Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: SlappedYak.7489


So, disclaimer, I understand that Teq specific guilds were formed because of failings to do with the design of this event and the overflow system – not being able to clearly see an “Overflow map” or being able to easily swap between them adds a sense of lottery to this event, if you don’t camp out the main, you’re screwed, if you dc and have to log back in, you’re screwed. So it was bad design choices that led to people thinking that they needed to set up dedicated guilds to take down teq…. but… spoiler alert, you don’t :P

Guilds like TSS (not the wvw one) and TKS are not guilds formed out of loyalty or community or friendship, they are a means to an end, to farm a world boss.

I logged in to teq, and was put in an overflow… nothing new there. What was new is that some kitten y little squit whispered me claiming that “this is a TSS only overflow, LEAVE NOW”…. to which I politely asked him to suck on balthazar’s blasted left nipple. To my delight the attempt failed… which showed that even “elite” groups like that still eff up. The biggest threat to failure on teq is afk people, NOT pugs….

Claiming that you “own” an overflow is laughable, but it would be intimidating to those that haven’t done it before, or who genuinely think they are in the wrong and log out to try and switch… In an attempt to undermine this disgusting attitude I myself have joined such guilds, pretty much only to get info on which overflow it is and when, and pass on the info to guild members, spread it about in lions arch and generally make it well known. But on the other hand I have had friends who have joined such guilds but have then been “too scared” to invite their own friends… for fear of being “discovered”… I mean… seriously? You are always going to prioritise your real friends over some glorified zerg with a matching tag.

I can only hope that the more random players that get to learn about teq, the more random UNORGANISED attempts will succeed. The tactics are well known by now, and there isn’t much of an excuse not to do basic things like way point when you are dead, or spam jump at the shockwaves – and even the more niche tactics like fire elemental powder, elementalist conjure weapons, ogre warhorn, these are not “new” tactics, and they are not complex. People are learning them. Soon we won’t need dedicated Teq-only guilds, and they will die out, and for that I cannot wait.

In the meantime I urge people to carry on infiltrating these wannabe elitist and making their “oh so secret” information public puts on V for Vendetta mask – because this is not WoW, teq is NOT a raid… it is OPEN world content… the clue is in the name folks…. you shouldn’t have to join a specific guild to do certain content, and thankfully, you DON’T. Long live the PUG revolution

(edited by SlappedYak.7489)

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


TLDR for the OP: I had a bad experience with one person from a Tequatl killing guild (TSS). Therefore, all members of that guild are scumbags and I decided to join the guild simply to sabotage their efforts by trying to get as many pugs in as possible preventing actual members from entering.

In my mind you are just as bad, if not worse than the person who disrespectfully asked you to leave the overflow.

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Hawkian.6580



I don’t have any experience with the EU guilds because I’m in NA, but I’ve been in overflows with TTS, just coincidentally, three times now. I assisted the map and two out of three times even commanded alongside them. Everyone was exceedingly helpful and generally kind, glorious victory was achieved, Tequatl steak was shared.

You have correctly identified that anyone attempting to “claim” an overflow and kick other people out is ridiculous. However, you have incorrectly ascribed this kittenbaggery to the idea/concept of the Teq hunting guilds rather than an isolated incident with the specific instance or even individual with which you interacted.

The irony here is that, far from facilitating elitism, my contrasting experience with the Teq hunting guilds has been that they are marvelously inclusive, giving pointers from experience and raising the general knowledge of people on the map with them- so that even if it’s a fail those that participated will know the fight a little better. Most importantly, they give people who are interested in killing Teq who wouldn’t otherwise have the chance a shot at reliably getting it done.

So, to sum up, the person who asked you to leave “their” overflow was dumb as is anyone who agrees with that approach. However, you shouldn’t have painted the guild as a whole (and the conceptual motivation for such guilds in general) with the same brush. Generally speaking I think they’re great.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: SlappedYak.7489


Repeated bad experiences, but I am more commenting upon the generally disgusting attitude that someone has more of a right to take part in an event because of a guild tag… treating open world content like a raid is stupid. That attitude doesnt come from one person, it comes from a collective.

I am not blaming the people that join the guild, I know how frustrating it is to repeatedly fail teq, and the original purpose behind creating a teq only guild makes sense, but this attitude of “guild only” isn’t fair, and it isn’t fitting in an online community that has always been praised for being friendly and inclusive. The way that the overflow system works is awful, and the primary cause of all teq-related pain and suffering, but you cannot blame random players for the failure of an event, who are you to say that they aren’t contributing enough? or that someone else has a “right” to their spot? That attitude makes me incredibly angry.

It goes directly against the whole “servers as a community” attitude. why not spread the information about teq attempts? why not encourage more people to take part? why not help them?

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: locoman.1974


Sorry for the bad experience you had with a TSS member (and note that I’m just a random member, not an officer or anyone in authority there), and my sugestion is to report him right away.

That said, my experience so far has been the complete opposite, when I’ve switched back to my regular guild after being into the correct overflow (to chat with friends while I wait) never been asked to leave, and so far everytime the TTS presence was announced in map chat was just to say that that overflow is being organized by them (not owned), and never so far seen anyone (at least in public) ask anyone from other guilds or unguilded to leave, and usually I’ve seen the commander ask people from other guilds to please go near the commander tag on the beach if they want to be part of the zerg to get an accurate headcount.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


Repeated bad experiences, but I am more commenting upon the generally disgusting attitude that someone has more of a right to take part in an event because of a guild tag… treating open world content like a raid is stupid. That attitude doesnt come from one person, it comes from a collective.

