I don't like dungeons that force you to party
This dungeon was my very first “real” dungeon, so it was quite a step up from what I was used to. Still, if you have someone in the party who knows what to do, provides directions, and doesn’t berate you if you make mistakes, you’ll pick up what to do quite quickly and usually find your niche fairly quickly.
For players who are scaled up or, like me, are level 80 but are still using sub-par gear, you’re best off providing support from the rear with ranged weapons or healing/buff skills. Don’t let this get to you; ANet obviously wants all players to be able to participate in this dungeon, or they wouldn’t have put in upscaling. You have every right to be there as players who are fully geared in Exotics are; you just need to know your capabilities and what is the best way you can contribute. If that happens to be plinking enemies from a distance with a longbow/rifle and ressing people, so be it. (In fact, it’s extremely helpful to have one guy who does nothing but focus on ressing people who get downed!)
I can understand the viewpoint of people who would like this dungeon to be soloable; I was one of those players who ran around doing everything with 8 Heroes in GW1 too. But ANet is aiming for a different kind of experience, and dungeons like this one are a good way of gently nudging players to try something they normally wouldn’t touch. Give the Molten Facility a few go’s, and if it just reinforces your belief that dungeons aren’t for you, you can bow out.
Dungeons are supposed to be group content. I’d be kitten if they made EVERYTHING in the game soloable. While it’s nice to be able to do some things alone, playing alone can get boring, and doesn’t give the great satisfaction you get from working with a team. Well, for me at least. I do suppose that a large number of gamers are antisocial hermits who are afraid of communication and teamwork. But really, it’s an MMO. That’s Massively Multiplayer. Not solo.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Sounds like someone wants some friends to play with…I personally had fun with this dungeon (first run was with guildmates). But I don’t like being able to solo dungeons as much because it generally leads to a lot of farming and I get bored doing that alone.
I don’t know why you’d expect anet to make monthly (in this case, 2 weeks only) events to be completely soloable. GW2 tries to form some sense of community with its primary focus on guilds, so i’d expect them to encourage group events…
What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time. Since we have a few new people in our guild, the whole experience of running a dungeon is so much magnified by running it with other people.
I even PUGged a few runs, and people were nice and relaxed. Give it a try! What’s the point of having experiences like this if you don’t share them?
“Uh, Zhaitan? Sure, killed him by my lil’ lonesome. Next on my list is Jormag. He’ll fall to my mighty blade.”…. Yay.
What I dislike a bit is the missing scaling. Every dungeon HAS to be 5 people. If you wind up with 6 people on an evening, one person has to be left out in the cold. But having a range on dungeons (like 3-7 players) would be an awesome addition.
What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time.
Thank god I don’t have teamspeak or the friends that I’ve gone into dungeons would be deaf from my cursing. Oh yay I dodged twice yet I’m still in this red circle and oh I’ve been one shot and now I get to lay here not able to play the game until someone takes the time to res me. Hey awesome I’m back up thanks for the res oh no I’m down again before I got a chance to do anything because of the one shot mechanic…
Just pepper that with foul language and adjust the volume to about 100db…
@ OP: You can 3 man this dungeon it’s not that hard. I did it this way when it first opened and several times since.
What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time.
Thank god I don’t have teamspeak or the friends that I’ve gone into dungeons would be deaf from my cursing. Oh yay I dodged twice yet I’m still in this red circle and oh I’ve been one shot and now I get to lay here not able to play the game until someone takes the time to res me. Hey awesome I’m back up thanks for the res oh no I’m down again before I got a chance to do anything because of the one shot mechanic…
Just pepper that with foul language and adjust the volume to about 100db…
I don’t even know of any mob that does a one hit wonder in this dungeon. Might I suggest some vit or toughness perhaps to keep you from getting taken down in one. =oP
@ OP: You can 3 man this dungeon it’s not that hard. I did it this way when it first opened and several times since.
What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time.
Thank god I don’t have teamspeak or the friends that I’ve gone into dungeons would be deaf from my cursing. Oh yay I dodged twice yet I’m still in this red circle and oh I’ve been one shot and now I get to lay here not able to play the game until someone takes the time to res me. Hey awesome I’m back up thanks for the res oh no I’m down again before I got a chance to do anything because of the one shot mechanic…
Just pepper that with foul language and adjust the volume to about 100db…
I don’t even know of any mob that does a one hit wonder in this dungeon. Might I suggest some vit or toughness perhaps to keep you from getting taken down in one. =oP
Not running a glass cannon build here, I’ve got some toughness gear due to playing the overworld mostly solo. Nor can I say what mob or even in what dungon it was…I know I ran AC once and kept getting hit by trip fireballs even though I was nowhere near them, but it wasn’t that run. Maybe CoE? I know it was after the wp res change because I was sitting dead for a good 5 minutes at one point while the rest of the party tried to kill the mob and res me, and that’s the opposite of fun.
