What players voted for was to keep the desert borderlands. Then to rotate them in with alpine. Players make all kinds of speculations and all have their own unique motivations. To be frank, you say you rep other peoples thoughts a lot. You’ve said various things about other polls and then were proven wrong by the majoirty results. Your cynical attitude about wvw is draining to read thread after thread. Please just say your piece and stop trying to be the communities ambassador.
1) they are not even rotating the BLs. That is not even what they voted for. You are mistaken, They are going to have 2 alpine 1 DBL in play at all times, no rotation.
2) I am actually discussing this here because I was asked to. Yes, as an ambassador of sorts if you want to call it that for those I spoke to ( Players from multiple guilds in both NA an EU servers including my own as well) who had left the game over HoT when I asked them what it would take to get them back to the game. They said that ANet had to make these changes, so I came here to try and help make that happen. I am not just speaking for myself is the issue here. That is also why I think it so important to include past and present WvW players in the poll or they will never correct the mistakes that made most of the population leave in the first place. Current WvW population is MUCH smaller than it used to be and they are not even correcting the flaws that caused the majority of the players to leave.
3) You can go read the actual reasons why players said themselves why they voted he way they did. They already stated this on the numerous poll threads.
Anet said many things that they would try: to make another map, to fix it, to leave it as is, to delete it. Up until those two polls the whole issue of what to do with dbl has been undecided. That’s what the polls are about, its feedback to help them make decisions.
Again you are mistaken. Anet never said they would take it out and fix it, players were never given that option at all. I am the one that suggested that. Please show me these quotes from ANet if this is what they said they would try. What they actually said was they cannot make certain changes to the map if it is in the live game, and that if players did not vote to keep the DBL, they were not likely to make another map.
If it bothers you that much, just avoid dbl. If it angers you that much that you want to quit, the quit already.
If everyone I know that has voiced they hated the DBL quit, the game would lose thousands of WvW players instantly. I think you misunderstood the poll results.
Telling players to leave rather than voice their opinions does not increase game population, player satisfaction or game longevity and is counterproductive to improving the game. These results do not mean players are happy with them. It means since players could not get what they wanted ( have a new map without the DBL or a whole game all of the time) they chose to settle for this instead, knowing the problems that will come with it will not be easily resolved.
I’ve already gone over the community ambassador bit… Bottom line, if you don’t enjoy something don’t force your self to play it. By all means do voice your opinion. Be critical, be constructive about what your perspective is, how what we have isn’t working and move on. That’s at least productive and useful both anet and the player base.
My first large multi game guild was started on campus at University of Texas In Austin. It has over 2000 members, and many of those player play here in many guilds on many servers. I have played on numerous servers NA and EU and have many friends on both NA and EU servers. My current primary guild is a large WvW only guild. When HoT ran off many people from all these guilds, I went and asked many people scattered across BDO, ESO, Minecraft and even playing Pokemon and other games because they were so frustrated with the game at that point what it would take to bring them back because I enjoy playing this game with my friends and family. I enjoy having a game that the many of us can enjoy together. I asked both players I play with and against from a good number of different guilds. Some of what I have asked for here isn’t even something I agree with, but was what more than one person had asked for so I added it to the list. I was hoping some how some way they could be heard so that the game wouldn’t die, because as many will tell you WVW was dying. It was hemorrhaging players faster than it ever has.
If it were just me asking for things, I would say get rid of all the NPCs from WvW, but my friends disagree and think they are important so I am not asking for what I want here…
Sadly I never see those kinds of responses anymore. What I see instead is way to many people participating in a circlejerks of negativity because things didn’t go their way and no one gets anything from it, it just makes everyone tired. Spewing constant negativity about how people force them self to play gamemode that they don’t enjoy is not going to make an enjoyable experience for anyone. All it will do is make anet tired, and they will give up on this game mode again and make players that actually enjoy wvw to leave in droves. I’d rather those kinds of people that are not enjoying the game mode to say their piece and move on(and hopefully comeback if things look appealing to them) so the rest of us can enjoy what we still have.
We are not trying to make them tired, we are trying to make them fix the game so everyone can enjoy playing it. Instead, what we have been seeing is decisions being made that will make players leave the game rather than grow the population , so players are offering options to make it so no one leaves. That is far more productive than attacking other players for trying to get the needed changes done to increase the games population, player satisfaction and game longevity.
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