a new dolyak escort thread

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Neko Dudley.2495

Neko Dudley.2495

It has been a while since the last one. I checked 6 pages back.

The game is nearly a year old and there is still no reward for dolyak escorts except the gold/silver/bronze icon that pops up when you finish. Since the game already tracks our level of involvment, it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with an appropriate reward. Keep it modest and people will be less likely to abuse the system.

For example:
gold -> 1 silver coin + 5 wxp
silver -> 50 copper coins
bronze -> 25 copper coins

Gate of Madness [MAL] EB
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


The reason for removing the rewards for yaks was due to a few paths being very short and easily farmed. I’m not sure if they did anything to fix that but personally successfully stopping people from killing my yak is reward enough for me.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


imagine a 50 bot zerg walking back and forth between pangloss and ogrewatch, specced for aoe swiftness and trained to shoot but not chase.

when they can prevent that, theyll re-add escort rewards

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


imagine a 50 bot zerg walking back and forth between pangloss and ogrewatch, specced for aoe swiftness and trained to shoot but not chase.

when they can prevent that, theyll re-add escort rewards

That’s why there’s a report feature… Imagine 50 accounts being banned for the most obvious botting ever. That’s like $2500 for nothing, who could complain about that?

Also, anet could be not lazy for a change and make rewards specific to each path. But no.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

(edited by Zephyrus.9680)

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


imagine a 50 bot zerg walking back and forth between pangloss and ogrewatch,

Has that ever really happened?

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


imagine a 50 bot zerg walking back and forth between pangloss and ogrewatch,

Has that ever really happened?

I used to see the occasional botter doing it when they used to gives rewards, and every bot in WvW is a player that isn’t killing people or taking objectives! And since they’re bots, they’re not even protecting the dolyaks.

IF there were rewards for escorting dolyaks, they’d have to give something like Wxp which has very little coin value, so that people are still rewarded without being an incentive to bot it.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I thought this was a thread to share epic stories of escorting dolyaks across dangerous terrain while protecting them from the evil invaders. After clicking it, I am now disappointed.

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

Maybe once or twice in the last 6 months I think I might have given a Yak a bit of a cuddle because it was badly needed. Talk about watching paint dry!

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

No escorting dolys is not the most exciting thing, however getting supply in as fast as possible for keep upgrades is important. There should be rewards and there should be enhancements that you earn. Supply is taken for granted too often.

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Maybe I should record a video of me escorting a yak and upgrading a tower and upload it calling it “The Real WvW”.

I escort yaks with smaller paths like in EB. Spent two hours upgrading Klovan/Golanta. Putting siege in them to defend them from attacks. A couple times we were attacked but fended them off because not only was I running yaks, but also supplies to build siege. I was not bored those few hours, because I was also talking to friends on team speak.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I have another suggestion. Dynamic events surrounding a dolyak caravan. We have it partially already in form of bats etc attacking them. Let’s make it more interesting.

There is a chance these events can happen to any caravan:

Event 1:
A dolyak’s hoof may get stuck in a road hole. The dolyak is immobilized, and needs a player to interact and free him. A menu pops up where you have to choose ‘Free dolyak’. Bots can’t do it. It generates an event circle and all involved in it. You get normal event rewards for freeing it.

The supplies on top of the dolyak detach and fall down. You have to fix the baskets (via menu again), pick up any scattered supplies around it, and put on the yak again (via menu).

Event 3:
The dolyak becomes very much interested in a female dolyak right there on that grassy hill off the road. There’s no way it will end the flirting by itself, so a player must interact with it and put it on the right track (via a menu).

And so on.. endless possiblilities, adding variety to the boring caravan escorts. Menus would make bots unable to fix the problem, and since it can happen to any route, botting on them would be pointless.

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


This sounds like a competition to invent the most mind numbing PvE experience you can import into a WvW context.

But never mind, it isn’t too boring because you can pass the time ‘talking to friends on teamspeak’

Please stop it! You’re killing me! (choke!)

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Another DE would be “There is an enemy zerg! Defend your dolyak!”. And if it fails the nearby tower and keep will have all gates and walls break instantly.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


The reason for removing the rewards for yaks was due to a few paths being very short and easily farmed. I’m not sure if they did anything to fix that but personally successfully stopping people from killing my yak is reward enough for me.

That can’t be a limiting factor because there’s such an easy solution. The reward should be based on the length of the path and how long the defender was in range of the yak. Pretty straightforward if you axe me.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

What sort of answer is that? I asked how often a yak is seriously attacked, not how big an escort does it need.

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: deffy.1320


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

What sort of answer is that? I asked how often a yak is seriously attacked, not how big an escort does it need.

All the time is the correct answer this is why it is also important to upgrade supply, i normally double then get caravan guards because yaks get killed from all sorts of foe, it is really annoying, so i will run yaks to help with upgrades normally whilst sieging up towers and doing other upgrades, as you should know yak killing is often part of dailies.

“Deleted for being inappropriate”

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: deffy.1320


This sounds like a competition to invent the most mind numbing PvE experience you can import into a WvW context.

But never mind, it isn’t too boring because you can pass the time ‘talking to friends on teamspeak’

Please stop it! You’re killing me! (choke!)

you sound like a 12 year old, idiot!!!

“Deleted for being inappropriate”

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

What sort of answer is that? I asked how often a yak is seriously attacked, not how big an escort does it need.

If you don’t already know the answer to this then you probably wandered into the wrong forum

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

What sort of answer is that? I asked how often a yak is seriously attacked, not how big an escort does it need.

All the time is the correct answer this is why it is also important to upgrade supply, i normally double then get caravan guards because yaks get killed from all sorts of foe, it is really annoying, so i will run yaks to help with upgrades normally whilst sieging up towers and doing other upgrades, as you should know yak killing is often part of dailies.

Ive killed as many as 940 yaks in a week running solo. The guards I chose to either completely ignore and just kill the yak OR if I have time I will kill the guards to farm the extra WXP. The way I see it, upgrading to get guard escorts is simply paying to supply your enemy with more WXP.

a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


I’m curious as to exactly how often anyone escorting a Yak is called on to protect it from anything it can’t handle itself. It’s not as if you can’t hire a couple of NPC guards.

A properly specced guardian can defend a yak against nearly any single player and sometimes two or more.

What sort of answer is that? I asked how often a yak is seriously attacked, not how big an escort does it need.

All the time is the correct answer this is why it is also important to upgrade supply, i normally double then get caravan guards because yaks get killed from all sorts of foe, it is really annoying, so i will run yaks to help with upgrades normally whilst sieging up towers and doing other upgrades, as you should know yak killing is often part of dailies.

Ive killed as many as 940 yaks in a week running solo. The guards I chose to either completely ignore and just kill the yak OR if I have time I will kill the guards to farm the extra WXP. The way I see it, upgrading to get guard escorts is simply paying to supply your enemy with more WXP.

Guards help kill the NPC that spawn to kill the yaks, not kill players. I have seen a lot of yaks die to bats and skelk and other stuff.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”