MMOs are for that.To meet new people and to group up
That’s really narrow. MMO’s should be for a wide range of people, not your own personal ideal.
I find it uncomfortable chatting with people I don’t know. Yet I enjoy open world (even with those pesky other players around!), I enjoy WvW. I enjoy co-op, with an actual person in the same room as me. But I don’t pug. I would have done this duo’ed, I might have hot-joined a random group – but LFG’ing for access to content? Ugh.. no thanks. Sorry if I’m not sociable enough to play an MMO.
This shouldn’t even be an issue, though. There’s no reason for ANet to be forcing dungeons into story content. They could have used the plot to introduce the dungeon, without making it a mandatory step.
It’s like ANet has two playbooks – one for creating accessible, inviting content for a more casual audience, and the other for more hardcore team players. I can respect that – GW2 needs to appeal to different types of players, but why bind the two together if you don’t have to?
I’ll save some of you the time: “Duh, it’s an MMO stupid!”
1. There is nothing mandatory about it
2. MMO’s are designed around having a massive world with other people that you can tackle content with
3. Sounds like you want a Single player RPG or PVP only
4. It’s funny because your first line can be said back to you. “That’s really narrow. MMO’s should be for a wide range of people, not your own personal ideal.” They did the solo content, now they are doing the multiplayer content. Wide range of people.
Cheers mate.
Who in the team thought it be fun to add another dungeon so hard its impossible to solo or near impossible to even duo, so that it force peoples to party up to max party size … again ?
Really ? I mean really ? after all those complains for past months about the last dungeon Arah, forcing a full size party to finish storyline, they are still doing it ?
Here i thought they finally changed, those in charge of Super Aventure Box, done it perfectly, give their player a chance to do it alone or with a small party. Very good job SAB Team, you guys sure know how to do stuff.
Oh well in my book Anet lost their number one team for making online game. I thought there was still some hope left, but there is none. Will sure not be looking forward to any of their future game from now on.
Yeah if you lost them on this miniscule thing then you did not have anything for them anyway, it’s not forced content, you don’t have to do it at all.
If we base ourselves on the forum ’’GW2’’ our forum community is so very friendly and nice. So much that a good part of the community have nothing else to do that become ‘’opposite side’’ to what other players want lol which is rather sad.
Let say someone didnt like something or want something to change, how dare they want something to become different, it wouldnt bother ’’them’’ but they still need to interfere and stop it !! lol
Here the most recent exemple:
Yeah if you lost them on this miniscule thing then you did not have anything for them anyway, it’s not forced content, you don’t have to do it at all.
This person didnt really bother reading much of this whole topic. Just fell like trolling and be agaisnt it. Will it bother him if dungeon could be soloed? Nah just his ’’Ego’’ possibly since cant show off and say ‘’ i beat it and you cant’’
AFter doing this dungeon around 30 times now, with the way its designed it would definitely be a dungeon that is soloable and we would definitely be seeing players on youtube demonstrating this, like there are for other soloable dungeons.
If you want to move on to the argument that it would take longer, the thing is everything in this game does take longer on your own that what it would in a group. So my question is, why do you only find this an issue with dungeons?
If there was a way to get many wham bam thanks for the run man types to stop being abusive or treating group members like props it wouldn’t be so bad. But ya know a person with a healthy mental perspective will only take abuse for so long. Honestly the post WoW era gaming mentality I think has got many to just not understand how to even talk normally anymore. There in a nutshell is why dungeon runs have an unfollowing.
If dungeons get scaled, I want the rewards to be scaled too. A warrior or mesmer going through the new dungeon or Fractals doesn’t deserve the full amount of tokens and money that a full party gets. Group effort for a group reward.
Why? I guarantee it took him twice as long at least to solo and he had to be very very careful and plan and prepare for every step and use every single attribute in his arsenal.
You and your friends rush through it mostly autoshooting while you run around avoiding the circles on the ground..you die? there’s someone there to rez you. Running out of health, back off and let your buddies take the damage for a bit. Easy sleazy.
