WvW De-fragmentation/enhancement

WvW De-fragmentation/enhancement

in WvW

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Hello Every one,

I’ve been happy with how ANET handles the updates for GW2, however ANET completely forgot about WvW enhancement. The new map is of course good, but the current map still doesn’t offers enough game of aspects.

I believe de-fragmentation of WvW could make a lot of people including my self happier. By de-fragmentation i mean that the current way of playing is way to simple and linear in a way of zergs. There is no skill, or any strategy used to complete objectives, simply because one guy gets commander tag and every one runs after him/her zerging those objectives.

I would suggest ANET to implement some sort of strategy into the map and de-fragment objectives, so that using small 3-5 men diversion groups would be viable. This will give some enhancement to strategic game play on the field. Pretty much any change that will break such a massive exploitation of zerg strategy into smaller groups would be good.

If you have any suggestions, please don’t be afraid to share.

WvW De-fragmentation/enhancement

in WvW

Posted by: Berk.8561


I would suggest ANET to implement some sort of strategy into the map and de-fragment objectives, so that using small 3-5 men diversion groups would be viable.

In a way, this supports your point, but this sort of play is already viable and done on the lower tiered servers. I frequently solo camps and have taken a tower with one other person. Sure, the experience is uneven because of coverage and sizable zergs do happen, but if you like solo and small team play where even one person can make a big difference by scouting, defending, harassing, or soloing objectives, consider a transfer to one of the servers at the bottom like Eredon Terrace.(or Kaining, Devona’s Rest, Sorrow’s Furnace, Northern Shiverpeaks, Darkhaven, Anvil Rock, or the EU equivalent). Further, skill matters a great deal in the bottom tiers because there is a lot of solo and small team skirmishing and plenty of encounters where the odds are imbalanced but not impossible. This is why I really don’t want to see ANet merge the servers into uniform high population play. I like low population play, for the most part, and rarely have to deal with lag or queues, either.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace