(edited by mas.7401)
WvW Dead Thread
The loot system in general is very poor. Tons of trash drops and rarely anything decent. Games with good loot systems feels like playing a slot machine where every “pull” (drop) feels like it could be something fantastical. Diablo, Borderlands, etc all show exactly why a good loot system is key to keeping gamers coming back for repetitive game play.
Way fewer drops but way more quality drops is what GW2 needs in PvE and WvW.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Many issues with new bl, server locking etc, but #1 post hot issue is my wvw xp goes nowhere but rank up chests. No masteries – no reward tracks – no nothing. At least pre-hot I still had a few things not maxed like supply and golem mastery I could work towards.
With all the progression bars in pve you feel you are accomplishing something, progression needs to mean something more than a rank up chest with bleh loot in wvw….
I agree Liston, I’m in the same boot. I have tons of kinda useless ranks now.
I’m on Fissure of Woe i cant even play them, they are always empty
Anet dont care…gem sales are good and u rarely need to buy gems for wvw