Please do not suggest dungeons to be soloable. I left another MMO because of soloers wanted everything to be soloable and as a result, new expansion comes with 0 dungeon/raids…
If you don’t like grouping, don’t do it. Do you have to do new story missions? No… But please do not touch group content. This is an MMO. I don’t know about others but I bought this game to play with other people.
If you solo only, you won’t improve yourself or make any friends. And the other MMO I left is in such a terrible shape now, it’s not even funny. Thousands of raiders left the game.That’s what happens when people want everything to be soloable.
sorry to break your bubble but even i being an Engineer was able to solo the darn thing usually pugs drag me down with all the “Revive me, im down!,ASFKL i Fell”
best advice use stun breaker focus on heals and jump the shockwaves and tell your pug this aint pvp nor wvw and bring a decent build and utilities.
Did you ever flag your heros and remaining henchmen strategically? They get WAY better than normal dummy AI.
As I said: Do the dungeon before talking about it.
I did try the dungeon—and I am badly missing MOX, Ogden, Gwen, Vexx, and my necro, as the NPCs given to you get flattened in the first room, in positions that get you killed rather than being able to res them. Heck, Togo too.
Please do not suggest dungeons to be soloable. I left another MMO because of soloers wanted everything to be soloable and as a result, new expansion comes with 0 dungeon/raids…
If you don’t like grouping, don’t do it. Do you have to do new story missions? No… But please do not touch group content. This is an MMO. I don’t know about others but I bought this game to play with other people.
If you solo only, you won’t improve yourself or make any friends. And the other MMO I left is in such a terrible shape now, it’s not even funny. Thousands of raiders left the game.That’s what happens when people want everything to be soloable.
You are so full of yourself.
Noone wants things to be only soloable—one of the wonderful things with the system GW2 uses is that everything scales, so that if you want to group, then you can group, and things will adjust accordingly. The content that everyone is up in arms about provides no choice whatsoever, the only option at all is a 5-man raid (there’s people complaining about being able to have only 5 in there, too). Which in itself wouldn’t be an issue, but that no-options-dungeon is a roadblock in being allowed to complete content that otherwise requires nothing of the sort.
Why do people keep trying to claim that formal/forced grouping is the only form of ‘player interaction’ that exists at all? I see plenty of player interaction in MMOs in general, not just GW2, that has nothing to do with raid/dungeon groups.
Edit: And I also might point out that conversely, I’ve left MMOs because the high-end content was nothing but forced-grouping, with no solo content to be found. I get a little tired of dealing with co-dependant types who can’t seem to get things done on their own without someone else to carry them.
(edited by Vulpis.8063)
I did try the dungeon—and I am badly missing MOX, Ogden, Gwen, Vexx, and my necro, as the NPCs given to you get flattened in the first room, in positions that get you killed rather than being able to res them. Heck, Togo too.
So, did you get the boss?
Good luck having any use whatsoever of NPCs at that fight.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
You are so full of yourself.
Noone wants things to be only soloable—one of the wonderful things with the system GW2 uses is that everything scales, so that if you want to group, then you can group, and things will adjust accordingly. The content that everyone is up in arms about provides no choice whatsoever, the only option at all is a 5-man raid (there’s people complaining about being able to have only 5 in there, too). Which in itself wouldn’t be an issue, but that no-options-dungeon is a roadblock in being allowed to complete content that otherwise requires nothing of the sort.
I’m full of myself? Because I said don’t touch dungeons? Yeah,whatever. I said other games where people demanded everything to be soloable failed, didn’t say everyone wants it here. But you are demanding a dungeon to be soloable. To my knowledge, this one is introduced as a dungeon. So let it stay that way…
Why do people keep trying to claim that formal/forced grouping is the only form of ‘player interaction’ that exists at all? I see plenty of player interaction in MMOs in general, not just GW2, that has nothing to do with raid/dungeon groups.
No one clamied that. I only claimed that it is dangerous to mess with group dynamics in favour of soloers.
Edit: And I also might point out that conversely, I’ve left MMOs because the high-end content was nothing but forced-grouping, with no solo content to be found..
If grouping is forced and uncomfortable to you, don’t play an MMO. Otherwise you will demand more and more things to be soloable, thus killing the MMO. Judging by the title of the thread, it seems like it is more of a chore than and opportunity to meet new people.
