Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zylonite.5913
(edited by Moderator)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zylonite.5913
Let’s stick to the QA side of things.
(edited by Moderator)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zorby.8236
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Thank you for more content that heavily punishes Rangers and to some degree Mesmers who are mostly built around summons. What about summons and No More Tricks, do they count against for that as well? I know in Aether path my pet didn’t ruin the no touch electric floor achie…And How about conditions? If a condition lingers on after attunement wears off does that count against? That’s punishing to Mostly Guardians with passive burning and most builds that in some way or another includes bleed on crit.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Lambent.6375
There’s a guild challenge in which you have to kill 3 bosses within the same time window that works perfectly to split up the ‘zerg from one to the other’ tactic. It makes coordination very important and creates a much more interesting fight.
I wouldn’t expect an overflow full of random people to perform on the same level as a guild would, full of people who know each other, and have done several encounters with together, and who are probably sharing some kind of voice chat.
Not saying it can’t be done, but I don’t think it would make the event very entertaining. There will always be those who wont listen when people start shouting in map chat to stop attacking. Then there will be situations where one color may not have enough people, and in a bid to correct it, people may end up overcorrecting, then confusion sets in. (etc etc, problems that usually occur when random people are thrown together)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Astralporing.1957
Six Minutes to Knightfall
- This is likely not awarding due to the way we are currently awarding participation and rewards. Once we fix the first two issues listed in this post, this achievement should be attainable for everyone who gets event credit for an Assault Knight in a map.
Just a quick heads-up on this – yesterday after bursting down blue knight, several people reported (while really surprised) that they got this achievement. The problem? That was the first knight in rotation. Others were not even touched yet.
No More Tricks, Scarlet
- This achievement requires a good deal of skill and awareness, make sure you are watching for the red telegraphs that show where the Holograms will fire next and make sure you do not run through any active scorch marks during the fight, good luck!
In addition to what has already been mentioned (scorch marks remaining after their visuals disappear, loading into battle already in progress) sometimes the lasers just do not render at all (that is with graphics set on high).
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Retaliation also counts against that achievement. Which is a problem, since you can get this buff from someone else.
Also, sometimes you simply lose the color buff even if there was some time remaining. It may (or may not) have something to do with skills from a green hologram, because thats the only place i have ever seen that happening.
Getting downed also seems to invalidate either of the above achievements.
I just want to point this out, part of the reason servers started killing the bosses 1 at a time is because of the extra loot, and with many people getting many if not all of the achievements done I don’t see people wanting to continue the event after all the bugs, crashes, etc that are happening if we will only be able to get the champ boxes from 1 knight(if you make it harder to zerg them down 1 by 1).
Actually the main reason was that it is just way faster. If you split the zerg in 3 groups, the whole event takes longer than bursting them in rotation.
Though you do have a point with drops. The knight fight is so mindnumbingly boring, that the only reason i see to do it is for drops (i’m glad to hear this bug may get fixed – i may start to do the event again if that happens)
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Becka Williams.4978
There’s a guild challenge in which you have to kill 3 bosses within the same time window that works perfectly to split up the ‘zerg from one to the other’ tactic. It makes coordination very important and creates a much more interesting fight.
I wouldn’t expect an overflow full of random people to perform on the same level as a guild would, full of people who know each other, and have done several encounters with together, and who are probably sharing some kind of voice chat.
Not saying it can’t be done, but I don’t think it would make the event very entertaining. There will always be those who wont listen when people start shouting in map chat to stop attacking. Then there will be situations where one color may not have enough people, and in a bid to correct it, people may end up overcorrecting, then confusion sets in. (etc etc, problems that usually occur when random people are thrown together)
I tend to agree with this. I think the guild missions is great for guilds, but impossible in the open world. Any event that allows people to troll it will be trolled. See the original upgraded Teq fight for evidence of that. And allowing trolls to ruin an encounter is a failure of gameplay.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: imarah.7940
Thanks for this post, Autumn.
