Jumping Feedback Thread

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Why lengthen the timer? Why not make it a set number of uses, like it originally was? I think that would be a much better solution.(to the time problem, anyway)

Best suggestion so far, if we can cancel the aspects by hitting the “5” key, then why must be be given an arbitrary timer.

Verticality is a nice idea (and I am glad ANet is trying new things), but being a new theme should dictate small steps while not placing a timer on it IMO.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

You can tell that some people have never had any difficulty jumping, and just cannot comprehend our point of view. Additionally, some of them are unwilling to accept another point of view. And some of them just come here to be argumentative. These are people we cannot reach, or convince to consider our point of view. They are not receptive, and we should not waste our time(and thread space) responding to them.
We need to respectfully, make our issues known in a clear, concise manner, for the people who are willing to consider another point of view.(hopefully the Anet dev staff) Anything else is a waste of time and effort, and is just cluttering up the thread.

(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


If you STILL need a duration increase on that, then I’m sorry, you probably shouldn’t be playing this game since 15 seconds is more than enough time.

‘I can, so you can do so, too. And if you can not, leave ’my’ game, as I can do so.’

I wonder how many more of these narrow minded will pop in this thread, without actually checking the arguments made before.

Dude, I need time to position my char, before I can make a jump. The aspects before had NO timer, they do so now.

Not everyone is a “pro” (lol) like you.

Timers away, or stacks like before, is something I would welcome. BUT, as it turned out..there are players who will still face issues, as the jumping became mandatory – effectively locking players out of the new content; effectively blocking them to progress any further.

Which you could have known,if you had taken some time to actually read the arguments made before, over and over and over again.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

IMO, precision acrobatic jumping type moves are not core part of fantasy MMO games and should be optional extras(instead of being mandatory) for mainstream content.

The way these Zephyrite Aspects have been implemented is (IMO) awkward, and makes them more difficult to use.
- the need of a pickup for activation
- the timer or number of charges
- the blocking of weapon skills
- the fact that a pickup can be run over accidentally, swapping to Aspects when not needed(especially bad in combat)

IMO these would be much better as a swappable set of regular skills that can only be used in zones where Zephyrite crystals exist.(Or something like that – they’d break the game if they could be used everywhere.) They could be swapped in and out like Elementalist attunements or Engineer kits. Or maybe coexist on the skill bar with regular skills. (but once again, only in the areas where they’re supposed to be used)

The unfortunate way the beginning area of the new zone is designed(a crystal close to the WP, with jumps leading off into the distance, and no alternative path) makes it appear
that the level will be centered around mandatory use jumping type moves.(and be not worthwhile for those of us with jumping difficulties) This is a bad intro to Living Story Season 2 for people with jumping difficulties.

The “Joy of Movement” initiative by the Anet development staff, means that more of this type of content will be made for GW2, which will make it less accessible to those who can’t, have difficulty with, or simply don’t enjoy, these type of precision jumping moves. Unless we convince them to give us alternatives.
(Edit: “Joy of Movement” referenced here: http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2/c/4590714 )

It looks like ignoring jump-heavy content instead posting on the forums about our issues has not severed us well thus far.
We need to make our voices heard.(clearly and respectfully)

(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


A few days ago I made a post directly aimed at the devs, called ‘Dear Devs, about jumping’. It got merged in this one.

It gave a couple of “easy” fixes, which would very likely have taken out much of the issues players face. Without taking away the fun for those who can jump easy.

- Activate both way points
(there’s now even talk about having one near that gogglething)

- Remove timers (or stack ’em as before)

- More Crystals

- Construct alternative routes (more difficult, yes)

These four fixes came forth from the issues player face, and how they saw a simple solution. I only “gathered” them.

Sure, this still leaves the ‘Joy of Movement’ (oh, Irony) being problematic. But for many of those who complained, it would have made the new zone more accessible and thus more fun.

I hate to see a new “dead zone” and players leaving over this (not counting the bored complainers, they would have left anyway).

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


You can tell that some people have never had any difficulty jumping, and just cannot comprehend our point of view. Additionally, some of them are unwilling to accept another point of view. And some of them just come here to be argumentative. These are people we cannot reach, or convince to consider our point of view. They are not receptive, and we should not waste our time(and thread space) responding to them.
We need to respectfully, make our issues known in a clear, concise manner, for the people who are willing to consider another point of view.(hopefully the Anet dev staff) Anything else is a waste of time and effort, and is just cluttering up the thread.

