100 blade shards = 1 green
lol so this is the “something very valuable” they were talking about
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Yea, I’m not impressed by this.
Not at all.
I wouldve trashed my blade shards a long time ago if i had known. They were just taking up space for some greens…..
Wow…that’s just abysmal. I mean, kind of insulting really. A red post said not to trash them and even used exclamation points to emphasize the importance of keeping them. What a disappointment.
It’s like they’ve forgotten about rewards and instead focused on sinks; gold sinks, loot sinks, event item sinks. Just cleaning up the excess. Apparently, we don’t need loot from the Pavillion now. So we got that going for us…
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Where can we get blade shards now? I’m trying to make spinal blades!
Obby Shards, Lvl up Scrolls, Skill points or even achievement items you may have missed. all of which I would consider something very valuable. If its just greens with a small chance of rare and exotics. I might just delete the Blade Shard out of principle.
Blade Shards dropped plentiful. I had a whole storage panel full of them before I started deleting and I’m sure people who farmed the event even more (for loot, or experience, or enjoyment) could have had a whole bank full of them.
And you’re surprised it trades for something mediocre or worse after all the money-sinks we had lately? I’m not.
We’re not all farmers.
OMG that Anet guy that told us to save it is best troll ever!!!
At least I get space in my bank again
We’re not all farmers.
I play some wvw, pve, and pvp, and never once intentionally farmed for blade shards and I have over 1.5k(on just 1 character….my other characters also have lots) of them. Exchange rate sounds about right, imo. The green stuff will be more than satisfactory compensation, imo, especially since it will also free up quite a bit of room in my bank vault.
Plus, I might just take all that green stuff(since I basically didn’t pay anything for any of it) and dump it into the mystic toilet and maybe get some slightly better stuff.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
(edited by Teon.5168)
Where can we get blade shards now? I’m trying to make spinal blades!
Three ways. There is a mystic forge recipe. Mined from Sprocket node in home instance (requires Gift of Sprockets). And killing Aetherblades (TA Aetherpath, Gendarran jumping puzzle, or in the center of Edge of the Mists). If you have enough t1 and t2 dust and money for Sprockets, I’d go with the forge. Best do the mining too daily to save money.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Where can we get blade shards now? I’m trying to make spinal blades!
Three ways. There is a mystic forge recipe. Mined from Sprocket node in home instance (requires Gift of Sprockets). And killing Aetherblades (TA Aetherpath, Gendarran jumping puzzle, or in the center of Edge of the Mists). If you have enough t1 and t2 dust and money for Sprockets, I’d go with the forge. Best do the mining too daily to save money.
I bought the blueprints from the TP. What else do I need for the mystic forge? Is there a recipe on the /wiki?
Well, that’s a disappointment. :/ Ah well. I guess 20 greens is better than nothing.
We’re not all farmers.
I play some wvw, pve, and pvp, and never once intentionally farmed for blade shards and I have over 1.5k(on just 1 character….my other characters also have lots) of them. Exchange rate sounds about right, imo. The green stuff will be more than satisfactory compensation, imo, especially since it will also free up quite a bit of room in my bank vault.
Plus, I might just take all that green stuff(since I basically didn’t pay anything for any of it) and dump it into the mystic toilet and maybe get some slightly better stuff.
Pretty much this, I got my Selfless and Thoughtless Potions and in the time I had left over I farmed some mobs, this ment I spend less than 1h a day in LA (most of it collecting Heirlooms and shoo’ing citizens.) I know plenty of people did it for almost 2 weeks straight, hour after hour in the hope for a lucky drop…
I have 15,000 Blade Shards and I’m still having a hard time convincing myself that it’s worthwhile to trade 100 per Equipment Bag. Once my stock is gone it’d be very time consuming to farm the ~1K needed for a Spinal Blade, whereas masterwork equipment is completely trivial to obtain… and the fact that you can get Equipment Bags for only 40 Festival Tokens makes it an even less attractive offer.
Tomes of Knowledge on the other hand… much more difficult to acquire than masterwork equipment. But even using the 1 : 2.5 ratio of Festival Tokens to Blade Shards for Equipment Bags, Tomes of Knowledge would be 750 Blade Shards each. And that still seems incredibly high given they only dropped at around a 2 : 1 ratio compared to Found Belongings, if memory serves, which were 100 + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge. A more reasonable price would be 200-250 Blade Shards + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge, in my opinon.
(edited by SKATE.1394)
Where can we get blade shards now? I’m trying to make spinal blades!
Three ways. There is a mystic forge recipe. Mined from Sprocket node in home instance (requires Gift of Sprockets). And killing Aetherblades (TA Aetherpath, Gendarran jumping puzzle, or in the center of Edge of the Mists). If you have enough t1 and t2 dust and money for Sprockets, I’d go with the forge. Best do the mining too daily to save money.
I bought the blueprints from the TP. What else do I need for the mystic forge? Is there a recipe on the /wiki?
The blueprint (and backpieces) say what you need until you get the first ascended item, then the Assault Knight Core items say what you need.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I have 15,000 Blade Shards and I’m still having a hard time convincing myself that it’s worthwhile to trade 100 per Equipment Bag. Once my stock is gone it’d be very time consuming to farm the ~1K needed for a Spinal Blade, whereas masterwork equipment is completely trivial to obtain… and the fact that you can get Equipment Bags for only 40 Festival Tokens makes it an even less attractive offer.