Some advice to others trying for In Tune, I’ve noticed in my case at least, it is important to watch the UI for the remaining duration Prime Light Attunement you have, rather than the glow on your character. I’ve found I only stop glowing a couple of seconds after the Prime Light Attunement buff ends on me.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Is it even possible for a mesmer to do this? I mean basically no illusions can be out whatsoever during the entire fight.
Has any mesmer done this? (If so you should get a special medal or something)
Really? Check out what those F1-4 keys do.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
While I appreciate finally getting a response, honestly it’s too little too late. As with all LS content, after the first few days when most players get their achievements the number of players doing the events drops considerably. If you have not gotten all the achievements in the first 2 days, it can be almost impossible to get them after that time due to not enough players. This is true with this update as well. Players now do not care about the achievements, now it’s all about farming the loot so those of us who have not gotten them all by now are out of luck.
I myself stopped doing the events as I saw no point in it. achievements now out of reach, no loot dropping, story already finished so why continue beating a dead horse?
I now just log on, do my dailies and log off as there is nothing left to do. I am sorry, but the ball was dropped on this and there is really nothing you can do now to fix it. At this point I have no hope of ever getting the rest of the achievements and I am not going to even attempt to get the super rare power cores I have heard of because I just no longer care.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Becka Williams.4978
I don’t think this is entirely their fault. They intended for us to use different tactics than we do, and we broke it. I’m sure they’re working hard to fix it.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: DeWolfe.2174
to some degree Mesmers
Whoa…whoa…whoa… there sparky GS Mesmer here and Good Ole’ #1 does 2k – 3.5k. Heck, my IZerker is doing 8k-9.5k against the Knights. I’m having no trouble contributing to the events. Now the last two weeks, yeesh. I kept my Mesmer parked from LA events.
For Ranger’s, can you set your pet to passive and place “Guard” down along an outside wall to keep your pet on the sidelines? I’ll take mine in a give it a try once I get the achievements done.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zylonite.5913
While I appreciate finally getting a response, honestly it’s too little too late. As with all LS content, after the first few days when most players get their achievements the number of players doing the events drops considerably. If you have not gotten all the achievements in the first 2 days, it can be almost impossible to get them after that time due to not enough players. This is true with this update as well. Players now do not care about the achievements, now it’s all about farming the loot so those of us who have not gotten them all by now are out of luck.
I myself stopped doing the events as I saw no point in it. achievements now out of reach, no loot dropping, story already finished so why continue beating a dead horse?
I now just log on, do my dailies and log off as there is nothing left to do. I am sorry, but the ball was dropped on this and there is really nothing you can do now to fix it. At this point I have no hope of ever getting the rest of the achievements and I am not going to even attempt to get the super rare power cores I have heard of because I just no longer care.
I agree with this. Almost of the living story contents are highly active only in the first 2-3 days and then people stop playing it once they have thier achievements. So as time passes, it becomes much more difficult…..
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Wasbunny.6531
There’s a guild challenge in which you have to kill 3 bosses within the same time window that works perfectly to split up the ‘zerg from one to the other’ tactic. It makes coordination very important and creates a much more interesting fight.
I wouldn’t expect an overflow full of random people to perform on the same level as a guild would, full of people who know each other, and have done several encounters with together, and who are probably sharing some kind of voice chat.
Not saying it can’t be done, but I don’t think it would make the event very entertaining. There will always be those who wont listen when people start shouting in map chat to stop attacking. Then there will be situations where one color may not have enough people, and in a bid to correct it, people may end up overcorrecting, then confusion sets in. (etc etc, problems that usually occur when random people are thrown together)
Somewhat agreed, although on that first day before anyone knew any better in every overflow I was in we made sure there was one commander doing head counts at each Knight location prior to the event. It really is the same that was done for the marionette lanes, so I know it’s not impossible.
