disconnection = auto death

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Kimitchi.4138


I have an unstable connection, I’ll always disconnect from time to time, but after this auto death patch I will constantly die for no reason because of disconnection and with crazy repair bills, even when I was just sieging somewhere with the guild then suddenly DCED then I’ll get killed. I KNOW u wanna avoid having players who abuse the Alt F4 to avoid being killed during escapes. BUT there are ppl out there LIKE ME who gets disconnected because of the inconsistency of “culling” crashing my game OR my connection fails me. SO PLZ ADDRESS THIS, it is unfair to me!

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


4 of my friends in game that are playing from different parts of the world got DCed at least once in WvW yesterday, you should have seen the chat box…

I’m waiting for my share of repair bills handed to me when Anet’s server decides to cut me off. On the other hand its a nice gold sink feature.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


I do hope, this crude solution to the problem is only temporary while ArenaNet works on a better solution like letting people who left mid fight stay in the world for 20 seconds or so.
Not like I have any problems with my connection but the current solution is bad for a single reason.
There is tons of situations, where you are technically in combat but could actually /dance and go afk for half an hour without any death. But log out and you are dead.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Beri.3156


Repair bills ain’t that high. 10s u can get that back in 15mins maybe faster. Usually i get 4g during WvW. ALT f4 patch was good.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


If you can’t afford or be in the vicinity of a stable ISP you should not even be playing MMo’s let alone trying to do WvW’s.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death. It’s a real turn off to play WvW.

Would rather a count down that keeps your character in game than instant death.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen?How about unbind alt+f4 and move on

There’s no reason it should ever happen because there’s a simple way of preventing intentional abuse of the system that doesn’t kill people who disconnect when they’re not in actual danger.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


all the money you get now from killing people that cant alt-f4 should well and truly make up for the occasional DC you get.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


Does this happen when you’re outside of combat too? Would be stupid if you DCd in the middle of the field walking out of combat and be forced to pay repair bills.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


If you press “Escape” > “Exit To Desktop” Does that insta-kill you also?
not had a chance to try this out but curious to see if it does, as that isn’t disconnecting nor alt+F4 out :\

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen?How about unbind alt+f4 and move on

There’s no reason it should ever happen because there’s a simple way of preventing intentional abuse of the system that doesn’t kill people who disconnect when they’re not in actual danger.

I will bite this again.Maybe you missed the you are not getting penalty unless you are engaged in battle part.I don’t see why ppl should renounce their right to have their proper reward just because someone has a bad internet provider.Anyone disconnects sometimes but i personally preffer to deal with it like man.I most definately can’t believe that someone will dissconect so often after they run inside a keep being on the verge of life that will cause a financial problem.If i would disconnect that often i wouldn’t play the game tbh,would be much more frustrating that the miser silver i have to pay for armor repairs.It is almost clear that such projections are only being constructed towards exploiting.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen?How about unbind alt+f4 and move on

There’s no reason it should ever happen because there’s a simple way of preventing intentional abuse of the system that doesn’t kill people who disconnect when they’re not in actual danger.

I will bite this again.Maybe you missed the you are not getting penalty unless you are engaged in battle part.I don’t see why ppl should renounce their right to have their proper reward just because someone has a bad internet provider.Anyone disconnects sometimes but i personally preffer to deal with it like man.I most definately can’t believe that someone will dissconect so often after they run inside a keep being on the verge of life that will cause a financial problem.If i would disconnect that often i wouldn’t play the game tbh,would be much more frustrating that the miser silver i have to pay for armor repairs.It is almost clear that such projections are only being constructed towards exploiting.

Maybe you missed the part where if they would have been killed anyway, it doesn’t matter if they’re left in the game for ~20 seconds instead of instantly killed. Because if you saw that part, there would be no reason to complain about that approach unless you just wanted to annoy people on purpose. And you’re not trying to do that, are you?