Tomes of Knowledge on the other hand… much more difficult to acquire than masterwork equipment. But even using the 1 : 2.5 ratio of Festival Tokens to Blade Shards for Equipment Bags, Tomes of Knowledge would be 750 Blade Shards each. And that still seems incredibly high given they only dropped at around a 2 : 1 ratio compared to Found Belongings, if memory serves, which were 100 + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge. A more reasonable price would be 200-250 Blade Shards + 20 silver per Tome of Knowledge, in my opinon.
Go do PvP for awhile. I did one of the achievement lines and got at least 6-7 tomes of knowledge doing it……took awhile, but was an easy place to get tomes.
Also, I don’t plan on getting rid of all of my blade shards….will keep enough to get 1-3 back pieces for a couple of my alts.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
100 blade shards = 1 green
Good job, lol.
I saved like 20 stacks for nothing. What a joke this game have become.
I got a 1 gold item from 2,000 shards lol…. Facepalm
TC- milk was a bad choice
it also drops exotics and rares…got 2500 bladeshards exchanged, got besides a huge load of greens (and lots of silk too ) 3 exotics and 6 rares..AND
A Exotic Mini Reef Rider
it also drops exotics and rares…got 2500 bladeshards exchanged, got besides a huge load of greens (and lots of silk too
) 3 exotics and 6 rares..AND
A Exotic Mini Reef Rider
This is kinda hard to believe. 2500 shards means only 25 exchanges. Every exchange is ONLY ONE equipment. so, its surely not a “huge load” of greens. And it does not gives minis, so you probably is misunderstanding what we are talking about here.
And if really, in 25 tries, you got 3 exos, and 6 rares at all : Go play lotto. You probably are the luckiest guy in all over the planet.
lol so this is the “something very valuable” they were talking about
well, it’s valuable compared to the small hooves and broken lockpicks that were the only thing dropping in the Pavilion last night :P
i’ll hold on to mine, at least some day I can put 500 of them towards an ascended backpiece…
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Who was the trollface who said to save them?
yea I had like 4k worth of shards and got all greens made me cry lol oh well just lets me know what they think of us
yea I had like 4k worth of shards and got all greens made me cry lol oh well just lets me know what they think of us
Agreed. I can’t decide what’s more concerning. That they thought it was worth mentioning saving blade shards because of this, “reward”. Meaning they actually think this is a reward. Or, also disturbing, that they think we would find this, rewarding, is a continuing trend with this game that I’m honestly getting tired of.
I have liked this game since it came out but the rewards have trended down so much that it’s pushing folks away. TOL was an exception for that. But the population that benefited from TOL was a very small portion. When I say rewards I’m speaking in general terms across the game.
Save yourself GW2. You are your only hope.
(edited by SubAce.9863)
15k Blade Shards, got 3 rares and the rest were generic greens. You so trolly Anet!
Please don’t delete them!
You can hold on to your extra blade shards, as the team will be adding something later which will allow you to convert the shards to something of value. Dev will be announcing more on that later. Thanks!
Was the anet post telling us to keep them, apparently greens count as something of value now.
Hey you all know that SOMEONE will get a precursor from one of these boxes. We have no idea who or when or why… but it’ll happen.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Obby Shards, Lvl up Scrolls, Skill points or even achievement items you may have missed. all of which I would consider something very valuable. If its just greens with a small chance of rare and exotics. I might just delete the Blade Shard out of principle.
Could’ve as well trashed them… but well, they took up space in large bags bought for alts and in extended bag tabs, so probably working as intended.
Really? lol. I had an inventory full of blade shards I was holding on to.. just because. Deleted them about 2 weeks ago figuring there was no real use for them.
Seems like I was right.
Had 2500 Blade Shards saved up.
Got 25 Greens.
Yay? XD
Had 2500 Blade Shards saved up.
Got 25 Greens.
Yay? XD
Totally worth the 10 bag slots you couldn’t use for a few months.
Considering that those backpieces are way cheaper to craft than grenth/dwayna and quiver of a thousand arrows while also giving you your choice of stats, i kept my blade shards to craft a few when i need a new build. Getting Blade Shards now is either time consuming or expensive (You need about 20g worth of sprockets to forge a stack of blade shards), so about 85g for an ascended backpiece.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
being able to craft a dirt cheap exotic backpiece of any kind or a relatively cheap ascended backpiece is worth having bladeshards around.. especially considering there is no worthwhile source of farming them in game anymore.. unlike everyone else i have a few stacks of heirlooms that will never be usable and not enough bladeshards to craft anything..
i really don’t get what everyone was expecting from a bladeshard merchant, but yes.. the shards for ‘green item’ is a bladeshard sink
being able to craft a dirt cheap exotic backpiece of any kind or a relatively cheap ascended backpiece is worth having bladeshards around.. especially considering there is no worthwhile source of farming them in game anymore.. unlike everyone else i have a few stacks of heirlooms that will never be usable and not enough bladeshards to craft anything..
i really don’t get what everyone was expecting from a bladeshard merchant, but yes.. the shards for ‘green item’ is a bladeshard sink
I was hoping for a blade shard to dragonite merchant. Or other ascended mats (I know some people would prefer empyreal).
But yeah I’m saving my blade shards for back pieces
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
A couple of events in Orr could give u the same ammount of things in 1 hour… I had 1,5 bank sections filled wityh those. I had hopes that they could be traded for mats or a mini or something…
I had 8000 shards (well 9k but Im keeping 1k)
I got 78 greens, 2 rares
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!