege, tactics, etc. So we are not really asking for more PvE we are asking for more objectives and more complicated game play/maps.

These kinds of ideas I have listed long ago, you could extend to all PvE content in WvW. When you beat the Overgrown grub you enslave him in your keep, which causes some kind of bonus like spawning grubs in the opposing teams keeps. Or enslave the Aboreal spirit and he adds a slow on opposing teams yaks…

And a good explanation by Nut.

Well except you could make them worth fighting over. One of the things lacking in WvW is there is really only one objective… doors. A lot of people were upset when orbs were removed, not because orbs themselves were particularly interesting, because it was an additional dynamic.

Imagine if the arboreal spirit and the grub were something the 3 servers wanted to contest. Or if some hero NPC emerged from a cave or some such to aid whichever server controlled the area. You can add content like this, just make it something worth fighting for. The game needs additional objectives. Everyone can see the declining player population in WvW, it’s pretty clear that attacking tower after tower ad nauseam isn’t enough for a lot of people.

(edited by Smigleesmits.7540)

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


If i remember right, there is a champion spirit of nature in EB, which gives a chest when slain… The rewards are about the same as the JP, but the fight isn’t that easy and usually require a lot of people.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Why are people hell bent on adding more and more NPCs and AI in WvW rather than PvP always beats my mind..

At this rate, there will be 98 npc’s and 2 actual players in each borderland in less than a year, similar to what LA is right now.

Wasn’t WvW intended to be a massive PvP war in the first place?

No offense btw.

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


I think they should remove all the NPC mobs from WvW, aside from the guards and merchants. Get rid of the animals or make them background noise you can’t target.

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

I’m not sure if it has been suggested before, but I think adding a world boss or bosses in WvW would be a nice additional objective. It would be an actual fight with a strategy of sorts, like a dragon encounter.

There’s many ways it could be added, but one I thought up is having a boss spawn in the Lord’s area in the center Stonemist (Replacing the Lord), then whichever world slays the boss gets the keep along with some point reward (Maybe even a chest with items, which could serve as a way to get ascended items in WvW with a rare chance or token system). The boss would spawn sometime between 10 hours after a new matching of WvW and 10 hours before that match ends, it would only spawn once a match and have a map wide notice (in WvW), the team must also have held Stonemist for at least an hour.

I also think little mini-world bosses that serve to give your server points would be nice, something to break the mold every now and then.

There’s a champion grub outside bot right keep.

Have fun fighting it, especially if you have a zerg with you.

That thing is hard as a turtle shell.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Smigleesmits.7540


The thing with the current bosses is that they don’t serve a real purpose, I want something that facilitates encounters and is a more of a rare occurrence.

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Nut.4713


Why are people hell bent on adding more and more NPCs and AI in WvW rather than PvP always beats my mind..

At this rate, there will be 98 npc’s and 2 actual players in each borderland in less than a year, similar to what LA is right now.

Wasn’t WvW intended to be a massive PvP war in the first place?

No offense btw.

Well except you could make them worth fighting over. One of the things lacking in WvW is there is really only one objective… doors. A lot of people were upset when orbs were removed, not because orbs themselves were particularly interesting, because it was an additional dynamic.

Imagine if the arboreal spirit and the grub were something the 3 servers wanted to contest. Or if some hero NPC emerged from a cave or some such to aid whichever server controlled the area. You can add content like this, just make it something worth fighting for. The game needs additional objectives. Everyone can see the declining player population in WvW, it’s pretty clear that attacking tower after tower ad nauseam isn’t enough for a lot of people.

Aeyden – Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Smigleesmits.7540


Why are people hell bent on adding more and more NPCs and AI in WvW rather than PvP always beats my mind..

At this rate, there will be 98 npc’s and 2 actual players in each borderland in less than a year, similar to what LA is right now.

Wasn’t WvW intended to be a massive PvP war in the first place?

No offense btw.

Well except you could make them worth fighting over. One of the things lacking in WvW is there is really only one objective… doors. A lot of people were upset when orbs were removed, not because orbs themselves were particularly interesting, because it was an additional dynamic.

Imagine if the arboreal spirit and the grub were something the 3 servers wanted to contest. Or if some hero NPC emerged from a cave or some such to aid whichever server controlled the area. You can add content like this, just make it something worth fighting for. The game needs additional objectives. Everyone can see the declining player population in WvW, it’s pretty clear that attacking tower after tower ad nauseam isn’t enough for a lot of people.

This is spot on! I want something that encourages players to fight for other than keeps (That will likely be taken by another world anyway). Take for instance League of Legends, there are multiple NPC objectives that force the two teams into fighting, if you let the other team slay an NPC you are putting your team at a disadvantage (By letting them get a buff of some sort or team-wide gold), so to avoid that your team must organize to stop the opposing team from slaying that NPC. There needs to be some tangible benefit to fight for and keeps and towers can get a bit stale when they are so volatile, so add some variety, why not?

