WvW improvements list

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Here are some things i’d like to see added to WvW or fixed in WvW.

1) Exploits into keeps, eg the path into hills.
2) Zoom applications that allow you to zoom in/out further than normal, allowing siege to do more than it should. Such as arrow carts behind walls hitting well outside of the tower (not just the gate area as is standard).
3) Commanders get a guild squad option, so only guild members can see the flag. Yellow flag to symbolize guild status.
4) /Supplyinfo command to have its radius increased to at least 4000 range.
5) More guild siege to allow smaller guilds to have a greater impact.
6) Elementalists fire attunement staff auto attack fix. Saw yesterday an ele attack vertically (upwards) the treb on the blue keep tower jump puzzle thing, from the floor on quentin lakes side of the wall. Thats nearly 2500 range so the splash doesn’t account for that.
7) Make enemy players appear in a standard armour to you, like in sPvP. Keep allies as are. This should help culling somewhat.
8) Grey out the names of dead enemies so dead players don’t appear as large numbers of enemies in big battles.
9) Try ensure the rendering of name tags if character models remain difficult, then at least we know someones there without tab targeting like a mad man.
10) Dolyak armour upgrade from supply camps, to increase their vitality and toughness.
11) Weaken NPC commander in breakouts and greatly lessen the bubble shield duration over the free siege. It’s unfair to have prepared AC’s on the wall only to lose them as you cannot hit back. Defenders should be given a fair chance too.

Those are my 10 main things i’d like in WvW at the moment.

Aurora Glade [EU]

(edited by Katsumoto.9452)

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


This is what a I would like (in addition to yours, which are all fine)

1) different maps per borderlands, even if I know they said there won’t be any new map.
2) Give the orb a motivation to exist
3) The outmanned bonus must give some strong bonus (like the ones given when you are with the NPC commander) in order to allow to a small group of players to compete with a larger one
4) Camps should be harder to conquer
5) Increased drop loot (MOAR badges)
6) We should be able to get unique looks from wvwvw like pve players do completing dungeons
7) Moreover we should also be able to buy items with other stats a part from invaeders (knight, carrion, berserker, rampager etc..)
8) More rewards, like a daily wvwvw or so
9) ranking system, in order to add glory for the guild which claimed a keep or the player who killed an enemy
10) JP should be in an own map

I have a lot more to write, but my ideas of improvements are so many that i’m too lazy to write the down.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


This is what a I would like (in addition to yours, which are all fine)

1) different maps per borderlands, even if I know they said there won’t be any new map.
2) Give the orb a motivation to exist
3) The outmanned bonus must give some strong bonus (like the ones given when you are with the NPC commander) in order to allow to a small group of players to compete with a larger one
4) Camps should be harder to conquer
5) Increased drop loot (MOAR badges)
6) We should be able to get unique looks from wvwvw like pve players do completing dungeons
7) Moreover we should also be able to buy items with other stats a part from invaeders (knight, carrion, berserker, rampager etc..)
8) More rewards, like a daily wvwvw or so
9) ranking system, in order to add glory for the guild which claimed a keep or the player who killed an enemy
10) JP should be in an own map

I have a lot more to write, but my ideas of improvements are so many that i’m too lazy to write the down.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’ll add more

1) Limit resurrections of defeated players to “out of combat” only.

2) Reduce the speed of revives by 30%.

3) Give enemy pets and minions different name-tags from players.

4) Pets and minions should have the lowest render-priority. Players should render before them.

5) Limit Mesmer portals to 6 uses.

6) Add the Jumping Puzzle portal to Stormmist Keep and remove all others.

7) Reduce PvE mob density in some areas, especially the Eternal Battlegrounds.

8) Add WvW Leader boards to each server. “Top Killer”/“Top Defender”/“Top Commander”/“Most Dolyaks killed etc.”

9) Add Ascended gear to WvW merchant, make Exotic gear slightly cheaper.

10) Combine all four WvW maps into one big one (ambitious, I know).

11) Refine “Rally” mechanic (reduce “tag” duration and number of “tag” targets).

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Furgerat.7842


1. Eliminate DPS in the downed state in WvW.
2. Eliminate rally in WvW (small mans need SOMETHING to counter zergs.. Kill 10 zerglings and 1 person in your group dies and poof magic everyone is alive again)
3. Make AOE hit 10 players not 5.
4. WTB a god kitten stick button!!!!
5. Reduce rez speed.
6. Some type of RA system. (not the the extreme of DAOC but maybe something like aug strength etc…)
7. Let me buy current PVP gear (valk berserker etc..) with badges.
8. Eliminate breakout event.


WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Ooj.1246


9) ranking system, in order to add glory for the guild which claimed a keep or the player who killed an enemy

^ this

[OSC] Ooj RoxxoR

WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


1. Modify player transfer system to 1 week of WvW prohibition following transfer.
2. Messer portal to 5 players or group OR AOE number of hits increased significantly
3. Res to out of combat only
4. Double or triple NPC’s at camps
5. Yak’s toughness should be tripled or given righteous indignation
6. Significantly increase rare loot drop rate for Player Kill
7. Reduce Treb range to eliminate safe trebbing of walls
8. Double Seige weapon damage.

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If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!