Totally agree with you here on the subject. People will be what they will be. Discussion should be directed at providing useful comments and offering ideas to the devs.

While I am not a fan of jumping puzzles, they have challenged me and the ones I managed to succeed at I am very proud of doing. I have great difficulty doing sustained timed jumping so I just don’t do those. I will never get Spekk’s Laboratory. I do what content I can do.

I am not saying dumb down things but I would like to see alternate routes be available for those who may not want or be able to leap vertically in a timed manner. The devs could get quite creative in creating a convoluted route, or puzzles to be solved to have a different way to reach the top. Those who love the jumping challenge would have their jumps, the puzzle solvers would have theirs. It doesn’t have to be for every jumping puzzle.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


If you can’t do simple jumps then maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game…

Over-react much? Seriously, why would you be offended by a 5 second increase in the duration of the gems? It wouldn’t affect you at all.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

If you can’t do simple jumps then maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game…

Over-react much? Seriously, why would you be offended by a 5 second increase in the duration of the gems? It wouldn’t affect you at all.

I think the duration is balanced with a few puzzles in there, would it be longer – the puzzle would be considerably easier for “most” players.

While I disagree about that horrible statement that handicapped people shouldn’t play games, I can’t see why developers should balance a game with them in mind. The personal story / living story missions last year were heavily critizised for being boring, not interesting enough, bland,… by a few people. Now Anet brought new gameplay-mechanics into the story, and I must say this is by far the best story-mission release I’ve seen in the game.

So I can’t say I wouldn’t mind if jumping stuff is optional only. No. I love the new mechanics in the missions. It just feels natural that you have to traverse the terrain in that way during the story mission when you do so in the same terrain out of the mission in the zone.

Lets say: the percentage of handicapped players is 2% of the playerbase. Now think of it, what if the 2% of the best players want the game to be designed “brutal hardcore” for them, because it feels just boring for them. These players don’t have that content in the game currently, so they “have a right” to get something, while there is tons of easymode content for the bottom 2% already.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


If you can’t do simple jumps then maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game…

Over-react much? Seriously, why would you be offended by a 5 second increase in the duration of the gems? It wouldn’t affect you at all.

I think the duration is balanced with a few puzzles in there, would it be longer – the puzzle would be considerably easier for “most” players.

While I disagree about that horrible statement that handicapped people shouldn’t play games, I can’t see why developers should balance a game with them in mind. The personal story / living story missions last year were heavily critizised for being boring, not interesting enough, bland,… by a few people. Now Anet brought new gameplay-mechanics into the story, and I must say this is by far the best story-mission release I’ve seen in the game.

So I can’t say I wouldn’t mind if jumping stuff is optional only. No. I love the new mechanics in the missions. It just feels natural that you have to traverse the terrain in that way during the story mission when you do so in the same terrain out of the mission in the zone.

Lets say: the percentage of handicapped players is 2% of the playerbase. Now think of it, what if the 2% of the best players want the game to be designed “brutal hardcore” for them, because it feels just boring for them. These players don’t have that content in the game currently, so they “have a right” to get something, while there is tons of easymode content for the bottom 2% already.


Exactly where did I ask for changes specifically because I am handicapped?

I didn’t. In fact, I pointed out that I beat the content as is.

Did I enjoy the jumping? No.

Have non-handicapped folk had problems? Yes, many.

How would lengthening the timers hurt ANYONE?

Good grief.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843


Exactly where did I ask for changes specifically because I am handicapped?

I didn’t. In fact, I pointed out that I beat the content as is.

Did I enjoy the jumping? No.

Have non-handicapped folk had problems? Yes, many.

How would lengthening the timers hurt ANYONE?

Good grief.

First of all it would hurt the balance, the jumps to the goggles would be considerably easier, it’s part of the puzzle to get up there in time.

Then it would also hurt the people who enjoy a challenge. The devs put the timers in the map for a reason. Limiting the time allows the devs to design puzzles where you have to take a specific route, without a timer you could take shortcuts everywhere. It opens up the possibility to have the players being able to create a strategy how to move on.