I don’t know how is it a horrible thing to group with 4 other people. Wow, don’t think about grouping with 23 other people then
Those solo content at endgame usually contains of grinding and daily quests. If that is fun for you, great…
I get a little tired of dealing with co-dependant types who can’t seem to get things done on their own without someone else to carry them.
Doing dungeons with other people has nothing to do with co-dependant types. If anything, groupers carry themselves much better than soloers because they face more challenging content and learn how to use their class better…
If you want to solo everything go play LOTRO
Who in the team thought it be fun to add another dungeon so hard its impossible to solo or near impossible to even duo, so that it force peoples to party up to max party size … again ?
Really ? I mean really ? after all those complains for past months about the last dungeon Arah, forcing a full size party to finish storyline, they are still doing it ?
Here i thought they finally changed, those in charge of Super Aventure Box, done it perfectly, give their player a chance to do it alone or with a small party. Very good job SAB Team, you guys sure know how to do stuff.
Oh well in my book Anet lost their number one team for making online game. I thought there was still some hope left, but there is none. Will sure not be looking forward to any of their future game from now on.
you say its not soloble then you must be doin something wrong it is atleast up to the end boss(the time it takes is a diffrent mathere and is not very time efficient) given that i did not know you could jump over the waves at the time i got to the end bosses solo i did not win that fight but i gess with that knowlege i could(tho cant be asked spending that much time in there agien)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I played GW1 for years and never joined a guild or had to group with anyone. I used my Heroes/Henchies for all dungeons.
MMO =/= Group up to complete content
MMO = Seeing other ‘real’ people in the gameworld and nothing more.
My guess is that the old 5 man dungeon is the cheapest way to do it. A dynamic ending in a spontaneous area would cost more. I’m not interested in doing pug dungeons, that’s why I bought this game that promised a dynamic spontaneous world. So much for promises! That said, I can live with dungeons as I know that many people enjoy them, but they should not be exclusive end game content that contains special items that can be obtained no where else in the game like special crafting materials. That’s why I left WoW. Which is actually cheaper to play than GW2 even with the monthly fee if you use the gems or gem items at all.
I played GW1 for years and never joined a guild or had to group with anyone. I used my Heroes/Henchies for all dungeons.
MMO =/= Group up to complete content
MMO = Seeing other ‘real’ people in the gameworld and nothing more.
But then again GW1 wasn’t a MMO either, so that really doesnt count, do it?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I played GW1 for years and never joined a guild or had to group with anyone. I used my Heroes/Henchies for all dungeons.
MMO =/= Group up to complete content
MMO = Seeing other ‘real’ people in the gameworld and nothing more.But then again GW1 wasn’t a MMO either, so that really doesnt count, do it?
Yes, it was (and still is). You need to go read the definition of ‘mmo’.
I came to GW2 expecting gameplay similar to GW1 and not a WoW clone. 5 man dungeons are utter garbage. As I have stated many times, if I wanted to run a 5 man, I would have stuck with WoW.
Yes, it was (and still is). You need to go read the definition of ‘mmo’.
I came to GW2 expecting gameplay similar to GW1 and not a WoW clone. 5 man dungeons are utter garbage. As I have stated many times, if I wanted to run a 5 man, I would have stuck with WoW.
And you need to look up the company that made the game is questions genre for said game.
They have been quite clear that GW1 is not a MMO, and so should everyone else that have actually played it. GW1 is a CORPG (Competitive online role-playing game).
There are no presistent world. All zones (other than the cities/outposts) are completely empty but for your own party.
If you came to GW2 expecting GW1 with prettier graphics you clearly didn’t read up on the game before buying it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yes, it was (and still is). You need to go read the definition of ‘mmo’.
I came to GW2 expecting gameplay similar to GW1 and not a WoW clone. 5 man dungeons are utter garbage. As I have stated many times, if I wanted to run a 5 man, I would have stuck with WoW.
And you need to look up the company that made the game is questions genre for said game.
They have been quite clear that GW1 is not a MMO, and so should everyone else that have actually played it. GW1 is a CORPG (Competitive online role-playing game).
There are no presistent world. All zones (other than the cities/outposts) are completely empty but for your own party.If you came to GW2 expecting GW1 with prettier graphics you clearly didn’t read up on the game before buying it.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
No you couldn’t.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
No you couldn’t.