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Kimitchi.4138


FYI I dun alt+F4 to run away nor port to town….because I usually roam….as for ISP I have no control over that…because Aussie connections have bad gateway anyway. again out of my control….call this a whine post wateva doesn’t matter to me. what matters to me was, I was either attacking camps w/o any resistence from player enemies BUT for some reason it dced me, then I die….okok maybe I was dead b4 all that happened no biggie tat happens all the time.

worse part was I was doing siege with guildies w/o player resistance, literally nobody was there to defend the tower. one dc im gone….now thatz just ROFLCOPTER fail…like I said its not fair to ppl who aren’t doing that alt+f4 BS ok? get it? trolls?

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


you disconnect in a FPShooter: you drop from the game, lost your position and possible xp rewards from the match.
you discconnect in any MMO: you stay in the game world for 10 seconds, and either get killed by the mob or player you were standing near, or lose out on the loot for the epic boss monster in the dungeon.

end results are the same, the game should not be designed around people still using AOL for their internet connection.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


An unstable internet connection is not Anets problem, it’s your problem which can probably be fixed through a change in provider or hassling your exchange to check the cableing etc….

The options are pretty obvious, not reinstating a broken element of the game because you can’t get your Kitten together!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


you disconnect in a FPShooter: you drop from the game, lost your position and possible xp rewards from the match.
you discconnect in any MMO: you stay in the game world for 10 seconds, and either get killed by the mob or player you were standing near, or lose out on the loot for the epic boss monster in the dungeon.

end results are the same, the game should not be designed around people still using AOL for their internet connection.

Except for when they’re not the same. There are plenty of situations in WvW when you can be ‘in combat’ and yet could sit around for 10 seconds or 20 seconds without dying. You could injure someone outside a completely unupgraded building and still easily last that long sitting still before they knock down the door, if they do at all.

There is a common, established way to solve this problem that is less likely to punish people for no reason. Or we could just support the current system because… um… we’re bitter and spiteful with no puppies to kick, or something.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: JStyle.1423


What I don’t understand is why A.net doesn’t use a logout timer for when you are in combat. It makes a lot more sense than auto-kill on alt-F4/DC.

Timer: If you alt-F4/DC/menu>logout while you are in combat your char stays in game for 10-20 seconds before being logged out from the world.

If you were being chased down by an enemy player and were trying to avoid certain death, the enemy will most certainly have your body and loot before the timer is up. If you were in the middle of a zerg attacking a gate and got DC, you have a chance of surviving and being able to log back in. Of course, there is also the chance that you just stand there while an enemy player targets you down. But at least the players that may get DC have a chance of survival.

Not to mention, when chasing down an enemy that you are about to kill, it is very anti-climactic to see them just “die” before you get your finishing hit in. I’d rather feel that I’m getting that kill than watching them fall down before my eyes. Just my 2 cents.

Jimmy Rstles – lvl 80 Ranger | Leader of Valhalla Hungers [VH] | Crystal Desert

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


Anyone else has this feeling that everyone that complains about disconnects are actually altf4 users ?

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: JStyle.1423


Anyone else has this feeling that everyone that complains about disconnects are actually altf4 users ?

I think more people will realize that it isn’t the alt-F4ers that are complaining but those who get DC from things out of their control, such as a transformer blowing up and power going out. I’m sure that not everyone has a battery backup attached to their computer/modem. Whatever, it’s just 1 down that results in 1 damaged gear maybe once in a blue moon, but it still kinda sucks having to pay for that.

Also, why would alt-F4ers be asking for a logout timer which would still get them killed? Doesn’t make sense, right?

Jimmy Rstles – lvl 80 Ranger | Leader of Valhalla Hungers [VH] | Crystal Desert

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


It is not only disconnecting. My queue for EB popped as I was running through one of the borderlands. I accepted it, and found myself a corpse upon loading in. It seems someone was chasing me or something.

(edited by Avatara.1042)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


It is not only disconnecting. My queue for EB popped as I was running through one of the borderlands. I accepted it, and found myself a corpse upon loading in. It seems someone was chasing me or something.

Thanks for the heads up, now I will beware of when and where if I choose to switch maps, with every patch it feels like the game is playing me instead of the proper way round.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think more people will realize that it isn’t the alt-F4ers that are complaining but those who get DC from things out of their control, such as a transformer blowing up and power going out. I’m sure that not everyone has a battery backup attached to their computer/modem.

