WvW suicide issue and YOU !
I’m pretty sure if you’ve tagged the player already, you get drops/exp when they die of fall damage.
Don’t fight near cliffs?...
It’s not an issue. I use cliffs to-
1: Get away
2: Trick my opponent
You’d be surprised how many people will actually follow you off of a cliff and die as well.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
if you have done damage to that player you will get loot (if a bag drops) and exp. If a player would rather jump off a cliff and die rather than take any damage from you I think I would LOL
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
no you don’t !
I’ve seen it happen many times already.
no loot no kill towards WvW achievement.
no armor damage taken from that death.
if you have done damage to that player you will get loot (if a bag drops) and exp. If a player would rather jump off a cliff and die rather than take any damage from you I think I would LOL
Yeah even I would, but I’m talking about someone you have already engaged in combat and is nearly dead
if you have done damage to that player you will get loot (if a bag drops) and exp. If a player would rather jump off a cliff and die rather than take any damage from you I think I would LOL
Yeah even I would, but I’m talking about someone you have already engaged in combat and is nearly dead
you will get loot then (again if it drops) and exp.
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
Hit them harder I get loot bags from cliff divers all the time, I also take pleasure in smashing people over the side with Kb’s
You’d be surprised how many people will actually follow you off of a cliff and die as well.
hahahaha I’ve seen this happen so many times, I use cliffs as well and as a warrior they think because I survived the dive they can to so funny when they splat all over the floor :d and you dance on their corpse
On topic:
I’m talking about denying you your loot and kill due to how death mechanics work at the moment.
Hit them harder I get loot bags from cliff divers all the time, I also take pleasure in smashing people over the side with Kb’s
if this is true than it might be a bug I’m experiencing because I never get the loot or the kill count towards my WvW achievement when my opponent decides to dive and die
I get thrown off cliffs by other class’s with a knock back, it is pretty funny really because when i try that with my fear they dont go anyplace, they might turn around. What i would not give for my necro to have a knock back or stability that is reliable. 3 seconds from DS is not reliable and having to use my elites for the buff is also just a horrible way to get stability.
I will be kicking,rifle butting and stomping necros a lot more often from now on with your bad stability mechanics thx for the tip
i push people off cliffs all the time and i get exp and loot (if bag decides to drop)
I have gotten lots of bags by knocking people off the cliffs (Illusionary Wave) and same goes when fighting and player misjudge the height they can fall with current health or even jump off deliberately. Haven’t checked kill counter, but as long as you have possibility for bags, then would suspect kill counter increase too. Do no see any problem with this, actually it saves time for both and saves repair costs, so it is a win-win situation.
I think people jump off cliffs when they are about to be killed so that some of the zerg hitting them will follow them over the edge, not to avoid paying repair costs. For me that’s the reason anyways
I will be kicking,rifle butting and stomping necros a lot more often from now on with your bad stability mechanics
thx for the tip
Go right ahead. Necros can do very little to stop it. We only have 1 aoe fear and thats off staff 5, 1 fear in DS, and the down aoe is 1 target only on a long cooldown. We can do very little to stop you and very easy to keep knocking us down.
If you do enough damage to enemy you still get exp and loot (well not always) although enemy jump out of cliff or pushed from a cliff (enemy died). It only avoid repairing fee but not deny anything to player who do enough damage. Its different with fear, you will get nothing if enemy fall because of fear.
You may not realize it, but if you do enough damage to enemy, you will get exp/loot. (as long as enemy status is still in combat while they jump from the cliff and die).
(edited by deviller.9135)
If you do enough damage to enemy you still get exp and loot (well not always) although enemy jump out of cliff or pushed from a cliff (enemy died). It only avoid repairing fee but not deny anything to player who do enough damage. Its different with fear, you will get nothing if enemy fall because of fear.
You may not realize it, but if you do enough damage to enemy, you will get exp/loot. (as long as enemy status is still in combat while they jump from the cliff and die).
My issue with necro fears is they are all to short is my issue. I can live with my lack of stability, or i learned to live wit i
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
I have noticed this happening more often as well, and I am starting to find myself running off cliffs for no particular reason. I think the constant time spend on a war zone is starting to take its toll on us emotionally.
Each server’s war councils should do a better job supporting soldiers who suffer from PTSD (the T stands for thieves =P). Perhaps we should start mist warrior veteran support groups. Folks on our servers, take care of your soliders! Send them some care packages of candy corn and toilet paper, and make sure to rub our backs a bit if you find us lying motionless on the bottom of a cliff. We are NOT taking a nap.
I believe this is an issue that needs addressing,
let’s say you’re fighting someone and simply because they know they will lose the fight they take a dive from the nearest cliff and die, now what happens is you are denied your loot and he avoids repair bills due to no armor break from falling damage.I believe that if you’re fighting someone and he decides to take a dive and die it should still count as a player kill, why ? simple, he wasn’t out of combat fell and died ! NO, he was fighting a player and now that he is losing he wants to cheat you and the systems in place !
Here’s why:
1 – he only dived to avoid the death penalty and save money.
