..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Kirika.9120


I’m a necro, so I’ve met the warrior yesterday in WvW. And I can’t say he was a pure glass cannon, cause he was tough enough to kill. Nevertheless he hit me for 14.500 with kill shot, right from the start. http://imageshack.us/a/img713/8043/70332774.jpg
I can’t say for sure if he’s cheater or something, cause I never played warrior and I don’t really know the potential of this skill, if you build for crit damage and have full adrenaline. But I want to underline it was a pure 1v1, he wasn’t overbuffed or something and I wasn’t debuffed neither, moreover I got full exotics and my armor is about 2180. And I never before seen a Kill Shot hit more that 6k or so. So 14.5k seems abit harsh to me.
Nevertheless, somehow I managed to win this fight, well not rly win, but put him in the downed state. What next? I had about 11k hps left, so I came close to stomp him and the funny thing in this moment I realized the he keep hitting me for 1900 with his first spamable ability Throw Rock, you know 1900! every second or less with downed state skill, I can’t even dream that any of my necro skills hit for that amount, but that’s another story. So I was barely able to retreat to safe distance lol, Death Shroud saved me. What next? Sure he rallied using Vengeance (while I was healing), killed some neutral mob (guess he had Sweet Vengeance trait) and just ran away. Pathetic.
So my point here is, 1900 with throw rocks, rly? I’m not sure I’ve had enough time to stomp this guy even with full HPs, lol, attacking from the distance not an option too.

Lol, not sure what exactly I’m complaining about.. OPed Throw Rock/Kill Shot or warrior downed stance in general. I just wanted to share this story, cause I find the whole situation just rediculous.
And please don’t tell me ‘game isn’t ballanced around 1v1’, game just isn’t ballanced.

P.S. I posted it in WvW section cause I don’t want to be flamed hard by warrior fanboys on their forums.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

“And please don’t tell me ‘game isn’t ballanced around 1v1’, game just isn’t balanced.”

You will notice the same exact people that say this also say, “Any class can kill any class, therefore completely balanced”. Not realizing what they just said is any class can 1v1 another class and win, therefore balanced. Just because two classes can kill eachother due to both being kind of op isn’t balanced in the sense of guildars 1 balanced. In a way it is balanced in a sense of always being able to respawn from death due to bad/boring formats.

When you have one class nearly one hitting another this breaks the teamplay of the gw2 selling point of using team combos, if its one hit kill instant win buttons. That’s superhero status.

People will say in it’s defense you can get out the way or you are bad if it happens, the point being here, it CAN and WILL happen no matter who you are.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Kirika.9120


“And please don’t tell me ‘game isn’t ballanced around 1v1’, game just isn’t balanced.”
Well, let’s pretend this lane doesn’t exist, I won’t edit the post tho. I added it just to ‘prevent’ some standard answers, but pure 1v1 balance it’s not my point actually..

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: DeadAirRT.1324


I’ve never hit for that much damage with kill shot or throw rock…

DeadAir – Fort Aspenwood – PRO

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


A thief hit me with a 12k backstab, I had above 2,6 thoughness and protection up. A def!!! guardian took half my hp with one hit, had the same def stats. Its seriously imbalanced.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


you cant take 12k backstabs with the protection boon unless you arnt wearing any armor. You will take about 9k

Apathy Inc [Ai]

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: mrperea.9580


Warrior here,
I just wanted to add I’ve used the kill shot and hit someone for 10k without speccing crit damage or anything.
Most of the time though, with full adrenalline built up its a shot between 6-8k

I know this may sound like a lot of damage, but you have to build up to it, and its not instant, takes a bit to use. So if you see a guy kneeling at you with a rifle, start evading, and youll be just fine.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


I’m specced for high power and high precision, so I crit nearly every hit, but I don’t have %crit damage increase so I usually hit anywhere from 4k to perhaps 7-8k I’d say. Did he have might stacks on him? I could potentially see 10k+ hits happening with %crit damage gear.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Desterion.6407


6-8k is reasonable for something like that requiring high adrenaline, but I’ve been hit for over 15k myself by it with medium armor more than once

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


you cant take 12k backstabs with the protection boon unless you arnt wearing any armor. You will take about 9k

ofcourse I can 3orbs + full exotic no problem

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Wintermute.5139


6-8k is reasonable for something like that requiring high adrenaline, but I’ve been hit for over 15k myself by it with medium armor more than once


This thread is hilarious. As a Ranger the sorts of numbers you talk about are foreign to me.

