(edited by Kitta.3657)
WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release
When in doubt, please check posting history. It clears things up quickly and stops you from wasting your time.
Yes, when you see that someone more often than not supports whatever changes or decisions Anet makes take their comments and opinions with a grain of salt.
Haha, aw, I lub you too :P
Mine isn’t really a support thing. It’s more of a glass-half-full polyanna thing.
For all the people claiming so hard that they are representing everyone: here’s a poll on the WvW forums that are being officially recommended by Anet for anything related to matchups, thus quite a lot of people at least know of this forum and is representative of at least a portion of hardcore WvW players. It is not representative of the whole WvW whatsoever but I mean, if we’re gonna assume we speak for the majority of people let me at least show you what this side thinks of it.
Lol only 67 people has answered the poll. “Representative”. The discussion on reset came up during friday reset when we had more people than this on a single border TS channel. Guess how many where positive of the change? I will give u a hint: its a number between 0 and 1 with a 1 person margin of error.
For all the people claiming so hard that they are representing everyone: here’s a poll on the WvW forums that are being officially recommended by Anet for anything related to matchups, thus quite a lot of people at least know of this forum and is representative of at least a portion of hardcore WvW players. It is not representative of the whole WvW whatsoever but I mean, if we’re gonna assume we speak for the majority of people let me at least show you what this side thinks of it.
Lol only 67 people has answered the poll. “Representative”. The discussion on reset came up during friday reset when we had more people than this on a single border TS channel. Guess how many where positive of the change? I will give u a hint: its a number between 0 and 1 with a 1 person margin of error.
You are literally missing my point.
“at least a portion” and I am talking about the website.
And then I added “It is not representative of the whole WvW whatsoever”, your response is selective reading 101.
My whole point was to not present your opinion as fact for everyone.
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Is there a formal but simple way for ANet to poll WvW players what they want?
Give the process sufficient publicity & time for such a “Poll” to take place with a lot of transparency of where the favorable opinion is leaning to?
Also, the process would need to prevent abusive voting…
Like setup an NPC in WvW somewhere that will take a players vote?
Use the WvW Forum here to create the question & define the choices.
We could use this mechanism in the future in helping to decide other things that impact the WvW Community.
NPC that will spawn in a Home World’s Primary Spawn Point that gathers Votes from WvW players on Decisions that will impact the WvW or Home World Community. Free Accounts are not allowed to vote
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Yes. This.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible. By that I don’t mean to discount your passion or refute your passion. But if you write your thoughts as briefly as possible, that ensures that the team has the time — in what is an incredibly busy time for our company — to read all your thoughts in an efficient and meaningful way. Thanks for that.
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
The solution is obvious; have reset on Saturday for a week or two so you can fix bugs then move it back to Friday so the quality WvW time is Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday instead of Saturday evening, Sunday and Monday.
Realistically Saturday should stay for a couple of months even if they intend to move it back.
This is a major release. The post implementation storm of bugs and bugs from fixes to the bugs will take a month, maybe two.
The adjustment will just have to happen, whether it is switching raid days or just flat doing other things.
I plan to wvw less with somewhat some relief. The gamemode just doesn’t lend itself to be hardcore. I think the game will be more enjoyable once I stop ice skating uphill.
Constructive feedback: have more resets so more people can experience reset rush. Also have reset on Fridays, give Anet employees Fridays off and have that extra work day on Sunday. I think those suggestions adequately line up with Anet’s statements.
Thanks for offering a constructive suggestion. But wouldn’t that sort of tilt things, to have multiple resets? I’m not an expert on competitive play, and I’d leave and assessment for the people who are more knowledgeable. But it seems to me there’s a reason for the resets not happening on a more frequent basis.
How do others see this suggestion? (Remember, I have no influence on this, I’m just genuinely curious!)
Gaile, sorry I was being somewhat sarcastic. :p Increasing frequency is one way of increasing opportunities for participation to more people.
Giving serious consideration to your question though, tilt things in what way? If a match is 2 days in length, then competition will depend upon those 2 days worth of population only so does it matter what the population of a server any other day outside of that match is? I don’t see how it is much different from a 3-hour EOTM match, which seems to have the most participation within the first hour. The beginning of a match is always exciting. The ending of said match is only exciting if the score is close. That’s true of any sport. Maybe it would tilt the leaderboard, I don’t know.
