As someone that has been a massive fan of WvW since GW2 launched I have to say with the decline of the player population, its become clear certain systems in GW2 no longer work with the intended purpose they were meant for and should be changed to reflect this in the future.
Lets look at the current system:
Main Eternal Battleground
This is fine in many ways, the big battlefield in the middle where hundreds of players fight over keeps and castles, that works, its not really a case of fixing what isnt broken here, its a case of enhancing it.
Three Borderlands
Over time, the Borderlands have had many a change, from loosing the orbs that were meant to give us powerful buffs over other borderlands to having a new borderland type added, this feels like its been a very hit miss experience, alot of it being more miss than hit.
Edge of the Mists
Meant to be a substitute for pvp to some extent but has become more of a problem to it, creating too much enphasis on EOTM and not enough on Borderlands and The Eternal Battleground itself.
Obsidian Sanctum
Yeah-… no one really cares about this unless your a massive puzzle pvp fan.
With that in mind, lets talk about what can be done to overhaul the experience to make PvP better.
Number One: Removing Edge of the Mists and moving it into the Borderlands Category
Right now, EOTM serves one role, as a distraction, and a slower, but easier alternative to farming wvw chests, its not very productive and it isnt doing the community any favors that it just splits pvp groups even more.
For this reason, I propose it be moved to the MAIN borderlands category and become a MAIN borderland like the rest have so far.
Number Two: We dont need Three Borderlands
Ironically as stated above, theres already enough clutter and aside from over-filled servers which have fluxed server activity between mostl raiding and fractals, those that do pvp are fewer in number by the day. As such, I propose that instead of having three borderlands, we reduce the number to just “one” with an overflow server if theres too many people in it.
This would vastly increase the number of pvpers activly pvping at any time. In addition, each week the borderlands would cycle at random between Alphine, Desert and Edge of the Mists.
This would create stronger and more tight knit pvp events and encounters, more groups for fights and better interaction between them, more frequent activity.
Thirdly: Change Obsidian Sanctum into an actual WvW Map
If Obsidian Sanctum still needs to exist, it needs a better role than just a glorified puzzle dungeon with pvp on the side. My proposal, is to have certain parts of it be changed into contestable encampments, allowing players multiple ways to the top. Various smaller camps could be littered at the bottom with supplies allowing you to siege the Sanctum itself, now having gates required to destroy so that a team can conquer it.
The team that successfully holds it will gain a huge benefit to their team for one whole hour giving huge stat boosts in Eternal Battlegrounds and The Borderland.
This is my proposal so far, for a revamped WvW, thoughts?