[merged]Speaking about HoD
Another HoD thread….. weeeeeeeeee round and round we go, flame war commence.
This is basically it. HoD has some great guilds and players that others will follow, but the diverse play times is key…
SBI was 30,000 points ahead over the weekends! During the early mornings on weekdays I don’t even get queues…most of our map control comes at around 5-12 eastern time zone.
We have pretty much the same dynamic on HOD. i don’t work on monday, and I rarely have a queue during the day. I am finding that the most even fights occur at primetime, where HOD has no problem going toe to toe with either server.
Where HOD excels, however (and it’s as simple as this) is that our off-peak squad is there to take what we were able to do simply holding our ground (like in the 3 hour garrison defense the other night) and run with it.
….and so far, I’ve heard that they’re not just banging on undefended keep doors.
I know JQ and ET hate HoD.
idk how many others actually hate us.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
I don’t hate HoD.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
This is basically it. HoD has some great guilds and players that others will follow, but the diverse play times is key…
SBI was 30,000 points ahead over the weekends! During the early mornings on weekdays I don’t even get queues…most of our map control comes at around 5-12 eastern time zone.
Tuesday night when we closed the gap and took the lead, we actually had a few hundred PPT over everyone else before midnight by 2am we were in control… by 4am when oceanics start piling in we had hit 600 ppt at certain points, no que time btw.
Our prime time crew took everything when people started logging for the night, this is a case of casual vs hardcore players, after we took it all oceanic players started fortifying and upgrading what we took as well as maintaining it.
I work during the day but ill stay up till 2-3am to help increase our lead and go to work 5-6 hours later…
And trust me the other two servers arent empty between 9pm and 2am when most of us keep pushing. it starts to die out after around 2am but we already took control by that time.
(edited by Namu.5712)
I know JQ and ET hate HoD.
idk how many others actually hate us.
You mad bro?
Im loving this match There’s always people to fight, stuff to take and a enemy that dont give up, loving it
I know JQ and ET hate HoD.
idk how many others actually hate us.
You mad bro?
Im loving this match
There’s always people to fight, stuff to take and a enemy that dont give up, loving it
Thank god! thats the spirit. its all about the pvp first and foremost.
HOD has lead in the point tick per hour every hour for almost two days now.
You guys need to stop sleeping so much if you want to win.
Last week it was give us some time we are getting better now it is we know we can not win becuase life is not FAIR.
(edited by Binafus.8153)
Once all the servers start filling up it will be nice to see how WvW plays out, but until then HoD will dominate because of a 24 hour full status.
I’m just glad to see posts like this…..patience is a virtue people.
noone reads full posts anymore that is exactly what i said in my OP what the heck
Ummm sorry I didn’t quote you instead…. But I agree with you 100% haha
I know JQ and ET hate HoD.
idk how many others actually hate us.
You mad bro?
Im loving this match
There’s always people to fight, stuff to take and a enemy that dont give up, loving it
Am I mad?
Nope. I just know, from doing way too much reading on these topics, that ET hates us, and JQ hates us.
For ET it’s mostly your guild that hates us that I am aware of. But you’ve got a good attitude and seem like a cool dude to me.
As far as other servers go, I don’t think the lower brackets even care, other than we are that mythical undefeated one at the top and it’s completely irrelevant to them. SBI and HoD have some pretty good mutual respect going on, which fosters fun matches rather than grudge matches no hard feelings between us and all.
Oh right, this parts not at you im just throwing this in as well rather than make a new post.
Queue times haven’t been as bad as they were on HoD 10 days ago. Citing that old queue chart as evidence of 24/7 coverage in all maps doesn’t really work as people have been playing less and less since then. every day the queues have gotten shorter, and in the past week they have gotten down to the point where there are multiple periods during the day and especially at night and off peak hours where there is no queue for most of the maps.
Typically now its just a VERY short queue for one of the borderlands, the other two instant. during offpeak. During peak hours the queues go up a bit.
EB is the only wvw map that consistently has high queue times during all hours of the day, there have only been a couple instances lately where i’ve gotten into it with no queue.
I just want to point this out to dispel the rumor that we have complete coverage and terribly long queues at all times, it’s not true anymore.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
in the time you take to rant here, you could be in wvw showing real skill instead of telling us about your skill.
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
Honestly these threads need to stop, and start making threads that help make the game better.
Btw, night capping is a legit strategy you mad?So you started a new thread about how there shouldn’t be so many threads and end it with the popular meme from 2003, “you mad”. What are you, my dad? Get current!
The real question is, how does HoD do during prime time when all participants have queues on all servers? That’s the real measure.
Night capping is “legit” but you have to admit there’s little skill required to defeat outnumbered opponents. People whine over the scoreboard but it’s usually a boon to the “losing” servers because there’s a lot more money, XP and karma rewarded for defense than for offense.
Well then you would also have to admit that while teaming up with another server is legit, it too requires little skill.
Not you specifically but I have seen many people on these forums complain about night caps and being outnumbered and then boast about the weekend when they had the other server outnumbered two to one.
SBI and ET have been teaming up on HoD and still can’t topple them. Keep talking kitten because all’s fair in love and WvWvW ladies.
Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.
What’s really funny is that SBI has had Full/Heavy population 24/7 this match and doesn’t field WvW players, even with a HUGE population online. This “only HoD has 24/7 coverage” is a myth. Both ET and SBI have sizable populations 24/7 (in the case of ET they go from Full/Heavy to Medium) — time to convince those players to actually queue…
Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.
What’s really funny is that SBI has had Full/Heavy population 24/7 this match and doesn’t field WvW players, even with a HUGE population online. This “only HoD has 24/7 coverage” is a myth. Both ET and SBI have sizable populations 24/7 (in the case of ET they go from Full/Heavy to Medium) — time to convince those players to actually queue…
I am interested in solving this problem. Any idea how we might convince players who aren’t interested in WvW to queue up and fight back against overwhelming odds and sink a lot of coin into repairs, upgrades, and siege?
I’m not a very good salesman, but since it is my responsibility to correct this W3 participation imbalance I really could use some advice here.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
SBI and ET have been teaming up on HoD and still can’t topple them. Keep talking kitten because all’s fair in love and WvWvW ladies.
stop with posts like these this does nothing but get people more upset
Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.
What’s really funny is that SBI has had Full/Heavy population 24/7 this match and doesn’t field WvW players, even with a HUGE population online. This “only HoD has 24/7 coverage” is a myth. Both ET and SBI have sizable populations 24/7 (in the case of ET they go from Full/Heavy to Medium) — time to convince those players to actually queue…
I am interested in solving this problem. Any idea how we might convince players who aren’t interested in WvW to queue up and fight back against overwhelming odds and sink a lot of coin into repairs, upgrades, and siege?
I’m not a very good salesman, but since it is my responsibility to correct this W3 participation imbalance I really could use some advice here.
It really is an interesting problem, because you have two types of players how are not queuing — those that have no interest in WvW and those that don’t queue because they are losing.
The first group should, quite frankly, be ignored. No reason to give “PvEers” incentives to join a PvP environment that they have no interest it. The solution lies in giving the second group of players a reason to join.
Ideally, those players would be like me and a lot of other players in this game — you just love PvP you will queue no matter what; obviously this isn’t the case. I don’t have an idea of a solution, but I think the direction of discussion should go the way of persuading the second group on non-queue-ers (read that carefully, lol) to participate.
as more people buy gw2 HoD’s GROWTH WILL STOP because the server is full and the OTHER SERVERS WILL FILL UP.
HoD has the most massive queue times and is NOT FULL. transfers are STILL FREE.
but yes, it would be brilliant if what you described was actually happening.
Btw, night capping is a legit strategy you mad?
So, you think it is illegitimate.
Best cry ever.
as more people buy gw2 HoD’s GROWTH WILL STOP because the server is full and the OTHER SERVERS WILL FILL UP.
HoD has the most massive queue times and is NOT FULL. transfers are STILL FREE.
but yes, it would be brilliant if what you described was actually happening.
news to me, my friend just got the game a week ago and it took him several days before he could even join me on my server because the server was always full, and he was checking every day morning noon and night.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
SBI and ET have been teaming up on HoD and still can’t topple them. Keep talking kitten because all’s fair in love and WvWvW ladies.
stop with posts like these this does nothing but get people more upset
and posts complaining dont upset people? if we cant make them see reason. their own anger will. so bring it on.
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
QQ all i hear in every thread. QQ about HOD this Hod That, god people its part of the game.
80 warrior – Arkaini
80 Engineer – Sir Arkaini
Well, the good HoD players don’t respond to this, especially with stuff like saying “u mad?”
The good SBI/ET players don’t respond to this, because they know better than to complain and are trying to take stuff back in game.
Everyone arguing in these forums are just pontificating.
long b4 the game has launch.. ArenaNet said wvwvw is a 24/7 game.. if u like it buy it. :P many ppl proceed to buy.. TA prepared for the war.. when the game launch.. those who night cap others were happy abt it till they get their retribution when facing HOD.. so now here it goes.. they said its unfair .. they said HOD has imbalance population.. they said HOD everything bad abt HOD..
I remb most of the poster said.. “24hrs match are worthless. lets wait for 1-2weeks matches and we will knw who the true victor is” now none of them is victorious.. so here comes another saying from the poster “1 week match are worthless to play.. the only the 48hrs match are worth to count victories” g
guys are u trying to tell me u are using ur own kitten to slap ur face ?
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior
The feeling over at SBI is that we can beat Henge but we can’t beat Anet. If you’re going to reset the servers then you may as well reset the entire WvW matchup.
We will keep fighting until the end, however. Proud to be in SBI.
Well, the good HoD players don’t respond to this, especially with stuff like saying “u mad?”
The good SBI/ET players don’t respond to this, because they know better than to complain and are trying to take stuff back in game.
Everyone arguing in these forums are just pontificating.
you clearly have a bias and your comment is geared to attack. So youre saying that nowhere in the world exists someone that is good at something and is arrogant about it? please realize what you just said. Also was it necessary to use pontificating? Clearly you know that 95% of people on this forum don’t know what this means. You can just say complaining is annoying. The funny thing is that you are complaining about people complaining. You’re smart right? Surely you can see what you just did.
(edited by Derek.9254)