Heavens Rage
WvW Rankings! Whats your current Rank?
Heavens Rage
Around ~8 on 4 alts, but I don’t really care about this system at all. It shows nothing other than playtime and is pointless for people with alts. Silly system, complete waste of programming time, etc.
The system is interesting, but I’d suggest making the ranks account-wide, just to ENCOURAGE people to play whichever character they want…because as it stands right now, why should I bring my level 80 Guardian to WvW if all my work on the ranks is on my level 80 Ranger?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Why would you bring your under-leveled under-geared under-practiced wimpy character into a competitive environment is right!
Altaholic noobs.
Although I agree WXP should be account wide, that doesn’t mean you should be able to do whatever you want and succeed. Come on, we’re out of kindergarten. I am anyway.
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood
Why are folks worrying about and comparing ranks? The system is just an extension of your kill count from before, which was meaningless because tagging kills does not mean you actually contributed in a meaningful way.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
7 now – farming
want to see rank 200+
Top WXP ranks are going to be like the first people to hit rank12 in DAoC. The people who zerg all day long. Nothing to do with skill, just a big kill me sign because you know they’re bad.
drezt. daoc my homie from another motha?
Top WXP ranks are going to be like the first people to hit rank12 in DAoC. The people who zerg all day long. Nothing to do with skill, just a big kill me sign because you know they’re bad.
Q.Q out of attunement Q.Q u know me and we roamed together before im not super roamer but im not terrible either
At that rank Ballista Mastery… is there a noticeable difference? And why Ballista Mastery?
I guess that is the result of playing the best “tag class” (thief), being a commander and leading blobs for 24/7. Or am i mistaken? O.o Coz i don’t how else you got to r30 this fast haha!
Enlighten us!
most my wxp isnt from killing zergs.
it all comes from flipping keeps/towers as fast as possible with as little resistance as possible. it is only possible because of the tier my server is in and as soon as we move up/if we move up, this will no longer be possible.also tagging isnt the best option. zerg busting the same group over and over again will reward u very little.
you need to rotate which servers zerg u want to hit and space it out so that when u do hit them you will be rewarded with 40+ wxp
It’s sad that pvdoor is the optimal way to gain PVP ranks
Top WXP ranks are going to be like the first people to hit rank12 in DAoC. The people who zerg all day long. Nothing to do with skill, just a big kill me sign because you know they’re bad.
Q.Q out of attunement Q.Q u know me and we roamed together before
im not super roamer but im not terrible either
I didn’t remember your account name, Ho, sorry. You’re a good player, but I’m genuinely surprised you’re gaining rank as fast as you are when I mostly see you running 1-3 people. Maybe you’ve been using that commander tag a lot more since patch?
rank 32 anyone higher?
Just reached rank 30 with my engineer
close … you are rank 29 and working on rank 30 in that screen. (if you were rank 30 already you would have 30 points to spend, not 29)
hit Rank 30 – Soldier 10min ago
and BG/JQ stop running at SoR BL
The system is interesting, but I’d suggest making the ranks account-wide, just to ENCOURAGE people to play whichever character they want…because as it stands right now, why should I bring my level 80 Guardian to WvW if all my work on the ranks is on my level 80 Ranger?
Because you want to? Honestly, playing like the new system doesn’t exist is the best thing you can do for yourself if you are worried about alts. Stop letting a new system that isn’t integral to WvW determine how you play the game.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Top WXP ranks are going to be like the first people to hit rank12 in DAoC. The people who zerg all day long. Nothing to do with skill, just a big kill me sign because you know they’re bad.
Q.Q out of attunement Q.Q u know me and we roamed together before
im not super roamer but im not terrible either
I didn’t remember your account name, Ho, sorry. You’re a good player, but I’m genuinely surprised you’re gaining rank as fast as you are when I mostly see you running 1-3 people. Maybe you’ve been using that commander tag a lot more since patch?
fastest way to get things done if u want thing done and sadly yes been poping it alot more
I have gotten most of my 8 characters to lvl 5. I’m not in a hurry and I’m not going to stop playing all my characters for the sake of WvW progression. A lot of the enjoyment I get out of the game is playing different professions.
Just reached rank 30 with my engineer
close … you are rank 29 and working on rank 30 in that screen. (if you were rank 30 already you would have 30 points to spend, not 29)
you start at LVL 1, so the amount of point is always LVL-1 ….
I guess that is the result of playing the best “tag class” (thief), being a commander and leading blobs for 24/7. Or am i mistaken? O.o Coz i don’t how else you got to r30 this fast haha!