Maybe you couldn’t. Okay, the giant worm and explosive kegs was a bit challenging but I managed to complete it with some clever flagging. The Underworld was always fun.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
Maybe you couldn’t. Okay, the giant worm and explosive kegs was a bit challenging but I managed to complete it with some clever flagging. The Underworld was always fun.
No, it was actually IMPOSSIBLE to solo certain things in GW1. As in, couldn’t be done at all, no matter how good you where.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Maybe you couldn’t. Okay, the giant worm and explosive kegs was a bit challenging but I managed to complete it with some clever flagging. The Underworld was always fun.
No, it was actually IMPOSSIBLE to solo certain things in GW1. As in, couldn’t be done at all, no matter how good you where.
Strange, I never ran across any of that content and I had all expansions + heroes. I ran into some difficult mobs and dungeons, at times, but I always managed to complete them solo.
I would like to know what content was ‘impossible’ to solo?
Strange, I never ran across any of that content and I had all expansions + heroes. I ran into some difficult mobs and dungeons, at times, but I always managed to complete them solo.
I would like to know what content was ‘impossible’ to solo?
The Deep is impossible to get past the first part on your own.
Fully clearing Underworld is impossible on your own at list for most part of the games active life (before the 7-heroes update).
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If dungeons scaled for one player it wouldnt be faster to do it in party or atleast in pug. Noone would do dungeons in random parties and whole concept of MMO in GW2 would die. So hard to figure it out?
Should the MMO concept die because a few singleplayers guys want it? Nope.
Always remember one thing – your opinion is your opinion not fact.
(edited by Strejda Tom.6108)
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
Because GW1 meant to be (and is) CORPG, and GW2 is MMORPG (and suposed to be from beggining). More than that – I’m sure I’ve seen it dozen times in some of the Anet blogging and stuff, that they treat it as normal MMO – party for dungeon, preparation before adventure and NO HEROES & HENCH etc.
And did You ever played WoW to call GW2 WoW clone? In terms of differences between MMOs, GW2 is quite far from WoW. But hey – You’re comparing CORPG to MMORPG, so why not to talk about Baldurs Gate? That was fun game – and no one ever stated that GW2 will not be Baldurs clone… and it isn’t! – how could they?!
Not that I’m defending GW2, because I find a lot of irritating stuff in the game lately, but there are holes in Your logic (each) bigger than my ego. But I agree that nowhere was stated that all dungeons will be 5 and only 5 people team stuff. But that is different story.
I did try the dungeon—and I am badly missing MOX, Ogden, Gwen, Vexx, and my necro, as the NPCs given to you get flattened in the first room, in positions that get you killed rather than being able to res them. Heck, Togo too.
So, did you get the boss?
Good luck having any use whatsoever of NPCs at that fight.
See the bit about ‘getting flattened in the first room’. I managed to take down one of the veterans, and that was all before I gave up from repeated trips to the spawn point.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
Because GW1 meant to be (and is) CORPG, and GW2 is MMORPG (and suposed to be from beggining). More than that – I’m sure I’ve seen it dozen times in some of the Anet blogging and stuff, that they treat it as normal MMO – party for dungeon, preparation before adventure and NO HEROES & HENCH etc.
And did You ever played WoW to call GW2 WoW clone? In terms of differences between MMOs, GW2 is quite far from WoW. But hey – You’re comparing CORPG to MMORPG, so why not to talk about Baldurs Gate? That was fun game – and no one ever stated that GW2 will not be Baldurs clone… and it isn’t! – how could they?!
Not that I’m defending GW2, because I find a lot of irritating stuff in the game lately, but there are holes in Your logic (each) bigger than my ego. But I agree that nowhere was stated that all dungeons will be 5 and only 5 people team stuff. But that is different story.
Hmm. This is the second thread in a row to use the term ‘CORPG’, and again, no clue what it stands for…nor am I sure why you’re making a distinction, as both are massive, multiplayer games. And as for comparing? I’d think that perpetrating a play mechanic made most identifyible by WoW, and that endless games copy badly only both ‘Because WoW does it’ and their player base complains that otherwise it’s not enough like WoW would be explanation enough. Especially when this construct is placed in a game that has little need for it due to many, many other mechanics designed to encourage playing alongside and together with other players without needing it, and instead of being properly encapsulated as separate gameplay as it’s predecessor did, is used as a big fat roadblock to completion of content that has had no need of it in any way, shape or form for the entire rest of the storyline?