This made the fight really interesting btw that first day before B>G>R since we could watch the progress of the three bosses and if one seemed to be lagging it was possible to re-adjust numbers mid fight (admittedly very tricky).
Of course these mainly failed since Blue would reset to everyone’s horror just before it went down.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aveneo.2068
By the way, are you also checking up on the potential issue with Scarlet’s Kiss and Scarlet’s Rainbow where people claim that they do not drop anymore?
Just overnight the prices on those shot up from 30-50g to 80-130g! Usually prices drop during an event and only start to rise after the event. So there seems to be something wierd going on.
(edited by Aveneo.2068)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
Well people could be using the loot issue to artificially increase prices to make a profit.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Djeserit.8029
By the way, are you also checking up on the potential issue with Scarlet’s Kiss and Scarlet’s Rainbow where people claim that they do not drop anymore?
Just overnight the prices on those shot up from 30-50g to 80-130g! Usually prices drop during an event and only start to rise after the event. So there seems to be something wierd going on.
Last scarlet I did an hour ago dropped the Rainbow, so… just rumour, I’d think. They… they put it on a warrior ;_; ~engie tears~
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aveneo.2068
By the way, are you also checking up on the potential issue with Scarlet’s Kiss and Scarlet’s Rainbow where people claim that they do not drop anymore?
Just overnight the prices on those shot up from 30-50g to 80-130g! Usually prices drop during an event and only start to rise after the event. So there seems to be something wierd going on.
Last scarlet I did an hour ago dropped the Rainbow, so… just rumour, I’d think. They… they put it on a warrior ;_; ~engie tears~
Ah, alright. Might have been the TP-flippers buying them all up and hoping for the next generation Greatsaw then or something.
Still wondering if it’s just a skin or if it actually has different audio and visual effects though.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Qawsada.4251
No More Tricks, Scarlet
- This achievement requires a good deal of skill and awareness, make sure you are watching for the red telegraphs that show where the Holograms will fire next and make sure you do not run through any active scorch marks during the fight, good luck!
Luck is a very high factor when it comes to this achievement. I mean this because there MANY times that the spawn will spawn right on the red telegraphs. Those player will die/lose most of their health because they just so happen to spawn right into the wrong place of the battle panel. This is problematic when someone wanted to do this achievement but the second they step into the teleporting pad, they might lost the chance to do so because the hologram happens to fire directly on front of his face where he spawn.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: digitalruse.9085
Still wondering if it’s just a skin or if it actually has different audio and visual effects though.
I have a Scarlet’s Kiss
Can’t speak to any specific visual effects other than just looking pretty by combining the aesthetics of all the Scarlet alliances.
That said, it does have a unique firing sound. I’d describe the shot as being deeper and with this hallow energy noise. Then it has a gear grinding and ratchet reload noise. It is subtle, and not overt like the Predator or Quip.
(edited by Moderator)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Type Moon.5820
Thank you! Just Thank you so much. This, this is all I was waiting for. bows in gratitude I can finally stop ranting and just wait patiently for the fix’s.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: CruleD.7380
Finally! Working as a QA myself, on another gaem though, I know what you’re going trough now
Persevere for us, so we can have our loot.
Good Luck. ^^
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zaoda.1653
Thanks for the update on this.
I think I’ll pass on the ‘No More Tricks, Scarlet’ and ‘In Tune’ achievements though. They’re just too hard for me. Especially with the amount of health the hologram has and all the phases.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Quon Star.4678
For the In Tune achievement how does it work if my stacks of bleeding hit the boss when I don’t have the attunement?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: DEDEN.2870
Can we get a confirmation on whether or not conditions will cause the In Tune achievement to fail if they continue to deal damage after the protective buff elapses?