If someone lives in a place where transformers are blowing up so much the person feels the need to complain on an MMO forum about their repair bill, that person should move. Seriously..it just sounds dangerous there.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I was disconnected in WvW four times yesterday, and three of those times I suffered armor damage because of it. Two of those disconnects were during “PvDoor” fights where there was absolutely no chance of me being killed if I had been left in game for 10, 20, 30, or even 60 seconds. The third was a situation where I was defending a tower, and currently inside of the tower with a nearly full health door between me and anything that could have possibly dealt damage.

Now, most of the time I get through the day without a disconnect, but Anet’s login servers have been throwing errors non-stop during the event. Yesterday’s disconnects cost somewhere between 6s and 8s. No, that’s not going to kill me, but it’s a massive pain to have an extra “punishment” tacked on in addition to the fact that I was kicked out of the game, missed out on the event rewards for what was happening, and then had to wait to get back into EB.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


what if you die from random dcs? the repair bill from 1 death is hardly anything worth complaining about. if you have so many unintended disconnects that the repair bills start to add up to a significant number, you should not be playing any mmo.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: JStyle.1423


I think more people will realize that it isn’t the alt-F4ers that are complaining but those who get DC from things out of their control, such as a transformer blowing up and power going out. I’m sure that not everyone has a battery backup attached to their computer/modem.

If someone lives in a place where transformers are blowing up so much the person feels the need to complain on an MMO forum about their repair bill, that person should move. Seriously..it just sounds dangerous there.

Taken out of context as the rest of my post says:

Whatever, it’s just 1 down that results in 1 damaged gear maybe once in a blue moon, but it still kinda sucks having to pay for that.

Edit The point many are trying to make is that it is not fair to be punished by something that may be out of your control. If they used a logout timer it would still punish those who are alt-F4ing from a fight, while adding some leeway for those that might get DC from the countless number of ways you could lose service.

Jimmy Rstles – lvl 80 Ranger | Leader of Valhalla Hungers [VH] | Crystal Desert

(edited by JStyle.1423)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: rancidstick.2704


Stupid fix to a non existent problem. If someone alt-f4 good, one less person defending or attacking an area in wvw.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Is it so hard to believe that people genuinely d/c in WvW and don’t like getting punished for it? If it’s a log out timer, people in real combat will still get killed and drops will be given. No difference there. If they’re in a situation where they normally wouldn’t die and d/c (huge zerg vs unprotected camp, combat mode gets stuck or that long lasting condition is still on you), then they just time out and they’re fine. Also, d/cing just once an hour is enough to make the 3s fees (repair+waypoint) add up).

I don’t really see why people are against a log out timer when it gets the same thing done and fixes other’s complaints.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Amen.2630


you know why they complain about a timer? because those are the TRUE ASLS who want a easy kill without giving the opponnents any chance to log back inside

and in my terms, i have a nice internet connection a stabile one and still get a lot of DCs which are caused on ANETs SIDE!!! while im dc in gw2 im still online in skype and other applications,

so this is a real dealbreaker for me, i stopped playing this game for a while, just play it maybe once in a week, but this.. is completely deal breaker for me

i will never buy a game from you again anet, you simply are a bunch of noobs, im as softwaredeveloper am embarraced of this pitful peace of work you call your own, full with bugs and fixes which breaks more than repaires

a true fix would be just kill those players with penalties and with rewards if they are down and dc, but not if they just are stuck in combat mode

shame on you ANET devs, you really REALLY SUCK in your job!

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen.

Considering the game has been dropping people’s connection to the server constantly today. Pretty good actually.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Shinji.2063


So i have been disconnected a couple of time today cause of the stupid sound bug, in my own keep no less when i am defending. Cant say that has made me very happy.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Nfamous.4168


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen.

Considering the game has been dropping people’s connection to the server constantly today. Pretty good actually.

i’ll have to agree with graverr here. the odds of disconnecting after “reaching the safety of a keep” are miniscule. the notion that anet should accommodate such a claim is absurd.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

I highly doubt they will change the thing that’s causing death on a disconnect, but I’m sure they will fix this problem by improving connectivity so that random disconnects do not happen.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen.

Considering the game has been dropping people’s connection to the server constantly today. Pretty good actually.

i’ll have to agree with graverr here. the odds of disconnecting after “reaching the safety of a keep” are miniscule. the notion that anet should accommodate such a claim is absurd.

What do the odds matter when there is a perfectly viable alternative that would prevent people from exploiting and not punish others in situations where they wouldn’t have died?

The absurd thing is people arguing for the current system over a logout timer when the only difference is that the system in place now annoys other players. It’s like they actually enjoy others being miserable.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

For all we know they could have tried a logout timer and didn’t like what it did with the rest of the games programing, so they went with the system we have now. The only difference you see is how it annoys people, but that doesn’t mean there are no other differences.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


Alt f4 was a lot more annoying and causing pplto loose more silver .This is not fair to the minority that are really unlucky to dc but is more of a fair tredeoff for now .Sure a logout time would be better and i hope they will implement it someday,but some ppl need to understand that was not funny to never haqve silver to repair your armor becasue the alt+f4 on downstated had become ridiculously popular.In the last days i rarely fought an opponent that actually didn’t use it.

If you have to spend insane ammounts of gold just because you DC you should not be playng wvw in the 1st place ,leave the spot to someone who actually meets the requirements of playing an mmo.It is unfair for people to miss on the the rewards needed to repair their armors just because the problem sits at your end.

Ps: I play with a very bad bandwith,my network is divided in 3 almost constant users and i play from Wi-fi and still don’t get disconnected so much right in a mid of a batlle to cause a big problem.Actully the silver i miss from altf4s helps me repair the bills a lot faster

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


There was official confirmation from an anet developer in one of the threads that the insta-kill on DC only applies WHEN YOU ARE DOWNED. I remember this, because someone specifically raised the concern of whether or not logging out in combat mode will kill you.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Lalnuir.4957


< Lives in Australia. Disconnects maybe once every 3-4 days and not always in combat. This change will cost me maybe 1.5 silver a week from random internet d/c.

I will easily make 10 times that due to be not being able to alt f4 so I have no issue with this change.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


Knew this was going to happen.

Things like being in combat and escaping from a zerg safely into your keep. Then the moment you reach the inside safety you disconnect = auto death.

Seriously,what are the ods for that to happen.

It’s already happened to me once.

But I’d rather pay for the odd extra repair than have alt+f4 back.

Ideally, the repair costs in WvW would be made even more trivial, or just removed entirely.

But I can live with this.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


I will easily make 10 times that due to be not being able to alt f4 so I have no issue with this change.

Good point.

‘Course, I’m kinda lousy, so I won’t make that much. But even the odd kill or two would cover any discon losses.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


lol, what I’m trying to figure out is how people who DC as often as they claim can play this game and not break everything in close proximity to you.
When I first started using the Authenticator for GW2 I DC’ed every 10 minutes or so which got me so annoyed I just stopped playing after the second DC.. Ofcourse only to read on the forums that the authenticator was making me DC.

If you really DC often enough to see a 2s repair make you go broke, if anything you should stop playing and try to become the next Ghandi because you sir/madame have got such calm over you it’s out of this world.

Also, who in their right mind buys a MMO if they know their connection is so incredibly unstable?

Lastly, lol to the guy who said something about blowing up your PSU and not having a replacement right there.. Your PSU blows up often enough to make your repairbills insane? :O

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Anyone else has this feeling that everyone that complains about disconnects are actually altf4 users ?

yeah I do and its funny listening to them.

“I get disconnected all the time in combat and its so unfair!! my repair bills are huge!”

If its happening that much then your problem is more than just this game.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


There was official confirmation from an anet developer in one of the threads that the insta-kill on DC only applies WHEN YOU ARE DOWNED. I remember this, because someone specifically raised the concern of whether or not logging out in combat mode will kill you.

Then why are people getting repair bills for DC? Hell, why did someone (forget the name, read upthread) get killed by the queue from BL to EB?

If that’s what it’s officially supposed to do, it isn’t working. And to be honest that sounds like a terrible fix anyway, because people could just alt+f4 before they get downed.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


For all we know they could have tried a logout timer and didn’t like what it did with the rest of the games programing, so they went with the system we have now. The only difference you see is how it annoys people, but that doesn’t mean there are no other differences.

Highly doubt it, but if that was the case the lack of communication to that effect wouldn’t exactly be encouraging either.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


@Lamefox it is time to get over it already .If you really dc 20 times in a day to have a bill of 20 silver i would rather be too frustrated about so many disconnects to bother about repair costs.If you casually Dc once per hour like everybody else than i believe 1 silver/hour shouldn’t e such a huge problem.A

Also in wvw the % of time we spend in combat is less than 20% since 80% is just moving arround the huge maps.And you cannot posibly convince me that you dc so often in that 20% window to really matter ,it would mean that you averagely dc once every 10 minutes at wich rate the game would be unplayable and no one in here especially Anet will believe that the repair cost is your real problem.

All you say it soinds like mere excuses for someone that used at+f4 consistently and can’t really come up with some better reason to trow it back in Anet’s face.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Tsubaki.2508


Actually I had been regularly crashing every time a gate falls and we get inside (and yes I’ve tried waiting too). So, I don’t get any credit and I get slapped with a repair bill for no reason.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


just think of it like you’re playing in the matrix


disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


@Lamefox it is time to get over it already .If you really dc 20 times in a day to have a bill of 20 silver i would rather be too frustrated about so many disconnects to bother about repair costs.If you casually Dc once per hour like everybody else than i believe 1 silver/hour shouldn’t e such a huge problem.A

Also in wvw the % of time we spend in combat is less than 20% since 80% is just moving arround the huge maps.And you cannot posibly convince me that you dc so often in that 20% window to really matter ,it would mean that you averagely dc once every 10 minutes at wich rate the game would be unplayable and no one in here especially Anet will believe that the repair cost is your real problem.

All you say it soinds like mere excuses for someone that used at+f4 consistently and can’t really come up with some better reason to trow it back in Anet’s face.

I haven’t dc from this game since the lost shores event. What you would rather be frustrated by is totally irrelevant, because this does not affect you in any way. There is no reason whatsoever that a timer would negatively impact your gameplay compared to auto-kill, and the only ‘argument’ you can come up with is basically ‘I don’t care so screw whoever does’ or ‘if you dislike this you use alt-f4 lol’.

You’ve got nothing.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


There was official confirmation from an anet developer in one of the threads that the insta-kill on DC only applies WHEN YOU ARE DOWNED. I remember this, because someone specifically raised the concern of whether or not logging out in combat mode will kill you.

Then why are people getting repair bills for DC? Hell, why did someone (forget the name, read upthread) get killed by the queue from BL to EB?

If that’s what it’s officially supposed to do, it isn’t working. And to be honest that sounds like a terrible fix anyway, because people could just alt+f4 before they get downed.

Citation needed. I haven’t seen anyone complain about repair bills for DC until I came across this thread. It’s not a perfect fix, but people rarely have time to alt/f4 before they get downed. If you have time to consider whether or not its worth quitting to save repair bills at the cost of several minutes waiting for the game to boot back up, you can run away by then.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


There was official confirmation from an anet developer in one of the threads that the insta-kill on DC only applies WHEN YOU ARE DOWNED. I remember this, because someone specifically raised the concern of whether or not logging out in combat mode will kill you.

Then why are people getting repair bills for DC? Hell, why did someone (forget the name, read upthread) get killed by the queue from BL to EB?

If that’s what it’s officially supposed to do, it isn’t working. And to be honest that sounds like a terrible fix anyway, because people could just alt+f4 before they get downed.

Citation needed. I haven’t seen anyone complain about repair bills for DC until I came across this thread. It’s not a perfect fix, but people rarely have time to alt/f4 before they get downed. If you have time to consider whether or not its worth quitting to save repair bills at the cost of several minutes waiting for the game to boot back up, you can run away by then.

Yeah I haven’t heard about it until I came to a thread about it either. Hey, come to think of it, I didn’t hear about people using alt-f4 until I read it in the forums as well. This… this is quite the revelation. I think it means… um… nothing.