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
Because GW1 meant to be (and is) CORPG, and GW2 is MMORPG (and suposed to be from beggining). More than that – I’m sure I’ve seen it dozen times in some of the Anet blogging and stuff, that they treat it as normal MMO – party for dungeon, preparation before adventure and NO HEROES & HENCH etc.
And did You ever played WoW to call GW2 WoW clone? In terms of differences between MMOs, GW2 is quite far from WoW. But hey – You’re comparing CORPG to MMORPG, so why not to talk about Baldurs Gate? That was fun game – and no one ever stated that GW2 will not be Baldurs clone… and it isn’t! – how could they?!
Not that I’m defending GW2, because I find a lot of irritating stuff in the game lately, but there are holes in Your logic (each) bigger than my ego. But I agree that nowhere was stated that all dungeons will be 5 and only 5 people team stuff. But that is different story.Hmm. This is the second thread in a row to use the term ‘CORPG’, and again, no clue what it stands for…nor am I sure why you’re making a distinction, as both are massive, multiplayer games. And as for comparing? I’d think that perpetrating a play mechanic made most identifyible by WoW, and that endless games copy badly only both ‘Because WoW does it’ and their player base complains that otherwise it’s not enough like WoW would be explanation enough. Especially when this construct is placed in a game that has little need for it due to many, many other mechanics designed to encourage playing alongside and together with other players without needing it, and instead of being properly encapsulated as separate gameplay as it’s predecessor did, is used as a big fat roadblock to completion of content that has had no need of it in any way, shape or form for the entire rest of the storyline?
The other note about dungeons:
“Yeah graveyard zerg and some bosses having a few balance issues (or needing more varied skills at various health percentages so they are fun to fight for their large health pools) are absolutely things on our radar. Make sure to note specific locations/bosses when leaving feedback on the forums!
As for the question about PuG’s for explorable dungeons, we’ve said all along that explorable dungeons are intended for highly organized/skilled groups of players. That is absolutely the case”
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
have still not tryed to solo the arah story but i know that the event is possble to solo tho it takes a hell of a long time but that dont change the fact it is something you can solo, it takes alot of trait swapping and skill swapping to do but still its possible
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
have still not tryed to solo the arah story but i know that the event is possble to solo tho it takes a hell of a long time but that dont change the fact it is something you can solo, it takes alot of trait swapping and skill swapping to do but still its possible
Don’t think you can solo it, one of the very first parts you need people to stand on 2 pedestals to open a door. I could be wrong though. But 1 group instance after 30ish? solo instances, really doesn’t seem all that terrible to me..
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
See the bit about ‘getting flattened in the first room’. I managed to take down one of the veterans, and that was all before I gave up from repeated trips to the spawn point.
I’ll tell you then:
There are mechanics in the boss-fights (and earlier for that matter) which require things that AI is not capable of (at least not without making it succeed every single time, which would make it extremely unfair and pointless to do it with real people.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
All of you complaining about dungeons, is the achievement really that important to you?
I mean there are screenshots proudly claiming 0 dungeons completed from the achievement list as some kind of badge of honor in these threads. In that regard this is no different, its nothing new. It’s another achievement you dont have because you refuse to do certain aspects of the game. Which I understand, I dont do some parts of this game either. But I dont complain about not getting the full achievements for it. Every other longer story chain in GW required a dungeon or more (Destiny’s edge story, personal story, halloween, xmas) to get all the achievements, same with F&F.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
have still not tryed to solo the arah story but i know that the event is possble to solo tho it takes a hell of a long time but that dont change the fact it is something you can solo, it takes alot of trait swapping and skill swapping to do but still its possible
Don’t think you can solo it, one of the very first parts you need people to stand on 2 pedestals to open a door. I could be wrong though. But 1 group instance after 30ish? solo instances, really doesn’t seem all that terrible to me..
oh yearh thats right arah story needs the pedestals kitten need 2 people for that:S
but that still dont change the fact that F&F is possible to solo tho(Been there done that) it takes a hell of a time and is very boring
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
All of you complaining about dungeons, is the achievement really that important to you?
I mean there are screenshots proudly claiming 0 dungeons completed from the achievement list as some kind of badge of honor in these threads.
That was me and you clearly didn’t get the point of the post. I was responding to someone who said dungeons were the main “endgame” with a screenshot to show that I’d been playing for over a thousand hours without ever entering one. Nothing to do with achievements.
