WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Hello wuvwuv,

Let me start out by saying that most of these issues Anet is probably fully aware of. However I feel though their response on some of them and lack there of on others is sad. I’m creating this post to make sure they are aware of whats going to happen with WvWvW. WvWvW will fail, it will eventually become dead of people who play legit. Why? Well right now the game is in new release mode, lots of players. Maybe in a month of two it will start calming down. However, WvWvW is full of angering things that make players quit very fast. It will defiantly fail if another form of PvP is released, such as GvG or ABs. Here is a list of what they are.

1. Nightcapping. They already responded about this on the forums and I feel their response was very poor. I understand each player has his own time to be on and what not, but this is just ridiculous. I’m pretty sure these people are not in the same timezones as the server. Here is an example during last week. I went to bed after playing some EB, we were on the top. We had Anzalias, Ogrewatch, Veloka, our Keep, and Mendons gap. Supply camps included. Now i got off between 12-1am server time. I got back on around 10 in the morning after going to class. This is what the map looked like. (refer to first picture attachment) . How is it supposed to be fun when one server basically gets 5+ hours of free roam and a ton of points. With the way Orbs are and how WvWvW snowballs the winners so they get more and more powerful compared to the lessers servers, it isn’t fun. It is not skill oriented, it is just frustrating and disheartening. No body wants to stay up all night, but we all know its going to get night capped. This causes fewer and fewer people to care and spend money on defense.

2. General cost of playing in WvWvW. Though at 80 it is quite easy to make money, it still adds up. I spent over 2g upgrading fortress one night and woke up the next morning to find it all was nightcapped and all the money down the drain. I have to repair constantly and I am the only one who usually buys seige because no one else wants to.

3. Hacking. My god is this bad. This kills games quickly. So many people hack and exploit it basically caused some people to quit WvWvW all together. I had a hacker join my guild and announce he was hacking, then it was posted a picture of him hacking on the forums. I reported him and everything and support in this matter has been build. After reporting him, the person who looked at my ticket apparently did not speak english well or was a computer. He sent what looked like an automated response about how my account was hacked. I had the biggest wtf face on. Nothing in the support ticket suggest my account was hacked and I couldn’t get in. I assume he did not even look at the pictures or link I posted. Here is one proof image i provided him with and a link to more. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/September-26th-at-10-11-Yak-s-Bend-Orb-Fly-Hacking/first#post266894. Refer to the attachment for the guy admitting he was hacking. I just saw a post complaining about hacking and he was mentioned again and was apparently seen hacking/reported for botting. He is still running free, why? He gave my guild a bad rep when we invited him and he pulled this stuff off and the fact he hasn’t been punished still angers me.

4. Slight balance issue, but this is my least worry.

5. Zerg mentality. An issue I feel, but still not a high priority.

6. How useless outmanned buff is. We need something to make up for the missing players, when all we have is just more magic find or karma, it is kinda useless if we can’t manage to capture anything besides points and some supply camps.

When I go into sPvP and talk about pvping in there, most think the pvp in WvWvW is bad and not worth their time. While most of you might disagree, the sPvPers are usually the hardcore fans from GW1, the ones who will stick with the game and still be playing, hopefully, after the new release hype dies down.


(edited by Deified.7520)

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


1.Not an issue.
2.Not an issue.
3-1.Give Anet time.
3-2. Where’d you learn to count? 1,2,3,3,4? There aren’t any outstanding balance issues, just L2P issues.
4.Not an issue.

Screenshots don’t show anything.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Which server do you play on Vak?

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Glaucon.6298


Nightcapping not an issue? Because there are hundreds of posts about it on the forums, I’d say it’s a legitimate issue that concerns a lot of players.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


2. Just need more people to help pay the bills. Though it’d be nice if they did implement some sort of pool cost, or even paying from guild funds.

3. As rampant as this seems on the forums, I haven’t seen that much of it happening personally. Not saying it’s not an issue, but I don’t think it’s as rampant as the forum discussions make it out to be.