Enlighten us!
most my wxp isnt from killing zergs.
it all comes from flipping keeps/towers as fast as possible with as little resistance as possible. it is only possible because of the tier my server is in and as soon as we move up/if we move up, this will no longer be possible.also tagging isnt the best option. zerg busting the same group over and over again will reward u very little.
you need to rotate which servers zerg u want to hit and space it out so that when u do hit them you will be rewarded with 40+ wxpIt’s sad that pvdoor is the optimal way to gain PVP ranks
Yep. That’s all the rank system has done….giant zergs of 40 to 60 people running around capping things as fast as they can with no desire to actually fight other players and zero consideration given to defense.
Not sure this rank system added anything except YAG (yet another grind).
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
I guess that is the result of playing the best “tag class” (thief), being a commander and leading blobs for 24/7. Or am i mistaken? O.o Coz i don’t how else you got to r30 this fast haha!
Enlighten us!
most my wxp isnt from killing zergs.
it all comes from flipping keeps/towers as fast as possible with as little resistance as possible. it is only possible because of the tier my server is in and as soon as we move up/if we move up, this will no longer be possible.also tagging isnt the best option. zerg busting the same group over and over again will reward u very little.
you need to rotate which servers zerg u want to hit and space it out so that when u do hit them you will be rewarded with 40+ wxpIt’s sad that pvdoor is the optimal way to gain PVP ranks
Yep. That’s all the rank system has done….giant zergs of 40 to 60 people running around capping things as fast as they can with no desire to actually fight other players and zero consideration given to defense.
Not sure this rank system added anything except YAG (yet another grind).
That’s weird, because that’s how people played before this update as well.
most my wxp isnt from killing zergs.
it all comes from flipping keeps/towers as fast as possible with as little resistance as possible. it is only possible because of the tier my server is in and as soon as we move up/if we move up, this will no longer be possible.also tagging isnt the best option. zerg busting the same group over and over again will reward u very little.
you need to rotate which servers zerg u want to hit and space it out so that when u do hit them you will be rewarded with 40+ wxp
This just made me ignore my rank even more then I already do.
I guess that is the result of playing the best “tag class” (thief), being a commander and leading blobs for 24/7. Or am i mistaken? O.o Coz i don’t how else you got to r30 this fast haha!
Enlighten us!
most my wxp isnt from killing zergs.
it all comes from flipping keeps/towers as fast as possible with as little resistance as possible. it is only possible because of the tier my server is in and as soon as we move up/if we move up, this will no longer be possible.also tagging isnt the best option. zerg busting the same group over and over again will reward u very little.
you need to rotate which servers zerg u want to hit and space it out so that when u do hit them you will be rewarded with 40+ wxpIt’s sad that pvdoor is the optimal way to gain PVP ranks
Yep. That’s all the rank system has done….giant zergs of 40 to 60 people running around capping things as fast as they can with no desire to actually fight other players and zero consideration given to defense.
Not sure this rank system added anything except YAG (yet another grind).
oh you do defend but you wait till they idle around long enough to be worth 40+ wxp… defending can be much more rewarding than taking a keep at times cuze if a 15+ group all worth 40wxp+ thats 600 wxp in less than 2min
Once again, Anet shows a lack of understanding in risk versus reward. Pretty much all of the things that are bad in this game involve too much reward for too little risk.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Top WXP ranks are going to be like the first people to hit rank12 in DAoC. The people who zerg all day long. Nothing to do with skill, just a big kill me sign because you know they’re bad.
However, unlike DAoC’s abilities one earned from rps, wxp abilities are pointless for PvPers.
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be
Just reached rank 30 with my engineer
close … you are rank 29 and working on rank 30 in that screen. (if you were rank 30 already you would have 30 points to spend, not 29)
sry, but you’re wrong on the screen you can see that I was rank 30^^
btw reached 34, 1 hour ago
Why would you bring your under-leveled under-geared under-practiced wimpy character into a competitive environment is right!
Altaholic noobs.
Although I agree WXP should be account wide, that doesn’t mean you should be able to do whatever you want and succeed. Come on, we’re out of kindergarten. I am anyway.
All my ten alts have full exotics and are fully geared for wvw including foods, etc – want to change your statement now? (oh wait, the engi isn’t, he missing one piece as it was so kitten awful before updates).
As for underpracticed, got to admit you got me there- my thief and engi won’t win any awards for ‘most skilled’.
