WvW ranks - don't make sense
you are right. invaider, bronz invaider, silver inv, gold inv, assaulter, bronz kitten, silv kitten etc… makes more sens. i think they made this for the common folks. if they see a bronz they know that guy is experienced as a non bronz but less experienced as a silver.
Just the WvW
The thing that is stupid about it is if I come across a Bronze Recruit he will be significantly more experienced than someone with the Veteran rank.
the naming convention is completely wrong.
And if they want to keep it this way then they should do something to emphasis the colour i.e (bronze, silver, gold, etc) Two ways would be a frame around the target showing the colour, or a badge similar to the 100% map completion.
I still think they should think up something better.
I myself don’t understand why the first ranks are invader, assaulter, and then recruit. So the server ‘recruits’ you after you’ve done a bit of invading and assaulting?
I myself don’t understand why the first ranks are invader, assaulter, and then recruit. So the server ‘recruits’ you after you’ve done a bit of invading and assaulting?
Yes that is another problem, they haven’t got it right at all.
doesnt make a difference tbh its just personal preference, youre just changing the tier decider and saying it makes more sense, on one hand you have the colour to describe their tier and on the otherhand you want the title to describe the tier, either way youre gonna be looking at tiers of your enemies and tbh the colours eventually at higher ranks will be easier then general and colonel.
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
doesnt make a difference tbh its just personal preference, youre just changing the tier decider and saying it makes more sense, on one hand you have the colour to describe their tier and on the otherhand you want the title to describe the tier, either way youre gonna be looking at tiers of your enemies and tbh the colours eventually at higher ranks will be easier then general and colonel.
It still doesn’t make sense, a colonel is commonly known to have a higher rank than a recruit. But with this system it does not, a bronze recruit outranks a colonel.
You can twist it anyway you want – a recruit should not outrank a colonel no matter what colour you put in front of it.
It feels like you are ranking up then returning to the start again. Imagine if they did this with PvP ranks. first its the rabbit then eventually you get to dragon then imagine the next one after that is bronze rabbit. Its just stupid.
Okay…..just to play devil’s advocate. Imagine that a player gets to legend and that’s the end of the train for them, they worked through 120 levels of WvW ranking and are happy.
Then you have the hardcore, true WvW player that has gained 570+ ranks, they understand the system and it makes sense and is a sign of accomplishment to reach bronze legend. Then onto silver (50 levels between ranks), gold(75 ranks), platinum(100), mithril(150) and finally diamond(250).
The first pass through, I think, is for the average, only play once and a while in WvW. The metal ranks are for those of us who plan on continuing to climb. (just fyi, diamond legend is rank 9,945)
ANet needed a way to help distinguish the higher levels (those split by 30+ ranks as opposed to 10) so that a newb invader won’t saunter up to a bronze champion and get kittened.
(edited by Cassocaster.4576)
doesnt make a difference tbh its just personal preference, youre just changing the tier decider and saying it makes more sense, on one hand you have the colour to describe their tier and on the otherhand you want the title to describe the tier, either way youre gonna be looking at tiers of your enemies and tbh the colours eventually at higher ranks will be easier then general and colonel.
It still doesn’t make sense, a colonel is commonly known to have a higher rank than a recruit. But with this system it does not, a bronze recruit outranks a colonel.
You can twist it anyway you want – a recruit should not outrank a colonel no matter what colour you put in front of it.
It feels like you are ranking up then returning to the start again. Imagine if they did this with PvP ranks. first its the rabbit then eventually you get to dragon then imagine the next one after that is bronze rabbit. Its just stupid.
don’t get me wrong I agree with you, but its just real world military ranks that you’re basing your rules off, but they did it because they never used to have bronze I don’t think they wanted to mess with it, just add things on, i prefer identifying enemies with metal colour to be honest its cool, different to military ranks like almost every game out there
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
They didn’t put much effort into the rank naming. I used to be a general. Now I’m an Invader — what’s the deal with that.
It’s very unintuitive and in short, a total fail.
Not sure why they sorted ranks by color than actual ranks. Bronze silver gold recruit then move to bronze silver gold invader etc, seeing any legends will then be rare but at least I wont feel like I’m moving backwards from legend to bronze recruit.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Holy TC role-players batman.
Anyway, I like it the way it is.
The metal tiers are a quick way of distinguishing which enemy has more wvw experience (assuming they’re not a karma trainer). It also allows for the rank list to go to an infinite length if it wanted to.
Without the metal tiers, we’d all be level 120 legends, or we’d be getting a new title every 200 ranks. Invader from 1-199, assaulter from 200-399. Would you prefer that?
Nah, to much of a guessing game like that.
It’s fine the way it is.
Not sure why they sorted ranks by color than actual ranks. Bronze silver gold recruit then move to bronze silver gold invader etc, seeing any legends will then be rare but at least I wont feel like I’m moving backwards from legend to bronze recruit.
Because if the metal tiers were chopping and changing every rank up, in a small cycle like that, it would be really ugly and really confusing, and not provide any useful information at all.
Holy TC role-players batman.
Anyway, I like it the way it is.
The metal tiers are a quick way of distinguishing which enemy has more wvw experience (assuming they’re not a karma trainer). It also allows for the rank list to go to an infinite length if it wanted to.
Without the metal tiers, we’d all be level 120 legends, or we’d be getting a new title every 200 ranks. Invader from 1-199, assaulter from 200-399. Would you prefer that?
Nah, to much of a guessing game like that.
It’s fine the way it is.
Right now we have the metal tiers as the primary tier and the military ranks as the secondary tier. It’s using the military ranks that’s the problem — they have very strong connotations: when you hear “general” you automatically think “very high rank.”
All they had to do was use a secondary tier that didn’t have such connotations and everything would have been ok — we’d have the same system as we do right now, but without the ridiculous Bronze General being lower rank than Silver Recruit.
All they had to do was use a secondary tier that didn’t have such connotations and everything would have been ok — we’d have the same system as we do right now, but without the ridiculous Bronze General being lower rank than Silver Recruit.
Bronze Legend or Silver Recruit? Is the first part more important than the second?
Oddly military ranks go both ways such as a Sergeant Major being higher than Sergeant while Major General is lower than General. Not sure the military way is a good way either.
My suggestion is to show a single rank followed by where they are between levels. Lets say a Veteran comprised levels 1000 to 1300. Players at 1000 would be Veteran. Players at 1100 would be Veteran Major and Players at 1200 would Veteran Elite. This would mean being a Legend Elite would top the current scale.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
Not sure why they sorted ranks by color than actual ranks. Bronze silver gold recruit then move to bronze silver gold invader etc, seeing any legends will then be rare but at least I wont feel like I’m moving backwards from legend to bronze recruit.
this guy gets it.
I believe this is the way they should of done it – recruit, bronze recruit etc before moving to the next rank…
I like looking at it like the military ranks (which I am not in btw) It doesn’t go private > corporal > Sergeant > major > private first class > sergeant first class…
but with this game it does… After being a Legend I go back to being a recruit. Even worse I go back to being a bronze recruit which somehow sounds worse than being only a recruit.
Anet if you are reading this I think you should look into it.
Are ranks that important its worth worrying about? How many take notice of the enemies rank when engaging in a battle?
This is the least of WvW’s problems… You get used to it quite fast and it’s pretty easy to see who’s the higher ranked with this system – that’s all that matters.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Me thinks one of Anets employees was tasked with the job to come up with the titles. He decided to go home and let his 5 year old come up with the names. Problem solved.
Point 1) Why recruit after invader/assaulter: Invaders and assaulters aren’t “in” an army, but after showing they prowess they are invited to the army.
Point 2) Just think there are 4 armies in WvW, the normal, bronze, silver and golden army. The higher coloured army only recruits from the very best of the army colour just below them.
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
Are ranks that important its worth worrying about? How many take notice of the enemies rank when engaging in a battle?
Your right it is a small thing but it comes down to game polish. Its those little attention to details that turn a good game into a great game.
I only really noticed it when I fought someone and just noticed the bronze invader title and thought “Wait. Does that mean he is better (more experienced) than me or not?” it wasn’t clear until I wiki’d it.
I’m not going to lose any sleep over this but I do like this game and if I think something could be done better I’ll point it out. I would quite like to see this game succeed for years.
It’s obvious that the names were rushed and lazily done – but this is WvW!
yeah, ANET really need to overhaul the WvW rank naming convention….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
The reason the rank titles are how they are is because of the sheer immensity of the number of rank titles needed. This is not something that has 10-15 tiers, but a lot more. They used the military ranks a bit because that is a system that already exists and is easy to recognize, but those titles are fairly few comparative to what is needed here.
Basically, ANet needed a system that could allow to add more ranks when they are needed, since the WvW progression is not limited and in some years there would surely be people who top the current ranks. This system of “divisions”, if you will, seems to be the best one, since you can add more divisions later, when they are needed.
And, honestly, if the 4th rank title you get is Recruit, the 12th one is General and the 15th is Legend, what would you guys think the 42nd should be? Or the 67th? How can you devise a system that allows for, say, 100 named progressive rank titles?! With the possibility to add more when they are needed?
(edited by SkyFallsInThunder.8257)
Yay, someone found something else to pointlessly complain about. What’s next, we’re going to point out that the golem prefixes (alpha and omega) are technically the wrong way round?
I would prefer to see actual rank numbers (r123, for example) instead of unclear titles. Never remembered who is better: veteran, recruit, invader.
I would prefer to see actual rank numbers (r123, for example) instead of unclear titles. Never remembered who is better: veteran, recruit, invader.
This. Just give us the numbers instead of the ridiculous naming they have now.
Though in the end, looking at whether your foe has Applied Fortitude/Guard Leech/both probably tells you more information.
I think Invader, Bronze Invader, Silver Invader et cetera actually makes more sense in terms of progression too.
Yay, someone found something else to pointlessly complain about. What’s next, we’re going to point out that the golem prefixes (alpha and omega) are technically the wrong way round?
Its not complaining its just constructive feedback. Learn the difference.
1st world problems.