defending gets no reward

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


SM cap: 375 def: 75
Keep cap: 300 def: 75
Towers cap: 150 def: 56
Supply camp cap: 75 def: 32
Sentry cap: 38 def: 0
Merc camp cap: 75 def: 0
Yaks cap: 19 def: 0

Players are reward driven + defending award much less wxp, or nothing at all = no one defends
What kind of game has only offense no defense?
The more selfish cmdrs would even lead zerg around the map to cap a camp while their keep being sieged. Life steal foods and dark fields only add salt to wound. Not a lot of people still look at tick timer these days.

When a cmdr gets yelled at for directing forces back to defend, you know something was kittened about the system.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Zerg zerg zerg

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


you can get multiple defense awards during an assault. Attackers only get one assault award.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Also there is no merc camp defense event, so that lines a bit misleading.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


you can get multiple defense awards during an assault. Attackers only get one assault award.

That’s it, if you get your assault award… Because it’s buggy as hell and most time it just pass without even giving a medal.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


How to reward defence without making it easy for bots and AFK players?

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


Who cares if people who are afk get a reward? lol.

The problem with this game is it accounts too much for people on the fringe of legality and doesn’t make the game worthwhile/fun enough for everyone else.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: dwahvel.7356


Who cares if people who are afk get a reward? lol.

The problem with this game is it accounts too much for people on the fringe of legality and doesn’t make the game worthwhile/fun enough for everyone else.

who cares? cause bots can destroy games and have done so before. You have to keep a watchful eye it so the in game economy doesn’t collapse because of it. Remember to look at both sides.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


Yeah, bots are why GW2 economy is messed up.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Hejjin.1697


How to reward defence without making it easy for bots and AFK players?


Afk players do not gain any form of reward during defensive actions, they must be active to get it, bots on the other hand are indeed an issue.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


I don’t really care about AFK payers, but people in higher tiers with queues would be mad if there were a large number of AFK people “defending” from the safety of the Lord room and taking up WvW slots.

I would love to see rewards for defending, but it would have to be for actual contribution, not just standing there.

(edited by Wanderer.3248)

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


repairing the gate with 2 supplies or killing 1 enemy gives you the defense reward.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469

azizul.8469 the attacked gate/wall.. you’ll get your medal…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: misterdevious.6482


I actually saw a commander say “if they attack ______, don’t offer any resistance, we’ll recap it before the tic.” – A commander actually telling people not to defend.

Something needs to be done to improve the experience of the people defending, escorting, repairing, building. Right now we are reaching the point where these selfless (and often boring) acts might be considered selfish because if you defend the tower the zerg can’t recap it and get lots of WxP.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941



balancing could also come from the other direction. reduce the amount of rewards for assaults, introduce additional punishments for losing key structures, or simply by making holding these stuff more attractive.

Not rewarding defense to punish afkers is a poor excuse and a lazy solution at best.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


a suggestion I could think of:

Introduce a respawn timer/cooldown like in spvp, but longer and servers can shorten it by upgrading at each held structure (or even camps and sentries).
Each upgrade contributes a certain amount of cooldown reduction, relevant to strategical importance of the location.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: CorliCorso.6254


you can get multiple defense awards during an assault. Attackers only get one assault award.

What’s the reward for sitting on the tower for an hour to guard it?

Sit there for ages doing nothing, no reward. Let people know it’s about to be attacked, everyone turns up and you all defend it, you get exactly the same reward as everyone else who’s been zerging everywhere for the past hour.

Absolutely ridiculous.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Nalexa Torch.1235

Nalexa Torch.1235

Defending is strategic goal and helps your server to compete against others better – else go for Karma train… your choice

Torch – Guardian/Necro
[LNS] – Legion Night Stalkers
Abaddons Mouth

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


I really like this idea.

Right now in its current state defending has no benefits over attacking.

I would prefer to lose a T3 tower and trade it for a T1 tower anywhere else on the map. This strategy would allow me to net 300 wxp, 150wxp from the T1 tower initially and then another 150wxp from the tower my team has just lost.