I played GW for years, the ability to play multiple classes and builds VERY well was something you needed in 2-3 players in a top guild so they could sort out builds, although now I am older it’s getting harder to react fast enough (or care enough sometimes) to deal with certain situations.
Got 3 or 4 to rank 4 or 5 so far- while your sort of player will no doubt be ‘leet’ rank 20 on one toon and soon will be moaning about people playing alts when you needed them for that 25% extra bally damage or 4 more supply, which they don’t have as unlike you they can play more than one class and prefer to, and are being kitten for it by Anet.
Sucks how rank isn’t even worth bragging about. Higher rank implies larger and more frequent zerging and no has no correlation to player skill.
In other words its a terrible system.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
Holy kitten Ho. Go to sleep, man.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
(edited by John Widdin.9618)
Kitten even kill/death ratio would be better.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
IMO WvW rank progression is a waste of time, it’s not adding any fun to the game and it isn’t adding anything really useful either compared to the time you put into it.
Everyone can simply gather/grind points running from tower/event to tower/event so I wouldn’t consider any higher ranked people good/experienced players anyway.
Beg to differ. Ballista spread shot rips groups apart + 25% more damage + Faster projectiles + Longer range
It essentially turns a ballista cheese shredder. So much more useful than it was before.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
Also, I’d like clarification on why this is player based and not account based? I’m sure it’s out there somewhere…
To hazard a guess, it’s because they would like the option of people to build two different WvW characters in entirety. Say one with the “anti guard/mercenary” points for taking NPCs down fast, or someone with the siege bonuses to damage to man catapults/rams . . . or someone whose sole purpose is to run supply at full bonus around the map.
It’s meant to be a means of customizing more than one character, I think. However . . . if it can’t get reset or “respec’d” then it’s . . . kind of a pain, and I would LIKE to see the ranks shared but the points independently used.
Not going to bash anyone because I don’t care, but I will just say that WvW ranks would of been much better/meaningful if it had been based entirely on player kills. With that they would need to add map wide announcements of “xxx killed xxx” so that we could report anyone abusing the system such as what happened in DAoC and WAR.
There is still the opportunity for ANET to do this, it is an MMO after all.. constantly growing, changing, progressing… “wink wink”
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard
Commander Icon doesn’t designate a leader, WvW rank doesn’t equate to your PvP skill level, and pigs don’t fly.
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest
Not going to bash anyone because I don’t care, but I will just say that WvW ranks would of been much better/meaningful if it had been based entirely on player kills. With that they would need to add map wide announcements of “xxx killed xxx” so that we could report anyone abusing the system such as what happened in DAoC and WAR.
There is still the opportunity for ANET to do this, it is an MMO after all.. constantly growing, changing, progressing… “wink wink”
For the sake of my ego, I’d rather not have another game where my deaths are trumpeted about and people can keep track of how often I die vs be killed. I stopped playing TF2 because I would get flak for “just plain sucking”. (And I do, oh goodness do I suck…)
my rank
Just reached rank 30 with my engineer
close … you are rank 29 and working on rank 30 in that screen. (if you were rank 30 already you would have 30 points to spend, not 29)
wrong, you don’t get an ability point for rank 1
is this the “i don’t know what rl is” or “look at my e-kitten” thread?
Close to that Arson, it’s the “look-how-much people-I’ve-killed-to-achieve-this-awesome-rank” thread, which is absolutely legit.
A thief is the highest rank in WvW? Nowai!
Cluster bomb = many kills.
rank 100, i’m a Seafarer’s Rest Chuck Norris
Rank 10. This whole full time job and easter family time is killing my wvw addiction.
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
Because he’s lying prolly.
Even if he isn’t, he’s spent more time in this game than anyone. At least give the man something a precursor since I know in all those hours playing he got got and bags full of junk and crappy blues.
{{80 ele Soap 80 engi Flush}}
Because he’s lying prolly.
Even if he isn’t, he’s spent more time in this game than anyone. At least give the man something a precursor since I know in all those hours playing he got got and bags full of junk and crappy blues.
thx but i already have the legendaries i want.
appreciate the though
Just reached rank 50
= footman still 5k per rank
I´m proud of u my homie
worldwide first ???
(edited by Raniri.6178)
Last I checked I was still registered as “Assaulter”… but that was two days and 108 kills ago. So who knows.
I still think it’s funny that just before this update I had just started my alt in WvW. My previous char has been in WvW since launch and now I’m not even working with her currently.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)