WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: somtin.6813


First off this is to the developers. I am not here to argue any points, nor am I here to start an argument. This is my experience in WvWvW and my point of view. I am writing this in hopes a dev will read this. I would like them too see my point of view.

I bought this game to play end game WvWvW! I didn’t participate in beta weekends, though I watched others on twitch religiously. After watching it, I really was impressed by it and i decided to play the game! For the first week or two I quite enjoyed WvWvW, but not so much anymore. Let me point out what bothers me to no end.

1) server transfers…I play east coast times and would hop on after the 24hr reset. I would grab members off my guild and set plans to attack a keep and hold it for my world. First things first, I set in motion raiding parties to destroy supplies of the enemies! While I also set in motion groups to defend supply camps and supply caravan’s to strengthen both our towers and camps that we own. All goes well for the most part and we grab an important keep and start to upgrade it. I am also talking to my world and keeping all who are participating in WvWvW that day on what is going on. Then we get attacked at the keep and all hell breaks loose while trying to defend it and get it upgraded. We are outnumbered, but defenses are holding and we are getting supplies in and doing well.
Now I know what your thinking what does this have to do with transfers? I’ll tell ya what, all of a sudden a group of six to eight people show up and start grabbing supplies from the keep. Then they just disappear, log out right in front of me. I was like what the heck was that? Then about 5 mins later another supply cart hits and supplies the keep. The same exact thing happens! Here the server that is smashing against are walls are sending members over to make sure we can’t upgrade it. To exhaust our supplies, they infiltrate our world and hinder our efforts!
Now I think free server transfers are great! Friends can go play with friends, etc….but there needs to be a grace period where New Transfers cannot participate in WvWvW and if transfers are from the opposing realms…they need to be locked out of WvWvW for the duration of the current match!

2) Imbalances, imbalances, imbalances….Do I need to reiterate whats been said here, I don’t mind putting my hard earned gold into defending a keep and upgrading it. but to have it all taken away and destroyed every time i go to bed is annoying and makes me not want to upgrade akittenthing. also, fighting 100 people with 20 of us gets so f’n annoying. The wierd part is that I sit in que for 1hr. When I get in my world is outnumbered everywhere on the map! I am begining to think that the map is capped a certain number of players, but those players are not capped by side. So in turn, it is 300 vs 100 vs 100…when 500 is the max!

3) Jumping puzzles….Who in there right mind puts them in WvWvW maps? I quite enjoy the fact that while ten of us are defending the tower against zerg after zerg after zerg at our only tower we own, due to the fact we got night capped for the 15th day in a row! But you had too put an enticement such as a bigkitten chest out in the middle of nowhere to pull players from what they should actually be doing? like playing WvWvW?
Its hard enough getting all the players running around on the same page let alone the multitude of people that are taking away my WvW time, to play in a jumping puzzle for a chest. or worse the few who set up siege to grief others whose only intention is to que up to get some loot out of a chest. Just patch it and take it out all together! So I no longer have to sit in que behind these people and am actually in a que behind people who want to fight for my world!

Anyways, hope a dev reads my opinion. Thanx in advance!

And to the players, I really hope they are reading all our opinions and move the game in the right direction. That direction being, what make the majority of us enjoy the game!

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Davion.8754


I’m amazed you made it this long.

protip: Your feelings wont be hurt if you stick to fighting npcs

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Melphina.9035


2) Imbalances, imbalances, imbalances….Do I need to reiterate whats been said here, I don’t mind putting my hard earned gold into defending a keep and upgrading it. but to have it all taken away and destroyed every time i go to bed is annoying and makes me not want to upgrade akittenthing. also, fighting 100 people with 20 of us gets so f’n annoying. The wierd part is that I sit in que for 1hr. When I get in my world is outnumbered everywhere on the map! I am begining to think that the map is capped a certain number of players, but those players are not capped by side. So in turn, it is 300 vs 100 vs 100…when 500 is the max!

3) Jumping puzzles….Who in there right mind puts them in WvWvW maps? I quite enjoy the fact that while ten of us are defending the tower against zerg after zerg after zerg at our only tower we own, due to the fact we got night capped for the 15th day in a row! But you had too put an enticement such as a bigkitten chest out in the middle of nowhere to pull players from what they should actually be doing? like playing WvWvW?
Its hard enough getting all the players running around on the same page let alone the multitude of people that are taking away my WvW time, to play in a jumping puzzle for a chest. or worse the few who set up siege to grief others whose only intention is to que up to get some loot out of a chest. Just patch it and take it out all together! So I no longer have to sit in que behind these people and am actually in a que behind people who want to fight for my world!

First off the jumping puzzle is alot of fun and there is actually alot of pvp down there, alot better than the odds on the surface world more often than not. Is it netting you a win or points for completing it, not at all, not that the current point totals really allow another side to win as it is in most servers. Which leads to that second point, you dont want to fight the zerg go TO the jumping puzzles and fight people in there theres plenty of good spots to fight in there. The starting drop, the top of the well the dark room and the creature room are all. Its worth it for that smaller scale pvp if you want to have it.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Please tell me you reported the people taking the supply and logging. In fact, that’s the kind of thing that should be recorded and put up on Youtube, even if you won’t be allowed to post the link on this, the official forum, Guild Wars Guru will let you.

Please get proof, record, report, post it! This is the kind of garbage that needs permabans pronto.

Also agree with you about puzzle people. Can’t stand them.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Bdsteelers.2567


i think you would like my thread a point system for WvW to make it more of a endgame should post on it hopefully they add it!

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: skjutengris.6923


Arenanet tells you the community will sort it out.

Nightcapping needs to go away its a broken system.

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Kamos.2897



I’m amazed you made it this long. protip: Your feelings wont be hurt if you stick to fighting npcs

This is a ridiculously offensive thing to say. You do not get to tell someone that they “should be playing something else” when they present their opinion about something.


First off the jumping puzzle is alot of fun and there is actually alot of pvp down there

Yes, it is a lot of fun, but perhaps you should read what he wrote again, since his point was that people who are doing “small scale PvP” in the jump puzzle are people who aren’t doing WvW, and that is a problem since some teams are undermanned enough as it is.

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Crise.9401


Free server transfers are temporary, the quicker they go the better…. however, regardless of the good intentions of letting worlds balance themselves through this, WvW causes the effect to be reverse.

Once free trasnfers end the guesting is supposed to replace it and then choice of server only really matters for WvW afterall (since players who are guesting on a server can not do WvW, since that is tied to the home server).

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I am begining to think that the map is capped a certain number of players, but those players are not capped by side. So in turn, it is 300 vs 100 vs 100…when 500 is the max!

We are still waiting for ANET to speak about this.
They dont, so i should think that 500 witout limit for each team is how its working

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Once transfers are gone and servers are matched equally, it will be a very fair even battle field and a good endgame. i just hope they add a small reward system so you can keep improving past level 80

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Frice.8746


FIX WvW ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!