It’s a forum – argue with individual points, don’t muddle them together as though you’re talking to one person.
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
Because GW1 meant to be (and is) CORPG, and GW2 is MMORPG (and suposed to be from beggining). More than that – I’m sure I’ve seen it dozen times in some of the Anet blogging and stuff, that they treat it as normal MMO – party for dungeon, preparation before adventure and NO HEROES & HENCH etc.
And did You ever played WoW to call GW2 WoW clone? In terms of differences between MMOs, GW2 is quite far from WoW. But hey – You’re comparing CORPG to MMORPG, so why not to talk about Baldurs Gate? That was fun game – and no one ever stated that GW2 will not be Baldurs clone… and it isn’t! – how could they?!
Not that I’m defending GW2, because I find a lot of irritating stuff in the game lately, but there are holes in Your logic (each) bigger than my ego. But I agree that nowhere was stated that all dungeons will be 5 and only 5 people team stuff. But that is different story.Hmm. This is the second thread in a row to use the term ‘CORPG’, and again, no clue what it stands for…nor am I sure why you’re making a distinction, as both are massive, multiplayer games. And as for comparing? I’d think that perpetrating a play mechanic made most identifyible by WoW, and that endless games copy badly only both ‘Because WoW does it’ and their player base complains that otherwise it’s not enough like WoW would be explanation enough. Especially when this construct is placed in a game that has little need for it due to many, many other mechanics designed to encourage playing alongside and together with other players without needing it, and instead of being properly encapsulated as separate gameplay as it’s predecessor did, is used as a big fat roadblock to completion of content that has had no need of it in any way, shape or form for the entire rest of the storyline?
http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/CORPGThe other note about dungeons:
“Yeah graveyard zerg and some bosses having a few balance issues (or needing more varied skills at various health percentages so they are fun to fight for their large health pools) are absolutely things on our radar. Make sure to note specific locations/bosses when leaving feedback on the forums!
As for the question about PuG’s for explorable dungeons, we’ve said all along that explorable dungeons are intended for highly organized/skilled groups of players. That is absolutely the case”
Funny, I always thought that coRPG meand cooperative. Silly, me. But still, I remember wrong, but got right idea
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
Because GW1 meant to be (and is) CORPG, and GW2 is MMORPG (and suposed to be from beggining). More than that – I’m sure I’ve seen it dozen times in some of the Anet blogging and stuff, that they treat it as normal MMO – party for dungeon, preparation before adventure and NO HEROES & HENCH etc.
And did You ever played WoW to call GW2 WoW clone? In terms of differences between MMOs, GW2 is quite far from WoW. But hey – You’re comparing CORPG to MMORPG, so why not to talk about Baldurs Gate? That was fun game – and no one ever stated that GW2 will not be Baldurs clone… and it isn’t! – how could they?!
Not that I’m defending GW2, because I find a lot of irritating stuff in the game lately, but there are holes in Your logic (each) bigger than my ego. But I agree that nowhere was stated that all dungeons will be 5 and only 5 people team stuff. But that is different story.Hmm. This is the second thread in a row to use the term ‘CORPG’, and again, no clue what it stands for…nor am I sure why you’re making a distinction, as both are massive, multiplayer games. And as for comparing? I’d think that perpetrating a play mechanic made most identifyible by WoW, and that endless games copy badly only both ‘Because WoW does it’ and their player base complains that otherwise it’s not enough like WoW would be explanation enough. Especially when this construct is placed in a game that has little need for it due to many, many other mechanics designed to encourage playing alongside and together with other players without needing it, and instead of being properly encapsulated as separate gameplay as it’s predecessor did, is used as a big fat roadblock to completion of content that has had no need of it in any way, shape or form for the entire rest of the storyline?
http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/CORPGThe other note about dungeons:
“Yeah graveyard zerg and some bosses having a few balance issues (or needing more varied skills at various health percentages so they are fun to fight for their large health pools) are absolutely things on our radar. Make sure to note specific locations/bosses when leaving feedback on the forums!
As for the question about PuG’s for explorable dungeons, we’ve said all along that explorable dungeons are intended for highly organized/skilled groups of players. That is absolutely the case”
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Do-NOT-nerf-please/first#post126835Funny, I always thought that coRPG meand cooperative
. Silly, me. But still, I remember wrong, but got right idea
Don’t feel bad, 10+ years of playing MMO’s never seen that term till GW2 forums :P Looked it up months ago lol
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu