World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

It’s a Swiss-style tournament, meaning that you face off against servers closer to your own, not that you play each server once.

Are you sure? Here is a quote from Arenanet blog message:
The shorter format will ensure that worlds will not be repeatedly matched against one another, which will more closely resemble a true Swiss-style tournament. Each matchup will be unique, and every win—or upset—will make a huge difference!

I hope there will be an official response and clarification how servers will be matched against each other.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


It’s a Swiss-style tournament, meaning that you face off against servers closer to your own, not that you play each server once.

Are you sure? Here is a quote from Arenanet blog message:
The shorter format will ensure that worlds will not be repeatedly matched against one another, which will more closely resemble a true Swiss-style tournament. Each matchup will be unique, and every win—or upset—will make a huge difference!

I hope there will be an official response and clarification how servers will be matched against each other.

The more weeks you have the tournament, like season 2, the more it becomes a one up one down.

With no upsets, for a 9 team league, week 4 will be the same as week 1. If the tournament was extended, the matchups from week 3 and week 4 would be repeated, which is what happened in season 2.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Zepher.7803


not sure why they still letting people transfer doesn’t reflect the servers actual performance…would be nice to unite and boycott this system hehe hit em in the pocketbook.

Sincerly, Me.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

For those asking for more balanced matches I challenge you to come up with a idea that will 100% work in another thread. This includes keeping in mind the following.

1.) Not just a 1-2 hour game but something that is about a week long.
2.) Something that will not drive the population though the roof.
3.) Allow a maximum of 200-300 players to participate at any given period of time.
4.) Something that will not develop large queues.
5.) Something that will not turn into exactly what you are upset about. Stacking on the winning team.
6.) Something that will get pride in a chosen faction and allow friends to play together.

I think you will find it is no so easy to do this.

My only concern is how hard the meta will be. A lot of players do not have a extensive period of time to play each week. Already some will be left out due to school/vacation/other.

Rewards based on a ratio of active wvw population to score. Perfect? No but still better than what we have

How do you determine active WvW population in a fair and balance way. Secondly, you solution punishes players on active servers, while YOU as a player might not care, developers have to care. Anet has to be as fair as possible, that’s is their job.

So really your solution is terrible. Anyways, so glad you are not a developer.

To make people spread out and not stack u have to punish the most active servers. I gives incentive to move to less active servers. It rewards skill over numbers. As for counting numbers that’s a bit tricky. Could b based on number of people who completed the achievement , having to spend a certain amount of time in wvw, experience gained or a mix of all 3. Again counting active is the hard part.

You are not the first person to suggest that.

Arenanet isn’t going to force players to move. Rarely do companies ever do that unless it is absolutely necessary. So that is a terrible suggestion. Moving players involves breaking up guilds separating from and possibly family from each other, a company like Arenanet will never do that.

From a keeping people happy and not forcing server changing yes its a bad idea. However the question was on how to stop server stacking. Unless people r willing to do it themselves as a community, Anet needs to punish people who server stack

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

With the same old PPT system, inevitable server stacking and people leaving for the winning server, I couldn’t say I’m excited all that much.
Plus, Gold League, if FA and MAG stay, they’ll be losing every week, so there’s really no competition, the score will be known before the season starts for the 4-6 servers.

Yeah, remember season 2? BG super duper stacked and even released a “victory” video on youtube when the season started because they were so sure of their first place win.

Oh wait……

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: silvermember.8941


For those asking for more balanced matches I challenge you to come up with a idea that will 100% work in another thread. This includes keeping in mind the following.

1.) Not just a 1-2 hour game but something that is about a week long.
2.) Something that will not drive the population though the roof.
3.) Allow a maximum of 200-300 players to participate at any given period of time.
4.) Something that will not develop large queues.
5.) Something that will not turn into exactly what you are upset about. Stacking on the winning team.
6.) Something that will get pride in a chosen faction and allow friends to play together.

I think you will find it is no so easy to do this.

My only concern is how hard the meta will be. A lot of players do not have a extensive period of time to play each week. Already some will be left out due to school/vacation/other.

Rewards based on a ratio of active wvw population to score. Perfect? No but still better than what we have

How do you determine active WvW population in a fair and balance way. Secondly, you solution punishes players on active servers, while YOU as a player might not care, developers have to care. Anet has to be as fair as possible, that’s is their job.

So really your solution is terrible. Anyways, so glad you are not a developer.

To make people spread out and not stack u have to punish the most active servers. I gives incentive to move to less active servers. It rewards skill over numbers. As for counting numbers that’s a bit tricky. Could b based on number of people who completed the achievement , having to spend a certain amount of time in wvw, experience gained or a mix of all 3. Again counting active is the hard part.

You are not the first person to suggest that.

Arenanet isn’t going to force players to move. Rarely do companies ever do that unless it is absolutely necessary. So that is a terrible suggestion. Moving players involves breaking up guilds separating from and possibly family from each other, a company like Arenanet will never do that.

