WvW pre-Season 3 thoughts
In addition, I’d like to see a week or two off where we can have a break. Playing league for so many weeks straight causes many of us to burn out by the end. Having a week or two off sporadically would help us do some PvE for a change or something else other than WvW. Give us time to let off some stress and not worry about holding or breaking Tier 3 keeps.
Sorrow’s Furnace
I’d go as far as to say a 24 hour matchup would be ideal for tourneys.
- coverage would not matter as much, smaller servers can pull of OT to cover gaps for 24 hours instead of the unrealistic OT for weeks at a time.
- elimination style tourneys, you lose you go home. This would make match fixing a bit harder since any decent server can come together for at least 24 hours to prevent losing.
- Pit NA and EU servers against each other making it a true world vs world experience.
(I can dream) they both would experience the same lag issues, if any so no one has an advantage.
(edited by Latinkuro.9420)
WvW pre-Season 3 thoughts
This is not a QQ thread, please do NOT make it into one
All I’m saying is this:
A.net needs to learn from the mistakes made in seasons 1 and 2 before thinking of implementing WvW season 3.
- Season 1 was coverage and transfer issues.
- Season 2 was match fixing, manipulation, intentional match losses, and arbitrary placement decisions made by ANet to determine the winner.
- Seasons are way too long, especially considering how broken and easily cheatable their setup is.
I like seasons but I’d rather they don’t have any at all if they are not willing to do them right.
Fixed that for you. They seriously need a real bracket for this.
Explanation: This tournament has a number of issues. I’ve just discovered that AR (the server I’m associated with) is going to place 7th; while a server (EB) we’ve beaten twice out of the two matchups with them is placing 4th. How did that happen? Well, the two times that we’ve had the same number of points, ANet arbitrarily put AR into the higher bracket and left EB in the lower bracket so they could get the extra points while we lost them. End result is that AR who is the 2/2 victor over EB places 7th compared to their 4th.
Season 3. NA tiers becoming more balanced. T2 getting balanced to near T1 so that leagues would be interesting rather than the top placements going to T1 for the most part.
Balancing of some lower tiers like T3 so that numbers and coverage dominance will be the only story instead it will come down to coordination and skill.
- Seasons are way too long, especially considering how broken and easily cheatable their setup is.
DUDE, the duration of a season isn’t defined by what is BEST or worst for WvW. It’s defined by how long ArenaNet will spend without adding any new LIVING Story update, so they need to throw players a bone and that BONE is WvW.
Don’t expect them to FIX anything before the next season. It will be JUST like this one, or even worse.
NA tiers will never become more balanced unless A.Net go down the easy route and balance by creating as many stacked servers as possible via free transfers to selected servers. They can’t do anything else.
A good example of this is HOD. Were A.Net monitoring the numbers transferring to HOD and seeing that they were creating a stacked server that would easily stomp any other server? If not then real balance isn’t possible as that requires data. If they were monitoring then were they able to properly analyse the numbers to be able to recognise a stacked server was being created? If they were able to, then they decided to do nothing, creating a bit of a farce for top spot of Season 2 (which they probably didn’t care about anyway as it was a breather for the China release).
Either way, you can see that balance short of all stacked servers ain’t gonna happen cause it’s not in A.Net’s DNA.
WvW is inherently unbalanced
Nowhere in my post do I speak about balance at all.
- preventing people from playing on the server they like is not my idea of balance.
They should really just scrap the whole seasons idea and try something different. They keep making it worse as they try to make it better.
The best thing they did giving 1 server in the EU silver league free transfers. I still don’t understand how they could’ve not seen what’s going to happen.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
- Seasons are way too long, especially considering how broken and easily cheatable their setup is.
DUDE, the duration of a season isn’t defined by what is BEST or worst for WvW. It’s defined by how long ArenaNet will spend without adding any new LIVING Story update, so they need to throw players a bone and that BONE is WvW.
Don’t expect them to FIX anything before the next season. It will be JUST like this one, or even worse.
This pretty much, seasons are meaningless and only a cliffhanger between the living story stuff, season start when living story ends and at the time season ends, new living story will start. Anet makes some good money out of transfers i bet.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
A number of exploits and hacks seem to be a running theme this season. Intentionally leaving out server names as they’ve been said enough lately and trying not to turn this into a QQ thread.