That said, I always thought the reason for a weekly reset every Friday was because that’s the first night of the weekend. Moving it to Saturday takes away half of the weekend.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Yes. This.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible. By that I don’t mean to discount your passion or refute your passion. But if you write your thoughts as briefly as possible, that ensures that the team has the time — in what is an incredibly busy time for our company — to read all your thoughts in an efficient and meaningful way. Thanks for that.
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
Hi Gray, it’s me again, first of all i would suggest you this solution.
So Gray, 3 weeks of temporary Saturday reset, then we would like to see that you promise us that WvW reset will be back as it was all this years.
If you want reasons and constructive arguments why, i don’t want to spam double so read this, it’s not short because it cannot be described in 2 words, sorry:
EDIT: Gary, sorry i forgot to correct you. NO majority did not vote for Satuday evening, neither morning, but FRIDAY, and by that i mean 1000+ players in my strawpoll + responses from guild leaders of EU. I don’t want to play political game here, so lets keep things straight. In this case you are asking us for NON-FRIDAY solution, and we are giving you optimal solution: We can land on agreement for temporary 3 Saturday evening weeks if that’s ok for you. But Gary, if we think about it, if you need any longer then that, this means something happened in Anet in between 2013-2015 which forced you to release this game in very bad shape.No matter what methodology you run in company, you should be able to make stable playable WvW game version in less then 3 weeks.
Thx to tyrian gods, you guys did departure from NCsoft, I hope things will be better now.
I dont want to be rude, statistics also show that FSP, Gandara, SFR, Kodash and Desolution all servers had 70% bigger queues on this friday then saturday. So political move, that did shift WvW reset because of more new people, was very unsportsmanlike move.
(edited by Firelysm.4967)
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Yes. This.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible. By that I don’t mean to discount your passion or refute your passion. But if you write your thoughts as briefly as possible, that ensures that the team has the time — in what is an incredibly busy time for our company — to read all your thoughts in an efficient and meaningful way. Thanks for that.
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
As it is, I feel betrayed. This change happened less than 2 weeks before the release of HoT. There was no hint that this was coming and it was never demanded by WvW players. Then, as we know, ANeT changed it to earlier and that turned out to screw over even more players. so they went back to the evening plan. Still screws a lot of players.
Seriously, I have played this game for over 7,000 hours and have enjoyed WvW reset for the last 3 years. However, my last reset was the 16th of October. I, and my guild, can no longer enjoy the EXCITEMENT of reset due to this ninja change. Sure, we’ll be able to play in WvW during the week some time but we will never again get to experience what we have enjoyed. This change is unwarranted and un-demanded.
I understand delaying reset for the new HoT release. Make sure everything works. I’m excited about it and will be adventuring forth. However, I want to return to our usual excitement of Friday reset as soon as possible.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
For all the people claiming so hard that they are representing everyone: here’s a poll on the WvW forums that are being officially recommended by Anet for anything related to matchups, thus quite a lot of people at least know of this forum and is representative of at least a portion of hardcore WvW players. It is not representative of the whole WvW whatsoever but I mean, if we’re gonna assume we speak for the majority of people let me at least show you what this side thinks of it.
So please, just stop presenting your opinion as fact for everyone. It is NOT reality, it is your point of view.
And at this point they have come back on the first decision to please the ones asking for more weekend time, still not good enough for the community and worse because it’s not in prime time anymore, so revert back with added note of will be thinking on it. This is not a personal attack on WvW players, come on. Stop with the bullkitten.Also as far as personal opinion, I’ve always been of the school of thought that if my schedule is too busy and doesn’t allow me to do some very specific things; it’s on me and not anybody else. I shouldn’t try to bend it to my own schedule. This is not a point for or against the reset change so please don’t twist my words here.
Oh man, whose that awesome guy with the Rorschach image? Seems pretty rad..
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
why Anet dont open full server ?
HoT coming soon ~~~
Just glad I didn’t spend the money on hot.
Same old Anet, making changes that the player base doesn’t want.
Please hire at least one employee that actually plays WvW on a regular bases to be our voice within the company.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible.
My thought : Move back to the current Friday evening resets as soon as humanly possible.
Further thought : This is something that should have been brought up a long time ago not at the last minute. Even if it was just a thought and nothing more than that. There should have been warning it might be coming.
and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
You would not tell us if there was one. And if anyone thinks there was a conspiracy (I do not I just think it was poorly thought out in terms of letting your customers know) it might have to do with how sudden and last minute this was.