(edited by Smigleesmits.7540)

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Nut.4713


Take for instance League of Legends, there are multiple NPC objectives that force the two teams into fighting, if you let the other team slay an NPC you are putting your team at a disadvantage

Can’t believe I didn’t even think of that, good example. Is anyone here going to call Baron Nashor in LoL “PvE” content?

Aeyden – Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


I understand the PvP people wanting more PvP content and less PvE. However they are thinking about WvW wrong. WvW is a strategy game, not a dueling game, it is about objectives, choke points, siege, tactics, etc. So we are not really asking for more PvE we are asking for more objectives and more complicated game play/maps.

These kinds of ideas I have listed long ago, you could extend to all PvE content in WvW. When you beat the Overgrown grub you enslave him in your keep, which causes some kind of bonus like spawning grubs in the opposing teams keeps. Or enslave the Aboreal spirit and he adds a slow on opposing teams yaks. Skritt and Centar camps in the BL could be similar to the Dredge/Ogres/Hylek in EB. You could even do this for random npc mobs like raptors. Once your team kills 100 raptors triggers a raptor attack on a camp, “after the mass genocide of raptors they flee south and run into x objective”.

This can give the PvE player (and lower level players) an excuse to come into WvW and actually contribute instead of sitting on a wall watching it get trebbed. Also it give more complicated game play things to worry about or tools to be used.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

(edited by kanikani.2430)

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Take for instance League of Legends, there are multiple NPC objectives that force the two teams into fighting, if you let the other team slay an NPC you are putting your team at a disadvantage

Can’t believe I didn’t even think of that, good example. Is anyone here going to call Baron Nashor in LoL “PvE” content?

LoL matches last 45 minutes tops. You can’t just sit there and kill the NPCs all day long and expect to win a game of LoL. You’ll get ganked and become weaker than the enemy… This game however lasts 7 days, you already play it at max level, and it’s actually beneficial to your score to have less PvP fights and simply take objectives from NPCs.

This game needs less PvE and more PvP. My RvR isn’t feeling like RvR anymore. The way to make WvW more dynamic is to add player kills into the end score formula some how. Like a specific objective cap limit on potential points, and the rest of your score needs to be obtained through killing.

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


The way to make WvW more dynamic is to add player kills into the end score formula some how. Like a specific objective cap limit on potential points, and the rest of your score needs to be obtained through killing.

ONLY if you are talking team score for kills. If you mean individual rewards for kills I would be dead set against that. If you ever played Conquest in Rift you would know what I mean. Dumbest scoring mechanism ever. They gave out one set of rewards for taking team objectives and another set of rewards for individual kills, so there was constant friction between players from the same faction who needed one or the other.

Overall, though, I really don’t see the need for ANY PvE in WvW. I almost never see any player able to waltz around the map without getting attacked, and defending an already fortified tower/keep that isn’t under attack is boring so hardly anyone just parks their butt inside the walls for hours on end either. From my perspective, simply bashing heads out in the open is pretty mindless, but if that’s your objective it seems to me that the OP would be better off playing sPvP or Arenas.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Smigleesmits.7540


Take for instance League of Legends, there are multiple NPC objectives that force the two teams into fighting, if you let the other team slay an NPC you are putting your team at a disadvantage

Can’t believe I didn’t even think of that, good example. Is anyone here going to call Baron Nashor in LoL “PvE” content?

LoL matches last 45 minutes tops. You can’t just sit there and kill the NPCs all day long and expect to win a game of LoL. You’ll get ganked and become weaker than the enemy… This game however lasts 7 days, you already play it at max level, and it’s actually beneficial to your score to have less PvP fights and simply take objectives from NPCs.

This game needs less PvE and more PvP. My RvR isn’t feeling like RvR anymore. The way to make WvW more dynamic is to add player kills into the end score formula some how. Like a specific objective cap limit on potential points, and the rest of your score needs to be obtained through killing.

I think the main issue with the current PvE is that it’s all so common, no one really takes notice. If it’s something that rarely happens, like how my example would only happen once, it would cause more commotion and promote something to actually be done, say if Stonemist suddenly has a big boss in the center of it, the team that controls it will probably tell most of it’s team to get there in order to get the point reward (as well as some other possible incentives) and during this the other teams could choose to come and try to take the boss for themselves, thus claiming the castle, or try to capture other points while the dominant team is busy with boss.

And say if any of Kanikani’s ideas were implemented, but the effects of slaying a boss lasted for around 3 hours to a day and the boss would not re spawn until then, having your teams dolyaks slowed for that long could seriously damage your team, so hopefully your world would organize a force to stop that.

