WvW server issue(s)?
An idea was thrown out yesterday that Anet may be stealth testing changes that are related to the possible removal of culling this month. Given that they stealth tested reductions in map population caps last month, I’d say this theory has its merits.
[KnT] – Blackgate
An idea was thrown out yesterday that Anet may be stealth testing changes that are related to the possible removal of culling this month. Given that they stealth tested reductions in map population caps last month, I’d say this theory has its merits.
Good to know our friends over on Blackgate are suffering from the same quality of life issues…in a hey its not just us way that is.
Yeah I saw that too Liquid. Sounds reasonable but hence the nature of my Q? post.
Seen symptoms like this from ddos’ing as well in other mmo’s.