WvW won't become what we hoped it would

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Dont feel sad. ESO is coming out in 6 months time or 9 months and will duplicate RvR success. But you never know , Anet may release 3 of these additions that will keep us glued:-

Ranks (without active abilities)
Culling solved or nearly solved
Orbs and outmanned buffs working as they should.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Vilkata.4725


One more thing about morning/night capping, it’s frustrating to see almost everything reset that you or others have spent time and money on but limiting the population wouldn’t be a right move, it would be better to make off peak capping less effective like increasing the point tick interval at certain hours until the afternoon perhaps.

Who’s afternoon?

The problem with this is that different servers have different peak hours depending on where their population mostly comes from. So any system that limits points during certain times of day are going to end up favoring one time zone over another. So if you have a server that’s all oceanic against a server that’s all NA they would currently just trade objectives, but if point gain was slowed during oceanic time then suddenly the NA server pulls ahead even though they’re doing the exact same thing as the server with the oceanic population.

I don’t think there will ever be an easy answer to nightcapping. Even if they added oceanic servers and forced Oceanic/NA/EU players to their respective datacenters it still wouldn’t completely eliminate nightcapping. I live in NA but play during oceanic hours because I work nights and usually play after work, and I know there are others like me out there.

Leader of The Quiddity [Quid]
Everything is a Nemesis plot.

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I don’t think there will ever be an easy answer to nightcapping.

That’s because there is no nightcapping. The term was invented by those who have no insight into what 24/7 MMO means.

ANet have already made it clear WvW operates 24/7 and if you can’t organise the coverage then your server will lose in those areas.

Naming servers NA and EU servers was designed to highlight location and therefore where your best ping would be. Unfortunately people have used it to create ‘us’ and ‘them’.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


I think the only reason why the whole WvW-Community hasn’t abandoned the game altogether yet, is the lack of a real alternative. But I really hope that the promised update in March will be something huge and bring real improvements.

This is pretty much it.

The real reason that GW2’s WvW, imho, hasn’t imploded yet – is that there hasn’t really been any Triple A MMO releases since it’s began to compete with. There was MOP to be sure, but it flopped and it was for a very old game with an aging fanbase.

Once TESO or Archage or any new thing that comes out that can offer Open World PvP like it was meant to be, then this game is done.

The Royal Guard – http://theroyalguardclan.enjin.com
Isle of Janthir

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Wow the OP is pretty much SPOT ON. I have constantly called out the developers…being a developer myself….my mind boggles most of the time when I read there reasoning’s for things and there implementations…0.o

I also here the words CAN’T CAN’T CAN’T CAN’T coming out of a their mouths…such a big no no in developer land….first off…how about don’t code yourself into a corner where you can’t…and if you did…find a workaround….its your kitten job…but for the love peet..CAN’T should be the LAST thing you say.

Maps too small? make anothe…link them…instance them…I dunno…think of something be creative…as the OP said…it’s just there way of saying…bah we don’t have time for this WvW kitten and it pisses me off….and when ESO comes out and slaughters them…I will look back in fondness on my WvW time….or maybe they will smarten up and fix it by then …we’ll see.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Once TESO or Archage or any new thing that comes out that can offer Open World PvP like it was meant to be, then this game is done.

Because you know anything about those games besides words and promises (and Archage having dated combat and TESO losing more and more of its TES identity)? I can understand hope but you’re pretty much making yourself wait for Godot, just don’t hang yourself by the last chapter.

ANet is pretty much still in the midst of repaying their debts to NCSoft and, as we’ve seen with CoH, the company doesn’t give a kitten if it sinks a complete franchise so long as it can cash in. These are the burdens of being a subsidiary of a company with so many products that it can hardly bat an eye at killing a game for near term product, and also the end of the stick for a format (WvW) that they (ANet) never intended to be as competitive or popular as it became.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394



Those are exactly all the problems I have with WvW right now.
- Commander isn’t a earned rank.
- No real strategy, just mindless zerging
- Nothing really rewarding
- Guilds are missing

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: muylaetrix.2096


Anet is literally running this game into the ground and i have a feeling it’s intentional. GW2 is a box sales game and the less people that continue to play the better / cheaper it is for Anet. All hey need to do is keep some people interested and hype up the next expansion to reel customers back in.

it doesn’t cost them anything to lose players who already have the game, but it would cost them a lot to ‘fix’ culling. therefore i don’t expect to see an end to culling anytime soon. and if enough people who bought the game stop playing, culling ‘fixes itself’.

Muylaetrex, going bananas with [TDA] on Gandara
Camping a keep near you since 2001 !