(edited by Smigleesmits.7540)

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Nut.4713


Take for instance League of Legends, there are multiple NPC objectives that force the two teams into fighting, if you let the other team slay an NPC you are putting your team at a disadvantage

Can’t believe I didn’t even think of that, good example. Is anyone here going to call Baron Nashor in LoL “PvE” content?

LoL matches last 45 minutes tops. You can’t just sit there and kill the NPCs all day long and expect to win a game of LoL. You’ll get ganked and become weaker than the enemy… This game however lasts 7 days, you already play it at max level, and it’s actually beneficial to your score to have less PvP fights and simply take objectives from NPCs.

This game needs less PvE and more PvP. My RvR isn’t feeling like RvR anymore. The way to make WvW more dynamic is to add player kills into the end score formula some how. Like a specific objective cap limit on potential points, and the rest of your score needs to be obtained through killing.

I’m sorry, but you have completely misunderstood. We’re not talking about killing krait in the lake all day long here, it doesn’t even have to be NPC objectives. Do you remember how much fighting there was a couple of months ago when you could expect 4 full maps on every side during prime play time? So where did those people go? Clearly it wasn’t interesting enough. The game needs objectives beyond doors to bring people back and I hate to break it to you, but adding player kills to your score isn’t going to cut it.

Aeyden – Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Here’s an idea:

Remove the bosses from WvW, and let people stick to the PvE Maps for bosses and such.

As for adding more bosses to WvW:
No thank you.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Do you remember how much fighting there was a couple of months ago when you could expect 4 full maps on every side during prime play time? So where did those people go? Clearly it wasn’t interesting enough.

My server was never like this… Ever.

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I think a large boss that spawns every few hours and gives some sort of buff for your server in wvw is a good idea. Imagine the boss spawning and all 3 servers come to 1 spot to fight it. Massive battle. Yes there will be pve in there, but it will be surrounded by pvp. Or you could decide to send some people over to grief the others fighting for it while the rest of your server takes towers. You must decide what is more worthwhile.

A boss the size of Jormag/Tequatl/etc. If you don’t take it down timely it flies around and torches all the keeps/camps on the map causing damage to all the walls, doors and killing some npcs.

(edited by uhohhotdog.3598)

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Maybe adding a boss or whatever might work, but for it u need balanced population, which is the 2nd biggest issue currently behind culling.

The bigger zerg will always beat the small server over any such events, i really dont think it adds much to WvW,

However, i would rather go and fight someone and die, repair armor go back and fight rather than wait in a keep for some AI boss to spawn to fight over, its not what PvP.

However, this is only my opnion.

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: SilencingMachine.5049


Adding a world boss that drops special items or such will only further benefit the zergiest servers and/or those that “night cap”. It will also lead to people flocking to the over-pop servers so they too can “get the lootz”. Bad idea. Less PvE in PvP please.

I think there is a way to balance WvW a bit, but adding PvE content is not the solution.

Huntsmen(HM) elem
Jade Quarry

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Adding a world boss that drops special items or such will only further benefit the zergiest servers and/or those that “night cap”. It will also lead to people flocking to the over-pop servers so they too can “get the lootz”. Bad idea. Less PvE in PvP please.

I think there is a way to balance WvW a bit, but adding PvE content is not the solution.

Ideas instead of bashing the PvE would be good…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


WvW is supposed to be PvP. We don’t need PvE in a PvP game mode. Go do dungeons for ascended gear if you want it so bad!

| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Ok, let’s keep the PvDoor, since the PvP’ers are so angry about adding a little more life to the WvWvW…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I think a large boss that spawns every few hours and gives some sort of buff for your server in wvw is a good idea. Imagine the boss spawning and all 3 servers come to 1 spot to fight it. Massive battle. Yes there will be pve in there, but it will be surrounded by pvp. Or you could decide to send some people over to grief the others fighting for it while the rest of your server takes towers. You must decide what is more worthwhile.

A boss the size of Jormag/Tequatl/etc. If you don’t take it down timely it flies around and torches all the keeps/camps on the map causing damage to all the walls, doors and killing some npcs.

Go play the Conquest map in Rift and see how much just about everyone hates it. It totally disrupts game play and creates conflicting objectives among players in the same faction. It is simply a horrible idea and a great way to ruin WvW. Seriously … go check out the Rift forums before you propose something like that for GW2 … it is NOT at all a good idea.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

World Boss(es)?

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


I think they should remove all the NPC mobs from WvW, aside from the guards and merchants. Get rid of the animals or make them background noise you can’t target.

This, all day long. Get the PvE out of WvW.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood