WvW Community gets another EotM

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Raeysa Penrose.8450

Raeysa Penrose.8450

In response to a lot of the hatred towards EotM and its karma trains, I’d just like to point out that not everyone in the game is rolling in karma, and now that most of the PvE trains have been stomped out of existence, we’re left looking for a new place to farm it. EotM happens to be the best place at this point—that is, when OG isn’t spawn camping and aggressively hunting down every train that shows its face.

Fear not this night
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

By the way. PC Gamer just published an interview with Colin and Mike and they talk about the new WvW borderland, too.


I was “ranting” a bit earlier about the objectives in the current WvW maps being located at absolutely useless locations, and that they should be placed in chokepoints and locations that allow you to guard other objectives.

Well look what they’re doing. Exactly what I asked for

“Towers are located at chokepoints in the new borderland map, and have walls around them that guard those chokepoints, so holding a tower actually helps you control movement in the map.”

This is what I’ve been hoping for. I guess I should have already guessed they’re going for this direction by the way EotM is designed, having objectives inside the outer keep walls.

One – Piken Square

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Zarenda Mal.1364

Zarenda Mal.1364

If they really want to resolve the problems in WvW, they will need to address the issues of population and coverage. Having said that, they could still do a number of things to improve the overall game play:

1. Add a system that rewards for events that works more like the current Silverwastes. In detail, they should reward with champ bags, etc.

2. To make it more interesting, they should also reward toward the PPT values whenever an objective is taken, but it should be on a sliding scale. For example, if you flip a T1 objective, you should get X points, a T2 should give 2X and a T3 should give 3X.

3. The points awarded should also take into account how long it takes to flip something. The faster it flips, the less you get (penalize the blob trains). So to the value in 2, apply a modifier based on the speed something flips.

4. Grant bonuses for being sneaky. If you managed to sneak a mesmer into an objective, so that you don’t have to fight anything but the lord, give a bonus for not killing the external guards before killing the internal ones (needs some refinement with timers, etc.). This will help offset the modifier from 3 for a quick flip.

The items mentioned in points 2, 3, and 4 above should not just grant PPT points, but should also affect the chest rewards mentioned in 1 in a similar way. Apply the same to EotM and you can still rescue that map to some degree.

The biggest difference between the EotM map and the new BL map is that defending the new one matters. It is worth remembering that the EotM map was intended to give a WvW-like experience when you can’t get into WvW because of queues. It can’t also be used for PPT because server size imbalances would be magnified there.

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


By the way. PC Gamer just published an interview with Colin and Mike and they talk about the new WvW borderland, too.


I was “ranting” a bit earlier about the objectives in the current WvW maps being located at absolutely useless locations, and that they should be placed in chokepoints and locations that allow you to guard other objectives.

Well look what they’re doing. Exactly what I asked for

“Towers are located at chokepoints in the new borderland map, and have walls around them that guard those chokepoints, so holding a tower actually helps you control movement in the map.”

This is what I’ve been hoping for. I guess I should have already guessed they’re going for this direction by the way EotM is designed, having objectives inside the outer keep walls.

Well, it certainly seems promising. I like some of the rhetoric in the interview. Chokepoints, Shrines, etc. sound interesting. I’m excited to see something new, it could be really great!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Doll Mistress.9267

Doll Mistress.9267

Hey Devon, will the new WvW updates be actually based on player feedback? On all the past CDIs, discussions and suggestions?

They’re making defense (i.e. siege and scouting) more important. What do you think………………………….


I hope this means that siege will stop decaying so quickly! On the servers with lower populations and periods of inactivity, you can’t even leave to make and eat dinner without losing all your siege…it’s crazy. It shouldn’t decay at all…or should at least remain for several hours…people need to eat and sleep!

How about making different tiers of siege that decay at different lengths of time at least? Change the pricing and supply cost to reflect the different tiers.

Also, It’s tiring to play the same servers over and over and over and over….but, after facing these enemies for so long, most would not want to merge with them(especially the legit players wouldn’t want to be with those who are constantly using exploits.) Recruiting has become difficult, communication is nearly impossible. Small servers, and those with coverage gaps need a better way. Not everyone wants to leave their server because they like the community they play with….even though others have deserted out of sheer frustration at the wvw inactivity.

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


If yall havent already seen this:

they talk a fair amount about what they mean when they say they’re making defense more important.

I’ll quote the nugget that I found to be the most informative here:

" Towers are located at chokepoints in the new borderland map, and have walls around them that guard those chokepoints, so holding a tower actually helps you control movement in the map. It helps you prevent enemy armies from making quick assaults on your keeps. There are shrines that you can take, and the more shrines you hold, the more abilities that become available to your world around your keep, so defending your home becomes easier the more shrines that you hold. It becomes more important to hold each of those strategic locations. "

I think this isn’t the apocalypse that some people feel it will be – they’ve just done a better job of designing a map

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


In response to a lot of the hatred towards EotM and its karma trains, I’d just like to point out that not everyone in the game is rolling in karma, and now that most of the PvE trains have been stomped out of existence, we’re left looking for a new place to farm it. EotM happens to be the best place at this point—that is, when OG isn’t spawn camping and aggressively hunting down every train that shows its face.

Yea its fine as a Karma Map or Exp farm, what we are saying is that is does NOTHING as a WvW Map wich was its Original design and how they launch it “Our new WvW Map EotM” no1 cares about the supply it gives to Home Bl, its just a PvE or Farm Map detached from WvW. It fills it function for other stuff, most WvW players however dosent want a promise of a New WvW-Map to end with the same result… this u must understand.

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

If they really want to resolve the problems in WvW, they will need to address the issues of population and coverage. Having said that, they could still do a number of things to improve the overall game play:

1. Add a system that rewards for events that works more like the current Silverwastes. In detail, they should reward with champ bags, etc.

2. To make it more interesting, they should also reward toward the PPT values whenever an objective is taken, but it should be on a sliding scale. For example, if you flip a T1 objective, you should get X points, a T2 should give 2X and a T3 should give 3X.

3. The points awarded should also take into account how long it takes to flip something. The faster it flips, the less you get (penalize the blob trains). So to the value in 2, apply a modifier based on the speed something flips.

4. Grant bonuses for being sneaky. If you managed to sneak a mesmer into an objective, so that you don’t have to fight anything but the lord, give a bonus for not killing the external guards before killing the internal ones (needs some refinement with timers, etc.). This will help offset the modifier from 3 for a quick flip.

The items mentioned in points 2, 3, and 4 above should not just grant PPT points, but should also affect the chest rewards mentioned in 1 in a similar way. Apply the same to EotM and you can still rescue that map to some degree.

The biggest difference between the EotM map and the new BL map is that defending the new one matters. It is worth remembering that the EotM map was intended to give a WvW-like experience when you can’t get into WvW because of queues. It can’t also be used for PPT because server size imbalances would be magnified there.

The last thing we need is more PvE rewards on a WvW map. That’s what made EotM the sorry mess it is today in the first place.

One – Piken Square

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Avit.3165


If yall havent already seen this:

they talk a fair amount about what they mean when they say they’re making defense more important.

I’ll quote the nugget that I found to be the most informative here:

" Towers are located at chokepoints in the new borderland map, and have walls around them that guard those chokepoints, so holding a tower actually helps you control movement in the map. It helps you prevent enemy armies from making quick assaults on your keeps. There are shrines that you can take, and the more shrines you hold, the more abilities that become available to your world around your keep, so defending your home becomes easier the more shrines that you hold. It becomes more important to hold each of those strategic locations. "

I think this isn’t the apocalypse that some people feel it will be – they’ve just done a better job of designing a map

One moment, please, so we won’t get 3 new and different looking BL maps, but the same 3 old BL + one new map, added to the rotation to already existed / old / maps???

WvW Community gets another EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


If yall havent already seen this:

they talk a fair amount about what they mean when they say they’re making defense more important.

I’ll quote the nugget that I found to be the most informative here:

" Towers are located at chokepoints in the new borderland map, and have walls around them that guard those chokepoints, so holding a tower actually helps you control movement in the map. It helps you prevent enemy armies from making quick assaults on your keeps. There are shrines that you can take, and the more shrines you hold, the more abilities that become available to your world around your keep, so defending your home becomes easier the more shrines that you hold. It becomes more important to hold each of those strategic locations. "

I think this isn’t the apocalypse that some people feel it will be – they’ve just done a better job of designing a map

I just hope they have designed the new map to actually reward capturing and holding a shrine and a tower (map wide rewards based on activity, so standing at spawn gets you nothing), otherwise after a while no one would bother standing in a tower for 4 hours every night making sure it isn’t flipped.

Of course, if they make it so that enemies appear on the map when they are near one of your structures then people would be able to enjoy wvw and still be able to defend.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)