From a keeping people happy and not forcing server changing yes its a bad idea. However the question was on how to stop server stacking. Unless people r willing to do it themselves as a community, Anet needs to punish people who server stack

And Arenanet is not going to force it, in a harsh way. They might try to nudge players a little bit but it is extremely difficult to in a meaningful way, without causing issues.

the other solutions was to simply separate WvW from their home servers and balance similar to EoTM, but a lot of people kitten and moan how it will destroy their non existent “server” community. Which is funny because the WvW server community amounts to less than 300 on average.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Even for those who play for the sheer love of wvw and community, those rewards are….underwhelming.

Glad to see the shorter duration (given how most of us posted 9 weeks was too long).

New format will keep the achieve hunters from completing everything in the first week and then disappearing, which should help to spread the PuG population throughout the tournament (assuming they believe the rewards are worthwhile). However, the down side is there is no way to “catch up” if you miss a week (heavy work schedule/illness/late vacation/etcetera).

Forcing the weekly achieves during the specified times feels more like the LS process than a Swiss-style tournament. Oh well. The lack of creativity there is not surprising.

It is hard to get excited about a format that feels like translated PvE (e.g. LS), given that’s a format I utterly despise about this game.

Curious to see how the matchup parameters are are determined.

I guess at this point, if I’m motivated enough, I’d play for curiosity’s sake.

But this feels like the last chance for me. If this turns out to be as underwhelming as it looks, that’s it for this game for me.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


Time to stack certain servers before hand…

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: nexxe.7081


This change is way better than last season’s. I wasn’t really playing as much then, but this new reward structure is welcome.

After this tournament, they should really look at consolidating some server groups and putting them into brackets. The populations on some servers is abysmal now.
For example: Group A vs B
Group A
Sanctum of Rall
Anvil Rock

Group B
Ferguson’s Crossing
Ehmry Bay
Eredon Terrace

(edited by nexxe.7081)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Copenhagen.2914


With the same old PPT system, inevitable server stacking and people leaving for the winning server, I couldn’t say I’m excited all that much.
Plus, Gold League, if FA and MAG stay, they’ll be losing every week, so there’s really no competition, the score will be known before the season starts for the 4-6 servers.

Yeah, remember season 2? BG super duper stacked and even released a “victory” video on youtube when the season started because they were so sure of their first place win.

Oh wait……

Yeah, but BG is proud we finished where we did without the help of any other servers

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: VIK.6205


And so it begins!

T1 and T2 will start to fill up, as the rest of the servers tapper off fighting for scraps. By the way BG has bought a lot of guilds and they just bought a couple more blob guilds for the new season.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


I rather like the changes. It’s nice to hear we’ll have the freedom to just get the weekly achievements by just playing WvW rather than having a list of specific things that need to get done. That was one of the things that lessened my interest in WvW. IMO good WvW should be unpredictable and that means a laundry list of set tasks really doesn’t fit into it.

After reading this update, I find myself thinking I might be going back into WvW again.

Why are they offering stuff that is available outside of WvW and can be acquired at a non-fixed rate? I’m talking about all the ascended materials, obby shards and karma.

Who in their right mind would spend these valuable tickets on items such as that?

At least put in something that is worthwhile, such as a Tome of Knowledge, more exclusive minis – something that you cannot get with regularity outside of WvW

After spending the last 5 days grinding open-world chest for empyreal fragments (I don’t do dungeons and I hate jumping puzzles), I could see seriously considering to spend some tickets to avoid that tedium.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Remember guys this isnt your normal WvW Tournement, this is a Feature Pack WvW Tournement! Filled with coloured tag, anti-siege siege and erm, golem mastery!

What more can we ask for?! What?! I cant think of a single thing!

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Seems like there is an issue with the proposed reward structure:

- Tickets are rewarded after the end of each week’s match
- 1st gets 200, 2nd gets 150, 3rd gets 100
- You have 1 week to use your tickets before the next week’s reset or they are forfeited
- Mistforged Weapon costs 300 tickets.

At this point, I don’t see how a player can ever have more than 200 tickets in their inventory. It looks like they want people to buy the Hero weapon (100 tickets) and then possibly upgrade (200 tickets). However, in that case, why do they still show the 300 ticket option for the Mistforged weapon?

This is PER WEEK/MATCH the amount of ticket rewards, and the tournament will go for 4 weeks as far as I understood

Means, 4 matches, and if you win 4x , then you will have won 200×4 =800 tickets.
An amount, that would grant you to buy 2 mist weapons and say for example 2 hero weapons, or something else, like 8x a WEXP boost.

If you are 4x 3rd place, then you would end up with 400 tickets and would be still able to buy 1 mist weapon and 1 hero weapon for example.
And you have to claim ypour rewards with each follow up weak/match up, what clearly showss a picture and which dates it becomes possible to claim your rewards and what is the last day you are able to claim them, before the chance expires.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


Lol 2 posts above^
I prob junked 10k of them thanks to wvw…

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Shifu.4321


More 3 hour queues and 2v1!