All the rewards come from take take take.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


you can get multiple defense awards during an assault. Attackers only get one assault award.

What’s the reward for sitting on the tower for an hour to guard it?

Sit there for ages doing nothing, no reward. Let people know it’s about to be attacked, everyone turns up and you all defend it, you get exactly the same reward as everyone else who’s been zerging everywhere for the past hour.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Would you like bots to sit in your towers not tell your team anything to collect such a reward?

You need to suggest an actual workable solution that isn’t going to give you a huge kitten queue so you can play with the remaining x human players there.

The reward for scouting in a tower is usually the ability to man a well placed arrow cart and tag everything that is attacking, when your zerg rolls over their zerg usually you get large amounts of phat lewt (that is mostly greens/blues/boh).

I usually prefer not scouting from directly within towers but escorting yaks that fall under attack commonly. large zerg rolls in, let server know, and retreat to the tower.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


The warm fuzzy feeling is enough for me. And sometimes there are cookies. Those give the warm fuzzy too.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I actually saw a commander say “if they attack ______, don’t offer any resistance, we’ll recap it before the tic.” – A commander actually telling people not to defend.

Something needs to be done to improve the experience of the people defending, escorting, repairing, building. Right now we are reaching the point where these selfless (and often boring) acts might be considered selfish because if you defend the tower the zerg can’t recap it and get lots of WxP.

You’re confusing apples with stones. If he was planning to recap before the tic he wasn’t necessarily trying to maximize the WXP … he was trying to optimize the match score. Lots of servers do that for both towers and camps because they can typically be capped quickly, and they have done so LONG before the recent patch that added WXP. You don’t get match points unless you’re holding the objective at the timer reset so you try to time things so that you do. I’m not saying that Anet couldn’t have been smarter about it, but currently that’s the way things are and taking them into account is part of the current strategy of the game.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Yaks should be worth more to kill. More in tune with a Sentry. And frankly, defending them (following them through at least half of their path) should yield twice the wxp.

… I’m talking the animal, not the server. Though the server should be worth more to kill, too, they keep giving me 3~8wxp.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


I actually saw a commander say “if they attack ______, don’t offer any resistance, we’ll recap it before the tic.” – A commander actually telling people not to defend.

Something needs to be done to improve the experience of the people defending, escorting, repairing, building. Right now we are reaching the point where these selfless (and often boring) acts might be considered selfish because if you defend the tower the zerg can’t recap it and get lots of WxP.

This recapping mentality could be countered by increasing the amount of WxP over time. Sort of how it works to discourage spawn camping. However, I feel that defending a structure should yield a lot more WxP then capping.

My reasoning is defense is much more of a compound metric. Not only do you have to repell the enemy but you have to repair the structure. This involves people escorting yaks to structures and physically running supply back and forth to repair. Does this reward you any WxP? No. I have said this many times in that we/Anet has to present ways to incentivize defending instead of zerging. WxP could be a starting point to do this if it’s not ignored too long. Once people start getting their WxP levels it will be too late to use this as incentive.

In addition I’m also a fan of deminishing returns based on the factors preciously stated and the number of people completing the task.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Ok, first, clarify: what do you mean when “defense” for rewards? Do you mean sitting in a keep when no one is attacking it, and expecting to get rewards? If so, that’s just silly…

However, if you mean getting rewards when someone is attacking your keep/tower, I believe that you do get WXP if you’re playing an “active” role when an enemy is attacking a keep/tower (correct me if I’m wrong, all the WXP and WvW starts to blur together).

As for the recaping, that strategy is actually valid some times. I’ve been in many situations where you’re in a wooden keep/tower and something else is being attacked and you pull away and let them take it, and then retake it later. OR, another reason that I’ve seen recapping work well is if you have a tower/keep about to go down, they have their full force there to take it. Then you can quickly take something of theirs, then reflip the wooden keep.

