World Linking 6/24/2016
Haha Daredevil what’s the matter bit salty mate. Anyone that wants to see what Daredevils real opinion is go read:
Kitten commander and a scrub.
Anyway as for the Deso link – we have low numbers but high activity, play WvW with the same people most days and I suppose it gives the illusion we are over populated. Look at the last 2 weeks, we lost some pug commanders, people got bored of PvD and abit of focus – our PPT nosedives.
Gandara seem in the same boat, smart play – no one usually hits their stuff cause it’s generally sieged and plenty of small groups around but they all converge to defend something. Yet whilst they are left around these small groups PPT and back cap faster than any other server – yet sometimes they blob it up and blow kitten up. Yet again just because PPT is high it doesn’t mean they are populated as much as a server that can only cap stuff / defend something with a tag up and someone telling them what to do.
Anet got it right, kept t1 populated enough to keep it interesting whilst keeping healthy populations in the lower tiers to keep people amused / having fun. The French servers all together is probably causing an amusing amount of drama but atleast now if you get a crap matchup you only have 1 French server to fight instead of 2 at once, will give you another random server to have fun with at the same time.
Lower tier gameplay / preferences / “game style” is slowly dying out and the the majority want multiple active maps / blobs / multiple guilds to fight so anet are slyly merging more servers together to create more population across the board with fewer tiers. Soon “blue / red / green” EOTM style WvW won’t seem bad because server identities are going to keep the game healthy.
Anyway Desos a blast, had many “enemies” spent years fighting now merged with us and had fun, games fun for now, so stop being salty guts and just play
The thing is that SFR is struggeling so hard atm we barely have commander coverage and we had 0 q´s on todays reset whe wished so hard to get linked that it is just sad how Anet is not considering situations like it should be with a linking system we have going on atm.
Linking is all about calculations which just supports bandwagoning and toxic behavior…
Anyway as for the Deso link – we have low numbers but high activity, play WvW with the same people most days and I suppose it gives the illusion we are over populated. Look at the last 2 weeks, we lost some pug commanders, people got bored of PvD and abit of focus – our PPT nosedives.
Anyway Desos a blast, had many “enemies” spent years fighting now merged with us and had fun, games fun for now, so stop being salty guts and just play
Because you desperately want to continue blobing, you choose to ignore the fact that there are currently 3 servers marked full in EU and they all are linked while there are other servers that marked Very High and not linked. It is only reasonable for players to ask the logic behind it and you call them salty. I think it is a legit question.
As for the excuse with few numbers and high activity, the algorithm supposed to include both the numbers and player activity. So get your facts straight.
WwW is not about only you and your blobing friends to have fun. We are all supposed to have fun.
I am a player on the server Whiteside ridge, which is a fairly low population server that’s always been in or around bottom tier. We were originally linked with the server Ring of Fire which is also, as far as I know, a fairly low population server. I’ve enjoyed playing with the other server for the past couple of months, but was looking forward to the relink and the opportunity to play in higher tier servers and not be stuck in the bottom tier every week. Relink time comes, and we’re partnered to the same server again: Ring of fire. From what I’ve heard, and understandably so, many people on the two servers in the linking are quite annoyed that we’ve ended up together again. This is not because we dislike each other in any way, it’s because we know that this means we’re now stuck in bottom tier again for a long time. I and many others were looking forward to a change but instead we’re stuck doing the same thing all over again. It’s making me consider giving up on wvw altogether for now, which is the only thing I’m playing the game for at the moment. Is there likely to be another re-evaluation of the server linkings in the future, or is the only way we’re likely to experience higher tiers of wvw through spending all my money on transfers, and having to leave everyone I’ve come to know on this server behind? I’m not intending this to come across as rude, and I like the changes that have been made so far to world vs world, but the prospect of staying bottom tier indefinitely has really made people want to play a lot less.
Yep, a lot of my friends on WSR feel shafted too with keeping the same link. Another 2 months of bottom tier to add to WSR 2+ years of being bottom.
Hello everyone,
I’d like to take a moment to answer some questions that I’ve seen asked frequently.
Q: What factors go into determining world links?
A: We take into consideration a lot of factors when making the links, but the primary factor we look at is the WvW activity level for each world, during peak and off-peak hours. The goal being to normalize world populations among unlinked worlds and groups of linked worlds. For EU we also filter potential links by language.