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Yes. This.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible. By that I don’t mean to discount your passion or refute your passion. But if you write your thoughts as briefly as possible, that ensures that the team has the time — in what is an incredibly busy time for our company — to read all your thoughts in an efficient and meaningful way. Thanks for that.
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
When you read the OP and John’s newest explanation, it feels like he was being extremely disingenuous when he was pitching the time change being for the benefit of WvW (in the OP). Whether this is the case or not, that’s how it comes across. That leads to directly to people believing in tinfoil hat theories.
More generally, Anet’s communication regarding WvW is abysmal. Furthermore, players feel like there is a severe lack of regard for WvW when it comes to development. Combine these two with what many players believe is the devs’ total lack of understanding of the game mode, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Remember Golem week? Same thing.
- Poorly developed (awful, awful exploit — that was never fixed)
- devs: “More golems!” players: “You’re not serious.”
- and complete, absolute silence (to this day) from Anet about the issue.
That’s just the latest example. It keeps happening again and again. It makes players angrier and angrier, so when next time the same thing happens, the explosion is even bigger.
This cycle isn’t going to stop until something is done. The easiest is communication. Why not do something about that so everyone can move forward?
Offer solutions folks…or the solutions get drowned out in an ocean of argument.
Yes. This.
Also, please express your thoughts as concisely as possible so that the reading of them — and you know they are being read — is as productive as possible. By that I don’t mean to discount your passion or refute your passion. But if you write your thoughts as briefly as possible, that ensures that the team has the time — in what is an incredibly busy time for our company — to read all your thoughts in an efficient and meaningful way. Thanks for that.
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
No matter what you choose there will always be players who say “no this is better”.
So here is my suggestion.
You have 2 plans. the old one and the new one.
Try the new one out for a while.
Set up a poll page, link to it on the load schreen in game so people know about it.
tall votes.
There ya go, ya know which is most wanted.
if ya want to prevent troll votes, add a “i don’t care” or “free gold for everybody” poll option. Those votes you can then discard as people not actually caring one way or the other.
End result: you know if your new plan is better. And if it is, you have simultanisly gotten the people resistand to change to get used to the new. If its not, when you change back everybody celebrates. Problem solved.
Yes this basically uses players as guinea pigs. But lets be honest, the same thing happens every patch.
At this time, we’re not currently asking for a vote. If we want a vote in the future, we’ll definitely let everyone know. Hey, it could happen, but it isn’t going on right now. (Just to be clear because some are not sure if we’re involved in one.)
I think I said it pretty clearly, but due to repeated questions, I’ll say it again: The reset change initially was set for Saturday evening. There were an initial spate of comments along the lines of “We don’t like Saturday evening, so make it Saturday morning,” and the devs tried to accommodate those requests. Then, as it became clear that the majority of those expressing an opinion in this thread made it clear — between the two currently available options — that Saturday evening was preferable, that’s what the devs went with.
This isn’t a “take your choice from a multitude of options” for reasons that were made abundantly clear in the dev posts in this thread. At the present time, in order to properly manage the game (the whole game, not any single element), in order to properly focus on launch of the expansion pack, and in order to take into account other reasonable considerations, WvW reset will take place on Saturdays. It will take place on Saturday evening to accommodate the requests of the majority of those expressing an opinion here in this thread.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hi Gaile,
- We understand this is a busy time during the rollout of the expansion and the need for a Saturday reset change to allow patchs/fixes etc.
- My suggestion is to advise the Community that the reset will go back to Fridays within an approximate time frame as Johns post can be misread as indefinate with no timeframe.
- This addresses the Concerns of OCX/SEA Regions which are closely linked with our Brothers and Sisters in NA,EU.
- As it stands OCX/SEA Weekend WvW will be reduced by 50%
- These regions would appreciate to be recognized as part of the GW2 Community.
- FYI I have not seen a Dev mention OCX/SEA customers in these 16 pages of posts.
Thank You
(edited by Masteravatar.1509)
This cycle isn’t going to stop until something is done. The easiest is communication. Why not do something about that so everyone can move forward?
I believe we’re trying very hard to do that.
- FYI I have not seen a Dev mention OCX/SEA customers in these 17 pages of posts.
The truth is, there isn’t an intentional or even unintentional disregarding of your area of the world. There are two data centers, and that’s how the reset is being structured, as it always has been. We value and respect players from around the world, and would never disregard their input.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
What did you expect? When you make major changes that in no way reflect the the community, this is what happens.