This is like watching two billionaires debating who owns more helicopters.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

Kill shot is a finisher which requires full adrenaline to deal full damage. The warrior kneels down and shoots after about 2 seconds. I get dodged OFTEN by decent players while doing that. Or out of range, obstructed because it takes so long to fire off.

Of course its hard to tell if a warrior uses kill shot from out of the zerg, but then you might’ve been killed by anything else as well.

If you’re alone against him then keep your dodges for that finisher. That and the other high damage, channeled rifle attack can be dodged so easily that they make a warrior look like an idiot against decent players. I personally think rifles are pretty useless in 1 vs 1.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Plague.5329


Sounds like he was using a very glassy cannon build. Kill Shot is actually a joke compared to Rapid Fire, which even if you dodge one of, will still apply most of its (often superior) damage. KS’s only advantage is its range. It’s also incredibly easy to see from any distance. If he’s kneeling, dodge. It’s basically only good as a surprise move. As others have said, Kill Shot doesn’t do much damage otherwise, normally. Honestly I rarely see it go over 5-6k, which yes, is just fine on a profession that aside from damage can’t do a single thing to you; Warriors are not known for having clever tricks up their sleeves. And since the Rifle is single-target and otherwise has no utility (knockback, a cripple), I rarely bother using it, especially in WvW. It’s a ganker’s tool.

Now, keep in mind, I know you aren’t a Warrior player, but this is ALL Warriors do. Complaining about a Warrior dealing damage to you is like complaining that a Mesmer can make clones. Of course he’s going to do more damage to you than you can do to him – he can’t do anything else to you. It’s all he can do. He is otherwise completely worthless. He’s not going to become invisible, make a copy of himself, turn into vapor, throw up an impassable wall or anything else. He just swings big chunks of metal around and hopes he can overpower you with a couple of cripples and a Bull’s Charge.

Now, let’s consider your situation:

  • You fought a Warrior 1v1
  • You were alone in WvW
  • He was alone in WvW
  • He had an obvious glass cannon build designed only to gank people
  • He could kill some random wildlife in the small window Vengeance allows (they don’t exactly explode when you look at them), meaning he was VERY glassy
  • You apparently managed to down him anyway, despite his getting the opening crit shot – very glassy AND a bad player
  • He was traited to rally on Vengeance, which normally using = death for the Warrior = he knew he’d probably die (again, he’s a ganker who is otherwise worthless to everyone)
  • You actually gave him the time to USE Vengeance, knowing he’s a glass cannon, with his only defense being the second worst #2 downed skill in the game – his only weapon against you IS Throw Rock – the highest damage downed state skill in the game (and single-target)

It sounds to me like you were a pub doing what you should never do in WvW – go anywhere alone. And it also sounds like you encountered an idiot who had only one goal – gank solo pubs. Furthermore, it also sounds like he was a poor player, to get in a high crit opening hit but still die. In addition to that, it sounds like you spent too much time freaking out in the process. Also, in WvW, level disparity and equipment ALSO come into the equation. Were you level 80? Was he? Did you have exotics? Did he? Etc. Again, you’re complaining about a Warrior’s only options in combat. “His Throw Rock is so powerful.” Of course it is. His #2 skill is a single-target projectile that can be evaded, blinded, blocked, stability’ed away, etc. His #3 skill, which he should normally NEVER get to use, kills him unless he burns points for the trait to prevent it AND manages to use it AND manages to kill something. And you’re complaining that his rock does too much damage? “He hits so hard.” Of course he does. Again, this is all Warriors are good for. Even their DPS is eclipsed by other classes. They’re all about single-hit burst damage. It is all, they, do. Imagine a Warrior that can’t do any damage to you. How threatening is he to you? Because normally, when I see a Warrior, I think, “Free meal.” I can do all sorts of crazy tricks, and they can’t. They can only try to burst damage me, and that’s usually very easy to mitigate or avoid.