I hope Anet wont do it, they will kitten it up bad. they will probably have some silly point system that wont work again and its just tier 1 2 3 games and standings on tournament will be dermited on first 3 weeks and then its dull matchups there on out against spies, hackers and ddos attackers. not fun not competitive not challenging. just cheer idiots runing in wvw.
Only IF
a) moderators banning hackers.
b) new scoring system on wvw that dermites focus vs enemies x players on map vs enemies (real scoring point / player system.)
c) some even half decent scoring system on matchups and ‘every server face each others’
But knowing Anet none of the things will happen EVER so..
(edited by Exami.2509)
Nothing they do will change the boredom, stagnation, monotony of WvW. Even if they add 50 new skills to acquire via world ranks. WvW is only sustained by a handful of ppl who have nothing else to play atm. Their whole WvW game design is flawed. Being nr.1 equals nothing..rewards are a trademark fail of anet that no other mmo ever dreamed of acheaving. Achievement points are hilarious compared to everything else. U can have all pve+pvp achievements by now and still be 1/4 done with wvw. Lvling up your alts (in case u just like wvw) will auto-agro everyone on u. There are no custom made skins for being a wvw hardcore player.
Literally..whatever u like doing in this game…WvW doesn’t reward u with anything. Only ppl enjoying it are scrubs who play wvw 1/month and still don’t know the difference between a normal siege and a superior siege. Give them 1 month of constant play and they will be in the same boat.
WvW was managed poorly…and honestly getting ppl back at THIS stage is extremely hard close to impossible. Why? The GW2 era is slowly fading as other games are coming out. Once ppl are hooked on another game the chances of coming back are low…because by the time they get tired of the new game….another game will come out..and so on.
Take me for example. I’ve played since the first closed beta..i’ve done most of the things possible in this game…attended/finished all achievements for all events, got all items possible…got 3 legendaries (because i am not a trade-addict to make money)..got all classes with all of them 100% map, 100% stories in every possible way. All dungeons, 90% of skins from dungeons. The first “season” minis even tho i don’t care 1 bit about them. I have almost 250k wvw kills which indicates that i am a medium to high player in wvw from a TIME INVESTED point of view. I can craft any ascended i want having the mats for several (still haven’t decided on which stats). As someone who passed through everything this game has to offer i can tell u honestly nothing is worth the time u invest in it. U are not rewarded properly u are not being encouraged to play it and so on. I’ve done more farming in this game for every single thing then any other game. From dailies..to events that require u to do circle loops of farming, to mats to gold. This game has proven to be a top farmer cashshop game. Only difference between this and other games is u are tricked into believing it’s not hc farming.
Only thing ANet encourages is the cash shop which even tho a lot of u will not agree with me, in my opinion it’s a strictly pay2win cash shop. Remember this game does not revolve around stats. It revolves around skins. As long as 90% of the new skins that come out are on the cash shop, and drops being nerfed with every possible patch forcing u to buy gems or invest fake-gameplay hours in a game that was advertised as a non-farming game, that in my book is a p2w game.
I already have an mmo i have my eyes on. As soon as that one is out, this one will be history.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
This season is actually much more interesting than the last one.
Season 1 winner is pretty much determined by first 3 weeks, and no-one can refute the damage. People with more coverage will win, that’s it.
This season Anet opens up option of server cooperation, so there’s not a single “chosen server” that’re destined to win and stay invulnerable.
It shows that WvW has the potential to break this corrupted cycle of stacking in one “chosen server” to be carried to victory and make the matching much more interesting and meaningful.
This is the entire reason why Anet makes WvW"vW" the way they are, that the stacking server will not always win.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
And in the europe the most stacked server double teams the 2nd server with the 3rd server and hands out everything to 3rd server..
The state of wvw makes me want to go back to Ultima Online best MMO Ever made. still alive after… 17 years go figure whats different if GW2 is dead after 2 years and UO is up 17 years.. its not the grafics or the living story.
This season is actually much more interesting than the last one.
Season 1 winner is pretty much determined by first 3 weeks, and no-one can refute the damage. People with more coverage will win, that’s it.