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


I has idea.

Free transfers to any server with a lower rating than your current server.
Merge servers 1 and 24, 2 and 23, 3 and 22, etc.

This is the only drastic change that could maybe save WvW.

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: azureazure.5381


Anet, I like the idea of the Dolyak statue WXP buff but PLZ NO XP buffs. I worry that this will attract too many ppl with oddly geared uplevels without utility, elite skills in a queued map. Usually there’s a few uplevels in a wvw group which I’m totally fine with but I’m just hoping this doesn’t get out of hand. I can already see ppl yelling at eachother and bickering b/c of this..
Also, when are you going to address the commander functionality and hackers issue?

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376




at least i’ll get my achieves and 400 tickets. *shrug*

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: VIK.6205


World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014!!!

Thank you A-net for making my NA server drop another 2 tiers, and WvW population dropping from 90 players NA prime time to 10.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I hope that ANet has taken into consideration the possibility that, with the much shorter match duration, queues for populated servers may be so high that players could be locked out from participating. If the weeklies can be completed solely in EotM, then that would solve all issues.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

With the same old PPT system, inevitable server stacking and people leaving for the winning server, I couldn’t say I’m excited all that much.
Plus, Gold League, if FA and MAG stay, they’ll be losing every week, so there’s really no competition, the score will be known before the season starts for the 4-6 servers.

Yeah, remember season 2? BG super duper stacked and even released a “victory” video on youtube when the season started because they were so sure of their first place win.

Oh wait……

Yeah, but BG is proud we finished where we did without the help of any other servers

Wait wait wait, how many guilds and transfers did you get/buy from other servers? In fact didn’t bg technically have the single largest mix of servers helping in all gw2 history? Still, you placed third. Thats last in your tier btw.


(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I hope that ANet has taken into consideration the possibility that, with the much shorter match duration, queues for populated servers may be so high that players could be locked out from participating. If the weeklies can be completed solely in EotM, then that would solve all issues.


Let them waste their transfair money first
And get frustrated later on , when they cant get the achiv :P

Edit: Any chance we can see the Eotm map in the normal WvWvW ques , when the Tournaments ends ?
Just for 3 days , as a test subject ?
It will have a humogous backlash > but when some1 tries the ‘’forbiten fuit , he might wants it even more ’’ :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


And so it begins….

…. all the rumors about which server bought who for what timezone.

When you point a finger at someone else, you point three at yourself.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I think that winning EotM match should give tickets and ascended gear.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


I’m actually semi excited for this. I don’t play for PPT and I couldn’t really care less about winning, but with the weekly achievements there should be a steady stream of people rolling around in the ruins. I’m tired of empty maps, I want to fight people!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Great … its time again for a tournament.
Best thing definitly is the shorter duration.
Last time all of us pure wvw players where really exhausted.

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Just wondering… anyone else got alarm bells ringing in his head, while reading this part?:

We’re excited to announce that the next World vs. World tournament is starting on September 12, the Friday after our September 2014 Feature Pack launches! We’d also like to welcome our Chinese players to experience their first WvW tournament! We’ve got some exciting changes in store for the World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014, so let’s get to it!
What’s New?

Tournament Duration

Our next tournament will be an extremely intense, exciting four-week-long tournament battle.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Just wondering… anyone else got alarm bells ringing in his head, while reading this part?:

We’re excited to announce that the next World vs. World tournament is starting on September 12, the Friday after our September 2014 Feature Pack launches! We’d also like to welcome our Chinese players to experience their first WvW tournament! We’ve got some exciting changes in store for the World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014, so let’s get to it!
What’s New?

Tournament Duration

Our next tournament will be an extremely intense, exciting four-week-long tournament battle.

They’re so excited
And they just can’t hide it
They’re about to lose control and they think they like it

Nalhadia – Kaineng

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Remember guys this isnt your normal WvW Tournement, this is a Feature Pack WvW Tournement! Filled with coloured tag, anti-siege siege and erm, golem mastery!

What more can we ask for?! What?! I cant think of a single thing!

I will throw you 2 ideas. 1) dealing with hackers and cheaters 2) some bug fixes that really matters, not like those ac/ballista tooltip crap nobody cares about.

Anyhow this is just kitten and not really waiting for it.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I’m pretty sure the 4 week duration is because they have a 4 week content gap. Not because they feel it’s better for WvW.

World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


i liked the changes in this tournament .

at least we have a chance the servers to see more exclusive pve people from our servers to this season , because of rewards every week ( something that must remain will lower count of wvw tickets ) and the low duration ofc , that will not burned out the players .

p.s. some of these people will stick to wvw and we will see new servers rise

(edited by Reborn.2934)