Maybe it’s lag or some other issue, but… I’ve done the event several times now with auto-attack disabled and have been very careful about when and what I’m attacking (going so far as to spend 99% of the fight just standing around uselessly), but have still managed to get myself the debuff, without having made any attacks for 5+ seconds but with conditions still ticking.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Djeserit.8029
I just did yet another Scarlet and did not get “No More Tricks, Scarlet”. I zoned in and did not get hit by a beam. I kept my combat log up at all times to make sure I incurred no damage. I place no turrets. I only damaged Prime at the very start, and then I proceeded to heal with my elixir gun, and ONLY heal/res. Combat log showed no damage from laser or scorches, but I did not get the achievement. Is there a damage requirement you must attain? A guide says you musn’t get downed -at all- or you’ll lose the chance. Which seems weird, and is not mentioned on the achievements. Especially since UV Blast nukes you.
Forgive me if I don’t believe you when you say they are reliably unlockable, as this is truly frustrating.
Edit: I even swapped to my necro, turned her into a healer, used no pets, watched combat log and used protection wells to prevent death/downing on UV blast and still: no achievement. Okay. -_-
(edited by Djeserit.8029)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Verene.1480
There’s a guild challenge in which you have to kill 3 bosses within the same time window that works perfectly to split up the ‘zerg from one to the other’ tactic. It makes coordination very important and creates a much more interesting fight.
I was really hoping that was the case with the knights but it’s not. I’ve tried suggesting in map chat that we split up and take them all down at once but unfortunately mine is a tiny voice in a storm of “BLUE>GREEN>RED!!!”.
See An overflow actually tried this. I swear the overflow was full and everyone came to participate and the groups were split evenly but there was just not enough damage going on per Knight.
The scaling on the knights is horrible. The only time I’ve come close to 6 minutes was the blue green red zerg and we were off by 1 minute.
See, the easiest time I’ve had with this was Tuesday morning, the first time the Knights spawned after the patch. None of us really knew what we were doing (since, you know, no one had done it yet), but everyone on the map split more or less evenly between the three knights. Other than a wandering group of Twisted Menders healing the blue knight, we got them all down very quickly (the menders were all that kept us from getting the 6 minute achievement) and with few problems. It was great.
Every time I’ve done it since, with people zerging from one to the next and so on? It’s taken so much longer to kill them, and I’ve seen quite a few failures with that method as well.
In Tune and No More Tricks I’m not even bothering with; I main a mesmer who is set up for phantasms and I’m not going to not use my skills simply for five achievement points, and despite the fact that the holo event is set up so that it actively punishes people for zerging one to the next, it still happens constantly which makes In Tune incredibly difficult.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Taisia.2813
Hoping the fix comes within the hour as it did yesterday… Anet, any chance if you can tell us if it is not hitting now?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Shiren.9532
Thank you Autumn. I appreciate your communication on these issues.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: NYG.2568
Here’s an idea how bout trying to find the bugs and fix them before releasing to the public. It’s almost a week since this updates release. By the time you fix it noones gonna wanna do this event.Nothing like going to buy something at a store that doesnt work… I just love waisting what little time i have to play on broken content!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aveneo.2068
Still wondering if it’s just a skin or if it actually has different audio and visual effects though.
Can’t speak to any specific visual effects other than just looking pretty by combining the aesthetics of all the Scarlet alliances.
That said, it does have a unique firing sound. I’d describe the shot as being deeper and with this hallow energy noise. Then it has a gear grinding and ratchet reload noise. It is subtle, and not overt like the Predator or Quip.
(edited by Moderator)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: skepticck.9714
Maybe it’s my inner-paranoid in action here but i can’t help but notice that they don’t mention at all the fact that the Knights don’t drop any loot at ALL, just a very vague :
- How the Knights distribute their rewards to Players
(edited by Moderator)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Eli The Yahoo.9782
Another Issue I Faced Yesterday – Went In with a group – we got divided into 2 overflows.