Devs have also considered that people have problems with the timers though, as you can see in that alternative route to the top without using the crystals:

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


That video has nothing to do with the topic.

We are talking about getting access to the rest of the map, which requires several jumps.

We are not talking about the achievement jumps, which is what that video is about. I never asked for ANY concessions on the achievement. Which I have, BTW.

AGAIN: I am only asking for a bit of assistance getting to the rest of the zone where most of the content is. Content — missions, events, chest — are currently blocked for people who can’t jump.

A longer timer diminishes no one’s achievements.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Crystals are direcly in front of the location you need to jump 90% of the time, I don’t know what your problem is with the timers.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


Crystals are direcly in front of the location you need to jump 90% of the time, I don’t know what your problem is with the timers.

As several people have said, some people cannot line up a jump in 15 seconds. Simple as that. They feel rushed, and it’s a stress item.

Personally, I think a 5-second addition to the timer would be very helpful without hurting anyone’s achieves.

For the fourth time, how does lengthening the timer hurt you?

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

That being said: may I ask why you even played this game, as jumping always was an optional thing, which you clearly dislike – per your own words?

In what way was it optional?
It locked story content long before this update, so how is that anymore optional than this one?

Optional content. Temporary content. It never blocked entry to a permanent zone.
But don’t let facts dissuade you.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Crystals are direcly in front of the location you need to jump 90% of the time, I don’t know what your problem is with the timers.

Apparently within 15 seconds, they cannot press 1 and hold forward in the direction they need to go, or they cannot press 3, aim the mouse cursor, and then press 3 again to launch themselves there in the span of 15 seconds. I know, it sounds crazy, but apparently that’s what they’re saying.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Optional content. Temporary content. It never blocked entry to a permanent zone.
But don’t let facts dissuade you.

Oh, so it is suddenly more okay when you HAVE TO RUSH IT in order to not miss the content due to it going away. But when you can spend months or even years to learn exactly how do to it it is not okay? That really makes no sense whatsoever.

And the fact remains, the content in Dry Top is exactly as optional as the content in Cutthroat Politics, and more optional than the PERMANENT Personal Story that requires jumping.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


I see we are back at the point reached a few days ago, pre merge. Funnily enough with some of the same people again who clearly have a really hard time understanding what was explained over and over again in great detail.

Funny how that goes.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Freeelancer.2860


I see we are back at the point reached a few days ago, pre merge. Funnily enough with some of the same people again who clearly have a really hard time understanding what was explained over and over again in great detail.

Funny how that goes.

Well, it goes both ways actually…

On one side you have people who, for whichever reasons, are either not willing/able or find it too difficult to do the content and who feel there should be an alternative way to explore map/do LS/gather achievements.
They feel that making aspect crystals obligatory is not the proper way to introduce the content. Some suggest increasing timers on the crystals and a way to alleviate some of their hardships.

On the other side there are those who say this content is not obligatory and can be ignored if one is not willing/able to do what’s necessary to go through with it.
They also raise the legitimate question of absence of public outcry when the same mechanic was present in earlier releases, or general public outcry towards most of the other game mechanics that require more involvement and accomplishing harder tasks then those which are put in front of us in this LS release.

Apparently these two sides are unable to recognize the other side of the argument, and in most cases resort to either claiming moral high ground (sidestepping the entire argument) or lack of skill (choosing not to recognize that some people, for whichever reasons, are simply not able to do some of the tasks some other people find easy).

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Crystals are direcly in front of the location you need to jump 90% of the time, I don’t know what your problem is with the timers.

Apparently within 15 seconds, they cannot press 1 and hold forward in the direction they need to go, or they cannot press 3, aim the mouse cursor, and then press 3 again to launch themselves there in the span of 15 seconds. I know, it sounds crazy, but apparently that’s what they’re saying.

It seems so. I’d really love to see a video to get an idea of “not being to line up in time”, and how this is even possible when the crystals are that close before the jump. Let’s also not forget that the crystals respawn in about 20sec (?) after it has been picked up, so in reality you can retry it over and over.