The lesson here is, the Warrior designed to do nothing BUT this was still terrible (and Warriors are indeed usually terrible), and you shouldn’t be wandering around alone in WvW. Remember, kids: if you see a Warrior, he’s DPS and will die very quickly after using his one good move. If he’s not DPS, and he’s alone (not supporting others), he’s probably a moron. Also, WvW is all about the buddy system.

Get eight hours of milk and don’t do school.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


a 1v1 battle ended in a stalemate with your opponent simply running away from you.

surely you can see how the fact that you downed the guy and made him run away from you beaten doesn’t really help your cause to show he is OP.

or do you contend that warriors are OP and necros are even more so?

-Desirz Matheon

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


What I learned from this thread – nerf necros

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Lappdancer.4857


My class deserves to win every fight! Nerf all the others!

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: DJPenguin.6945


kill shot is the easiest ability in the game to dodge. and if it happened right from the start like you said you should have had the endurance to do so. user-error.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: daoc.5087


Plague.5329, best forum post i have read in years! Though i do not completely agree with you. A warrior can be good at support if he goes for healing shouts, but then he would only be good at that and not damage so i guess you are right that they can only do one thing.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Roga.3284


Seriously people need to stop complaining about warrior. Other classes outshine them in their key areas. The best thing about warrior? utility. They can do a little bit of pretty much everything.

They arent OP and have to spec very specificaly to be Strong in key areas. (which leaves them weak in other areas)

Anvil Rock
[Living Sacrifice]

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: GHOST.1420


I think if they nerfed the kill shot it would have to be the whole adrenaline system. at the moment if you miss a kill shot or similar move that uses adrenaline you get a 10 second timer and you dont lose your accumalted adrenaline, i think the adrenaline should be depleted imo upon use of the ability which gives risk to building up your powerful shot as if you get interrupted youve lost all your adrenaline.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

I’ve never gotten a 14k crit on kill shot, I must be doing it wrong! I have to say that Plague’s post was excellent and right on.

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Uzul.6380


kill shot is the easiest ability in the game to dodge. and if it happened right from the start like you said you should have had the endurance to do so. user-error.

Pretty much. It is pretty funny how most players fail to dodge my Kill Shot, even when I open with it. I have even used it at point blank range before and people still take it to the face.

When facing a Warrior in full Berserker’s like me, you better dodge it because Kill Shot has a tendency of living up to its name. Thanks to the piercing bullets trait, I have even downed multiple players with a single Kill Shot before.

(edited by Uzul.6380)

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: tasbury.3674


If you have the reaction time of a fence post and actually get hit with kill shot in a 1v1 you deserve to die.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


My kill shot only does 3K

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Just one thing to add to those who are saying Warriors only DPS and nothing else… we DO have some other abilities. Hammers cripple, stun, and knockdown. Rifles can cripple and waken armor. Swords cripple, shields block, and a mace can stun, block/retaliate, and even confuse with the right trait. The big problem, at least that I’ve found, is that it’s hard to get close enough to use any of these skills in melee, especially since virtually everyone I face tends to kite me. I’ve ended up switching to Greatsword in PvP just to have more of a chance to fight, with a rifle also usually used.

And yes, I admit, I’m not the best PVPer… that’s why I do other things in WvW. Repair, operate siege weapons, man defenses, provide scouting or tactical info, and join in raids killing NPCs at camps or taking down walls in towers and keeps. I’m just not that good against the other players when it’s my blade against theirs.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Uzul.6380


Rifle + Greatsword has been combo of choice in WvW too. The Rifle has high range and high damage which is perfect for picking off people in zerg fights and I get to use the Greatsword to quickly move around the map or deal high melee damage if someone gets close to me. I also keep a Warhorn in my inventory for a speed boost when out of combat.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


The big problem I’ve had with rifles is when I stand on a wall and shoot at an enemy, two things usually happen… either the wall gets in the way of the shot and gets “Obstructed”, or the player is far enough away to be out of range. Rarely do they end up in that narrow area that I can actually shoot them. Quite annoying, personally.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


My warrior hit a 293k damage kill shot the other day. Granted, it was at full adrenaline, on a rabbit.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: mifbifgiggle.6713


use a reflect projectiles skill. Like I’m an engi, so i use magnetic shield and they get hit with it. It is often hilarious and I find myself talking smack when it happens, because of the pure ownage resulting from it.

If you have the reaction time of a fence post and actually get hit with kill shot in a 1v1 you deserve to die.

before reading this post, i didn’t know what the preparation for kill shot looked like. i thought it was just an instant cast…good to know that it’s not. If it was, we would have reason to say it’s OP.

Mr Flintlock, lvl 80 Engineer
Jade Quarry Crusader
rock the elixirs.

(edited by mifbifgiggle.6713)

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


Pretty much. It is pretty funny how most players fail to dodge my Kill Shot, even when I open with it. I have even used it at point blank range before and people still take it to the face.

I was killed today by a 11k killshot out of nowhere from the enemy zerg in WvW. Theirs nothing that telegraphs that a huge amount of damage is coming. Bam dead. Its basicaly like a sniper rifle in a fps game. Every other insane burst damage in the game is melee and tells you even in a big zerg that its dangerous to not dodge it. Oh and if I look at my necromancer, look through all the skills and look back at a 10k or more killshot at max range I see no, seriously no way you can defend such a skill in its current state.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Diamh.4081


" Every other insane burst damage in the game is melee and tells you even in a big zerg that its dangerous to not dodge it." <<<< this

Also I was killed in a large WvW fight instantly with a 12,333 kill shot today. Yes its fun to fight 15 vs 15 when you can get one shot at anytime without seeing it coming???

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Taobella.6597


Reason warrior skills seem super high in dmg is because all there skills have Cool down meaning they cant just spam there burst nonstop so if they miss once there basically done for 30 seconds.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


It’s nothing abnormal, My kill-shot many times do 10k+ dmg if it crits. Highest i did was like 13.5k or sth.

" Every other insane burst damage in the game is melee and tells you even in a big zerg that its dangerous to not dodge it." <<<< this

Also I was killed in a large WvW fight instantly with a 12,333 kill shot today. Yes its fun to fight 15 vs 15 when you can get one shot at anytime without seeing it coming???

Oh, then you probably highly dislike ballistas too, am i right?

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: kyokara.1867


Pretty much. It is pretty funny how most players fail to dodge my Kill Shot, even when I open with it. I have even used it at point blank range before and people still take it to the face.

I was killed today by a 11k killshot out of nowhere from the enemy zerg in WvW. Theirs nothing that telegraphs that a huge amount of damage is coming. Bam dead. Its basicaly like a sniper rifle in a fps game. Every other insane burst damage in the game is melee and tells you even in a big zerg that its dangerous to not dodge it..

When I was running a defensive build on my war I got 2 shotted by a thief. While he was stealthed. For a warrior to do that much damage with KS he has to be a glass cannon. And unlike thieves, warriors have no way to escape if cornered, they have LESS survivability than thieves, LESS survivability than mesmers, and LESS survivability than any class besides eles, and maybe necros. So let us have our kittening kill shot, and if you don’t like it stop running around with zergs in WvW and getting randomly popped.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Might be tipping my hand a little bit, but Frenzy makes you all seem like fence posts when I line up for a Kill Shot.

And yes, those numbers you encountered are about right. The rifle has higher base damage than a greatsword. Once you factor in crit and gear, you can easily one-shot squishies as long as you’re specced for it. I tend to favor a little more toughness in my build than most warriors, but my rifle damage is still pretty solid (and it pierces!).

Bonus tip: Frenzy also speeds up finishing moves on downed opponents.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


“I know this may sound like a lot of damage, but you have to build up to it, and its not instant, takes a bit to use. "

Or you press your instant-full-Adrenaline button.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Asilion.9213


I am embarrassed this has become about Necromancers being as that is my main (and for those of you wondering, not close to OP – unless you’re speaking strictly PvE) but I have to concur. The 1v1 situation described above would have irked me more if I was the Warrior, not if I was the Necro.

Necro is not a class that can throw 5 signets on at random and spec full Berserkers gear with a GS/Rifle and face any challenge equally. That’s what a glass cannon Warrior does and it does it well, but is by no means unkillable 1v1. If you want to succeed as a Necro get good and fast at reading upcoming match-ups and switching out your 6-10 skills on the fly. Also, play sPvP more and utilize ALL your skills (don’t just glance at the text and not fully understand them) so you really get a feel for what you can do and when you can do it.

In this instance, using only my default “all-around” skills (say the Warrior snuck around a corner out of my field of view and opened with kill-shot for the 14.5k damage and then the fight begins) I’d be left with roughly 13k HP and no conditions on me. One hotbar has (1) DoT/Poison, (2) Cripple/DoT, (3) DD/Lifeforce gain, (4) Blind/Condition xfer, (5) Weakness/DoT. The other has awesome stuff too but is not necessary. I have (6) Heal/Cure conditions, (7) Might/DoT/self-DoT, (8) Weakness/Poison/self-Weakness, (9) Swiftness/Stun-break/Lifeforce gain/Teleport, (0) Immunity to DD and a hotbar of DoT/Poison/Blind/Cripple for 20s.

First let’s look at the OP’s problem: taking huge damage!! We need to counter this effectively in order to proceed reducing the Warrior’s HP to zero and beyond without interruption. What’s stopping him is his own HP reaching zero.

Next let’s understand what these skills locked in combat can accomplish, starting with the ones that solve the problem of… dying. Blind and Weakness. Blind is a condition with a short duration (6.5s with +duration) that causes the next attempted attack, or skill-based attack, to entirely miss its target. Weakness causes -50% End regen and 50% Fumble. No Endurance means no mobility which in the Warriors case means the Necro can keep him at a safe distance and keep them from escaping (after skill-based gap closers have been exhausted). Fumble is an often overlooked condition which causes all normal attacks to be glancing blows, and turns critical hits into normal damage attacks. Both (5) and (8) are 11s durations. (8) also applies 6.5s Weakness to yourself, which can be transferred to your target with (4) along with its Blind, effectively adding to the duration (and restoring your state). (0) can also negate all incoming damage from the Warrior excluding ground-targetted abilities (such as a Longbow’s, which this Warrior doesn’t have) and condition damage (which this Warrior isn’t specced for but has a minor DoT on his Rifle skill) for 20s while causing Blind/Poison/Cripple/DoT with a 1s interval between changing which condition you wish to stack next (you may also dash/evade in this form).

I would traditionally open with (5) to immediately protect myself from a follow-up burst combo while lowering the enemy’s HP enough to possibly bait their condition removal. After 1-2s if they are still debuffed I would follow with (2) and (1) combos to effectively control their movement and begin kiting them with (9). If the Warrior chose to remain Weakened/Crippled/Poisoned/DoT’d reserving their -Condition skill they will simply either die once Lifeforce is high enough to Deathshroud or be forced to use it to break out of the infinite kite. Once removed, (8) followed by (4) applies 17.5s of Weakness along with Blindness and Poison. Now damage dealt to them will stick better and they will never crit for the rest of the fight. If they had a second -Condition skill you can fall back on (0) to effectively stack them back on while maintaining your HP.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Sounds like he was using a very glassy cannon build. Kill Shot is actually a joke compared to Rapid Fire, which even if you dodge one of, will still apply most of its (often superior) damage. KS’s only advantage is its range. It’s also incredibly easy to see from any distance. If he’s kneeling, dodge. It’s basically only good as a surprise move. As others have said, Kill Shot doesn’t do much damage otherwise, normally. Honestly I rarely see it go over 5-6k, which yes, is just fine on a profession that aside from damage can’t do a single thing to you; Warriors are not known for having clever tricks up their sleeves. And since the Rifle is single-target and otherwise has no utility (knockback, a cripple), I rarely bother using it, especially in WvW. It’s a ganker’s tool.

Now, keep in mind, I know you aren’t a Warrior player, but this is ALL Warriors do. Complaining about a Warrior dealing damage to you is like complaining that a Mesmer can make clones. Of course he’s going to do more damage to you than you can do to him – he can’t do anything else to you. It’s all he can do. He is otherwise completely worthless. He’s not going to become invisible, make a copy of himself, turn into vapor, throw up an impassable wall or anything else. He just swings big chunks of metal around and hopes he can overpower you with a couple of cripples and a Bull’s Charge.

Now, let’s consider your situation:

  • You fought a Warrior 1v1
  • You were alone in WvW
  • He was alone in WvW
  • He had an obvious glass cannon build designed only to gank people
  • He could kill some random wildlife in the small window Vengeance allows (they don’t exactly explode when you look at them), meaning he was VERY glassy
  • You apparently managed to down him anyway, despite his getting the opening crit shot – very glassy AND a bad player
  • He was traited to rally on Vengeance, which normally using = death for the Warrior = he knew he’d probably die (again, he’s a ganker who is otherwise worthless to everyone)
  • You actually gave him the time to USE Vengeance, knowing he’s a glass cannon, with his only defense being the second worst #2 downed skill in the game – his only weapon against you IS Throw Rock – the highest damage downed state skill in the game (and single-target)

It sounds to me like you were a pub doing what you should never do in WvW – go anywhere alone. And it also sounds like you encountered an idiot who had only one goal – gank solo pubs. Furthermore, it also sounds like he was a poor player, to get in a high crit opening hit but still die. In addition to that, it sounds like you spent too much time freaking out in the process. Also, in WvW, level disparity and equipment ALSO come into the equation. Were you level 80? Was he? Did you have exotics? Did he? Etc. Again, you’re complaining about a Warrior’s only options in combat. “His Throw Rock is so powerful.” Of course it is. His #2 skill is a single-target projectile that can be evaded, blinded, blocked, stability’ed away, etc. His #3 skill, which he should normally NEVER get to use, kills him unless he burns points for the trait to prevent it AND manages to use it AND manages to kill something. And you’re complaining that his rock does too much damage? “He hits so hard.” Of course he does. Again, this is all Warriors are good for. Even their DPS is eclipsed by other classes. They’re all about single-hit burst damage. It is all, they, do. Imagine a Warrior that can’t do any damage to you. How threatening is he to you? Because normally, when I see a Warrior, I think, “Free meal.” I can do all sorts of crazy tricks, and they can’t. They can only try to burst damage me, and that’s usually very easy to mitigate or avoid.

The lesson here is, the Warrior designed to do nothing BUT this was still terrible (and Warriors are indeed usually terrible), and you shouldn’t be wandering around alone in WvW. Remember, kids: if you see a Warrior, he’s DPS and will die very quickly after using his one good move. If he’s not DPS, and he’s alone (not supporting others), he’s probably a moron. Also, WvW is all about the buddy system.

Get eight hours of milk and don’t do school.

Love running this type of person on my warrior, so easy wtfroflstomp their faces in

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Asilion.9213



Once all -Conditions are blown and Poison limits their ability to heal, (7) will do massive amounts of DoT and grant Might for 13s. It shouldn’t take that long to put them in a downed state at this point, so they should still have several seconds of Weakened/Fumble remaining on them once downed (if not, then (4) would have come off cooldown and will Blind/Weaken them again, as it’s CD < (8)+(4)‘s Weakness duration). Pop your own heal at this point which should remove any conditions that might impair your ability to finish them, and press (F). Approx 3s into your animation the Warrior is going to stop throwing his rocks (they won’t be hitting for 1.9k) and toss his KD hammer, so interrupt your own finisher and evade it. He will begin throwing rocks again so roll back and (F) again. He will Juggernaut at which point all but (8) and possibly (0) will be off cooldown. Start with (2) followed by (5) and (7) and (4) if it is up, (3) if it isn’t, then go do something more useful with your time as they have no hope of dealing anymore damage to you or escaping alive.

TLDR: Learn and adapt, you will have less to complain about.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I’m a lv 80 full “glasscannon” warrior, with maxed power and critdamage, have a mystic rifle aswell, and the hit with killshot is about right, although I don’t know how he can spam for 1900s with the Down 1. Oh and another note, Killshot goes from full adrenaline for that much, with critdamage and adrenaline damage % traits, which is pretty much a once in every half a min skill, and also, I never actually 1-hit downed anyone with it, and only shoot ~15k into massively undergeared non-80s regardless of my traits and gear, so the issue might be there.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


When I heard a guildy being hit for 15K by kill shot as well, I got very sad for the state of my Ranger.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


What most people dont realise is that you can spec so that youre pretty much guaranteed a crit kill shot which can fire off at double speed and leave you at 2 bars of adrenaline only needing to gain 1 more.

Friend of mine gets 14k crits regularly and only has about 15 secs downtime max between his shots.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

You are not supposed to be hit by the kill shot if you’re paying attention? It’s a 2 second cast with a quite distinctive telegraph.

One – Piken Square

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


the only time you should get hit with Kill Shot is from an enemy zerg. In a 1v1 its so easily dodgeable that it should be useless. Real damage comes from classes like thiefs and rangers when they drop quickness on you. I have hit for over 15k on the Ranger 2 Channel and im not ever in full beserker’s, i prefer valkryrie for the extra Vitality. Since the ability is so telegraphed and the warrior has to be full glass to hit that hard it should be critting that way. Plenty of other classes and abilities are much more imbalanced.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Wait a min… did someone just say Warrior downed state was op?



Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]


..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


Sounds like he had all 3 orb buffs tbh, not sure if anyone mentioned that. I didn’t read through other posts.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


14.5k is more hp than I have in full exotics. XD
Oh you survivalists with all your hp and toughness, try walking a day in the shoes of a 12k shortbow thief.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Kethryes.5712


@Ajaxx: it depends… if you compare it to the downed state of ele, yes it is XD

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


The people still trying to defend warriors are sad. There is no other class in the game that can do as much damage as a warrior nearly as easily. Even the thief you have 10k-14k health and need to get/stay in melee range. The only things OP on a thief is stealth and that 150% signet. A warrior on the other hand can have 18k health and heavy armor while doing more damage from MAX RANGE.

It’s meant to be dodged? You act like the warriors other skills don’t hit hard as well. Volly on it’s own can do 6k. So you can either save dodge for the killshot and die anyway, or dodge the other damage and die to killshot. Then there is frenzy which makes seeing the killshot animation very hard. Frenzy+Brutal shot+Volley+kill shot means a TON of damage in a few seconds. If the warrior is good they also wait for the 2nd or 3rd dodge depending on the class. Then there are immoblizes, it isn’t like a warrior can use bolas or longbown pin down so you can’t dodge right? But hey saying “just dodge it” means you can always dodge it.

What’s worse is signet of fury means if they come into a fight with full adrenaline they can have a double killshot and a killshot every 15s assuming they don’t cap adrenaline before that.

I have 3 80’s; a warrior, thief, and necromancer. The necromancer is far and away harder to play, has good survivability, and deals less damage; that’s assuming the enemy doesn’t have condition removal of course. The thief can hit very hard and fast but is very squishy and caught of stealth is a free kill. My warrior can take a beating, do tons of damage, and even do that damage from max range. I actually stopped playing my warrior because it is too unbalanced. The only thing that makes me frustrated on a warrior is the reflect walls… kitten things make me kill myself!

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Wait a min… did someone just say Warrior downed state was op?



Which class has a better downed state than warrior?