4. I don’t see a point in mentioning it at all if you’re not going to provide a basis of discussion.

5. I agree to a degree, but one of the problems in that is that zerging is effective to a point. The target limit on AoE abilities has something to do with it.

6. I agree, it needs adjusted and made relevant to WvW.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Nightcapping not an issue? Because there are hundreds of posts about it on the forums, I’d say it’s a legitimate issue that concerns a lot of players.

A vast majority of people will whine and complain about every little thing because they feel, in their own perception of fairness, whatever it is that makes them lose or not have an edge is unfair.

The majority is often, but not always, right as is the case here. Nightcapping is annoying, but everyone can play on any server. If you believe your server is currently suffering from nightcapping with the current rules, then go and make an alliance with people playing during night or switch yourself.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Ill go into depth on number 4.

4. Basically I feel some classes can do certain jobs (support, dps, ets) easier than others, despite there being no “holy trinity”. Also there are some skills and builds that are just sucky in general

On nightcapping, they can’t expect their players to switch servers every friday if the other server nightcaps more than they do. They can’t expect their players to stay up all night so that when they come back on the next morning they wont be down 20,000 points and own nothing. This is a major design flaw. If you think that people should just switch servers, that is a very bad solution to it. Go try playing on servers lower than the rank of 1500. Just go switch to them and try for a week. See how you do and see how frustrated you get. I find most people who think wvw is just perfect the way it is are in the 1800+ ranked servers.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Inaccordance.7910


Nightcapping is not an issue. If you’re pitted against servers with a player base that is most active when you’re asleep, then it’s likely that the player base on your server will be most active when they are asleep. This is probably why your server controlled so much of the board to begin with—the enemy was sleeping. If I were you, I would expect to see the battle sway heavily to one side, then the other, then the other as your particular matchup progresses. As a possible solution, you could invite players from different timezones to your guild or establish an alliance with another guild from a different timezone to protect your claimed lands during off-peak hours.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


Which server do you play on Vak?

I’m on Ehmry Bay.

Really, nightcapping was adressed by Anet already – it’s fine as it is, it’s not a controlled tournament, it’s 24/7 war between 3 servers. War isn’t meant to be fair – only the most dedicated should attain victory.

Cost of upgrading is supposed to be high, otherwise everyone would max-out everything and take no attempts at keeping what they’ve upgraded. Some of the current upgrades can really turn the tide of war, if used right.

Hacking was always a problem, in every online game so far. If you think hacking here is bad, you haven’t played APB. Our only option is to give the devs time to sort stuff out. They’re still busy with account hackers and are doing a pretty kitten good job – not kidding when they say that it’s their top priority. I’ve seen the effects of their account recovery department – they recovered the account in question and rectified the hacker’s machinations within 20 minutes of the issue being reported.

Balance issues are currently merely of difficulty for usage. People say Elementalists are UP, I’ve seen them own WvW and sPvP without troubles. People say Engineers are buggy and UP, yet that doesn’t stop me from steamrolling just about anything in my path with them. It’s all pretty subjective and the OP/UP shouting will continue until the userbase learns how to play every class, correctly using the classes’ perks to their advantage.

Zerg mentality is something you’ll see everywhere. People love to gather up into killer-groups, and the only issue associated is that AoE number of targets is capped to like 6 or so. Aside from that ability-based issue, zerging is a perfectly valid strategy and can be easily beaten by good tactics and forward thinking.

As for your newly added point about the outmanned buff: it isn’t what most people think it is. It’s something that produces a snowball effect on players per side – it doesn’t give you a distinct advantage over your enemy, that would be a ridiculous thing to have implemented, instead – it gives an incentive to stay and use guerrilla tactics for greater rewards, causing the number of players to rapidly build up and equalize both sides.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Ergo Proxy.6219

Ergo Proxy.6219

Only thing I agree with is hacking, everything else is a L2P issue.