Also this constant dodging of the question, why people have had no problem up to now when a lot of the content (e.g. personal story) is much harder than these jumps, is really annoying. (playing Bearbow Ranger can’t be the answer for this since I doubt this brings you through the personal story without more complex maneuvers than autoattack).

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


so in theory you can retry it over and over.

fixed that

why people have had no problem up to now when a lot of the content (e.g. personal story) is much harder than these jumps, is really annoying

That has been brought up, on several occasions.

And why bring up bearbow ranger again? Playing a ranger I hardly ever use a bear, though it can be useful at certain occasions. Aside from that, when ‘hit’ the pet will become active/ visible again. When doing jumping one is best of stowing the pet, of course, if only for a better view. For the rest a/ any pet is irrelevant to the points of concern brought up in this thread, which is about ‘jumping’.

@Freeelancer, thanks for your well thought out and written PoV!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

dodging the question again, good work

…and your fix makes no sense at all, the crystals do respawn right in front of the obstacle 5 (or so) seconds after the timer runs out.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

A longer timer diminishes no one’s achievements.

Did you even read my posts?

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


dodging the question again, good work


It is not I who “dodges” already provided information.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: NYG.2568


Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…

Remember we don’t draw on cave walls anymore.Language and texts have evolved since.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…

it’s the setting and the gameplay + the story that made that update great, standing in the way of good gameplay it just not very intelligent

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…

it’s the setting and the gameplay + the story that made that update great, standing in the way of good gameplay it just not very intelligent

And now, if we don’t care for/have difficulty with platforming, we are stupid? I suppose that goes with lazy, unwilling, “bottom 2%”, whiners, poor players and every other negative slam and insult thrown out in this thread.

GG. Hope you feel so good about yourself.

I can hope I guess that Anet will continue this attitude so I can laugh and make snark responses down the road.
Access to a new open zone by a pvp corridor. Because, if you dislike pvp don’t play gw2
Access to a new open zone by Fractals progression. Because, if you dislike dungeons don’t play gw2.
Access to a new open zone by +500 crafting quest, Because, you know, if you dislike crafting don’t play gw2.


Demanding that all players partake of all optional activities is a mistake. Using them as gatekeepers is even worse.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

Well, they’ve used the Zephyrite Aspect countdown timer to up the difficulty of some of the achievements and puzzles. So they’re pretty much locked in, and committed to have the Zephyrite Aspects on a timer.(without an adjustment in time) Any change of the timer would be unfair at this point.(to the people who have already solved/gotten the achievements & puzzles) An unfortunate design choice which will exclude some of us from permanent, mainstream content.

re: In the past, there has been mandatory jumping, and Zephyrite Aspect use. Why is it an issue now?- Living Story Season 1 was doable on a “per release” basis. Each release was part of the overall story, but they were more self-contained. You could skip a release and still do the next one. From what we’re seeing and hearing, Living Story Season 2 is like the Personal Story – each part must be completed before you can progress to the next. So if you can’t reach the NPC’s(because of the specialized maneuvering required) or you can’t do the fighting(because of the specialized maneuvering required) in this first installment, then you’re effectively locked out of Living Story Season 2. This applies to the Dry Top zone(and the rest of the map, as well) – if you can’t reach the Prosperity waypoint, then you don’t get any further into the Dry Top zone. Effectively locking you out of the new map as well. It may be that Living Story Season 2 will be playable on a “per release” basis, allowing you to skip releases, but I doubt it. It goes against what they’ve been saying about Living Story Season 2 being part of the journal, and working like Personal Story.

re: Dodging and jumping are the same thing. If you can do one, you can do the other. – This does not follow, as dodging and jumping are exact opposite actions. For dodging, you simply have to be away from a certain place – time is a factor, but direction and precision are not so crucial.(in most cases) For jumping, you seldom have a timing factor, but you must arrive at a precise destination. The precision required can be varied, and timing can be added to up the difficulty(as has been done with the Zephyrite Aspects in Dry Top)

I’d also like to bring up that the way Zephyrite Aspects have been implemented makes them more awkward to use. They aren’t a “core mechanic”, like jumping and dodging. IMO, they would be much easier to use if they worked more like regular skills.(but were still restricted to areas that they’re meant to be used in) I understand that Zephyrite Aspects can’t be changed for areas already released.(or areas about to be released) But maybe they can be changed to work differently in new areas where the design hasn’t been locked yet.

To the people saying that anyone can do something so simple, and you just don’t understand how anyone could have a problem with the Zephyrite Aspects -Be glad that you don’t understand what it’s like to work within some other people’s limitations. But please don’t be closed-minded about it. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and different capabilities. We also have different tastes and likes/dislikes. Please try be more receptive.

One again, please let me say that we are not asking for jumping or Zephyrite content to be removed from the game. We are asking that it please be optional instead of mandatory, for mainstream content.

(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: NYG.2568


Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…

it’s the setting and the gameplay + the story that made that update great, standing in the way of good gameplay it just not very intelligent

And now, if we don’t care for/have difficulty with platforming, we are stupid? I suppose that goes with lazy, unwilling, “bottom 2%”, whiners, poor players and every other negative slam and insult thrown out in this thread.

GG. Hope you feel so good about yourself.

I can hope I guess that Anet will continue this attitude so I can laugh and make snark responses down the road.
Access to a new open zone by a pvp corridor. Because, if you dislike pvp don’t play gw2
Access to a new open zone by Fractals progression. Because, if you dislike dungeons don’t play gw2.
Access to a new open zone by +500 crafting quest, Because, you know, if you dislike crafting don’t play gw2.


Demanding that all players partake of all optional activities is a mistake. Using them as gatekeepers is even worse.

There is no need to be rude nor disrespectful! Happy Travels…

Remember we don’t draw on cave walls anymore.Language and texts have evolved since.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678


Please bring back SaB so all these rabbits have something to hop on.Leaving alone the living story for the lore lovers and RP’ers. Which this game is supposed to be…

it’s the setting and the gameplay + the story that made that update great, standing in the way of good gameplay it just not very intelligent

And now, if we don’t care for/have difficulty with platforming, we are stupid? I suppose that goes with lazy, unwilling, “bottom 2%”, whiners, poor players and every other negative slam and insult thrown out in this thread.

GG. Hope you feel so good about yourself.

I can hope I guess that Anet will continue this attitude so I can laugh and make snark responses down the road.
Access to a new open zone by a pvp corridor. Because, if you dislike pvp don’t play gw2
Access to a new open zone by Fractals progression. Because, if you dislike dungeons don’t play gw2.
Access to a new open zone by +500 crafting quest, Because, you know, if you dislike crafting don’t play gw2.


Demanding that all players partake of all optional activities is a mistake. Using them as gatekeepers is even worse.

You know that a mesmer can just put portals down for you to access the new content if you’re incapable of making the jumps, right?

Also, there’s a difference between “I don’t want to” and “I can’t”.

If you just don’t want to jump, I have no sympathy for you. Suck it up and do it. I don’t want to do dungeons, but I don’t have a choice if I want the dungeon skins.

If you literally cannot do it, then it sucks, but you’re not entirely left out. I’m sure if you ask in guild or map chat, at least one mesmer would be nice enough to give you a lift to the top of the cliff that “blocks” entry for you.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Mesmer port? Ah, no, since that would be adding just another number to the “metrics” supposedly enjoying the content. Anet cannot gauge how many people dislike activities but resort to being carried and other workarounds. So they count them all as “yea” votes.

Sorry. not being a part of that.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


You know that a mesmer can just put portals down for you to access the new content if you’re incapable of making the jumps, right?

I understand there are many content skipping players considering themselves “pro” with their template-build characters, and I truly appreciate friendly Mesmers offering their help, but what about those who simply want to enjoy the awesome content GW2 developers has made so far?

Rewards and all are fine, but for me, personally, my reward is also (if not mostly) the content this game provides. And that includes standing still for a moment and have a good look around. And that includes long fights, instead of skipping mobs and so on.

Your suggestion is very nice, no arguing there. And there have been several Mesmers offering their help in this thread and ingame (thanks again!). But the many points which were brought up about the whole jumping stuff, is what this thread is about.

Mandatory jumping which was optional before, and which now not only blocks players from continuing forward but also breaks with the core GW2 had/ has. A foundation which allowed many players to simply have fun, instead of building up heaps of frustration over this (now forced upon) jumping stuff. Which earlier could either be ignored or returned to later. But not anymore.

GW2 is not SAB

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678


Mesmer port? Ah, no, since that would be adding just another number to the “metrics” supposedly enjoying the content. Anet cannot gauge how many people dislike activities but resort to being carried and other workarounds. So they count them all as “yea” votes.

Sorry. not being a part of that.

So you’d rather just complain about not being able to access the content than use a possible and easy workaround to be able to access it?

Yep, no sympathy here.

You know that a mesmer can just put portals down for you to access the new content if you’re incapable of making the jumps, right?

I understand there are many content skipping players considering themselves “pro” with their template-build characters, and I truly appreciate friendly Mesmers offering their help, but what about those who simply want to enjoy the awesome content GW2 developers has made so far?

Rewards and all are fine, but for me, personally, my reward is also (if not mostly) the content this game provides. And that includes standing still for a moment and have a good look around. And that includes long fights, instead of skipping mobs and so on.

Your suggestion is very nice, no arguing there. And there have been several Mesmers offering their help in this thread and ingame (thanks again!). But the many points which were brought up about the whole jumping stuff, is what this thread is about.

Mandatory jumping which was optional before, and which now not only blocks players from continuing forward but also breaks with the core GW2 had/ has. A foundation which allowed many players to simply have fun, instead of building up heaps of frustration over this (now forced upon) jumping stuff. Which earlier could either be ignored or returned to later. But not anymore.

GW2 is not SAB

I’m not saying to use them to skip content. The only “forced jumping” that would cause any problems that I’ve seen is right at the entrance. Everything else can be accessed with little to no jumping (or at least, hard jumping), minus the jumping puzzle which is, again, optional.

There’s no more or harder jumps than simple map completion would have forced you to do. In fact, many vistas require harder jumping than anything in Dry Top.

Mesmers can get you up the cliff at the beginning, allowing you access to the rest of the zone and the waypoint on the other side.

(edited by Filaha.1678)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: NYG.2568


All so many closed minded elitist. Who want things just simply their way and care not see the others side point of view…
Instead of close mindedly addin your two cents perhaps skim through these posts as some but Not all have some very valid points and concerns…

Remember we don’t draw on cave walls anymore.Language and texts have evolved since.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

re: Mesmer port? Ah, no, since that would be adding just another number to the “metrics”/So you’d rather just complain about not being able to access the content than use a possible and easy workaround – The point that Teofa is making is, that by skipping content he finds unappealing or unsatifactory, he is giving Anet useful feed back “X number of people declined to participate in this particular content”. I have done this in the past.(Both times Zephyrite content was heavily utilized, and for the Political story, which I found uininteresting. I also decline to do jumping puzzles and Pvp/WvW.) But it would seem that this method of feedback(skipping content, so that Anet can see the metrics of how many people declined to participate) has not served us well.
Therefore I encourage people to make their issues known, clearly and respectfully, on these forums. It would seem to be a better way to get our points across.

(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

Many people seem to be overlooking the fact that you don’t just need to use Zephyrite Aspects to get around the map. You also need them to get to the Living Story NPC’s, and to participate in the Living Story content itself. In light of no alternative options, we consider this to be exclusionary.(for mainstream content)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


I’m not saying to use them to skip content. The only “forced jumping” that would cause any problems that I’ve seen is right at the entrance.

I could not make it to the second way point. And yes, you did say to use Mesmers to skip content. As using a portal from X to Y is quickly transporting between two points, and thus ‘skipping content’. It’s a workaround. Which is fine, and I really hope many players make use of it to get the rewards and all. But it’s totally besides the points brought up in this thread.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678


The point that Teofa is making is, that by skipping content he finds unappealing or unsatifactory, he is giving Anet useful feed back “X number of people declined to participate in this particular content”. I have done this in the past.(Both times Zephyrite content was heavily utilized, and for the Political story, which I found uininteresting. I also decline to do jumping puzzles and Pvp/WvW.) But it would seem that this method of feedback(skipping content, so that Anet can see the metrics of how many people declined to participate) has not served us well.
Therefore I encourage people to make their issues known, clearly and respectfully, on these forums. It would seem to be a better way to get our points across.

I’ll give you the same argument I say to people who refuse to buy products because they disagree with the people who make it on something.

They don’t know why you didn’t do it.

Skipping the content because you don’t want to/can’t do it doesn’t let them know why, just like not buying a product doesn’t tell the company why you didn’t buy it. It just lets them know you didn’t do it, except not really because they don’t know if you’re really a potential audience for it. The only thing that lets them know why is if you flat out tell them why.

In other words, posting here will tell them you dislike it and why. Not doing it in-game doesn’t change anything. Saying “I did it but I had to use a Mesmer to skip this part because I couldn’t do it” is just as effective as saying “I didn’t do it because I couldn’t do it”, which is more effective than just not doing it.

Doing it in-game and then posting here to say why you disliked it isn’t going to make them think “Well, you still did it, so we win everything.”

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

And now, if we don’t care for/have difficulty with platforming, we are stupid? I suppose that goes with lazy, unwilling, “bottom 2%”, whiners, poor players and every other negative slam and insult thrown out in this thread.

GG. Hope you feel so good about yourself.

I can hope I guess that Anet will continue this attitude so I can laugh and make snark responses down the road.
Access to a new open zone by a pvp corridor. Because, if you dislike pvp don’t play gw2
Access to a new open zone by Fractals progression. Because, if you dislike dungeons don’t play gw2.
Access to a new open zone by +500 crafting quest, Because, you know, if you dislike crafting don’t play gw2.


Demanding that all players partake of all optional activities is a mistake. Using them as gatekeepers is even worse.

I’m not sure what exactly made you freak out that way. Those 2% was in no way meant as an insult. I’m sure I belong to the bottom 2% of people who have no clue how to dance sexy. Am I an inferior person because of that? Of course not. I just wouldn’t start to tell musical-makers how to design their next musical.

Furthermore I can’t see how jumping / traversing terrain isn’t part of the core-PvE experience. Open world PvE is what I do most in GW2, not dungeons, not PvP – except WvW occasionally. From the starting-areas to the high level zones GW2 always had jumping content. Personal story missions might not have a lot of jumping, but it’s there and to be honest there are a lot of szenarios that are more difficult than a jumping-section could be.

So why am I against making jumping sections optional. Because I don’t want any challenging and/or interesting new content (this includes jumping as well as fighting, including timed skill usage) taken out of the core experience. You wouldn’t take the underwater-temple out of Ocarina of Time because some people fear underwater szenarios. Some people fear spiders, they literally CAN’T go into areas with spiders. I haven’t seen one of them arguing that GW2 should delete all spiders from the game.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678


I’m not saying to use them to skip content. The only “forced jumping” that would cause any problems that I’ve seen is right at the entrance.

I could not make it to the second way point. And yes, you did say to use Mesmers to skip content. As using a portal from X to Y is quickly transporting between two points, and thus ‘skipping content’. It’s a workaround. Which is fine, and I really hope many players make use of it to get the rewards and all. But it’s totally besides the points brought up in this thread.

You’re probably the only person I’ve seen who considers “getting to the top of a cliff that’s right in front of you one time” as “skipping content”.

if you couldn’t make it to the second waypoint after getting to the top of the cliff at the beginning, then the problem isn’t with the map. You can pretty much fall the rest of the way (or do a minor amount of jumping that’s no more than what you might need to do in any other map for map completion) and run along the ground level.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Elden Arnaas

Living Story Season 1 was doable on a “per release” basis. Each release was part of the overall story, but they were more self-contained. You could skip a release and still do the next one. From what we’re seeing and hearing, Living Story Season 2 is like the Personal Story – each part must be completed before you can progress to the next.

This makes no sense since you can buy the missed story episodes for 200 gems at a later time. Would suck if you buy an episode for 200 gems and then you can’t play it, because you haven’t bought the previous episodes.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210


I’ll give you the same argument I say to people who refuse to buy products because they disagree with the people who make it on something.

They don’t know why you didn’t do it.

I’ll add one also: we are not those people who do not buy stuff for reason X. Anet knows why we can not do the content as it is, per this forum.

if you couldn’t make it to the second waypoint after getting to the top of the cliff at the beginning, then the problem isn’t with the map.

After reading that, I’m done with you.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678


I’ll give you the same argument I say to people who refuse to buy products because they disagree with the people who make it on something.

They don’t know why you didn’t do it.

I’ll add one also: we are not those people who do not buy stuff for reason X. Anet knows why we can not do the content as it is, per this forum.

You might want to try reading the rest of that post. Because I explicitly stated, in that post, that the only way they’ll know why is if you post, at which point “refusing to do the content” doesn’t affect the situation because now they’ll know that you needed to use a workaround to get around their design.

I’m sorry if you’re getting upset at what I’m saying, but that doesn’t mean you should misrepresent my arguments by taking portions out of context.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Raenzjar.4210



How about you start reading the points in this thread about jumping, instead of staying fixated on Mesmers and their portals, while putting the blame on me not being able to do stuff?

It’s not like you are the first in this thread doing so.


Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

re: This makes no sense since you can buy the missed story episodes for 200 gems at a later time/then you can’t play it, because you haven’t bought the previous episodes. – Looking at it this way, it does seem like the different living story parts should be separate and not depend of sequential completion.(like Personal Story) It would be nice if an Anet employee could clear that up for us.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Filaha.1678



How about you start reading the points in this thread about jumping, instead of staying fixated on Mesmers and their portals, while putting the blame on me not being able to do stuff?

It’s not like you are the first in this thread doing so.


I’m only “fixated on mesmers and portals” because that’s what people are responding to from the first reply I made. Don’t blame me for responding to the topic that people responded to. Why would I change my topic from mesmers to something else when that’s not what the people responding to me were talking about when they replied to me?

I’m sorry I’ve clearly made you upset with my suggestion on how to “get around a wall”. Next time I will offer no suggestions to help with accessing content, as clearly they’re not appreciated and people would rather just stew in their own complaints.

And yes, if you couldn’t get from the top of the first cliff to the second waypoint, the fault is not with the game. It’s not hard to get there from the top of that cliff.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


re: This makes no sense since you can buy the missed story episodes for 200 gems at a later time/then you can’t play it, because you haven’t bought the previous episodes. – Looking at it this way, it does seem like the different living story parts should be separate and not depend of sequential completion.(like Personal Story) It would be nice if an Anet employee could clear that up for us.

Well to be fair, where have they ever even implied that you would be unable to do one part because you didn’t do the the ones before?
That would basically FORCE people that start playing in the middle of S2 to buy the first half of it in order to even do the current releases.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

re: Well to be fair, where have they ever even implied that you would be unable to do one part because you didn’t do the the ones before? – They have said that Living Story Season 2 is now part of the journal and imply that it works like Personal Story. Personal Story must be done sequentially, with no skipping. This would seem to contradict the ability to buy segments at random, which some people presume to be the case. But it seems to me that they’ve always said “You can buy stories that you’ve missed.” implying that it’s just to fill in gaps, not to allow picking and choosing.(as some people are interpreting it to mean) It would be most helpful if someone from Anet could clear this up for us.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Where did they say that though?
What they said was that it is now decided that LS1 and LS2 takes place after Personal Story and that it will be recorded in the Journal, the same way the Personal Story is.

Nowhere did they say that it would require doing all parts in order. The only things we actually know is that we CAN buy parts we have missed if we WANT to. If you were REQUIRED to play all parts before joining the current part it would not be a case of wanting to buy, it would be a case of NEEDING to buy.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

Don’t think your suggestions may be unappreciated, because of how you interpret one person’s reaction. Your suggestion of mesmer portals is useful. And your point “Just because Anet knows people are skipping content doesn’t mean that they know why people are skipping content” is well made. Thank you for your input. And thank you for making your points politely.
re: And yes, if you couldn’t get from the top of the first cliff to the second waypoint, the fault is not with the game. It’s not hard to get there from the top of that cliff. – Well I still haven’t figured out how to do that particular jump without falling to my death.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

RE: Can you or can you not, skip sections of Living Story Season 2? – Information that Anet has made available seems to be subject to interpretation. They don’t seem to clearly state whether or not you must play sequentially, or if you can pick and choose which episode(s) that you want to play.
So asking on the player forums
10 times
1,000 times
100,000 times or even
1,000,000 times won’t get you a useful answer.
Because the players don’t know for sure. We can interpret it 2 different ways.
We can’t know for sure until someone from Anet answers this particular question.