Q: Why did Desolation get linked when they were “Full” while Seafarer’s Rest, and other worlds that aren’t “Full”, not get linked?
A: Desolation has a smaller population than Seafarer’s Rest. Desolation appears “Full” in the world selections panel due to us artificially lowering the population caps for linked worlds. We lower the population caps for linked worlds so that linked worlds can’t achieve double the population of unlinked worlds.
Q: Why do so many German worlds remain unlinked?
A: Most German worlds are around 70% of our target population capacity. If we were to link them they would be well over our target population capacity. This means that they would have long queues, and would be significantly larger than the other worlds.
So you basiclly say that the hardcore ppl on SFR need to stop playing cause otherwise our “population” wont go down? how do you fix a server that doesnt even have a q on friday night reset? You cant say with a straight face that SFR has more pop than deso has.
But yeah go on, encourage ppl bandwagoning to the deso-linked server again maybe you will learn next time.
So you basiclly say that the hardcore ppl on SFR need to stop playing cause otherwise our “population” wont go down? how do you fix a server that doesnt even have a q on friday night reset? You cant say with a straight face that SFR has more pop than deso has.
But yeah go on, encourage ppl bandwagoning to the deso-linked server again maybe you will learn next time.
Lots of “you” language doesn’t make for an agreeable statement.
Please post NA links!
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at
So you basiclly say that the hardcore ppl on SFR need to stop playing cause otherwise our “population” wont go down? how do you fix a server that doesnt even have a q on friday night reset? You cant say with a straight face that SFR has more pop than deso has.
But yeah go on, encourage ppl bandwagoning to the deso-linked server again maybe you will learn next time.
The man with the numbers has spoken friend. Tis’ not his fault that SFR cant do the same as deso with equivalent numbers.
Tarnished Coast.
NA links up yet? Cmon!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t stand the anticipation!
Here are the worlds for NA:
• Blackgate
• Tarnished Coast
• Yak’s Bend
• Jade Quarry & Anvil Rock
• Dragonbrand & Isle of Janthir
• Fort Aspenwood & Sanctum of Rall
• Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
• Sea of Sorrows & Northern Shiverpeaks
• Darkhaven & Ehmry Bay
• Stormbluff Isle & Henge of Denravi
• Sorrow’s Furnace & Ferguson’s Crossing & Gate of Madness
• Crystal Desert & Kaineng & Eredon Terrace & Borlis Pass
Good they unlinked BG, though I am still not sure there are any servers that can realistically compete.
How did you reconcile the glicko rating for some of those servers?
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Thanks anet for ruining WvW for growing guilds and their players with this linking.
Good LORD. FOUR servers paired?
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
LOL seven servers between two pairings… good luck with any form of VOIP communication LOLOLOL
Thanks anet for ruining WvW for growing guilds and their players with this linking.
Perhaps you’d like them to run every decision past you first? If you can’t grow your guild, it’s not the linking that’s stopping you.
Here’s to good fights, fun times, and (hopefully) more dynamic matchups this time around.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
WOW Anet THANK YOU for ruining WvW, You just broke apart at least 4 guilds I know with these pairing ands keeping servers locked. GG thank you for ruining everything, BTW who is going to give all of us our money/gold back for the people who bought them for this transfer that’s not going to happen. Looks like the group of folks I know will be looking for a new game to play. RIP
I think I am done with wvw now.
lol i miss being paired with FA already.
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at
Thanks anet for ruining WvW for growing guilds and their players with this linking.
Perhaps you’d like them to run every decision past you first? If you can’t grow your guild, it’s not the linking that’s stopping you.
Here’s to good fights, fun times, and (hopefully) more dynamic matchups this time around.
No I’m not saying they should run this past me, but you try commanding and putting in work to grow a guild then come back to me. Half of my players were on the merged server. Maybe for lower tiers its easy to recruit but in some cases and servers it is difficult and small recruitment pool. I am by far not the only one affected by this and to think unmatching t1 servers is going to change the dynamic is a joke. Blackgate will win as they have always done, so +1 for anet thinking that it would change weekly outcomes.
You knew they were going to switch up the links. How did you not factor this into your plans over the past few months?