Fights run 24 hours and thats not changing.

Upgrading is something you should be spreading the costs out to the entire guild, if your guild is unwilling to share the costs of a keep or tower, then don’t claim it.

Zerg mentality is a player issue, people will l2p or they won’t.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


Hacking is a legit tactic, because war isn’t fair.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


I find that Night capping is still an issue despite it being 24/7. When I’m on a server that is getting night capped every night, the entire server just quits. I never have a que, yet the other server is full que most of the time, this means that we’re bing outmanned a lot and the buff doesn’t help. You may say that night capping is not an issue, but from the amount of post i see in forums and the amount of complaints in game, I’d say differently.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Wickedjinx.7810


Of all the things listed, I have an issue with people complaining about nightcapping. I used to be one of those people, then I stopped caring because I started to run dungeons more. Then People starting doing speed runs and exploiting stuff in said dungeons, then Anet slapped a Diminishing Returns code for speed runnings. You know what that means? People who want to run the same thing (back to back even), legimately get less and less tokens (and atm there is a bug in the code).

So tell me, what do you think Anet should do about nightcapping? Add a DR code to that too? Ban any EU group/player from joining NA servers? I used to scream that Anet to should just do that, ban those EU players!! Then I calmed down and thought, they play where they want if the game allows them to.

So there you go, people have the right to play any server, any day, and any time because the battlegrounds are like others here have said, open 24/7. Check your server’s website and see what people are doing, join their mumble or teamspeak or transfer. I think it’ll be unfair to the people who live in WvWvW to be whipped for playing it so much. I only play when my guild goes in and we retake and or defend, I earn karma, money and xp. That’s good enough, if you have nothing to take back, what’s the point playing? I’ve had a few times where my server actually is in the lead and they have everything, guess what? I didnt bother to play wvw cause there was nothing to do.

I’m the necro Sylvari with all the flower power and the skirt to match.

(edited by Wickedjinx.7810)

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


1. This is part of the game, if you have a problem with it, play sPvP. If anything this is connected to more population on one server, person A wakes up at 6:30 AM because he wants to play an hour before work, while person B on the other server goes straight to work. This is something ANet cannot control 100%

2. I personally don’t find this an issue with badges of honor, but upgrading can be costly, only upgrade as much as you can, hope the rest do too.

3. This is bad, I have nothing more to say about it.

4. Balance issues will be solved, give them a little more time.

5. A little issue, but WvWvW was always going to have some type of zerg mentality, It’s something that is bad but cannot be helped.

6. Outmanned Buff is insulting, If anything orbs should be replaced with the Outmanned Buff, because if you’re snow balling that hard, I’d prefer higher karma/rare loot then something which kind of makes me feel OP.

Further more, I do enjoy WvWvW, but people will cry about absolutely ANYTHING that doesn’t go their way, It’s human nature. I hope Nightcapping does not get changed because it’s how WvWvW is suppose to be, the point system should be changed so when one side has x/x then other servers the points gained should be lessened. Take my opinions with a grain of salt if you must.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


OP has to realize that for every “night capping” destroying all your hard work there is your “day capping” destroying all their hard work too. I have no problem with it atm but if and when populations get worse then this could be a problem on some servers.

I don’t mind the see-saw battles we had last week on Sorrows Furnace and the end of the week showed a 3k difference between the night capping and the Day capping.

I do agree 100% with the comments on the exploiters. It has to stop. Sooner the better. My server resisted it to start with, but I now see talk about “If they are going to do it then we should do it too”.

Those of you who are looking at it with blind eyes and saying it is only a few people on your server and don’t blame the whole server for those who do this, have to help stop it too. Not just on other servers but your own too.

Report exploiting period.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Day.4501


Stopped reading after nightcapping was listed as an issue. It’s a 24/7 match, not just your preferred time.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


We thank you for this feedback, but as most issues are already discussed in other threads I will close this one.

Thanks for your understanding.