Cannot loot Legendary enemies
It happened to me once for some reason, i figured i didn’t qualify for the reward or something, but what you’re saying can indicate a deeper issue.
It’s a likely case if you weren’t participating long enough (Bronze > Silver > Gold), or with what most people are encountering lagged out (invisible) chests/bodies to loot from the size of the zerg groups and everyone attacking at roughly the same time.
For me, I’ve always prioritized kills + achievements over loot.. since when regarding the pavilion, you’ll be getting quantity vs. quality.
I have had this happen a few times too. I had done enough to get credit for sure, I figured it must have been too many people around… I tried to wait once but the army of veterans that kept spawning started to be overwhelming when people went away. Either by that time the champion loot had gone away or there were still too many people around but I had to go away or die to the veterans.
i can confirm that soemtmies chests or bodies? don’t render to loot. i played with my wife, side by side and on her screen i could see the chest. so just follow where people are and spam F. uually if there’s a commander around, they most likely won’t miss any chests.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
i was getting gold for the event and hitting the chest that spawns but no loot off the actual boss. i thought i might just be me but i have continued the event since my initial post and it is still happening
Also if you can’t get close enough to the body, have a keybind for AoE loot which picks up everything in a 1200? radius.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I’m thinking there’s a difference between getting loot from the monster (lets say you need to deal 3% damage) and getting gold for the event (1% damage). Those numbers I just made up but it does seem the case.
Also if you can’t get close enough to the body, have a keybind for AoE loot which picks up everything in a 1200? radius.
900 AoE radius unless it has been increased.
- I Eat Bacon, from Ferguson’s Crossing.
Ok, but still, if you’ve been in range to attribute to killing the boss and eligible for a reward, AoE looting means you should be in range from the time he drops… the only problem is the player’s presence of mind to loot at that time.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I soloed the champion shark in southsun, but he didn’t drop anything. Apparently champion sharks don’t drop loot bags.
from what i have been seeing, if i am not directly standing next to the boss when it dies i do not get anything. well at least that is the pattern i have consistently seen.
if i range it with my short bow I get nothing. is that normal for this event?
Their health is so high that you really have to do a fair amount of damage to qualify. Not sure if that’s your issue, but if you’re spending a fair amount of time killing vets during the fight, I’d suggest focusing more exclusively on the boss.
Their health is so high that you really have to do a fair amount of damage to qualify. Not sure if that’s your issue, but if you’re spending a fair amount of time killing vets during the fight, I’d suggest focusing more exclusively on the boss.
This is what it took for me. I was missing direct loot from the bosses quite a bit until I focused more on them instead of the veteran adds, but after that the only times I’ve missed it have been when I came late to the fight and the boss was already at half-ish health or less.
Go toe to toe with the boss for the duration of the fight and you should get a loot drop.
But be careful of that pirate boss.