My overflow needed another few minutes to complete the hologram and go into scarlet, but my friends already completed the holograms and went into scarlet – than i had to choose:
1. stay and get reward for hologram and face scarlet alone
2. join my friends and skip the hologram reward
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Bredegi.1943
Thank you for this post, hope you find the solution soon enough.
On the “In tune” achievement, it would be nice if AoE damage was dealt normally when it was used, so as a main elementalist who always use FGS and Fire Attunement, my large and long AoEs tick several times even after the spells have been used and my light buff is gone. Would like to see my Burning Retreat would not punish me when i accidently used it 6 seconds before my attunement went away.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Archdruidess.5143
Thanks for the post addressing these issues.
Is going into downed state an issue for either “In Tune” or “No More Tricks, Scarlet”? (Not from the laser, that one’s a given.)
Separately, I’m still having issues getting either of those achievements to trigger after a ton of attempts. I’ve carefully watched my combat log along with my tune timer, and swear I’d always been correctly tuned. Nowhere in my combat log did I hit anything for 0 damage on more than one occasion, yet I didn’t get the achievement. I’m incredibly frustrated by these achievements.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LynneBat.4851
I would like to point out that the ONLY reason that people started Zerging the Assault Knights was because everyone kept failing whenever we split up. There was barely enough time to take down one Knight in that time in smaller groups. One guy in overflow was like, “Hey, we tried zerging it and finally got them down!” so then it became THE strategy to get them down. Even with full maps, splitting up was not working. People weren’t zerging for loot (although I have to admit, that’s a great perk). They were zerging to actually finish the event.
Since that last minor patch, a lot of people keep suggesting maybe Anet made it possible to do the “right way,” but everyone’s still convinced zerging is the only way to get to the Beachmaker. The devs kinda shot themselves in the foot on this one.
But I would also agree with others that there needs to be something done about the drop rates for the Power Cores. Some of us have run this event dozens of times with absolutely no loot — let alone random drop Power Cores. I keep running it because I know others need the achievs, and they can’t do it alone. But in the end, I want my loot. Good to know the loot issue is being fixed, but the Power Core drop RATE needs to be increased to accommodate the loss due to the bug.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LynneBat.4851
I don’t think this is entirely their fault. They intended for us to use different tactics than we do, and we broke it. I’m sure they’re working hard to fix it.
I’d say the mechanics of the actual fight forced people to use different tactics. On my server, it didn’t matter how much we split and evened up teams — there simply was never enough DPS to get the Knights down in time. The only way our server could get to the next event was by Zerging. So now everyone’s in a perpetual loop of thinking the only way to beat it is to Zerg — despite the possibility that fight mechanics were tweaked in some of the mini-patches yesterday.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Exquisitor.5076
I’ve wasted 3 hours on bugged knights and holograms and failed hologram attempts. This event is a poorly implemented beta, I’d like my time back please.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Skribulous.3521
So are we getting any compensation for this? It feels more like work since we’re the ones testing stuff and reporting the bugs, not playing a game.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Daroon.1736
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
.Do you not think this is a poorly designed achievement? All it does is encourage players to take as little active part in the event as possible. Almost every instance of this now has a group of players standing near the far doorway doing nothing.
It should be removed and all achievement points awarded nullified.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Qaelyn.7612
Middle of the event. Killed all three champions — no loot.
Now I’m stuck permanently levitating in the air in the Scarlet fight. Can’t help, can’t get rewards. So basically, waste of an hour, of which I only had 2 to play tonight.
This is really quite frustrating. And disappointing that so many bugs made it live and are still not fixed 48 hours later.
EDIT: Somehow I got unstuck while writing the above, so don’t let anyone tell you complaining is pointless.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: NYG.2568
So are we getting any compensation for this? It feels more like work since we’re the ones testing stuff and reporting the bugs, not playing a game.
YES This!!! We should get paid as we are the QA team.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: synk.6907
Thanks for the heads-up about watching summons/pets in addition to the attunement. I don’t think I was even worrying about that when fighting.
The Scarlet Holo fight begins 5 minutes after the first Knight’s death; originally, this was not an issue because a map divided into groups of three would take down the Knights within 5 minutes of each other. However, with recent player tactic changes, the first Knight is dying as much as 10 minutes before players get up to the Breachmaker, meaning that you will portal up into an active fight, possibly die before you load in, and you can lose time on the Scarlet Holo Fight timer. We are working on ways to make sure that players will have much less risk to portal up to an in progress fight.
For what it’s worth, I would think you’d want to base it off the last Knight’s death, not the first’s. Worst case scenario players have a little time to talk mechanics and prepare for the hologram fight, and they’d not be porting into active fire.
The intent in the design is great -- the first time I went into LA to fight the Knights I was all set for the map to take them down in unison. That makes sense to me. But GW2 Living Story mentality is usually more along the lines of zerging through content, making it a little naive to base encounter timings off of the first of three objectives. Consider the Three-Headed Wurm encounter - all three have to be defeated in the time allotted in order to progress. Perhaps relevant code to check that condition can be ported to the Knights.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aris.7492
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Is it even possible for a mesmer to do this? I mean basically no illusions can be out whatsoever during the entire fight.
Has any mesmer done this? (If so you should get a special medal or something)
Really? Check out what those F1-4 keys do.
Yes, the F1-4 jay makes you clones explode, making AOE damage, which means they can hit an enemy with the wrong attunement. Doesn’t seem to solve anything.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aveneo.2068
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Is it even possible for a mesmer to do this? I mean basically no illusions can be out whatsoever during the entire fight.
Has any mesmer done this? (If so you should get a special medal or something)
Really? Check out what those F1-4 keys do.
Yes, the F1-4 jay makes you clones explode, making AOE damage, which means they can hit an enemy with the wrong attunement. Doesn’t seem to solve anything.
This may not be the answer you’re looking for as you may only have one character, but I just brought a warrior with a rifle. No minions, illusions, pets, turrets or attacks that hit multiple targets to worry about and with autoattack switched off you can decide when to do damage (which is still pretty significant with Kill Shot) and when to stop and look for attunement circles
The one thing you do have to worry about are those annoying invulnerable mobs swarming around all over the place during phase 2.
(edited by Aveneo.2068)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Vespertilionidae.5018
While the reply is greatly appreciated and the tips are welcome, for the following reasons I think the real problem is poor design.
One, advising classes be played in ways that are contrary to many basic abilities (clones, turrets, pets, minions) seems somewhat poorly designed. I realize not everything is one build suits all but this really seems to have disregarded how half of the professions function when it was designed.
Two, expecting a very high level of vigilant attention for the duration of the platform battle with all the visual noise going on. This isn’t a short battle like the marionette platforms, which were quite doable with effort, skill and luck/reliance on other platforms succeeding also, this is a prolonged and drawn out battle with various phases and perfect performance required to attain the achievements.
Three, that luck is a factor in any way. It should be about skill, luck should not be a necessary factor.
Four, that minimal contribution allows for a greater chance of success with these achievements. While it might be frustrating to see people stand by in a safe place doing very little to succeed, I really can’t blame them for doing what works (but wouldn’t work as a tactic if the achievements were designed properly). It is incredibly, mind numbingly frustrating and I’ve been sorely tempted to join them and let some one else do the bulk of the hard work. That said, I am truly of a mind that the smart thing is to just forget about those achievements and this event. The level of frustration from these and the non existent drops from knights add up to just not worth the effort right now in my humble opinion.
I’d like to add that the new update seems to have resolved the loot issue and entering a platform directly into a laser beam. These changes have gone far in improving things! Thank you very much!
(edited by Vespertilionidae.5018)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Druss.6917
No More Tricks, Scarlet
- This achievement requires a good deal of skill and awareness, make sure you are watching for the red telegraphs that show where the Holograms will fire next and make sure you do not run through any active scorch marks during the fight, good luck!
For rangers, does our pet count against us if it runs into the fire? Because I have done (at minimum that I know for sure) 3 events where I never got hit on my ranger, but my pet did quite a bit and I never got credit for it. Can you confirm or deny (or maybe do some testing on it) whether or not the pets getting hit counts against you? If so this is going to be nigh impossible for rangers to do.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Merus.9475
I notice players get a buff whenever they hit a hologram without the appropriate attunement. Does the In Tune achievement check that this buff is never applied? If so, this would be an easy way for players to check if they’re qualifying for the achievement.
I would guess that players not getting loot from Knights are falling foul of the check that they did enough damage to the boss to receive loot. If this is the case, I’d appeal to leave it as it is: if players who zerg are aware that it means they might not get anything, it will be significantly more effective at splitting the zerg than any amount of mechanics changes.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: CelebrityX.7014
No More Tricks, Scarlet
- This achievement requires a good deal of skill and awareness, make sure you are watching for the red telegraphs that show where the Holograms will fire next and make sure you do not run through any active scorch marks during the fight, good luck!
The main problem with this achievement, afaik, is that sometimes you’re ported to Breachmaker when the fight is already ongoing, and instantly die due to spawning on “scorch mark”, so achievement fails from the very beginning.
That was another think I meant to mention, thank you for reminding me, Nighthawk. The Assault knights were intended to be a fight that players had to split up and fight at the same time, it is one of the issues we are currently looking at. The Scarlet Holo fight begins 5 minutes after the first Knight’s death; originally, this was not an issue because a map divided into groups of three would take down the Knights within 5 minutes of each other. However, with recent player tactic changes, the first Knight is dying as much as 10 minutes before players get up to the Breachmaker, meaning that you will portal up into an active fight, possibly die before you load in, and you can lose time on the Scarlet Holo Fight timer. We are working on ways to make sure that players will have much less risk to portal up to an in progress fight.
For the time being, I encourage you to encourage your fellow players to wait to kill the first Knight until a time where the other two Knights are closer to death. If you can get the Prime attunement in under 5 minutes from the first Assault Knight’s death, you will portal up to a grace period and you will have some time to load in and prepare yourself before the Prime Hologram begins her onslaught. Again, it is an issue we are aware of and should improve with the Assault Knight fixes.
I know this will be an unpopular idea, but is there anyway you can make it so the 3 knights HAVE to be killed within a certain amount of time of each other similar to Wurm mechanics? This could greatly help in getting the map to cooperate in getting the ‘Six Minutes to Knightfall achievement’.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Druss.6917
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Is it even possible for a mesmer to do this? I mean basically no illusions can be out whatsoever during the entire fight.
Has any mesmer done this? (If so you should get a special medal or something)
Really? Check out what those F1-4 keys do.
Yes, the F1-4 jay makes you clones explode, making AOE damage, which means they can hit an enemy with the wrong attunement. Doesn’t seem to solve anything.
Distortion (F4 key) is not supposed to do damage unless you’re traited for something like confusion on clone kill, ect and if so you should prob not run that kind of build in there anyway.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Charak.9761
Day 3 is almost over, and this isnt fixed
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Max Gladius.6930
You know what bothers me the most….
It isn’t just that all the new content for every patch has been broken for 2-5 days post release…
It isn’t that the Living Story content is only playable / completable for the 2 weeks after it comes out (of which the first few days its barely playable)…..
It isn’t that they have a huge amount of map space they could “create on” and expand the world (keeping the content available to new players who just started)
It is the fact that so much existing content in the game, has been broken / not functioning / full of bugs remains broken because the Developers and QA team are to busy rushing on the new broken content that is only to be around for 2 weeks.
I seem more and more dedicated players leaving the game daily because they are tired of the pointless cycle when the “existing content” never gets fixed to start with….
(edited by Max Gladius.6930)
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