WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay
While the World vs. World team investigates an issue with tournament reward chest distribution, we are temporarily delaying access to the rewards that would have otherwise been available on the Battle Historian on June 3rd. We hope this will help prevent further compounding the issue, and avoiding unnecessary confusion while we work to resolve the problem. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for listening to our feedback, this is the right step to take.
Allowing the rewards vendor to give out weapons would have been a disaster when a large population of players did not have their tickets.
Hopefully, you guys can quickly resolve the issue.
I’m not worried, I trust anet to fix whatever issue happened.
and that allows me to continue to enjoy the game without focusing on 1 minor glitch
all this gimme gimme gimme is childish, it’s all pixels people! grow up a little.
Its not about the skin. Its about the principle. Plain and simple.
Honestly, i don’t even really care about the skin, either. I’ve learned to deal with BS by just laughing about it, since no matter what I say or do, the powers-at-be always churn out the most mind-numbingly pathetic “solution” in every situation. I just figured I’d put my two cents in defending the people with concerns from all the ridiculous white knights defending a multi-million-dollar corporation lol. Go ahead and say I’m QQing. IDC. I’ll just LMFAO. :P
Its not about the skin. Its about the principle. Plain and simple.
Honestly, i don’t even really care about the skin, either. I’ve learned to deal with BS by just laughing about it, since no matter what I say or do, the powers-at-be always churn out the most mind-numbingly pathetic “solution” in every situation. I just figured I’d put my two cents in defending the people with concerns from all the ridiculous white knights defending a multi-million-dollar corporation lol. Go ahead and say I’m QQing. IDC. I’ll just LMFAO. :P
Anet is not a multi-million cooporation. You must be thinking of NCsoft that does not do any developing. Anet is a 200-300 ppl company. Their resources are more limited..
And man this forum is amazingly poisonous….Guys if they do not delay the reward giving they will not be able to fix it as it will be impossible to track what is correct and what is wrong…That was probably the reason they could not solve season 1 issues. It is a good choice concerning the circumstances.
This whole bug thing is bad but really…chill out let them work the details and start flaming if they fail first
Its not about the skin. Its about the principle. Plain and simple.
Honestly, i don’t even really care about the skin, either. I’ve learned to deal with BS by just laughing about it, since no matter what I say or do, the powers-at-be always churn out the most mind-numbingly pathetic “solution” in every situation. I just figured I’d put my two cents in defending the people with concerns from all the ridiculous white knights defending a multi-million-dollar corporation lol. Go ahead and say I’m QQing. IDC. I’ll just LMFAO. :P
Anet is not a multi-million cooporation. You must be thinking of NCsoft that does not do any developing. Anet is a 200-300 ppl company. Their resources are more limited..
And man this forum is amazingly poisonous….Guys if they do not delay the reward giving they will not be able to fix it as it will be impossible to track what is correct and what is wrong…That was probably the reason they could not solve season 1 issues. It is a good choice concerning the circumstances.
This whole bug thing is bad but really…chill out let them work the details and start flaming if they fail first
I have the most amazing oceanfront property in Kentucky that I would love to sell you. <3
WoW im only in page 2 and i can see soo much QQ.
Guys, i didnt recieve s1 or s2 chest, i know its annoying and hell im mad but 1st complainning about them not letting you get your rewards, well its simple, as many have sayed and i confirmed with some friends from other realms, not everyone was correctly given a prize, some gained 1st place when they were 5th and so on, saying that those who did get the prize should just spend it is wrong. Just let them fix the problem, yes its been here before, they still are scratching their kitten wondering how to fix it but hopefully they learned with this one and will fix it this time for s3.
Good decision A-net, just take your time now and fix it and not rush it and blow it up again.
3 things came to mind when I saw this post.
1. 9 weeks later and you guys can’t manage to get this right.
2. compensation is appropriate due to your inefficiencies.
3. Someone should prob be fire. a.k.a whoever oversees wvw
Leader of ninja ops
well, no more money from me on their gem store until they treat me like a valued customer. i’ve given anet over $150 since launch aside from the regular purchase of the game. but, if they don’t care to fix things in a timely fashion and continue to neglect their player base (especially with wvw), then why should i give them my money? no one pays someone to do a bad job. In real life, people get fired for that, not paid.
As someone who played daily in the tournament and put in a lot of hours to help our server get 1st place, I have not yet received any reward either…. Stop aiming your anger to the WvW team. As far as I know there are only a few dedicated Dev’s on the WvW Team…. They have very little resources given to them by ANet and aren’t doing bad considering…. Instead I suggest ANet realize that WvW is important for a big player base and you maybe transfer a few of your army of PvP dev’s to help out on the overburdened WvW dev’s.
ANet have also been very focused on the Chinese release
Sorry if I’m parroting someone, didn’t read every page of this thread, saw too much complaining.
IMHO the simplest way to fix this would be to simply create a new wvw reward token, with a new item ID, and code the Battle Historian to recognize that item ID…in that case the boxes would be re-distributed, the old tokens would be useless, and can simply be deleted from your inventory (or kept if you’re a pack rat).
I don’t think it’s worth splitting hairs and making things more complicated than this for the sake of some wvw ranks, boosters and greens, it’s the tokens everyone wants and would like to be functional. I wouldn’t complain if someone got a few extra boosters because they got two chests.
Sorry if I’m parroting someone, didn’t read every page of this thread, saw too much complaining.
IMHO the simplest way to fix this would be to simply create a new wvw reward token, with a new item ID, and code the Battle Historian to recognize that item ID…in that case the boxes would be re-distributed, the old tokens would be useless, and can simply be deleted from your inventory (or kept if you’re a pack rat).
I don’t think it’s worth splitting hairs and making things more complicated than this for the sake of some wvw ranks, boosters and greens, it’s the tokens everyone wants and would like to be functional. I wouldn’t complain if someone got a few extra boosters because they got two chests.
Thats a great idea in all honesty. Only issue that I see with it is that the reward chests also had WxP worth two levels, three random weapons, and a metabolic primer, so basically junk, except imo the WxP levels. Still, people will qq over junk.
Not happy. I wanted my rewards on the 30th. I was already unhappy about having to wait until the 3rd, but now we have to wait an unspecified amount of time?
When was the meta actually supposed to be completed by? I know several people who finished it over the weekend and now have their chest while I finished the meta around week two and still have no chest. Is ANET going to take their chest away if the meta was supposed to be completed by the end of the tournament?
Lol at the qqing. Meanwhile I still haven’t received my season 1 rewards yet after getting a ‘soon’ response to the bug. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
This is quite funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Thank you for keeping us updated :) I’m sad this could take a while but I’m also happy for those who got the wrong ticket amount, as this move seems to be a way of heading off a potential logistical nightmare between them and support. This appears to be a smart, efficient decision.
Good luck on sorting this out, devs! Excited to get a lovely mistforged weapon when it’s ready.
>Is bored of GW2
>Season 2 launches and is no longer bored and excited for new rewards
>Works kitten off day and night to help server do well
>Season end
>Aw yis reward time
>Gets chest
>Not allowed to get reward due to no vendor
>Find out about the thousands of players without chest including hundreds of guildies
>All players now not allowed the promised reward regardless of chest being received or not
>Gets sad when realises Anet is still full of kitten
>Knows reward will most likely never come
>Has wasted 150+ hours for nothing
no wvw ticket here either for me…finished the meta early on….was a very long season and now have to wait even longer for the reward…frustrating….
Thank you for keeping us updated
I’m sad this could take a while but I’m also happy for those who got the wrong ticket amount, as this move seems to be a way of heading off a potential logistical nightmare between them and support. This appears to be a smart, efficient decision.
Good luck on sorting this out, devs! Excited to get a lovely mistforged weapon when it’s ready.
‘smart and efficient’ would have involved actually testing it, putting in the vendors so they were ready after the end of the season (not days afterwards) and not making such a ballsup in the first place.
People aren’t actually that bothered about what the reward is, what gets people riled is the total lack of attention wvw gets and this is just another example of skimping on resources/time/effort on wvw.
I’ll add to my infraction count now by adding that my previous comments about one part time intern working on wvw seems to be entirely accurate..even the wvw co ordinator now has wvw/spvp and something else in her job description, and we can all see where the efforts are made. (clue: not here).
Some people still come and can say “lol at qq. look at those children, they are crying for their pixel weapons”. Those people have NO idea about concerns in this topic.
Letting only a small number of people for WvW improvement is not an excuse.
Focusing on Chinese release is not an excuse.
They had 9 weeks + 1 week to make everything right. Instead, they added 0 improvement for WvW in 3rd June’s patch. NONE. ZERO. There is not any single positive improvement for WvW (all in all it is just 3 bullets). However, they are keep adding stuff to gem store (and skill facts to skills lel).
I got my chest but seeing people that haven’t rewarded for even Season 1 is frightening. Obviously, it makes me think that if one day I encounter such a bug, ANet won’t fix it. Why? Because they will still have a small WvW team or they will focusing on GW2 release in Antarctica (penguins love games).
And reward bug is just a small subset of WvW. Some servers had (maybe still have) lots of exploiters through 9 weeks of tournaments. Those exploits have been in game since day -3. The only action they take so far is closing and deleting threads about it. No punishment (it is a fact since same servers had players to use exploits) or fixes for the actual problem. They just silenced people that want to see a fix.
(edited by Phoenixlin.8624)
I think its fine waiting a week but if I was them if they cant solve it by then then they should just blanket reward everyone with top rewards, an apology and a promise to get it sorted by next season. We can then all move on despite the inevitable cries of those who said they worked hard for the top rewards.
I think its fine waiting a week but if I was them if they cant solve it by then then they should just blanket reward everyone with top rewards, an apology and a promise to get it sorted by next season. We can then all move on despite the inevitable cries of those who said they worked hard for the top rewards.
Yes, please blanket reward. I wanted the Mini Dolyak as well as a Mistforged Weapon but Mag only got 5th (…but we still beat DB >:D)
My account name is Klergic.2356. Toon name Klergic. I have the chest showing up that I am supposed to receive it but never actually received it. I would like to know if it will actually be showing up on my account. I can provide a screen capture if needed.
What bothers me is this patch fixed a whole bunch of kitten that didn’t need fixed (three dozen new tooltips? WOW! Booster Dust? I totally needed to turn my useless boosters into another useless booster!) where that time could have been spent on getting people their rewards. And while, yes, there are different teams for different parts of the game, it really goes to show WHERE the people are and aren’t. If there are enough people to screw around fixing tooltips, there should be enough people to fix a problem that (1) shouldn’t have happened, (2) but since it did should have been at least addressed by now.
I wouldn’t be half as upset about it if Season One wasn’t such a debacle. But it really hurts to see useless PvE updates (Boss Blitz getting easier at Bronze? Yes, please, reward people for sucking entirely, giving ridiculous loot and exp for repetitive grinding, but don’t reward people for playing well for two months when they already get worse than pitiful loot) and we don’t even know if we’ll GET a fix. And especially now that the people that didn’t get bent over initially are in the same boat. Which may be a necessary step to fix the problem, but IS it going to be fixed?
tl;dr WvW already gets the short end of the stick, please at least this one time actually do something for us
1. Change the tickets that were given out already to grey items. Let people sell them for 1s each or something so they won’t complain
2. Fix the bug
3. Redistribute the chests with a new ticket item inside, make sure the vendor accepts the correct ticketsno rollbacks needed
Upboat this guy, this could work!
Do we need to register somewhere that we did not get reward chest ?
I just hope Anet are not involved in the world cup – “And the Winner Is —- oops where did we put Trophy”
Seriously they need to start issueing compensation for the never ending poor treatment of players.
Wow. i just don’t know anymore. i know you guys (Anet) are trying to deliver a product to us that we enjoy/try to enjoy. i know you aren’t actively acting with malice in how things are rolling out, so I am trying really hard to not be super sour here, but look at some of this from the other side:
There were tons of us that put in A LOT of time and energy into season one and didn’t even get the meta, and then there were those that DID and didn’t see their rewards for it until season two started. We were told things would be better/easier the second time around and you even increased the length of the season. Some of us jumped back in and put in even more time the second season in the hopes that the outcome would be different. And now this.
Please just get it resolved in a reasonable time or you can consider any potential third season a failure.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Do we need to register somewhere that we did not get reward chest ?
I just hope Anet are not involved in the world cup – “And the Winner Is —- oops where did we put Trophy”
Seriously they need to start issueing compensation for the never ending poor treatment of players.
$10 for the zodiac armor they de-nippled would be a nice start…
I’ve got a list [and not just for Anet], but I’ll just keep it to that example, since the retroactive changes of direct purchases was the most egregious example of poor treatment of customers that i can come up with atm for Anet.
I’ve just been in game. They seem to have a plan. They have changed the graphics of the WvW reward tickets from a lion to a castle turret, maybe to differentiate them from new tickets they may issue?
Has anyone ever heard of testing releases using the people that actually play the game? No, we do it in house and it works as intended. Welcome to Glitch Wars 2. Please buy more gems.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Has anyone ever heard of testing releases using the people that actually play the game? No, we do it in house and it works as intended. Welcome to Glitch Wars 2. Please buy more gems.
You are aware that they have (or at least had) alpha testers from the community right?
It is of course possible that they stopped with that after that kitten decided to post stuff from those forums though.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Ready Up episode also said 3rd of June… Give us the reward promised us so I can be happy again QQ.. Also, release Rox’ Bow and Quiver again!!!!!!!!
Why am i not surprised, having played this game since pre-launch. I actually EXPECT issues when ever Anet does an update – That says it all. All we get is terrible rehashed “content” though i wouldn’t really call WvW seasons content because it’s not its basically the same as every other week you just have Achievements to farm. They even manage to mess THAT up.
All it was is achievements to unlock a chest and some how, some how you still manage to fail at that
the incompetence shown, time and time again is rather staggering, sure they might not be the biggest of companies but to have issues with EVERY update says something they are doing is wrong and they haven’t managed to pin point it and fix it (if they actually care!)
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Didn’t see this coming…. HA. HA. HA.
It’s like I said in the past. Stop buying gems, quit playing WvW, go wreck EoTM like it should be.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Just a question: I only did the meta achievement in Edge of the Mists but didn’t get a reward. Is this due to the bug (lol again you did it Anet) or is it be cause I never was in other WvW parts? My Server was placed 1st.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I have the worst feeling that because I’m moving and won’t be getting into my new house until sometime mid-july, I’m going to be screwed out of my hard earned reward.
OK, so in an ANET world I go into a restaurant and because some customer’s food got burned, poisoned and got half-eaten by worms the rest of the customers MUST wait till they sort it out…. Not bad…
Anyway how the hell is this restaurant selling burned-poisoned food? For money….
Why don’t they check the chefs before they do any food, and why don’t they fire the bartender too?
Oh, I have a message from my antivirus company:
“Sorry but since some of our customers could not update the product we disable every update possibilities until we sort this out. It can take up to half year. Thanks for your patience.”
I have the tokens… my fianceé and the third of my guildies not….
Again… terrible ANET fail. They cannot do a single kittening thing right.
Their PR is unacceptable (I would risk a “kitten” here…).
But do not worry the season 2 is coming out, and everyone will be happy to do the new events…. Or not….
well after this little update…….and guess what still no wvw reward chest………………………………..
Where is my WvW S2 reward chest ? I have done all AP for WvW S2 and still waiting for that incredible Chest to spawn. For real anet, this is another disapointment.
Home: Black Gate
Guild: We The Farmers [WTF]
Any news about this issue ? At least they should keep us posted or give some info about progress, ETA, … something …
After the patch today,i did not see any reward again from Season2.What is happening?
I did the achievments so i do not understand why i di not take the reward while others have allready taken it.
@Vorlon: read the thread from the beginning…. You will see…
After the patch today,i did not see any reward again from Season2.What is happening?
I did the achievments so i do not understand why i di not take the reward while others have allready taken it.
The patch notes did not say that they fixed the issue with the chests. All we know is that they (ANet) are “working on it” and it will be given to us ASAP. We dont know when that is. But, in case you havent done this already:
Log into your WvW BL
Switch to another WvW BL from your BL
Switch to EBG
Switch to your WvW BL
Thats what I did. If that doesnt work, your SOL until ANet fixes it.
Meanwhile lets have another CDI just for the heck of it….
ultimately whatever the reason for the problem is , it makes it look like they only cared about the cash grab in starting up China and KNOWINGLY launched wvw season 2 with no fix for the meta achievement bug and didnt care and didnt try to fix it during all the time between season 1 and 2 AND all the time during season 2 to try and avoid this ridiculous problem…the truth may be different , but when you continually screw up like this with the same problem from season to season, appearances are what matter
Some people still come and can say “lol at qq. look at those children, they are crying for their pixel weapons”. Those people have NO idea about concerns in this topic.
Letting only a small number of people for WvW improvement is not an excuse.
Focusing on Chinese release is not an excuse.They had 9 weeks + 1 week to make everything right. Instead, they added 0 improvement for WvW in 3rd June’s patch. NONE. ZERO. There is not any single positive improvement for WvW (all in all it is just 3 bullets). However, they are keep adding stuff to gem store (and skill facts to skills lel).
I got my chest but seeing people that haven’t rewarded for even Season 1 is frightening. Obviously, it makes me think that if one day I encounter such a bug, ANet won’t fix it. Why? Because they will still have a small WvW team or they will focusing on GW2 release in Antarctica (penguins love games).
And reward bug is just a small subset of WvW. Some servers had (maybe still have) lots of exploiters through 9 weeks of tournaments. Those exploits have been in game since day -3. The only action they take so far is closing and deleting threads about it. No punishment (it is a fact since same servers had players to use exploits) or fixes for the actual problem. They just silenced people that want to see a fix.
Oh dont missunderstanding me, yes i was one of the repliers that saying oh so much QQ, but i already gave up on the Devs and quality that they gave to us players and i compleatly agree on what you sayed in the end, that they see players exploiting in the tournament and yet they done nothing yet besides say that they know it happened, will they improve their ways, im really sure they wont, should we players just give up on the game, oh i still have hopes of that but every time i add a new bad thing to my long list of bad things just keeps lowering my hopes, so what can we do?
Just a question: I only did the meta achievement in Edge of the Mists but didn’t get a reward. Is this due to the bug (lol again you did it Anet) or is it be cause I never was in other WvW parts? My Server was placed 1st.
Well, its a bug. But I dont really want you to get the rewards as you didnt actually do WvW, you just did EoTM ktrain. It should have been based on individual contributions to WvW, and the meta should not have been able to be gotten from EoTM. Im not trying to be an WvW Elitist, but EoTM isnt actually WvW. EoTM should not get the same rewards I worked my butt of for weeks to get. I actually contributed to my server. You really didnt.
Thats not a personal statement; I dont really know you. You could be a great guy. But I had to use an example, and you popped up.
And you’ll prolly get your 500 tickets (I only got 300 for my hours of work) when ANet manages to find the bug.
Unbelievable! The logic of most being forced to wait while a small portion of the players are receiving errors is just ridiculous. I sympathize for you guys waiting, but in the real world (to whoever decided on this delay) , you’d be broke or run out of business making a company policy/decision like this.
Think about it —- A few customers genuinely qualified for a rebate on their insurance, but due to a staffing error did not receive it. So..to all the other customers who got their check can’t cash it until those customers get resolved..which could take months.
(edited by viencia.8574)