This isn’t Anets responsibility.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Pretty much what Choppy said, why the hell would you make a cross server WvW guild, when you KNEW that anet was going to re-work the links…. That logic…
Pretty much what Choppy said, why the hell would you make a cross server WvW guild, when you KNEW that anet was going to re-work the links…. That logic…
Easy, we pay for transfers nbd. Farm for a little gold and go on our merry way. World linking not link some worlds.
I’m sorry but this is some horrible pairings. You took the dead last server over the past several months and paired them with……only 1 server….in a matchup with 3 paired and 4 paired servers? What logic was involved with that?
TC opened for a bit after reset (not sure if it is still). I was on ET and decided to not try join into the cluster kitten, so I sent to TC for 1800 gems.
OMG did TC win BIG! LOL! hugely stacked server and somehow listed as “High”. I really want to see where anet gets their population info from and how uptodate it really is! TC is about steam roll T1. #TCWINS
WOW Anet THANK YOU for ruining WvW, You just broke apart at least 4 guilds I know with these pairing ands keeping servers locked. GG thank you for ruining everything, BTW who is going to give all of us our money/gold back for the people who bought them for this transfer that’s not going to happen. Looks like the group of folks I know will be looking for a new game to play. RIP
Why are people cross realm recruiting for wvw? had a whole week two weeks ago to transfer people in, unless you were BG TC.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I’m sorry but this is some horrible pairings. You took the dead last server over the past several months and paired them with……only 1 server….in a matchup with 3 paired and 4 paired servers? What logic was involved with that?
AR is with JQ, I think they’ll be okay.
RoF+WSR for last place guaranteed bottom of the barrel for 2 months /cheer GG anet
Pretty much what Choppy said, why the hell would you make a cross server WvW guild, when you KNEW that anet was going to re-work the links…. That logic…
anet never said the links were permanent and forming cross server guilds were a risk simply because of this.
Pairings are great for T3! This is the most fun I’ve had in WvW in a long while. All four maps queued. Great fights. Great battles.
And if JQ and SoS supposedly don’t have NA well then kudos to AR and NsP!
Pretty much what Choppy said, why the hell would you make a cross server WvW guild, when you KNEW that anet was going to re-work the links…. That logic…
anet never said the links were permanent and forming cross server guilds were a risk simply because of this.
Tarnished Coast.
I love these new linkings! It shows that Anet is willing to try some different approaches, and that they learned something from the first linkings. I love the looks of the Tier that Kaineng is now in……FA’s tier also looks good. As long as BG is as is, T1 is pretty much screwed, but glad they unlinked BG at least.
The next 2 months will be truly fun, and as someone else said here….dynamic.
Looking forward to it! Will be exciting to see how it all works out.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Crystal Desert & Kaineng & Eredon Terrace & Borlis Pass
Hex Yah! I’m so happy to have an alt on Eredon Terrace. I’m part of THE MONGREL HORDE!
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
You knew Anet was going to change the pairings. As someone has already said in this thread, why on earth would you split up your guild on a pairing that you knew would change? You’re taking your own chances on that, and Anet has absolutely nothing to do with what this might or might not do to your guild.
It is not like Anet ever made any secret about the pairings changing. They even announced the date…..good grief…….mind boggling.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
lol i miss being paired with FA already.
You guys were great to be paired with, when everyone on FA realized we weren’t paired with you guys TS was filled with people talking about how much they’d miss the people on BP. We can only hope we’re as good partners to SoR as you guys were to us.
Thanks anet for ruining WvW for growing guilds and their players with this linking.
Perhaps you’d like them to run every decision past you first? If you can’t grow your guild, it’s not the linking that’s stopping you.
Here’s to good fights, fun times, and (hopefully) more dynamic matchups this time around.
No I’m not saying they should run this past me, but you try commanding and putting in work to grow a guild then come back to me. Half of my players were on the merged server. Maybe for lower tiers its easy to recruit but in some cases and servers it is difficult and small recruitment pool. I am by far not the only one affected by this and to think unmatching t1 servers is going to change the dynamic is a joke. Blackgate will win as they have always done, so +1 for anet thinking that it would change weekly outcomes.
It have been said since they started the linking that they will re-link servers, so it should not come as a surprise to you. It more shows that you did not adjust to the situation and understood that if you took players in and they did not move to your server you would loose them at next re-link. Don’t blame others for your missinformation.