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


I have a lot of friends that quit the game and are floating between various titles, because GW2 can’t seem to fix a single thing related to PvP.

Culling is worse than before. There is no incentive to keep battling in WvW after several weeks of playing. The tiers have become a stagnant back and forth, with no real challenge. Overall, the honeymoon is over, the dev team can’t seem to make any progress with making changes, and can’t even offer us a timeline.

I’m so bored, I have 6 lvl 80’s, a 7th in progress, and now find myself playing DayZ, FC3, and the occasional 1hr of WoW that I can stomach. Why? Because overall the PvP and PvE content of GW2 is severely underwhelming after you get past the “Wow this game is so pretty factor.”

Arenanet, give us something new, even if you have to phase it in slowly with patches every other week. That, or make a PTR server. You guys would probably be able to fix bugs much faster ^-^

Tarnished Coast [TC]

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


I think the only reason why the whole WvW-Community hasn’t abandoned the game altogether yet, is the lack of a real alternative. But I really hope that the promised update in March will be something huge and bring real improvements.

This is pretty much it.

The real reason that GW2’s WvW, imho, hasn’t imploded yet – is that there hasn’t really been any Triple A MMO releases since it’s began to compete with. There was MOP to be sure, but it flopped and it was for a very old game with an aging fanbase.

Once TESO or Archage or any new thing that comes out that can offer Open World PvP like it was meant to be, then this game is done.

I actually disagree that TESO’s RvR will mean that GW2 WvW is done.

GW2 WvW will always appeal to the casual player. You just jump in, find a zerg and run around capping stuff. You can shoot other people and watch them fall down. This makes it a nice supplement to GW2’s casual PvE, a category of which is now the undisputed market king (and which = $$$).

Those looking for a deeper or more persistent RvR experience may well be better served by TESO. This is what I expect.

(And the jury is still out for ArcheAge. On the one hand, it could well be a Korean grinder. On the other hand, Trion is publishing it. So we’ll have to wait and see).

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The reddit interview with Mike Ferguson makes it pretty clear that the OP is 100% correct.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


The reddit interview with Mike Ferguson makes it pretty clear that the OP is 100% correct.

It blows my mind that they are ignoring the best and most fun part of GW2, which is WvW.

Come on Anet give us something!

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


As I’ve said before, but willing to say again because it shows just how stark the difference between the reward systems of WvW and PvE are: just look at the high level armor available from the two game types.

From WvW:

1. Soldier’s

From PvE:

1. Soldier’s,
2. Rampager’s,
3. Cleric’s,
4. Beserker’s,
5. Knight’s,
6. Cavalier’s,
7. Valkyrie,
8. Giver’s,
9. Shaman’s,
10. Carrion,
11. Winter,
12. Magi’s,
13. Apothecary’s,
14. Explorer’s,
15. Traveler’s,
16. Wayfarer’s
17. Celestial

Many times they have said how WvW is supposed to be as rewarding as PvE. It’s a total lie.

The Royal Guard – http://theroyalguardclan.enjin.com
Isle of Janthir

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Thresher.3049


I mean these guys are a subsidiary of NCSoft, which is very big company and they’re not exactly poor or unsuccessful! So if someone had to stump up a bit of cash to get something across the line with the potential to recoup and make more, it is there.

NCSoft appears clearly to be taking an excessive portion of the games revenue and not letting anet have enough to properly support the game. They clearly don’t have the resources to properly support it.

Given the reddit interview recently this seems to be a likely assumption at the moment. While NC aren’t nearly as ‘we eat producers’ like EA is, there’s a pretty big element of “We sell boxes” aspect to both companies and they’re not really interested too much beyond the shipping date and sales stage. After that it runs on a shoestring.

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


It’s really a shame that WvW is still so broken and relatively unrewarding (compared to PVE).
I really, really hope the march update will fix some of the issues and make it more fun. It is fun as it is, but it is not the standalone part of the game it should in truth be.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


When I heard about WvW, here’s what I expected.

100 or so players on each side mashing buttons and laughing at the consequences.

I expected a mini-game, not real PvP as in “I just beat you, here’s a video.” I expected it to be like FPS multiplayer team games. Just run around killing the enemy.

I didn’t even figure on any reward. I thought it was going to be like “Hey, get all your goodies from PvE then come here and fight”.

Turns out I can level up pretty fast and make decent gold in WvW. Sure, the drops are horrible and the badges are useless, but I didn’t think we’d get anything besides maybe a title for kills and a title for deaths and a score for each server at the end.

That’s what it’s about, right? Getting in there and having a little fun seeing what your class can do, right? Everything else to me is gravy. And as much as I love gravy, it’s not the reason I eat the turkey.

Calm Little Buddy

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Mmhm no Hex, I really think WvW is designed for end-game. People should be able to amuse themselves in WvW for weeks on end… not get bored after zerging for 2 hours.
I think it requires following things:
- A customizable world: build houses, build walls anywhere.
- A living world: there aren’t any citizens in any of the places, there are no farms, there are no children, no supply sellers (food, drinks…), no feasts when you claim a location…
- Different maps: right now we have 2 maps… (3 times the same one and EB)

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Mmhm no Hex, I really think WvW is designed for end-game. People should be able to amuse themselves in WvW for weeks on end… not get bored after zerging for 2 hours.
I think it requires following things:
- A customizable world: build houses, build walls anywhere.
- A living world: there aren’t any citizens in any of the places, there are no farms, there are no children, no supply sellers (food, drinks…), no feasts when you claim a location…
- Different maps: right now we have 2 maps… (3 times the same one and EB)

A sandbox Tyria or Underworld(for WvW) is what you want(i wanted that also), i imagine that is not the target of player population of Anet (im out of that equation as well).

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Dear Eclipses.7152,

I took the liberty of rewriting your post with a more positive spin. I hope this meets with your approval.

WARNING: LONG POST, but worth it. see TL;DR for major points
1. Commander needs improvement (I believe some is in the works).
2. The roles/rewards/recognition of Guilds in a game called ‘Guild Wars’ is in need of a buff.
3. There need to be more (a LOT, LOT LOT more) advantages for running in smaller groups.
4. Implement more Rewards/Progression/Depth/Consequence (I believe this is being worked on so I will skip it and reassess it after it’s patch is done).
5. We humnbly request some WvW dev interaction with the community.

Hey all,
1. Commander needs improvement (I believe this is being worked on so I will skip it and reassess it after it’s patch is done).

2. The roles/rewards/recognition of Guilds in a game called ‘Guild Wars’ is in need of a buff.
The buffs and the siege weapons you can get from the guild upgrades are great, truly they are, but we could have MORE! BETTER!
If we take bay, garri, sm or what have you – it would be good if it would have something to do with our guild as well as our banner hanging from some parapets. We would like others to be able to see whose banner that is! The NPCs should be named after us! Maybe we should get influence or gold or karma over time for holding onto an objective! Perhaps it should announce in map chat that xxx guild has captured and claimed xxx objective! We should have a system that allows us to form groups larger than 5 or at the very least see all guildies on the map! There could be a mechanic that recognizes guild achievements in WvW! There should be something that truly benefits WvW guilds and significantly encourages guilds in this gameplay!

3. There need to be more (a LOT, LOT LOT more) advantages for running in smaller groups.
Zergs are a valid tatic – they shouldn’t just be the ONLY tactic. AoE limit needs to be lifted/increased and some other mechanics need to go into place to dull the power of zergs and ecourage more tactical play.

4. Implement more Rewards/Progression/Depth/Consequence (I believe this is being worked on so I will skip it and reassess it after it’s patch is done).

5. We humnbly request some WvW dev interaction with the community.
Mike Ferguson and his team now know how popular WvW is. Now would be a good time to appear more committed to Wvw. We see lots of stuff about PvE and sPvP, please can we have some about WvW?

-Thanks for implementing paid transfers. We are looking forward to seeing how the ladder settles.
-Thanks for working on culling. We really appreciate that this is a very difficult bottom-up process and that you guys are -working your kitten off on it.
-Thanks for fixing the Dolyak exploit.
-Thanks for removing the Orb exploit. It would be great to see them back and working again someday.
-It would be great if WvWers could earn ascended gear (I believe this is being worked on so thanks in giddy anticipation).
-The effectiveness of non-zergs needs to be improved. Improved AoEs for outnumbered groups/sides might be one avenue for you to consider.

It would be great if Arenanet might consider new/different maps/mechanics that would not benefit the one-big-zerg strategy.
Please make some lore up to explain World vs World and connect it story-wise to PvE.

[post edited many times]

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


Mmhm no Hex, I really think WvW is designed for end-game. People should be able to amuse themselves in WvW for weeks on end… not get bored after zerging for 2 hours.
I think it requires following things:
- A customizable world: build houses, build walls anywhere.
- A living world: there aren’t any citizens in any of the places, there are no farms, there are no children, no supply sellers (food, drinks…), no feasts when you claim a location…
- Different maps: right now we have 2 maps… (3 times the same one and EB)

Uhhh, thanks for telling me what to enjoy and how. Thanks. Would have spent my time having fun instead of complaining without your advice!

Calm Little Buddy