Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Yerffejy.6538


Curse you CD! You ruined our 2-man 2-treb bay ninja team! We were just starting on your inner walls too.

Although I think it is weird that the first response of seeing a keep being trebbed is to just repair it, not try to locate the trebs. It was just the 2 of us. Anyways, it was good fun.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


Open field training is fun stuff, should get on that. Good group building exercise.

I’m shocked at your lack of Mesmers in general. I know CD has quite a few that know the good hiding spots (I run into them kinda often) but I hardly see them in fights apart from the few glamour mesmers who condition smack us.

Conversely, you guys seem to have lots of Rangers and Necros. Can never tell if it’s an AC or a Barrage.

I think mods have generally stopped policing Maguuma threads after the debacle 2 weeks ago because if it were the same guy like 90% of our posts in this thread would have been deleted.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


Our tactics are far superior:

Brilliant. Just…wow…brilliant.

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Oh hai there Mag AND SBI… do you need more lube for the double team you’re issuing CD right now?

…We don’t like it dry.

We flipped your garrison and keeps with literally no siege and I saw no SBI on the map. I don’t think we needed to double team you.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Pretty sure SBI was getting 2x the attention last night on EB and in our own BL. Not sure what happened later in the early morning but in EB we were getting trebbed by Mag and hit by CD continually around Ogre’s. Was a big three way battle on the slope just outside Ogres, for a good hour. Twas great funs. Us SBI thieves had fun ganking both Mag and CD.

In SBI we were dealing with a big Mag hammer zerg and CD attacking us on the south east repeatedly. Held our own, as usual, and kept both the Keep in EB and our garrison in SBI. Thanx for the good battles Mag and CD.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


So SBI and CD were both getting double teamed? You definitely had a big zerg in SBI…it even queued for awhile. I left shortly after entering because the same team culling was so bad. No other night did I have the problem of the commander culling out ten feet away.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: JaironKalach.4938


They keep feeding our egos like that…. Not sure anyone other than Gravy gets the whole forum warrior thing.

I play on Maguuma
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Yeah the culling in SBI BL was horrendous and along with the lag. I don’t know if it had to do with the map crashing earlier but was the worst I had seen in a long while. EB with many more numbers had little culling or lag for me. And double teaming happens nightly in W3, so it should almost be expected.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I think it’s disgraceful that Mag is double teaming both CD and SBI at the same time this week.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Yeah the culling in SBI BL was horrendous and along with the lag. I don’t know if it had to do with the map crashing earlier but was the worst I had seen in a long while. EB with many more numbers had little culling or lag for me. And double teaming happens nightly in W3, so it should almost be expected.

I don’t think so. We had as many people in Mumble last night as we normally do on reset, and a large chunk of those were in SBI BL. I think it peaked in the 70s for just the borderlands and most of them were probably there to be in the zerg. Mazergma.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Double teaming with golems even. Soo rude. Whats the map look like anyways? I generally have no idea what goes on during the morning or daytime. Someone post a map update plox.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


CD takes errtying until 1 PM when Mag logs and takes it back.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Probably have the numbers to double team us both.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You guys can still hold a quarter of the pie despite all of that, which is more than what we can say in T3 without our fairweathers and morale. So you are better than the evil Mazergma.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Can we change the thread title to Magolem vs SBI/CD? tia

Also SBI are still running away from fights. Seven people in a tower wouldn’t come out to play with two Maguumen. They just stared at us, menacingly. Then when we left, two brave souls came down, then promptly tried to run back in when we returned. I know there was probably some reason for it all, but from my point of view, it looks so adorable.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: fadswaffer.5140


My word, one server double teaming the other two?? What has this game come too? Simply nastiness. And maybe we can do this again next week?? I’ll bring some butter and candles. Let’s light this place up and set a bit of ambiance.

Necromancer | Warrior

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Like a pair of finger cuffs?

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Seems like every time we make a move into the EB green zone CD hits Pangloss/Ogrewatch which means we have to go back and defend. I doubt there’s any shenanigans going on, just CD seeing an opening and trying to exploit it.

However, it’s doubtful we’ll be able to play offense very much for the rest of the week anyway. Our fairweather players are in straight up fairweather mode right now. I’m actually considering joining them by taking a break until the patch comes out.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Seems like every time we make a move into the EB green zone CD hits Pangloss/Ogrewatch which means we have to go back and defend. I doubt there’s any shenanigans going on, just CD seeing an opening and trying to exploit it.

However, it’s doubtful we’ll be able to play offense very much for the rest of the week anyway. Our fairweather players are in straight up fairweather mode right now. I’m actually considering joining them by taking a break until the patch comes out.

I’ve been trying to get people to doubleteam ya’ll all since the beginning. And before that whomever was the dominant server – even when it was us!