This is so disappointing. WvWers don’t ask for much. Bug fixes, a little less server lag, and to not destroy the most important facet of WvW—reset night.
- FYI I have not seen a Dev mention OCX/SEA customers in these 17 pages of posts.
You also haven’t seen us mention Asian players, or South American players, or African players.
I’m just smiling with you, I hope, because I really only mean that in a friendly, joking way. The truth is, there isn’t an intentional or even unintentional disregarding of your area of the world. There are two data centers, and that’s how the reset is being structured, as it always has been. We value and respect players from around the world, and would never disregard their input.
Thanks Gaile,
My suggestion is for All WvW Regions/Timezones and the impact it has on their WvW experience, what do you think?
My suggestion is to advise the Community that the reset will go back to Fridays within an approximate time frame as Johns post can be misread as indefinate with no timeframe.
My suggestion is to advise the Community that the reset will go back to Fridays within an approximate time frame as Johns post can be misread as indefinate with no timeframe.
I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to set that sort of timeframe today, for the reasons John stated, but thank you for the suggestion.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Thanks Gaile,]
Totally understand, everyone lets wait and see how the next week goes and I am sure Arnet will advise us once they have a timeframe on changing the reset back to what the WvW community has loved and enjoyed for the last 3 years.
Thank You.
Could they split the runnings into 2 resets instead? Either a 1/2 week one, with the reset occuring mid-day on the middle day. (using Workweek as example: Reset 1: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Mid-day reset: Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
Or a non-symmetrical approach of a “Weekend Round” Friday, Saturday, Sunday, then a “Weekday Round” of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Proposition 1: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, First 1/2 of Wednesday is one round, then resets into the second 1/2 of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Proposition 2: Friday, Saturday, Sunday is one round, pretty much a “Blitz Round” and the remainder of the Weekdays will be the “Burn Round”.
Proposition 3: Don’t change anything, leave it the way it is.
Data may show more players online during Saturday. However, I am sure this does not reflect the social activities for the Friday night reset.
Friday reset is for many of us the one night for years, we have set aside to come together socially and play.
Don’t take this from us. Friday counts as a weekend day to almost all of the GW2 community Don’t take this day from us.
Don’t take our Friday reset – Change to Saturday until the bugs are worked out and please switch it back.
Some of us have based even our work contracts to reflect this time free to participate.
So upsetting.
The great mystery of data regarding more players online during Saturday is whether or not NA Prime queues are higher on Saturday compared to Friday. My gut feeling is that queues are lower or not as long. This may be the result of players logging in for dailies rather than to rally with a guild.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
So our Friday reset will be back around the same time as the “Old Borderlands”… Sometime in the future… Months, years, the usual stuff…
Oh well, I just have to search for other games to play before Saturday Evening as I’m one of those non-existent WvW-only players…
My suggestion is to advise the Community that the reset will go back to Fridays within an approximate time frame as Johns post can be misread as indefinate with no timeframe.
I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to set that sort of timeframe today, for the reasons John stated, but thank you for the suggestion.
The main problem is that the annuncement has been like “ehi! we made this decision that nobody asked for and we don’t go back to the old one even if 80% people prefers to keep it on friday”. It would have been MUCH different if the post would have been made like “Due to HoT release, we’re pushing the reset forward of 24 hours for a few matchups to accomodate patches on friday without making whole EU community rage because patching 10m after reset”. Also consider that the entire wvw community is mad because the “wvw team” (if there is still one) has barely no contacts with us AT ALL when instead pvp and pve get so much more attention… if there’s something wrong with those 2 game modes you will reply within 0.1 seconds but if there’s something wrong with wvw we must wait MONTHS (for example the kitten hackers messing up matchups week after week after week). It’s extremly frustrating being ignored every time and receive changes (golems week, reset shift etc) without taking in consideration the community at all.
Point for you for replying a lot more than wvw developers last year.
(edited by LINKAZZATORE.8135)
Hello All,
There are a couple of reasons for the change to reset time. One is for the overall quality of the game. The last few years we have been careful to not disrupt the WvW reset time but this has at times made it difficult for our team to address issues during reset day. This change will give our team an extra day of the week that they can use to respond to issues that may occur with WvW or any other area of the game if it is necessary. In the early days we wanted reset to be during a weekday to ensure we had people available to monitor the game at reset time, but at this point we have seen the ongoing stability of World vs. World and resetting on a weekday is no longer necessary.
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.
However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.
Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.
Reset is special because it features player vs. player fighting, with minimal PvD or tedium since nothing is upgraded and there’s no supply stockpile. If WvW were properly designed it would naturally bring players together for fights. The design of the objectives and scoring though emphasizes capping undefended positions (PvD) and a lot of tedium building siege, repairing, running around the map, and ‘defending’ places not being attacked (since running to a keep after swords have been popped, and been noticed, means by time you get there, report the attack, and call in defenders, and they get there..it’s almost certainly flipped already).
WvW needs a fundamental redesign of scoring and objectives with one primary goal in mind: naturally bring opponents together in a variety of combat scenarios, and don’t make players invest in PvD, PvE, or any tedium. Get that right and reset will be a non-issue, because WvW will always be an arena with great action for players who like fights big and small.
The great mystery of data regarding more players online during Saturday is whether or not NA Prime queues are higher on Saturday compared to Friday. My gut feeling is that queues are lower or not as long. This may be the result of players logging in for dailies rather than to rally with a guild.
What mystery? Its weekend the day after reset. Many, many more people will log in 8-23 than 20-23 on Friday reset. The time before that on Friday is almost dead, no one plays WvW seriously then. Queues will of course be lower Saturday when its spread out over many times the hours as reset prime.
As many others have said, its the out of the blue curveball from Anet by this announcement and saying its permanent that has us all fuming.
At the very least, you can offer us a boon by saying you will kitten up something equal for PvE and sPvP.
For PvE, I suggest removing dodging. Its worked fine for 3 years now and the netcode is pretty stable, so there is no longer any real need to dodge in PvE. There might be impacts for HoT with the new on dodge skills, this will completely avoid the issue.
For sPvP, I suggest removing both unranked and ranked queues. Let everyone join from the server list instead. Yes, its easier to join via queuing and its worked fine for 3 years, but why do we have it really? Its working decently, but joining servers work too. Plus, with no queues HoT class balance issues can be ignored, only casuals play servers anyway.
Hello All,
There are a couple of reasons for the change to reset time. One is for the overall quality of the game. The last few years we have been careful to not disrupt the WvW reset time but this has at times made it difficult for our team to address issues during reset day. This change will give our team an extra day of the week that they can use to respond to issues that may occur with WvW or any other area of the game if it is necessary. In the early days we wanted reset to be during a weekday to ensure we had people available to monitor the game at reset time, but at this point we have seen the ongoing stability of World vs. World and resetting on a weekday is no longer necessary.
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.
However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.
Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.
JohnReset is special because it features player vs. player fighting, with minimal PvD or tedium since nothing is upgraded and there’s no supply stockpile. If WvW were properly designed it would naturally bring players together for fights. The design of the objectives and scoring though emphasizes capping undefended positions (PvD) and a lot of tedium building siege, repairing, running around the map, and ‘defending’ places not being attacked (since running to a keep after swords have been popped, and been noticed, means by time you get there, report the attack, and call in defenders, and they get there..it’s almost certainly flipped already).
WvW needs a fundamental redesign of scoring and objectives with one primary goal in mind: naturally bring opponents together in a variety of combat scenarios, and don’t make players invest in PvD, PvE, or any tedium. Get that right and reset will be a non-issue, because WvW will always be an arena with great action for players who like fights big and small.
So.. guild halls. Got it.
One simple question :
will the current MU (oct. 16th – oct. 22nd) count in the Glicko ratings update of next Saturday ?
One simple question :
will the current MU (oct. 16th – oct. 22nd) count in the Glicko ratings update of next Saturday ?
No, this weeks matchup does not affect the glicko ratings, next weeks matchup (10/24 and after) will however, see the first post in the thread for more info.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
I, for one am looking forward to Saturday resets, even for just a little while.
I can’t play on Fridays, so I’m never on for reset. =(
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
Constructive feedback: have more resets so more people can experience reset rush. Also have reset on Fridays, give Anet employees Fridays off and have that extra work day on Sunday. I think those suggestions adequately line up with Anet’s statements.
Thanks for offering a constructive suggestion.
I hope you got a giggle at my second suggestion. I’m not going to let you avoid it.
Now I’m speaking as someone who worked for many years in operations at a global application service company with 24/7 service (hi, I used to schedule maintenance windows). I thought Anet rolled out major patches during the day on Tuesdays because that’s a low usage time so fewer customers are impacted and it allowed issues to be addressed during the work week. I was under the impression that Friday patches were directly tied with WvW reset, or it was something patched in the game on Tuesday but not activated until reset. It does seem to me lately that more changes to other parts of the game are being implemented on Fridays that have required emergency patching and disruption to WvW, which your data probably shows isn’t a low usage time. Just guessing – correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like Friday patches have expanded beyond being WvW changes activated at reset. That’s a company patching schedule policy that customers are being asked to bear. A review of those scheduling policies might be in order because it is always in a service company’s interest to minimize service impacts during high usage times. Your weekend on-call engineers will appreciate it.
Also, thank you for moving reset back to the evening time.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I, for one am looking forward to Saturday resets, even for just a little while.
I can’t play on Fridays, so I’m never on for reset. =(~ Kovu
Shush you. 9pm PST is not reset. We just cover the transitions that night. :p
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I, for one am looking forward to Saturday resets, even for just a little while.
I can’t play on Fridays, so I’m never on for reset. =(~ Kovu
Shush you. 9pm PST is not reset. We just cover the transitions that night. :p
Yeah, but it’ll still be more interesting than the Mon-Wed rallies I’m used to being able to attend.
Working ’till 8 PST most nights has its drawbacks.
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
I want to address something I’ve seen creep into this discussion from a few forum members. The original plan (call it Plan A, Saturday evening) was adjusted due to what seemed to be preponderant base of opinion from players. It was temporarily thought that going to a Saturday morning reset, Plan B, would be better, based on the first set of comments in this thread. But when it became clear that no, Plan B was actually not as good for players as a whole, the team then went back to Plan A. At absolutely no time did someone come up with a plot to manipulate you. At no time did someone say something in an insincere way , as in “let’s present Plan B to make Plan A appear better.” Both plans were an honest attempt to balance player desires with developer realities. The Saturday reset is needed, as John explained, and of the two options, based on your feedback, the evening reset is the best for the majority of players. That’s where we are right now, and you can be sure that there was no conspiracy involved in the outcome.
If you really want to kitten players desires you would do an actual poll before making such decisions. I’ve got some sympathy for the argument about moving reset away from when you are actively patching HOT but its clear the player base doesn’t like it on the whole.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
If you really want to kitten players desires you would do an actual poll before making such decisions. I’ve got some sympathy for the argument about moving reset away from when you are actively patching HOT but its clear the player base doesn’t like it on the whole.
And yet a poll wouldn’t give a true view either. Data does give unaltered information that is not biased about people being kittened off at the moment. Poll results might not.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If you really want to kitten players desires you would do an actual poll before making such decisions. I’ve got some sympathy for the argument about moving reset away from when you are actively patching HOT but its clear the player base doesn’t like it on the whole.
And yet a poll wouldn’t give a true view either. Data does give unaltered information that is not biased about people being kittened off at the moment. Poll results might not.
The data shows nothing about what people actually want, yes a self selected poll is not completely reliable but it would give more data for them to base their decision on, more than just metrics on how many players are in WvW Sat, this is unarguable.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
As my maths teacher used to say ‘there are lies, kitten lies, and statistics’.
The move still feels like even more of a downgrade in wvw priority- after all, after 3 weeks, how many devs are going to be available to fix things on a Saturday night/Sunday morning for things going wrong in wvw?
Did they appoint more to work permanently over the weekends to deal with wvw, or will wvw be ignored until after the weekend?
Maybe patching in HoT on Tuesday would have been the sensible option, along with wvw, which would give them all week to fix things and throw in patches, and allow wvw the same experience as pve, rather than feel like something tacked on that they moved as it was inconveniently in the way of pve and spvp release.
And maybe if you had communicated ‘Plan A’ clearly in advance you wouldn’t face such a kittenstorm- although people don’t believe the reasoning anyway, so maybe not:P
Just feels like a downgrade to me- it’s like you’re saying ‘wvw is so unimportant to us we’re moving reset to suit ourselves and free up resources to deal with problems in pve/spvp, which are much more important than any problems that will arise in wvw. If problems do arise then it’s OK to leave them until people get back in the office Monday, as for sure we won’t be employing extra people working Sundays to cover a Saturday reset night.’
You’re trying to present a pig as a cow, and it’s not washing.
i suggest a bribe.
we all chip in to get the team a crap tonne of snacks, energy drinks, kittens to play with (puppies are also possible) and then use the kittens (or puppies) to hypnotize them into making a few changes.
or we could all just hold out, let them do what needs to be done, let them have a rest for a month or so (not really a rest but you know what i mean) and see what happens then.
My suggestion is to advise the Community that the reset will go back to Fridays within an approximate time frame as Johns post can be misread as indefinate with no timeframe.
They can’t do that because reset might never be changed back to Fridays. All they’ve said so far is that they will reevaluate the change some undetermined time in the future – they may well decide that Saturday is better if they ever get around to it.
For the record, I’m not a fan of having the mindless end-of-the-match-up karmatrain on Friday night/Saturday.
This cycle isn’t going to stop until something is done. The easiest is communication. Why not do something about that so everyone can move forward?
I believe we’re trying very hard to do that.
Try reading what was communicated to us originally and the follow up ‘reasoning’ from our perspective. Take into consideration how late in the game this was communicated and how it came across as a complete and total afterthought.
The Saturday reset is needed
It’s been 165 weeks since launch and only 35 of them have had an update on a Friday. Now how many of them were after regular business hours and that would most likely reduces the number to a mere handful. Thus, I cannot believe that Saturday is “needed”. Sure, for the first Friday, we’d all agree they’ll be a lot of updates. But, a bug a week later or even two weeks later that HAS to be patched after regular business hours on a Friday??? That just doesn’t seem probable at all. Heck, I think a lot of us would rather you take WvW down for the first week completely. Then bring the new maps online when you can put the resources toward it. Would rather lose a week than lose Friday reset forever. At the very least, Plan C should have been “Alright, give them back their Friday and they’ll have to deal with any updates.”
On a side note, it’s really hard to take Anet seriously when it feels like organized WvW and World communities aren’t even welcome in GW2 any longer.
It will take place on Saturday evening to accommodate the requests of the majority of those expressing an opinion here in this thread.
To be clear – The majority of the people in this thread wish it to remain Friday night.
What you did was force something bad on us and offer up an even worse alternative. Whether you did that on purpose or not can remain a conspiracy theory, but a behavior pattern does tend to repeat itself, and this is just one data point in a rather large pool.
(edited by cillard.3986)
I think that Friday reset is much better than Saturday. If due to HoT release it needs to be Saturday for a week I understand that. Once we are past release date please move it back to Friday. Thanks.
At this time, we’re not currently asking for a vote. If we want a vote in the future, we’ll definitely let everyone know. Hey, it could happen, but it isn’t going on right now. (Just to be clear because some are not sure if we’re involved in one.)
I think I said it pretty clearly, but due to repeated questions, I’ll say it again: The reset change initially was set for Saturday evening. There were an initial spate of comments along the lines of “We don’t like Saturday evening, so make it Saturday morning,” and the devs tried to accommodate those requests. Then, as it became clear that the majority of those expressing an opinion in this thread made it clear — between the two currently available options — that Saturday evening was preferable, that’s what the devs went with.
This isn’t a “take your choice from a multitude of options” for reasons that were made abundantly clear in the dev posts in this thread. At the present time, in order to properly manage the game (the whole game, not any single element), in order to properly focus on launch of the expansion pack, and in order to take into account other reasonable considerations, WvW reset will take place on Saturdays. It will take place on Saturday evening to accommodate the requests of the majority of those expressing an opinion here in this thread.
You’re right, this is not a vote. And the Community has been informed about the change and not really been invited to give any input. Would have been better to just keep the thread locked. My take on the thread is simply:
1. This is a convenience change that WILL be implemented by the developers.
2. This is purely for the benefit of developers. There is NOTHING in here for the players.
3. An estimated timeframe for changing reset back to Friday can’t be provided as no-one really knows how broken HoT is. Probably, a LoT on day 1, and that’s why no timeframe can be provided.
4. Broadly speaking, the community is VERY upset with the change, but priorities have been set and while everyone cares; no-one cares!
5. Someone might hope that those who lose interest in WvW due to this change will move to more improved PvE experience. Ask them, how often they go near PvE.
I think it is time for me to say, Thank You Arenanet for INFORMING us; for the sake of it.
Thanks to everyone else who voiced their concerns and tried to provide workable alternatives; but those all might be way too hard for anyone to implement.
Also, next time when you put forward a change like this and support it with some STATISTICS, take a good look at the statistics and interpret them correctly first.
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