WvW Suggestion Wishlist
1. Skills/class balance
2. WVW unique skins
3. Repeatable HoT tracks ( sick of grinding)
4. Map rotation
5. Make wvw less blobbular ( don’t think this is possible)
6. 1 month re links
Not in any order except for #1
I will double it here too.
Look at the more important things atm:
1) Sometimes character gets stuck after evade/dodge, especially if he gets CCed (usually knockbacked) at the beginning/during dodge/evade. Skills to watch: dodge, Burning Retreat, Riposting Shadows, Surge of the Mists etc. Sometimes you need to press movement button again, sometimes you have to write /dance to unstuck.
2) Earthshaker/Phase Smash doesn’t hit ground if you stand on different terrain level than target area. It should hit.
3) Revenant ground skills does not have proper area marker. Hammer 2 should have the same animation as Fire Keep Lord’s hammer attack in Desert Borderland. Same goes for Mace 2 and Axe 5. There should not be ground skills in the game that does not have area marker on the ground.
Hammer 1 is also half transparent skill which makes it very hard to see. The same problem is with necro staff 1, but necro’s attack at least low damage and slow projectile that can be sidestepped. Rev can do up to 7k with Hammer 1 with passive busts from traits and animation of this skill should be obvisious.
4) In Alphine Borderland you can build invulnurable trebs/catas near defenders spawn and treb NE/NW towers and garry, this should be fixed.
Suggestions to WvW:
1) Don’t return Desert Borderland until you completely rework it.
2) Remove as many as possible chokes from open field in Alphine Borderlands: near SE and SW camps, bridge near hills, bridge near SE tower, choke near Henry (wurm), if it is possible redesign zigzags near NW and NE towers, etc.
3) Redesign bay outer so defenders can have a chance once attackers break into inner. Atm if attackers breach outer they can build trebs on outer wall and treb every siege inside, which makes inner defence pointless.
4) Redesign scoring system so it will benefit players for winning fight inside and outside objective, and punish for capping undefended or not defending upgraded objectives (in other words, for running away from fights).
5) Don’t involve PvE into WvW anymore. WvW Upgrades, Improvements and Tactics should not be farmed in PvE to be used in WvW. Never cross these game modes again, please. Make +5 Aura more accessible for new/small guilds. Give WvW players access to PvE only food and runes/sigil from HoT maps.
6) Start a new tournament with good rewards.
Agree with OP. We don’t want to vote about portable mortars, we want to vote on what you do next because the past has shown you dont know where the real problems are and we have to tell you.
so here are my priorities as i see it right now:
- population balance / world linking
- redesign skills / combat (general guidelines: less cheese, less damage)
- scoring improvments (coverage)
- break up /weaken map-switching megablobs
(edited by Steelo.4597)
Make alpine flatter so I don’t have to take falling damage to go kittening anywhere or misjudge a height and wind up dead.