As for the WXP for thins like yaks, or building siege, the problem is it would just be exploited too much. As is, I’ve gotten a gold medal for escorting a yak for like 10 does that really deserve WXP? I just see no way for them to do it that wouldn’t be easily exploited or just really buggy.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Distribute capture and WxP based on participation on both sides. Large zerg takes an undefended camp? It halves the point total for the camp and each member of the large force gets a vastly smaller amount of WxP. We already get Xp for repairing walls and building siege, also give WxP for doing so. Outmanned buffs (dependent on how badly outmanned) should give bonuses to damage, both siege and character plus health bonuses and toughness bonuses. People who order upgrades get WxP plus Guild notifications/Server notifications so guild leader/commander know who is taking care of server property. In field clashes, WxP should be awarded for kills based on the ratio of x vs y, with the greater going to the force with lesser numbers. To discourage bots, Anet just drops like a couple of actual employee’s into the mix to keep an eye on things. Badges of honor should also randomly be rewarded to defenders as they repair walls and place siege, so while they’re building and others are killing they aren’t missing out. Also, bring back rewards for defending yaks. Supplies are the lifeblood of WvW, defending those supplies should be rewarded. Camps, in general, should be harder to take. It’s silly that two people, or even one, can take a camp. That’s a lot of running around flipping camps when fun stuff like field battles or castle battles could be going on.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Ok, first, clarify: what do you mean when “defense” for rewards? Do you mean sitting in a keep when no one is attacking it, and expecting to get rewards? If so, that’s just silly…

However, if you mean getting rewards when someone is attacking your keep/tower, I believe that you do get WXP if you’re playing an “active” role when an enemy is attacking a keep/tower (correct me if I’m wrong, all the WXP and WvW starts to blur together).

As for the recaping, that strategy is actually valid some times. I’ve been in many situations where you’re in a wooden keep/tower and something else is being attacked and you pull away and let them take it, and then retake it later. OR, another reason that I’ve seen recapping work well is if you have a tower/keep about to go down, they have their full force there to take it. Then you can quickly take something of theirs, then reflip the wooden keep.

As for the WXP for thins like yaks, or building siege, the problem is it would just be exploited too much. As is, I’ve gotten a gold medal for escorting a yak for like 10 does that really deserve WXP? I just see no way for them to do it that wouldn’t be easily exploited or just really buggy.

Everything is exploited too much. Large zergs are an exploit. They attack and give WxP when even there’s nobody defending a camp or a castle. Your server is just being rewarded for being lucky enough to have a lot of people interested in WvW.

People sitting in a castle are part of strategy. They can WATCH. You see, I actually got paid real money to sit on things and watch them. That’s how you guard them. That’s how you notify others when something is getting attacked. The map swords can be tricked or forgotten – nothing replaces an actual person at the castle watching over it.

Strategy and tactics are FUN. Being smart enough to post people in key positions should be rewarded, not punished.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


Defending is rewarded by winning.

Sure you can ride that karma (or wxp) train, but it’s gonna derail when it hits a well defended and upgraded structure. It sure feels a lot more like winning to me when I’m able to contribute to upgrading and holding objectives long enough to discourage the karma farming zergs.

Hearing about enemy commanders whispering our side to say “nice defense, no way we can take that keep with you inside, we’re going to another map” is infinitely more satisfying than opening the “B” menu and seeing some high number under the “rank” tab.

Maybe this comes from my situation also, having several main characters. With WXP being character bound, I know I’m never gonna keep up with the cool kids anyway.

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Defending is rewarded by winning.

Sure you can ride that karma (or wxp) train, but it’s gonna derail when it hits a well defended and upgraded structure. It sure feels a lot more like winning to me when I’m able to contribute to upgrading and holding objectives long enough to discourage the karma farming zergs.

Hearing about enemy commanders whispering our side to say “nice defense, no way we can take that keep with you inside, we’re going to another map” is infinitely more satisfying than opening the “B” menu and seeing some high number under the “rank” tab.

Maybe this comes from my situation also, having several main characters. With WXP being character bound, I know I’m never gonna keep up with the cool kids anyway.

Playing a game that doesn’t recognize a “win” is kinda lame. There’s no reason we can’t have mechanics that reward all facets of the game.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


Ok, first, clarify: what do you mean when “defense” for rewards? Do you mean sitting in a keep when no one is attacking it, and expecting to get rewards? If so, that’s just silly…

However, if you mean getting rewards when someone is attacking your keep/tower, I believe that you do get WXP if you’re playing an “active” role when an enemy is attacking a keep/tower (correct me if I’m wrong, all the WXP and WvW starts to blur together).

As for the recaping, that strategy is actually valid some times. I’ve been in many situations where you’re in a wooden keep/tower and something else is being attacked and you pull away and let them take it, and then retake it later. OR, another reason that I’ve seen recapping work well is if you have a tower/keep about to go down, they have their full force there to take it. Then you can quickly take something of theirs, then reflip the wooden keep.

As for the WXP for thins like yaks, or building siege, the problem is it would just be exploited too much. As is, I’ve gotten a gold medal for escorting a yak for like 10 does that really deserve WXP? I just see no way for them to do it that wouldn’t be easily exploited or just really buggy.

My point on defense is that there is far less of incentive to defend b/c the rewards are a fraction of a sucessful capture.

Offense – Group up and kill cannon and oil, then build rams or catapults and damage the wall or gate. After the structure is breached kill the defenders and then move on to the lord room to cap. – WxP = X (player kills + capture)

Defense – Build siege b/c more than likely the 30 despawn timer has expired b/c you were defending another structure. Defend the structure and repell the enemy. Recap a supply camp and run supply back to the structure over and over until it’s repaired. All of this must be done while the offensive team respawns and comes back to this structure or starts on another one. This results in even less people available to repair or run supply. WxP = Y (player kills)

See the wiki scoring for WvW –

Yaks are extremely easy to kill and very difficult to defend so I feel there should be a reward. What were the exploits that you have seen used to escort yaks? If you are talking about bots then they are not going to put up any defense against someone killing the yak so I can’t see why that is a huge concern. I think it would help catch bot accounts…If an account has zero or very few WvW kills but is gaining WxP then investigate their account for botting. I don’t like being penalized b/c of bots….get the bots out of the game and give me rewards for playing the game. As for escorting them for 10 seconds maybe make it that you have to complete at least half the route within a certain proximity of the yak. Even implement a timer of how lond you have been in the proximity of the yak and give you a certain amount of WxP based on how many seconds you were within range. This is of course solely dependant on the fact that the yak has a successful run.

As for your analogy on recapping I feel it is more an example of priorities and not simply recapping for WxP. Losing a structure should come with a penalty. For example, after five minutes you get WxP * 25%, after 10 minutes WxP * 50%, and after 15 minutes WxP * 100%. In addition diminishing return should distribute out based on the number of people that cap the structure. These two items alone would encourage commanders to defend a lot more b/c they would use more siege and lose WxP if they have to recap the structure.

I agree that a building siege reward is a problem and I did not propose that you should be rewarded for building siege.

Defending is much harder and than attacking and the rewards should reflect that.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Everything is exploited too much. Large zergs are an exploit. They attack and give WxP when even there’s nobody defending a camp or a castle. Your server is just being rewarded for being lucky enough to have a lot of people interested in WvW.

People sitting in a castle are part of strategy. They can WATCH. You see, I actually got paid real money to sit on things and watch them. That’s how you guard them. That’s how you notify others when something is getting attacked. The map swords can be tricked or forgotten – nothing replaces an actual person at the castle watching over it.

Strategy and tactics are FUN. Being smart enough to post people in key positions should be rewarded, not punished.

Large “zergs” aren’t an exploit in ANY way. The problem with having people get WXP for just “sitting around” in a keep watching is that it does nothing to prevent people doing things like afk auto-healing for hours on end filling up queues and not doing anything. That would be done, guaranteed.

I agree with people saying there should be scaling, but then how would that work? If I’m in a group and we’re taking a tower, and all the enemies bail, do we get less all of a sudden? How would 2 people taking a camp with no one around compare to 20 people taking a camp with 10 enemies around? I’m not saying its a bad idea, but it could just prove to cause more issues.

Getting WXP is really easy, and I’m someone who does lots of defending, suicide portals, and support build. Also, remember, GETTING RANKS GIVES YOU NOTHING. And by nothing, I mean, not a lot. You’re not excluded from anything, heck, your own teammates cant even see your rank! Is it a perfect system? No. Should it be updated? Yeah. However, it has to be done in a way that won’t just cause more problems.

For those of you who say “rank means something, so we should get something for defending”, just ask yourselves this: will rank mean anything at all if people can get it just sitting around, sentrying (which IS very important!), mostly afk for hours and get more WXP than someone on the field who dies, takes camps, etc?

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Insert comment

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for adding more WXP for defensive stuff. But, my biggest issue is that people here are demanding it done immediately to get ____ to give WXP without thinking of the effects, and the issues.

1) If you give WXP for building siege, then it only promotes more people building random sieges that do nothing but add to the cap and remove supply. I think it would be great if WXP is given for building good siege, but how would the server determine what is “useful” siege and what isn’t?
2) As for the yaks, right now if no one escorts it, and you run up next to it, and no one attacks it, you can get gold medal, so giving WXP for it would be a bit silly. So, how could they make it worth it? Maybe add a timer saying you have to escort it for X seconds, or maybe add the event only pop if someone/something attacks the yak.

SO, I’m not saying that people doing defensive stuff should not get WXP, only that when they give very vague suggestions they make it more concrete, and think of what could go wrong. It’s just my developer’s mindset siting in, trying to think of all the possible issues that it could cause and bring them out in the open.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


Everything is exploited too much. Large zergs are an exploit. They attack and give WxP when even there’s nobody defending a camp or a castle. Your server is just being rewarded for being lucky enough to have a lot of people interested in WvW.

People sitting in a castle are part of strategy. They can WATCH. You see, I actually got paid real money to sit on things and watch them. That’s how you guard them. That’s how you notify others when something is getting attacked. The map swords can be tricked or forgotten – nothing replaces an actual person at the castle watching over it.

Strategy and tactics are FUN. Being smart enough to post people in key positions should be rewarded, not punished.

Large “zergs” aren’t an exploit in ANY way. The problem with having people get WXP for just “sitting around” in a keep watching is that it does nothing to prevent people doing things like afk auto-healing for hours on end filling up queues and not doing anything. That would be done, guaranteed.

I agree with people saying there should be scaling, but then how would that work? If I’m in a group and we’re taking a tower, and all the enemies bail, do we get less all of a sudden? How would 2 people taking a camp with no one around compare to 20 people taking a camp with 10 enemies around? I’m not saying its a bad idea, but it could just prove to cause more issues.

Getting WXP is really easy, and I’m someone who does lots of defending, suicide portals, and support build. Also, remember, GETTING RANKS GIVES YOU NOTHING. And by nothing, I mean, not a lot. You’re not excluded from anything, heck, your own teammates cant even see your rank! Is it a perfect system? No. Should it be updated? Yeah. However, it has to be done in a way that won’t just cause more problems.

For those of you who say “rank means something, so we should get something for defending”, just ask yourselves this: will rank mean anything at all if people can get it just sitting around, sentrying (which IS very important!), mostly afk for hours and get more WXP than someone on the field who dies, takes camps, etc?

I want to clarify that the structure should be under siege for any rewards to be awarded and not just b/c you are standing watch/afk. If someone sits in a structure afk they will lose the structure and be killed in the process more than likely. How is this any different then running in the protection of a zerg and capping structures. I can live for hours with an upleveled character running around in a zerg without ever having to do a thing. Is this fair to the guy busting his hump defending a structure? No, it’s the same as an afk bot IMO.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


Agreed about defending. I feel like a notable (though, far from the only) reason that zerging is a problem is because offense gives a much bigger bonus than defense.

And while defenders CAN get a defense award, that’s all the more reason to bring a bigger zerg – you just roll them into the ground and move on to the next one. For defenders to get the equivalent reward of attackers, they would have to be there for several cycles (upwards of ten minutes).

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


My point on defense is that there is far less of incentive to defend b/c the rewards are a fraction of a sucessful capture.

This assumes an average capture time of less than 12 minutes from first wall/door hit (15 minutes for stonemist, 9 for towers, 6 for camps).

Defending a tower/keep/castle for 3-5 cycles (even if just repairing) gives the same reward as a capture. Failing to defend also gives some reward, not sure on exact numbers but seems like about half of the successful defend reward.

It’s actually pretty well structured, as it should be possible to defend those locations against anything other than enormously overwhelming odds for those time frames. As far as sentry points and dolyaks, yes, they should be rewarded, but how to go about it without encouraging exploits is a whole other question.

It may be partially an issue of server or tier attitudes, as well. On my server, we have a very defensive approach to WvW, so it’s not unusual at all for defenses to last a long time. If you’re just totally outmanned then there isn’t much way to hold things very long, but (much like the night-capping issue many face) there isn’t a whole lot Anet can do to prevent that, humans like to bandwaggon.

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

(edited by Thrashbarg.9820)

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


They need to bring back rewards for escort dolyaks. This is a tremendous benefit for the server. And what do you get for it? Nothing… No WXP, no XP, No Gold, No Karma, No Guild influence. I know they removed it because people were just standing around escorting yaks and not fighting, but this is rediculous. Dedicated players like myself spend hours every day doing this and get 0 rewards in an already unrewarding format. I do what I think is best for my server when I go in and that usually ends up being escorting Dolyaks because nobody else wants to do it…

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

The defend reward is hard to get sometimes. You can defend a keep against constant attack for an hr and probably only get half of the rewards you should.

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


My point on defense is that there is far less of incentive to defend b/c the rewards are a fraction of a sucessful capture.

This assumes an average capture time of less than 12 minutes from first wall/door hit (15 minutes for stonemist, 9 for towers, 6 for camps).

Defending a tower/keep/castle for 3-5 cycles (even if just repairing) gives the same reward as a capture. Failing to defend also gives some reward, not sure on exact numbers but seems like about half of the successful defend reward.

It’s actually pretty well structured, as it should be possible to defend those locations against anything other than enormously overwhelming odds for those time frames. As far as sentry points and dolyaks, yes, they should be rewarded, but how to go about it without encouraging exploits is a whole other question.

It may be partially an issue of server or tier attitudes, as well. On my server, we have a very defensive approach to WvW, so it’s not unusual at all for defenses to last a long time. If you’re just totally outmanned then there isn’t much way to hold things very long, but (much like the night-capping issue many face) there isn’t a whole lot Anet can do to prevent that, humans like to bandwaggon.

The only problem standing watch and defending is that you might wait an hour before you get attacked. Then you might get an even reward as a capture but that is only once per hour. No reward for repairing the structure after a successful defense or for escorting supply to the structure for repair or upgrades. Offensively you just respawn and either attack again or choose a different structure immediately. There is no waiting an hour to attack again and this is where the defensive reward is lacking. Offense is rewarded for every single thing they do and defense is only rewarded during an assault and is not rewarded for doing anything else. For example, upgrading structures, escorting supply, run supply to finish building oil and cannon. There are areas that can be rewarded that would promote more defense and help give an alternative to structure flipping.

I agree that each server has its own attitude toward defense but a little incentive might just bring them over to the defense side.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Taldek.6105


I wouldn’t want them to change wxp much. Maybe add some for yak escorting. I do think they should increase ppt for every upgrade on a location though (not including siege).

Blackgate – [KnT]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: slingblade.1437


Both on my current and previous home worlds (both top-tier) I’ve seen a frustrating failure to build, maintain and use defensive siege. I do those things myself, night after night on our home BL, and it feels like a thankless task which about 50% of the time does nothing but cost me money and time. Yet I continue to I do it because I know the attack will come, and that our best defense is well-placed siege, especially when outnumbered.

Spending your time building and maintaining siege is a gamble that seems just as likely to result in failure as success, even if you do a thorough and flawless job, because you still depend on help to refresh it when you’re away, intel to call out attacks, commanders/players to respond in a timely fashion, and players who know which siege to use and what to target.

So, since each piece of siege retains the name of it’s builder, give the builder some reward for the kills, even if he’s not the one pulling the trigger. This would encourage smart siege building. Also, give a small reward for siege refreshing. (It should be easy to spot any bots doing that.) Additionally, as suggested in another thread, make the name of the builder visible on the weapon, so abusers/supply wasters can be reported.

Santa Claus is getting tired. Give him some milk and cookies.

(edited by slingblade.1437)

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


siege is a touchy subject b/c it will promote more people to build siege and it might not be for the right reasons. This could empty a tower or keep quickly by building siege over and over to hopefully get a little WxP.

However, I would love to have my guild initials on the siege placed down. It would be nice to see who is putting down the siege and you could give recognition for that. I really love the new guild cats….that are bad kitten

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Agrivar.1560


Wow… this is just silly. There is a reward for defending. First, your greatest ability to really get badges and wxp for killing players is in defending. Even a tower can yield lots of fun and challenge. Yes it can be difficult and yes, there are scenarios where defending is futile or silly. But you get rewarded every 3 minutes of defense. The longer you hold, the more rewards, and the more players you kill.

I just don’t get it.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


How to reward defence without making it easy for bots and AFK players?

That’s already handled, it just needs to be added to a little bit.

Currently you qualify for a defense reward (per event cycle) if you:

  • Kill an enemy player
  • Repair a wall or door

Unfortunately unless you have a zerg with you for defense you can easily end up not killing anyone. People evade out of arrow cart and cannon fire when low and and you can’t sally out and finish them off because the attackers have you massively outnumbered. Once the supply runs out, there’s no more XP to be had on defense.

(And if you DO have a zerg, you’ll wipe the attackers during one event cycle and that’s the end of it.)

These should also contribute to defense:

  • Killing enemy siege
  • Building friendly siege
  • Damaging enemy players
  • Damaging enemy siege

Actually that last two are bottable but if someone wants to make a bot sit there all day and shoot an arrow cart at the door, he’s probably more useful than half the real players in the zone.

Also, it would help if everyone realized that 30 supply used in repair = gold event credit. I think some people understand that “repair = reward” but they throw 250 supply into a wall during one event cycle when there was really no need. They rob everyone, including themselves, of credit for future rounds because they used up all the supply too fast.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


I would like the defense award to award credit for killing enemy siege, and downing enemy players only (give credit on down, instead of on kill).

I don’t want credit given for building siege, as that can be abused (build flame rams on the walls, drain the tower supply!)

Currently to get credit the best way is to pop 2 supply into a wall/door.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


If defending is such a great reward then why are the majority of players on the other side of the wall attacking? – I don’t want answers here but there is such a lack of reward for doing anything other than attacking and capturing structures. The most efficient way to do this is to zerg them. Simple as that.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Because good servers will defend nearly as often as they attack. Otherwise they will lose significant PPT.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


This is a player thing, not a WvW thing. Nobody defends because everyone wants to farm badges/WXP. Give it 3-6 months. Nobody will care about badges or WXP. They’ll care about fun and winning. If they like keep defense, they’ll do it and like it because they think it’s fun. Right now WvW is full of people chasing a carrot. When the new wears off the zergs will dissipate a bit.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: slingblade.1437


I don’t want credit given for building siege, as that can be abused (build flame rams on the walls, drain the tower supply!)

This is another problem that already needs to be addressed. The right solution to that problem could also make it OK for people to get credit for building who deserve it, and punish those who abuse building.

Because good servers will defend nearly as often as they attack. Otherwise they will lose significant PPT.

But on many servers defending often boils down to just bringing in your zerg to attack whomever is attacking your tower or keep, as opposed to pre-building siege, keeping watch, scouting, etc., which is what the OP means by defending, I believe.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Esprit Dumort.3109

Esprit Dumort.3109

You could limit rams to an area around the outside part of the gate. I know of no strategic value of placing flame rams anywhere else. And if you are griefed in the inner keep/castle at least the rams will absorb some AoE and any other siege built by supply depot might be ‘somewhat’ useful.

Jessamine [SNOW]

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


So why did people not want to defend prior to WXP?

Just badges? You mean the things that I have bank tabs full of and just spend on siege at this point?