No one wants to though.

This weekend I almost put up a rage post where every other word was kitten when we were attacking you all and CD would come into our BL instead of yours … but instead I chilled.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


Doubleteam is hard as not everyone is aware or willing to go along with it. All it takes is for one small incident to break it up. Making up an example. A small CD group of friends log on and decided to cause some chaos in SBI BL unaware of the truce to double team Mag. SBI sees it and some people are sent for retaliation. CD sees it and thinks SBI is breaking the truce and then escalates. SBI thinks the same thing and all hell breaks lose. Meanwhile Mag sits in their golems and enjoy the show.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Golems are not very comfortable to watch long shows in, imo.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Nope, it’s pretty stupid actually. On average Mag has more players than CD or SBI, so if SBI goes to attack Mag, CD can either attack Mag also and face resistance because Mag has more than enough players, or we can attack SBI and face no resistance because all of their players are attacking Mag. Since Mag keeps/towers and SBI keeps/towers are worth the same number of points, it makes sense to attack the easier target. At the same time, CD knows that SBI will also realize this, so it doesn’t make sense for us to attack Mag first either because we know that SBI will go through the same decision making process and choose to attack us over Mag.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Mag doesn’t have “more than enough players” 24 hours of the day. Even during our prime time, we are calling in people from other BLs to assist in an attack or defense for another BL.

There are hours of opportunities to attack Maguuma, and it’s been proven already. You can’t sit there and speak for other teams and act like you know every single move they will make and by your judgement, attacking a certain target would be pointless. At times, SBI and CD has more than enough numbers to overrun us, to say a dp would be pretty stupid is nothing short of cowardly.

“it makes sense to attack the easier target” but how is that fun? I don’t get why everyone just loves this PvDoor game to the extent that they will actively avoid fights. Jeez, is Maguuma the only server that just goes out and does what it wants instead of always worrying about “abloo abloo if we leave then they’re gonna attack us!”?

Edit: But I guess this is why we hover between tiers and will never be the best. We have no desire to join the upper tiers and we will have fun at the cost of points. Double Edit: Of course we’re not the only ones that do this. But our opponents always seem to be servers that worry about points and kitten they don’t actually know is going to happen.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413



Maguuma has been Queueing EB and have been able to shove decent amounts of players in other BLs in this tier during NA prime time.

Though CD has no room to complain about being outnumbered. Somewhere around 8am to 12pm EDT (-5gmt) CD vastly out numbers Maguuma.


Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I consider after work hours our prime time 6pm – 10pm. I’ve played on nights and while there is a queue in EBG, I have to call in others because no one’s on defense in our BL while they’re doing yet another golem rush somewhere else.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I think 9pm to 1 or 2am is our strongest hours. Seems like we have plenty of West Coasters.


Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I think 9pm to 1 or 2am is our strongest hours. Seems like we have plenty of West Coasters.

Yeah? Where do they all go in T3 >:|

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


We all know the answer, “bff”, they went home to get out of the rain.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I think 9pm to 1 or 2am is our strongest hours. Seems like we have plenty of West Coasters.

Yeah? Where do they all go in T3 >:|

They weren’t the only ones who disappeared :p


Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Vi Au.8341

Vi Au.8341

Mag doesn’t have “more than enough players” 24 hours of the day. Even during our prime time, we are calling in people from other BLs to assist in an attack or defense for another BL.

There are hours of opportunities to attack Maguuma, and it’s been proven already. You can’t sit there and speak for other teams and act like you know every single move they will make and by your judgement, attacking a certain target would be pointless. At times, SBI and CD has more than enough numbers to overrun us, to say a dp would be pretty stupid is nothing short of cowardly.

“it makes sense to attack the easier target” but how is that fun? I don’t get why everyone just loves this PvDoor game to the extent that they will actively avoid fights. Jeez, is Maguuma the only server that just goes out and does what it wants instead of always worrying about “abloo abloo if we leave then they’re gonna attack us!”?

Edit: But I guess this is why we hover between tiers and will never be the best. We have no desire to join the upper tiers and we will have fun at the cost of points. Double Edit: Of course we’re not the only ones that do this. But our opponents always seem to be servers that worry about points and kitten they don’t actually know is going to happen.

Well in all honesty, our golem crew have been trying to avoid as much combat as possible and flip keeps/tower as fast as possible.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


It’s a golem crew. And you know how I feel about them and the fact that you’re kitten blocking me.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Your golem crew was pretty impressive. I was AFKing at the water gate in our borderlands while browsing forums. I brought it up to see a portal going up.

Called it out in team chat and you guys were through 2 gates and out before anyone even got there. I got some good licks in with the cannons though :P

Then our commander threw a tantrum and rage quit.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Your golem crew was pretty impressive. I was AFKing at the water gate in our borderlands while browsing forums. I brought it up to see a portal going up.

Called it out in team chat and you guys were through 2 gates and out before anyone even got there. I got some good licks in with the cannons though :P

Then our commander threw a tantrum and rage quit.

Something tells me you will not be receiving a raise and a promotion.


Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Your golem crew was pretty impressive. I was AFKing at the water gate in our borderlands while browsing forums. I brought it up to see a portal going up.

Called it out in team chat and you guys were through 2 gates and out before anyone even got there. I got some good licks in with the cannons though :P

Then our commander threw a tantrum and rage quit.

Something tells me you will not be receiving a raise and a promotion.

Oh no!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Catixie.6351


Your golem crew was pretty impressive. I was AFKing at the water gate in our borderlands while browsing forums. I brought it up to see a portal going up.

Called it out in team chat and you guys were through 2 gates and out before anyone even got there. I got some good licks in with the cannons though :P

Then our commander threw a tantrum and rage quit.

It’s all your fault!!

Katixie TC

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


“it makes sense to attack the easier target” but how is that fun? I don’t get why everyone just loves this PvDoor game to the extent that they will actively avoid fights. Jeez, is Maguuma the only server that just goes out and does what it wants instead of always worrying about “abloo abloo if we leave then they’re gonna attack us!”?

If you are playing to get the most points possible, then attacking the easiest target is the best course of action. If you assume that people are playing for fun only, then it doesn’t really matter what the kitten you do as long as you are having fun doing it. So why did you suggest CD and SBI team up on Mag? Was it because it would get us more points, or did you just think it would be more fun for us?

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


SBI we need to have a talk about your portal bombs. That loot piñata that you dropped us at NE sentry on Mag BL is not how you do a portal bomb, but all of us are very thankful for the fastest appearing loot bags I’ve ever seen.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: shanmugong.6750


“it makes sense to attack the easier target” but how is that fun? I don’t get why everyone just loves this PvDoor game to the extent that they will actively avoid fights. Jeez, is Maguuma the only server that just goes out and does what it wants instead of always worrying about “abloo abloo if we leave then they’re gonna attack us!”?

If you are playing to get the most points possible, then attacking the easiest target is the best course of action. If you assume that people are playing for fun only, then it doesn’t really matter what the kitten you do as long as you are having fun doing it. So why did you suggest CD and SBI team up on Mag? Was it because it would get us more points, or did you just think it would be more fun for us?

Actually, the decision to attack SBI or Mag is pretty random during sea timings. Sunday we were attacking SBI borderland. Monday Mag borderland. Yesterday SBI EB. It really depend on our “holy dice” for the day and which area it tells us to attack for the night.

All hail the Holy Dice and bow down to it le awesomeness!!!

Shanmugong Asuran Engineer.
Crystal Desert. [KoME]
Once an Engineer, Always an Engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: loneknight.8425


Actually, the decision to attack SBI or Mag is pretty random during sea timings. Sunday we were attacking SBI borderland. Monday Mag borderland. Yesterday SBI EB. It really depend on our “holy dice” for the day and which area it tells us to attack for the night.

All hail the Holy Dice and bow down to it le awesomeness!!!

lol, I just go with the flow the moment I report at WvW, testing out my new ascended blings blings ^^

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Comprissent.3856


Will the SBI on EB please wipe our zergs so they leave, there are too many fairweathers and the queue is getting unbearable…

GM – [Ark]ham

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Will the SBI on EB please wipe our zergs so they leave, there are too many fairweathers and the queue is getting unbearable…

What is queue? Never heard of that.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


To those that killed Siegerazer inside our spawn camp -you know who you are and we have pics. Don’t do it again please or we will have to report the exploit. I can understand you are bored of the regular WvW stuff and looking for new things to do but this is in the same range as is abusing “geometry” to jump past a keep or tower wall. It’s also not respectful to your opponent (but that’s not a major issue) and it bugs him for a long time after (which is a major issue). You got your fun doing it once, but doing it again would be very annoying. Thx.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Comprissent.3856


Will the SBI on EB please wipe our zergs so they leave, there are too many fairweathers and the queue is getting unbearable…

And now there’s no queue and competent commanders, and the map turns green!

GM – [Ark]ham

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


To those that killed Siegerazer inside our spawn camp -you know who you are and we have pics. Don’t do it again please or we will have to report the exploit. I can understand you are bored of the regular WvW stuff and looking for new things to do but this is in the same range as is abusing “geometry” to jump past a keep or tower wall. It’s also not respectful to your opponent (but that’s not a major issue) and it bugs him for a long time after (which is a major issue). You got your fun doing it once, but doing it again would be very annoying. Thx.