This season Anet opens up option of server cooperation, so there’s not a single “chosen server” that’re destined to win and stay invulnerable.It shows that WvW has the potential to break this corrupted cycle of stacking in one “chosen server” to be carried to victory and make the matching much more interesting and meaningful.
This is the entire reason why Anet makes WvW"vW" the way they are, that the stacking server will not always win.
That is actually extremely false and as i said in my previous post u’ve been easily tricked because of 1 simple reason
The server that gets ganked by 2 well coordinated servers will literally NEVER-NEVER be able to do anything about it and will 101% lose. That’s not a good system. A good system is one in which the server that is being 2v1ed has a fighting chance. That combined with a kitten system that pairs u up for straight weeks against the same 2 servers…well u do the math.
The only thing this season did was make ppl actually think twice “why am i wasting my time in this?”
(edited by Rebound.3409)
- Season 2 was match fixing, manipulation, and intentional match losses to benefit in upcoming matchups.
Please explain manipulation and match fixing, that’s what made season 2 fun… It just should of been a shorter season.
The explenation is easy. DB for example deliberately (even acknowledged) lost matches/deliberately did NOT show up against T1 opponents to end up in third place via the swiss style system anet adopted. That’s just an example other servers did the same in other leagues or zones (eu).
Google a bit about how swiss style competitions work out and how points are distributed. ANet adopted a style that only works with lots of servers in the same league. It doesn’t work with what we have now.
This issue has been discussed in several threads for weeks now. You should be able to find some left that warn’t closed by anet because they naturally diverged into server bashing.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
1. GM in game.
2. Remake score system
3. Shorter matches like 4days, then rest 3days
4. More function for commanders, like Guild, Group, Squad, all.
5. More maps (vote with you want for home map)
6. Reward for scout, change claim so you need main buff to claim and lose the claim as soon as buff gone, add guild buff that last for 24hours and give CD on Siege 3-6hour and then the Guild can destroy Siege, set limitation taking supply from building (if you take then you turn Red for Guard and cant enter) and more.
A.net needs to learn from the mistakes made in seasons 1 and 2 before thinking of implementing WvW season 3.
If only they did, my friend, if only they did need to learn. The truth is that they can trot out this crap version of WvW until we all go and play the next game with realm-based combat, and leave Arenanet to their beloved PvP eSport nonsense.
This season is actually much more interesting than the last one.
Season 1 winner is pretty much determined by first 3 weeks, and no-one can refute the damage. People with more coverage will win, that’s it.
This season Anet opens up option of server cooperation, so there’s not a single “chosen server” that’re destined to win and stay invulnerable.It shows that WvW has the potential to break this corrupted cycle of stacking in one “chosen server” to be carried to victory and make the matching much more interesting and meaningful.
This is the entire reason why Anet makes WvW"vW" the way they are, that the stacking server will not always win.
That is actually extremely false and as i said in my previous post u’ve been easily tricked because of 1 simple reason
The server that gets ganked by 2 well coordinated servers will literally NEVER-NEVER be able to do anything about it and will 101% lose. That’s not a good system. A good system is one in which the server that is being 2v1ed has a fighting chance. That combined with a kitten system that pairs u up for straight weeks against the same 2 servers…well u do the math.
The only thing this season did was make ppl actually think twice “why am i wasting my time in this?”
You’re at the false one.
“The server that gets ganked by 2 well coordinated servers will literally NEVER-NEVER be able to do anything about it and will 101% lose.” is basically 100% false.
Otherwise DB and Mag would have beaten BG already if they work together right?
Truth is the ganked server can do the same thing of working with another server.
No-one is stopping your server from doing so, you simply choose not to and lost, that’s it. Everyone is on the same scale of opportunity, so there’s no excuse.
So you want another faceroll and predetermined season winner of the stacked “chosen one” to keep going on right?
This season did break the corrupted cycle of the “stack = win” issue, and proved there’s no server that are predetermined to win.
Who’d have thought Yak Band and HoD can fight through FA and going up to top 3?
Who’d have thought the fair-weather BG would not get their predetermined top rank? Those are all fresh new to WvWvW and makes WvW much more interesting.
The swiss style tournament ended up being the same as a win up loser down system. Like I expected, a easy match-up or a impossible one for most servers. I want Quality of life changes to wvw before the next season example of some:
-Seasons should not go beyond 7weeks.
-More small group focused wvw traits
-Different commander icons/options one for small groups or guild groups.
-Change the outmanned buff into bloodlust based on the number of maps that you are outmanned on you get the buff.
-Bloodlust nodes should be replaced with something else to make it more rewarding for small groups to want them. Not something that all servers need to have.
-Improve the map scenery, similar to how Eotm is but all maps would have the same format but a different geographic area. So each bl would look awesome and different.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
@Anomine: Working with what? It had 3-4 straight weeks of the same matchup and when it did get paired up with different servers, those were from T2 and they intentionally did not show up to manipulate the score and come on top. Read everything i said..it’s mainly because of the season SYSTEM. Swiss style does not work with what anet plans to do.
Also by the time u are being 2v1ed 3-4 weeks in a row i wonder how your mood to play wvw is.
I don’t want a faceroll like season 1 it was borring as fk…but season 2 was much more terrible. Atleast season 1 u had a fair fight to decide which was better. Now it came down to system manipulating/exploiting. It was terrible both for the losing server and for the winning server honestly. The fights were nonexistent for the 2 servers compared to a 1v1v1 and on longtherm they only kitten up the top tier matchup. Only thing that will be left longtherm will be just gvg.
WvW season 1 was about which server was better in a fair three way fight. It was about bragging.
WvW season 2 made WvW into something toxic…promoting with a passion blind hatred..false accusations, system manipulation and exploits instead of promoting fair play, good games and overall reason to be competitive.. Everything about WvW at the moment is toxic and repulsive to someone who wants to enjoy a game even at a competitive level. They copy-paste DAoC and turned it into an abomination.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Working with what? It had 3-4 straight weeks of the same matchup and when it did get paired up with different servers, those were from T2 and they intentionally did not show up to manipulate the score and come on top. Read everything i said..it’s mainly because of the season SYSTEM. Swiss style does not work with what anet plans to do.
Also by the time u are being 2v1ed 3-4 weeks in a row i wonder how your mood to play wvw is.
Guess what, the underdogs T2 servers that’s been suffering for 9 long weeks are experiencing the same things, and probably much longer than you ever imagined.
What do you think their mood had become?
Stop making excuses and try to play victim. Your server been doing the same things to everyone else for as long as anyone can remember, and other servers are all screaming for help while you laugh at them, telling them:
“L2P, get organized, recruit more” and etc.
Now it happened to one particular server and suddenly it becomes a bad thing that polluted the wvw community, even though it’s always there.
Isn’t it just hypercritical?
(edited by Aomine.5012)
And that’s a good thing? What are u blaming me for? U are literally indirectly protecting a system (by attacking what i said) that u yourself have said it’s affecting even lower tier servers. It’s been bad for ages..but now it’s officially supported by anet as being what they intend.
Are u on premium quality crack? As i said…..WvW turned into blind accusations and rage directed at specific ppl for absolutely no reason. This discussion is about the overall state of wvw in which i gave an example i can backup because i was part of. I can’t speak for others. What u do? u fall exactly in the category i just said above.. “promoting with a passion blind hatred..false accusations”
PS: that BS “other servers are all screaming for help while you laugh at them, telling them” i dunno what tier u are but in top tiers ppl never ask for help. They are to full of themselves to do that (INCLUDING the winner server). They instead blame other factors that either false or exaggerated. I have never read/heard of someone in the higher even lower tiers asking for advice or help ingame or on the forums. I am sure if ppl opened up more and actually asked for advice in a mannered way almost no one would ever deny them.
Now u might say “well what are u doing now?”. I am pointing out that ANet instead of trying to fix toxicity and overall crumbling of their WvW system, they are promoting it with all they’ve got as if it’s a good thing. Some low lvl BM is always present in a competition i can’t deny that (it’s even good to have small BM because it sustains the level of competitiveness)..but making it mandatory and making it worst with every possible occasion u have is just unheard off.
I can’t honestly have a discussion about a certain topic as long as the reader attacks me with blind rage and doesn’t stay on topic with opened eyes/mind. Sry but have your WvW how u want if this is what u want
(edited by Rebound.3409)
And that’s a good thing? What are u blaming me for? U are literally indirectly protecting a system (by attacking what i said) that u yourself have said it’s affecting even lower tier servers. It’s been bad for ages..but now it’s officially supported by anet as being what they intend.
Are u on premium quality crack? As i said…..WvW turned into blind accusations and rage directed at specific ppl for absolutely no reason. This discussion is about the overall state of wvw in which i gave an example i can backup because i was part of. I can’t speak for others. What u do? u fall exactly in the category i just said above.. “promoting with a passion blind hatred..false accusations”
I said it’s what Anet’s intention because they did NOTHING about it for almost 2 years.
They want the community to do the outbreak themselves.
People were complaining about the stacking issue and the 1st + 2nd ganking 3rd issue.
Now people want to refute this cycle by choosing 2nd+3rd ganking the 1st.
It’s fine with one particular server when they’re winning, and now suddenly not fine because they’re in a bad position? Why do that particular server think they’re the “exception” and deserve “special treatment”?
ps: I cannot list the server name because the forum does not allow me to.
If you can’t figure out which server I’m talking about, then you’re pretty ignorant.
All I can tell you is I’m talking about the issue of NA T1 and T2.
I’m not talking to you only, I’m talking about the attitude of certain server during season 2 as a whole. They brought up issues that was always there, and they’ve always been doing and treated as a fine thing to stay, but because the season does not favor them this time, they suddenly think it’s a bad thing.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I have a feeling u think that the winning server in S1 thought everything was great because they won. Actually no.. we did feel great because we won (and yes i am from that server)…it’s impossible not to feel good about something u achieved through a lot of work…but on the long run if u were part of the TS conversations and overall server conversations we OURSELVES hated the overstacking issue. A good number of us even posted on threads in S1 about lower level tiers being right about it and having a potentially very negative impact for the future of wvw if not changed.
Here’s a small exercise for all haters on the forums. Try thinking that a server that has thousands of players..isn’t made out of a handfull of vocal forum trolls that don’t know what winning is or what competition is and act like kids just to get attention. Never think that if u saw 1 guy post 1 thing in a thread 1 time..that that’s the image of the whole server.
I can assure u having read a lot of the threads S1/2 that even tho a few of us bragged about it (as i said it’s 100% natural and anyone would do that), the majority of us completely agreed with the issues S1 had and where against it….and that is a fact i can’t emphasise enough times regardless of how many trolls come here throwing accusations.
Last season “it wasn’t us, it was them”. This season “It’s us, it’s not them”. What does it matter who it is as long as the subject at hand is what’s wrong with WvW…not the server itself. U are not dening it ..u just don’t like that “it’s me from the big bad server” posting. U see the problem now?
As long as “it’s me from the big bad server that shall not be named but everyone knows about”, everything i say it’s not good…but if it were someone from the “divine server who never did anything wrong, never curses, always goes to church and promotes puppy love and piece on earth while 2v1ing”, the same message i wrote would have been the most beautiful thing ever read worth a Nobel prize. That’s the blind hatred i am talking about.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Last season “it wasn’t us, it was them”. This season “It’s us, it’s not them”. What does it matter who it is as long as the subject at hand is what’s wrong with WvW…not the server itself. U are not dening it ..u just don’t like that “it’s me from the big bad server” posting. U see the problem now?
As long as “it’s me from the big bad server that shall not be named but everyone knows about”, everything i say it’s not good…but if it were someone from the “divine server who never did anything wrong, never curses, always goes to church and promotes puppy love and piece on earth while 2v1ing”, the same message i wrote would have been the most beautiful thing ever read worth a Nobel prize. That’s the blind hatred i am talking about.
That’s the whole point.
This type of outrage in forums is not there in Season 1.
People think “it’s fine”.
But for whatever reason, this time one server get’s into bad position, then all the QQ post suddenly popped up saying WvW is polluted.
How coincidental right?
So in order to go back to the “healthy WvW community”, people have to go back to the old Stacking Wars 2 in order to compete the strongest stacking server?
Why do you think Anet makes WvWvW 3 sides instead of 2 sides then?
I see it as a way to balance out WvW, and I wish those less organized T2 servers can one day work together so they may have the chance to compete stronger odds.
What other solution do they have can you answer me?
3-4 straight weeks of 2v1 in a matchup that pre-season2 was probably the most balanced matchup in gw2 globally, is not balancing it’s exterminating 1 server. The other 2 servers were not having difficulties against the other server.
I don’t see any balancing in anet’s 2v1 + dumb system + 0 possibility for the loosing server to get back on track.
Or having servers deliberately not show up for the matchup in order to get a higher position in a league that should decide the winner through actual participation….i also don’t see the balancing.
All i see is anet going full desperation, and giving u the impression it’s balancing when in reality it’s as fake as possible.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
I don’t see how 2v1 or trading win can solve stacking server problem. Yes, sure it can make sure one server unable to win. It will just promote servers to go into alliance. Then you will just change from stacking server problem into stacking + alliance problem.
There is one different in stacking and alliance. A stack server at most can only have the cap amount of player on map even if it had 100s of queue. The alliance server can have up to 2x the amount of player the other server could have. Alliance will only work if 2 much smaller server vs one bigger server.
Thoughts for a season 3? How about not having a season three?
The problem with EU wvw is sfr the most stacked server around, teams up with the 3rd place server (mainly Baruch Bay), making 6 of the 9 rounds mind numbingly boring.
Asura – Desolation
I think it is safe to say, for the majority of purely wvw players, who did noy want to see a season 2, also wish to never see a season 3. So prrtty much end of discussion on the season aspect. Things they can learn though from mistakes? The list is innumerable…
1 – The borderlands need to have a different topography, something as simple as desert/jungle/plains themed.
2- To help coverage have all the servers matched up like in EotM and have 12 hour mini matches. This would help the lower populated servers and coverage with one stone. The mini matches would then be tallied at the end of the week for an overall winner. Your server would then get points rewarded each week with how your color performed during the week.
3 – If you do #2, then you would have to split the gold league so no more than 2 servers are paired a time.
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
Season 3 should be EotM season. That would be awesome.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Improve WvW rewards and achievement points and forget seasons.
Turn EB into a pentagon and make it WvWvWvWvW for carnage and much fun
or also
Mid season break , 4 rounds week or 2 off then another 4
Get rid of the swiss system, that sucked cheese
NA and EU servers against each
Better buffs and debuffs to reduce zerging a bit
(edited by Decado.9304)
Season 1 had match fixing.
Season 2 had plenty of coverage and transfer issues.
Season 1 and Season 2 were pretty much the same except Season 2 went much longer. I am guessing Season 3 will have the same issues because the fundamental problem with WvW is that population and coverage win. So long as this is true, the problem will remain season or no.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
1. Change scoring so that a winning server (1st place) who wins, moves up and gets crushed in the next round at the higher tier earns more points than the server who placed second twice.
4-2-1 for win/2nd/3rd would work better than 5-3-1
2. Multiply the ## of servers that players server stack to. Better competition at the top that way. Increase rewards to the top 3rd of servers, instead of the top 1 server. The competition is more dramatic that way.
3. Please keep a non grindy meta. This season, only the meta for supply depos in EOTM was grindy.
4. Strongly consider getting rid of leagues and keeping Swiss matches, especially if suggestions 1 and 2 are followed.
5. I think the creation of mutant servers created by transfers is a positive, a destabilizing force that keeps things interesting. Please continue this by instituting the following pricing 2-3 months before leagues start: Top 3- no transfers. Top third expensive transfers. Middle third: slightly reduced transfers. Bottom third: free transfers.
6. Absolutely get rid of the idea that top server == top reward. Either give players an alternate way to get top reward or increase the number of servers that can get top reward, if the status quo stays, you are just causing everybody to transfer from servers that need people to servers that don’t need people.
How about never doing a third season ?
Unless they fix all (or at least most) of the things that are wrong and have been brought up countless times.
But that will probably never happen.
Yet I’m sure that by the end of the year, we’ll have a season 3…
I don’t see how 2v1 or trading win can solve stacking server problem. Yes, sure it can make sure one server unable to win. It will just promote servers to go into alliance. Then you will just change from stacking server problem into stacking + alliance problem.
There is one different in stacking and alliance. A stack server at most can only have the cap amount of player on map even if it had 100s of queue. The alliance server can have up to 2x the amount of player the other server could have. Alliance will only work if 2 much smaller server vs one bigger server.
Wait, how come DB and Mag are like, umm, 80k points behind?
It only works when the odds are close, not far apart.
Showing how big of a gap between NA T1 and T2.
Or like someone else mentioned in the above post, their mood had been destroyed long ago that they don’t bother try or work together when they’re facing big monsters.
Furthermore, your so-called “stacking+alliance issue”, guess what, it was there for the longest time being, committed by that so-called “victim server”.
It was there all along, but this time it is not 1st & 2nd bullying third, but 2nd and 3rd challenging 1st.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Explanation: This tournament has a number of issues. I’ve just discovered that AR (the server I’m associated with) is going to place 7th; while a server (EB) we’ve beaten twice out of the two matchups with them is placing 4th. How did that happen? Well, the two times that we’ve had the same number of points, ANet arbitrarily put AR into the higher bracket and left EB in the lower bracket so they could get the extra points while we lost them. End result is that AR who is the 2/2 victor over EB places 7th compared to their 4th.
Or EB is in sixth place. Or EB is tied for third place. ANet hasn’t come right out and told us how ties are going to be dealt with, last season and current speculation notwithstanding.
That said, can AR beat EB? Absolutely. But did AR do as well in their tier as EB did in theirs? No.
Weird and unsatisfying as this method is, I’m glad that it’s not entirely about population. And yes, I’m from EB.
The following link proposing how to do a future tournament is still brilliant. I have shamelessly stolen it from another thread, but all credit to the original author.
Edit: added YouTube link
(edited by Rimmy.9217)
Pre-Season 3 thoughts: Hell, no!
Quite frankly both Season 1 and Season 2 has had match fixing, by different means certainly, but it existed in both. I can only speak for the NA side of things, no clue about the events that unfolded on the EU side. Don’t only quarantine this problem to Season 1 OP.
In any case, there really shouldn’t even be a Season 3. The lesson learned here by most everyone, especially us in T1 NA for S1 and S2 (TC, BG, JQ, SOR, SOS) is that these Seasons truly bring out the worst of our servers.
Strike Force [SF]
Jade Quarry
It needs to be way shorter.
Fort Aspenwood
If we don’t a big WvW update before season 3 I don’t see the point in playing. The WvW and GvG community has been abused too long by Anet. A lot of WvW guilds I know that are high up are getting pretty bored of WvW because of the lack of content and are planning to go to other games. GG carver/peters.
NO NO and NO unless several big issues are fixed.
- No free transfers or any transfers at least one month before it starts.
- Find a good way to balance or greatly reduce the stacked servers rather than giving the bandwagoners an excuse to make yet another huge bandwagon server that simply ruins the middle tiers so they can be “Winners” only to crumble apart shortly after the tournament ends.
- Find a good balance between defense/holding an objective as well as open field combat with appropriate rewards for either.
- Fine tune the PPT system so it isn’t so easy to manipulate.
- Come up with or find a reliable system to account for wins and losses, the Swiss style system does not work with three smaller tiers as part of a whole.
- Not so long (9 weeks is a bit much) while you do need time to get solid results the longer it goes on the more poisonous the WVW environment gets near the end.
- No living story during the tournament small distractions are fine but major signature events can wait a week or two until its over.
(edited by dragonrage.8921)
Playing for PPT means doing whats not fun to win. Numbers mattering more than skillful play. Something should change about that.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
That said, can AR beat EB? Absolutely. But did AR do as well in their tier as EB did in theirs? No.
Weird and unsatisfying as this method is, I’m glad that it’s not entirely about population. And yes, I’m from EB.
That’s the most arbitrary justification I’ve ever heard. You guys fell out of silver and hadn’t come close to being stable when the tourney started. If I use the average from the 4 weeks prior to the tourney, you’ve dropped from 21.5 to 22. Just because you stayed at the top of the bottom three doesn’t mean you’ve done better than the guy who stays at the bottom of the 3 servers higher. It’s silly.
Lets be honest, you’re happy simply because the nonsense that is this leaderboard opted to place you higher than you should be. I’d be happy if that happened to me. Never the less, it is something that has to be fixed. A server shouldn’t place lower than someone they beat unless the entire system is based on improvement.