2 – he is trying to cheat the system and deny you your loot.
3 – he is also denying you of you monthly WvW achievement this way.
He does not deny you loot.
You can get loot from him still.
I think people jump off cliffs when they are about to be killed so that some of the zerg hitting them will follow them over the edge, not to avoid paying repair costs. For me that’s the reason anyways
Others have followed me over a cliff before …quite fun seeing the enemies ‘rain’.
I’m pretty sure:
1. you damage your gears when you die falling
2. you still get drops/exp/achievement after doing decent damage even if they die falling
3. refer to #2
I’m pretty sure:
1. you damage your gears when you die falling
2. you still get drops/exp/achievement after doing decent damage even if they die falling
3. refer to #2
Your gear doesn’t damage from falling to your death, I’m absolutely sure.
Watching people throw themselves off cliffs to avoid your wraith is its own reward. I think you’re playing the game wrong.
Didn’t know about repair thing, always assumed I’d be paying out whatever way I checked out. Done this a few times when death is pretty much certain but also to see if muppets will chase me off to their death. I’ve killed a few lemmings this way. Its also funny to get rezzed at the bottom while your would-be pursuers can only lie there dead and fume at their PCs.
Watching people throw themselves off cliffs to avoid your wraith is its own reward. I think you’re playing the game wrong.
If you had a wraith, I’d probably be jumping off cliffs to avoid it too
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
I was being chased by 7-8,ran to a high cliff and jumped did a perfect faceplant jumped up to watch all of them jump after me and..Splat they all died.I love my mesmer falling damage reduction never got any loot tho.
you do get a bag/xp if it was tagged recently. If you lose combat I think it untaggs it, but then why don’t they just WP if that’s the case.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
I was being chased by 7-8,ran to a high cliff and jumped did a perfect faceplant jumped up to watch all of them jump after me and..Splat they all died.I love my mesmer falling damage reduction
never got any loot tho.
You need to do damage to them, as normal combat, to be eligible for loot.
However, also many classes have similar fall damage reduction
However, also many classes have similar fall damage reduction
All classes but the elementalist have a fall damage reduction trait.
Also @Latinkuro – may I suggest keeping your replies in one post in the future? Hah.
As others have said, as long as you have tagged them, you do get the kill.
I got loot for simply using a mark of fear and someone being feared off a cliff from near full health. None issue to be honest. You don’t always get loot, sometimes I do loads of damage and get none.
You get exp + bag + achievement when someone you attack dies by jumping off of a cliff.
They only save themselves from repair cost.The real issue is loggout…
You’d be surprised how many people will actually follow you off of a cliff and die as well.
This, and with warrior power jump ability from strength tree, you can actually survive when 5 enemies that were fighting you are dead or near dead.
I laughed so hard, when i defeated 5 people that way. 3 died from falling 2 killed be me since they have nearly 0 hp.
I love using cliffs on my mesmer, often ppl will be so preoccupied with zerging me down that i could easily curtain about 5 off the cliff and turn around and illusionary wave a few more off b4 i fall to my death. Also they are right, enemy do get loot from tagging you regardless of how you died, so cliff jumping to me, feels like… ok 5 v1 this group would have earned the spike on me….why should i give a zerg of 10-30 the right to spike when I can jump off? Especially when I earned the right by nearly solo defending a location. It looks cheesy but tbh I hate the spikes by 6-7 ppl from a zerg at the same time. + often times you get lucky by cliff jumping an ally will be way more safer to revive you if you’re not trapped inside a location or in an easy spot to zerg to. So there is strategy in jumping off a cliff if you’re far from your spawn and your server is on the move.
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC
Here’s why:
1 – he only dived to avoid the death penalty and save money.
2 – he is trying to cheat the system and deny you your loot.
3 – he is also denying you of you monthly WvW achievement this way.
None of this is true:
1.) Dying from cliff falling still causes gear damage. He will NOT save money this way.
2.) He doesn’t deny you loot, check at your feet at the top of the cliff. A lootbag might be there.
3.) You get credit for the kill if you tagged him.
Note, lootbags don’t always spawn for every kill, sometimes you kill someone and no loot. RNG and all that. Don’t mistake this as an indication that you didn’t get kill credit.
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
no you don’t !
I’ve seen it happen many times already.
no loot no kill towards WvW achievement.
no armor damage taken from that death.
armor takes damage, i’m fairly certain. Just last night I fell off a cliff and died in WvW without any enemy even on that side of the map (I was jumping for a vista and missed). I’m pretty sure I had to repair…
Edited to add: Others say you save the repair, not sure about that but I’d have to “test” it Regardless, you definitely get loot and exp.
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
(edited by Bsquared.3421)
1.) Dying from cliff falling still causes gear damage. He will NOT save money this way.
Fall deaths do not cause gear damage. This got changed some time back. When the game started falling deaths would cause gear damage but I think it was towards the end of September? Maybe halfway through? it got changed.
Test it out.
The other two points are correct.
2.) He doesn’t deny you loot, check at your feet at the top of the cliff. A lootbag might be there.
3.) You get credit for the kill if you tagged him.
It’s a completely legitimate strategy to knock people off cliffs to kill them and should be rewarded.
Yeah, I’m 99.99% certain you get loot if they’re tagged and die to fall damage. Good example of it here (doubles as an example of weird warping due to server lag!):
They don’t get a repair bill when they do it though, but IMO it’s very convenient to me as well (intentionally or not), since it saves the killer time – you don’t have to stomp them.
I’ve been punted off cliffs and died several times and its annoying.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Yea i hate when people log off when they about to get finish
Don’t fight near cliffs?…
It’s not an issue. I use cliffs to-
1: Get away
2: Trick my opponentYou’d be surprised how many people will actually follow you off of a cliff and die as well.
Heheh you’re right on that.
One of my funniest WvW experiences was when I was in this zerg walking to the big keep on the rightside of the Borderlands maps. I was looking at menus while on autorun, and wound up running off a cliff and dying horribly.
But well it turns out that other players must have been blindly following me, because immediately after I hit the ground, around 10 other players just fell right beside me and died like lemmings lol.
Best part was that they KEPT falling for like a good 10 seconds. We all had a good laugh about that one.
[Envy], [Moon]
I get loot and xp. I think the xp and loot is a little shaky, because I’ve tagged people in normal combat … contributed to most of there dmg, and gotten zip.
Also is there a timer on the amount of badges you can earn a day or in a 24 hour span? I assume so because often when I start the night, my first 3 hours are dry~ my 4th I might see a couple, then it picks up from there.
Don’t be so quick to assume the suicide is to avoid you getting the kill.
Yesterday I got pinned on a wall by massive AoE during a siege, I realised I was about to bleed out and be downed and if I did it there I’d be stuck up there and the fort would have even less defenders (We were already outnumber 6 or 7 to one), and running back was not an option, so I hopped off the wall and took an epic faceplant so that I could be revived behind cover; which worked. After which I was able to focus down the attacker’s siege which let us hold the fort til reinforcements arrived)
Of course, the crystal desert attackers could just as easily surmised I was denying them the kill by ending my own life when the decision was entirely for strategic reasons.
Garnished Toast
I love using fear me against people who are near cliffs!
Also if you inflicted some damage before you still get loot from suiciders.
You still get loot and kill count if they die from a fall. It’s just a way for them to save repair costs without taking anything from you. If you’re not getting exp/loot, you’re either not tagging them, or they’re surviving.
The real issue is the ones who ALT F4 before you kill them
The Old Timers Guild [OTG]
Yak’s Bend
The real issue is the ones who ALT F4 before you kill them
Report them. If you’re certain it’s someone using alt+f4 (and not a thief using invisi or the aoe invisi that stealths others) Report them. If i’m fighting, I usually right click people and get ‘report’ window open so i can get their account name. This way, if they suddenly vanish, I can send the name into support.
There was a thread a few weeks back where someone brought up this issue, and even encouraged it, and several people admitted it. Reported every single one of them.
This is an underhanded, and exploitative tactic that should be reported every time it’s seen.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
Don’t be so fast as to report them … fyi, there are guys like me who sometimes get dc’d … nightly … at least 3-4 times for various reasons (pressing down on a certain area on my laptop too hard in my excitement in combat, or trying to pan my camera but dragging the screen down to the go to desktop area- for some reason my game client and video card translate this to a black screen with only the guildwars cursor appearing) … this is isolated to me. But I’ve done his when downed by accident, when running and looking at the map, hell in a golem. Not entirely intentional. If you see it happening a lot with a server (then ya, someone is on their promoting that type of behaviour) – not going to name names. But just because you don’t get a kill should not equal a direct report on a persons account. fyi I am from darkhaven and to my knowledge we don’t have any one who does this or cares to do this because when you drop, you likely have to queue up for eb or the hot map again.
Don’t be so fast as to report them … fyi, there are guys like me who sometimes get dc’d … nightly … at least 3-4 times for various reasons (pressing down on a certain area on my laptop too hard in my excitement in combat, or trying to pan my camera but dragging the screen down to the go to desktop area- for some reason my game client and video card translate this to a black screen with only the guildwars cursor appearing) … this is isolated to me. But I’ve done his when downed by accident, when running and looking at the map, hell in a golem. Not entirely intentional. If you see it happening a lot with a server (then ya, someone is on their promoting that type of behaviour) – not going to name names. But just because you don’t get a kill should not equal a direct report on a persons account. fyi I am from darkhaven and to my knowledge we don’t have any one who does this or cares to do this because when you drop, you likely have to queue up for eb or the hot map again.
It’s too rampant to not be reported. Sorry if you have legitimate issues, but 90% of the people doing it more than likely do not have legitimate issues.
It’s always “convenient” when someone disappears JUST BEFORE they’re about to die.
They’re ruining it for everyone.
So I say report away until support gets so sick of seeing these reprots that they add a timer or something better to prevent exploitative cheaters.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
I’m certain that your gear is not damaged by dying through a fall. You will get death penalty that reduces your downed health, however.