I was wondering why he was bugged. Weird. Also, what’s a queue?

The two lower servers are putting up a good fight by avoiding pointless confrontations that are doomed to failure. I suppose they could throw all 40 of their players at a keep that’s being actively defended, but that would just result in painful wipes. Better to switch maps quickly and take objectives, and then defend them against the zerg.

I’m not sure why Mag commanders are wishing that CD and SBI would play less well. Isn’t it more fun to play against a better opponent?

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


I’m not sure why Mag commanders are wishing that CD and SBI would play less well. Isn’t it more fun to play against a better opponent?

I’ve enjoyed playing against several SBI groups, and I wish they would keep coming back because they are solid. Unfortunately, there’s this trend where SBI has a ton of people on our BL and we’ve mostly abandoned it, I pop on my tag and get about 2/3 SBI’s numbers, wipe SBI once, wipe them with even numbers next time, and then continue wiping them with more and more players following me until Mazergma either has a queue following me around the map or SBI gives up.

Some of the confrontations have been extremely interesting. I enjoyed SBI’s pushes on Mag BL tonight, but it gets quite boring when SBI leaves and then sends “havoc squads” to flip camps and waypoint back to spawn as soon as they see an invader coming after them. SBI, much like CD, seem allergic to PvP.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I’m not sure why Mag commanders are wishing that CD and SBI would play less well. Isn’t it more fun to play against a better opponent?

I’ve enjoyed playing against several SBI groups, and I wish they would keep coming back because they are solid. Unfortunately, there’s this trend where SBI has a ton of people on our BL and we’ve mostly abandoned it, I pop on my tag and get about 2/3 SBI’s numbers, wipe SBI once, wipe them with even numbers next time, and then continue wiping them with more and more players following me until Mazergma either has a queue following me around the map or SBI gives up.

Some of the confrontations have been extremely interesting. I enjoyed SBI’s pushes on Mag BL tonight, but it gets quite boring when SBI leaves and then sends “havoc squads” to flip camps and waypoint back to spawn as soon as they see an invader coming after them. SBI, much like CD, seem allergic to PvP.

That was exactly my point. I’m sorry if it’s getting boring for you guys, but you can’t ask the other servers to give up objectives just to set up glorious battles.

Most tiers like ours have WvW for three days, Friday through Sunday. That’s probably what would happen if SBI and CD stopped playing for score and started playing for glory. If SBI and CD played the way you want them to, the scores would get so lopsided that people would just stop.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Actually if we all played the way I wanted we would own nothing but NE or NW tower in each borderland and there would be a neverending stream of lootbags coming into my inventory from the endless train of invaders trying to take a tower with all the walls and gate down.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Has SBI and CD tried to dp Maguuma yet? If not, why? Seems like a smart thing to do.

Nope, it’s pretty stupid actually. On average Mag has more players than CD or SBI, so if SBI goes to attack Mag, CD can either attack Mag also and face resistance because Mag has more than enough players, or we can attack SBI and face no resistance because all of their players are attacking Mag. Since Mag keeps/towers and SBI keeps/towers are worth the same number of points, it makes sense to attack the easier target. At the same time, CD knows that SBI will also realize this, so it doesn’t make sense for us to attack Mag first either because we know that SBI will go through the same decision making process and choose to attack us over Mag.

I’m sorry but this way of thinking is exactly what is wrong in WvW*vW*. Note the extra vW on the end there.

It may be human nature to attack the easier target. And that may at first seem like what makes sense. But if we actually think about it, attacking the easy target is the exact thing that is causing the issue in the first place.

As long as CD and SBI attack each other (the “easier” targets), AND Mag is attacking both, it seems like we are fighting a ever losing battle. We are also fighting more people than is necessary and thus making our already smaller population SEEM even smaller than it is.

If CD and SBI were to both attack Mag it would be a more even battle overall. And the smaller forces of CD and SBI would not have to deal with fighting two servers at once.

SBI goes up the East, CD goes up the West and we meet at Mag Garrison. Now that would be fun.

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

“it makes sense to attack the easier target” but how is that fun? I don’t get why everyone just loves this PvDoor game to the extent that they will actively avoid fights. Jeez, is Maguuma the only server that just goes out and does what it wants instead of always worrying about “abloo abloo if we leave then they’re gonna attack us!”?

If you are playing to get the most points possible, then attacking the easiest target is the best course of action. If you assume that people are playing for fun only, then it doesn’t really matter what the kitten you do as long as you are having fun doing it. So why did you suggest CD and SBI team up on Mag? Was it because it would get us more points, or did you just think it would be more fun for us?

It would be much more fun for us. (See above post too.)