WOW Anet THANK YOU for ruining WvW, You just broke apart at least 4 guilds I know with these pairing ands keeping servers locked. GG thank you for ruining everything, BTW who is going to give all of us our money/gold back for the people who bought them for this transfer that’s not going to happen. Looks like the group of folks I know will be looking for a new game to play. RIP
I really don’t get what you are whining about. Everyone knew the linkings were temporary. In fact, ANET should have changed the linkings sooner.
Indeed, responsible guilds will know of such risk and if they do invite players from other servers, they should have told them of such risk as well before extending invites to them. Irresponsible guilds which just want to quickly expand their roster without telling them such risk should handle their own consequences.
Henge of Denravi Server
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
TC is open .
So wait…. JQ received the second to last place world prior to Beta. Now we’ve been paired with the actual last placed world prior to Beta. How exactly does that work out? That we have less players again after linking. Meanwhile, a couple minutes before midnight EST, and BG has 61 players in queue total across the 4 maps.
So the problem is, how is this a competitive game mode any longer? We can’t build our team up, to move up, because we’re locked. The dev’s take away numbers when they please. This is pretty much hitting “why bother” levels of care now.
btw… JQ is absolutely NOT full. That’s utter bunk! You’d have to be counting players coming in to gather nodes, spy accounts, or something. They are not in Squad, in TS, or on Need far more strict rule sets for what is a “WvW player”. Also need it based on hours played and not just weekend warriors that play reset and nothing else.
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
TC is open .
My guess is not for long, best hurry, but it does cost 1800 gems.
ANet will defiantly make a profit this week.
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
TC is open .
Oh man, Alphs….that is just cruel….lol. Not that TC is a bad server….they were wonderful to Kaineng, their last pairing. But T1 right now has to be thought of as the sucky tier, just because of BG.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
hahaha Anet loves the Mag/DR relationship Lucky for some of us, so do we
Did ANYONE else stay the same?
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
TC is open .
I know.TC is open but it’s going to take at least 3-4 days to get all my players there and by then anet will probably lock it. I would really appreciate if they would leave TC open for at least till next reset but they aren’t going to do that.
Man this is so kittening bs half my guild on TC half my guild on Kaineng and someone of my members still on DH yeah anet of course linking is.great you know guilds are totally not going to kittening die kittening hell that’s I’m out V overwatch here I come.
your server is open – have them move now….
Thanks anet for ruining WvW for growing guilds and their players with this linking.
Perhaps you’d like them to run every decision past you first? If you can’t grow your guild, it’s not the linking that’s stopping you.
Here’s to good fights, fun times, and (hopefully) more dynamic matchups this time around.
No I’m not saying they should run this past me, but you try commanding and putting in work to grow a guild then come back to me. Half of my players were on the merged server. Maybe for lower tiers its easy to recruit but in some cases and servers it is difficult and small recruitment pool. I am by far not the only one affected by this and to think unmatching t1 servers is going to change the dynamic is a joke. Blackgate will win as they have always done, so +1 for anet thinking that it would change weekly outcomes.
Were you….not around for like the half a year after HoT’s release where BG got third almost every single week? I get some players are new and may not know WvW history, but that’s relatively recent, and if you’re leading a guild you probably aren’t fresh off the boat.
Also it has been known since the beginning that these links are transient. They announced that prior to any of this happening. Any and all plans made by a guild on the assumption that they were static, is bad planning from the get-go on the part of those guilds, and not Anet’s fault. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the problems you are now facing, your fault.
The 4 server voltron looks hilarious, curious how that’ll turn out. The pairings seem…wonky, but I guess time will tell.
Can we at least know in how many days or hours will you guys be closing the transfers?
They said it takes about a week for the status to change, the last time servers were open a couple weeks ago it was for a week.
Having said that… you have an open window right now, so move whomever now and don’t come back in 4 days to complain. They said over 2 weeks ago they were going to relink servers, if your guild mates on another server haven’t been preparing gems for a transfer since that time I dunno what to tell you.
The opportunities to transfer are probably not going to come often, especially to the t1 servers, so get it done while it’s open and stop waiting for the last day. A lesson to anyone else that thinks they will move in the future, save gems up while you can for a rainy day move.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill