WvW server issue(s)?

WvW server issue(s)?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475


Just trying to ascertain if something is up with the very recent performance of the WvW servers at large (such as a ddos attack)

Also wanted to gauge if I’m off my rocker or if others have noticed a performance dip on the server side in the past couple of days from outside of my own local playing experiences this week.

Maybe you folks on the Anet side are unawares? Maybe you are fully aware and haven’t rolled to the stage of releasing a statement?

I can only speak locally (my own experiences and those of others that I play with) here in Tier 1 North America, but since Monday early AM EST, the WvW servers seem to be suffering some pretty signifigant performance issues.

I describe them as server side due to the general lag in several aspects of ‘normal’ gameplay (skill activation-recogintion, moving through green/red/blue portals into towers/keeps, ‘rubber banding’ by both players and npc’s, spiking downed player[s], waypoint timer desynchs, heck even picking up bags).

These bracketed gameplay elements are lagged even when involved in small scale combat on overall lower popluated maps.

Since Tuesday, there has also been an issue with random disconnections by gamers clients to the game. Fortunately I’ve only had 2 so far but others have been randomly disconnected multiple times in a row.


WvW server issue(s)?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


An idea was thrown out yesterday that Anet may be stealth testing changes that are related to the possible removal of culling this month. Given that they stealth tested reductions in map population caps last month, I’d say this theory has its merits.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

WvW server issue(s)?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475

An idea was thrown out yesterday that Anet may be stealth testing changes that are related to the possible removal of culling this month. Given that they stealth tested reductions in map population caps last month, I’d say this theory has its merits.

Good to know our friends over on Blackgate are suffering from the same quality of life issues…in a hey its not just us way that is.

Yeah I saw that too Liquid. Sounds reasonable but hence the nature of my Q? post.

Seen symptoms like this from ddos’ing as well in other mmo’s.