I am not blaming the people that join the guild, I know how frustrating it is to repeatedly fail teq, and the original purpose behind creating a teq only guild makes sense, but this attitude of “guild only” isn’t fair, and it isn’t fitting in an online community that has always been praised for being friendly and inclusive. The way that the overflow system works is awful, and the primary cause of all teq-related pain and suffering, but you cannot blame random players for the failure of an event, who are you to say that they aren’t contributing enough? or that someone else has a “right” to their spot? That attitude makes me incredibly angry.

It goes directly against the whole “servers as a community” attitude. why not spread the information about teq attempts? why not encourage more people to take part? why not help them?

The attitude makes me incredibly angry too. I’m telling you that you’re misplacing blame. The attitude of “guild only” isn’t fair, isn’t sanctioned by the game’s design, isn’t admirable, is totally disruptive, is just generally a kitteny thing to do, etc. It also shouldn’t happen, and it’s not a failing having to do with the concept of the guilds in the first place but in the awful approach that the individuals involved in your bad experience (s? you say repeated now but you only mentioned one) are taking.

I’ve had only good experiences with them and I’ve never seen them yell at non-guildmates (I’m not in any of them myself) to leave so that they could get spots. To do so is not only unrealistic but counterintuitive because the more people that succeed and learn what to do, the better the chances on every overflow. Again, it’s not an inherently elitist scenario. On the whole they are giving more people an opportunity to take Tequatl down, not less.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Chiara.9827


Look at this situation from another perspective.
You have 3 guilds with 500 people each, only a fraction of them will be able to join the organized overflow, sometimes there will be a second one, sometimes not.

I’ve never ever seen anyone ask pugs to leave, people taxing in friends/random people before the taxis start are just being selfish tho and will probably get a kick if identified. I don’t see that as elitism. The guilds are open to anyone, you can join and respect the few rules they have, like everyone else.
It is true we try to keep it secret and that is done to bring in as many ppl from the guilds as possible, simply put, the spots are not enough for everyone. You shouldn’t forget that the guild is organizing the try and making it possible, no guild, no try, no kill. You shouldn’t see these guilds as random groups of pugs, TxS has a TS, a subreddit, a fb group, soon a forum. That’s a growing community and you should respect the few rules it has.

As a final note, if you so much dislike the guilds you’re not forced to join their tries O.o

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


TLDR for the OP: I had a bad experience with one person from a Tequatl killing guild (TTS). Therefore, all members of that guild are scumbags and I decided to join the guild simply to sabotage their efforts by trying to get as many pugs in as possible preventing actual members from entering.

In my mind you are just as bad, if not worse than the person who disrespectfully asked you to leave the overflow.

He didn’t say TTS he said TSS. Even if it was TTS I know that’s not the official stance or even the dominant stance of the guild. While it’s true that the guild will aim to find an overflow with as few random pugs as possible so they can fit the maximum number of guildies in and ensure success, the most I’ve seen them do is politely ask turret users to allow a TTS member on TS to take over, or at the very least respond and hopefully know what they are doing.

As far as Tequatl goes, aside from the few dedicated guilds and chosen servers, hasn’t everyone pretty much given up on it by now? Most servers couldn’t reliably break phase one and so the event turned into a ghost town. Now that boss week is over and his loot is certifiably terrible given the organisation and overflow camping required (up to an hour or more just to ensure a spot in an overflow), is anyone even bothering aside from a handful of players?

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


I could count on one hand (or, indeed, half a hand,) the number of times I’ve told guildmates to play nice with other people. You’re always going to get a couple bad apples, and these, I think, were just getting overly swept-up in the organization and preparation. We might try to find a low-population overflow to start in and fill up, but that’s because we’re filling up 4-5 servers after reset, and the less strung out we are, the better. Once we’re in an overflow, people don’t bother to hide that fact anymore. (Something I remember a couple times from when the event was new and it was hard to reliably find a low-population overflow.) I was in OF5 last night, which had a lot of non-guild members, and it was a great time once we started getting organized.

As for the strategies being secret, that’s absurd and no one thinks that. Probably because someone, anyone, going over strategy in map chat beforehand is, to me, the clearest indicator that a run is going to succeed, because the key is having people who are organized and not-AFK. TTS is mostly a way to facilitate enough people to hit critical mass, with or without non-members in a zone.

So, I’m sorry for your bad experience, but hopefully that experience is the exception, rather than the rule!

Guilds like TSS (not the wvw one) and TKS are not guilds formed out of loyalty or community or friendship, they are a means to an end, to farm a world boss.

They might have been formed for a specific purpose, but I’ve gotten to know a heck of a lot more people in TSS than I ever did in my old guild, and while repping is optional, I’ve switched to repping full-time. In my experience, this shared experience is bringing people together, and I actually recognize folks now, even more than the ones I see doing the standard world boss circuit.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

(edited by Redenaz.8631)

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Most things have already been said by Redenaz.8631

Aside from that, I’m part of the Lead at TKS, TSS and THS (you can just call us the TxS-Alliance). I don’t know any of our regular leaders or officers doing such a thing.

Must have been a random member, that you’ve clashed with. If that ‘s so, I’m sorry for what happened.

That said the amount of our members is just nuts so we recently decided to clean our guilds of unsocial people (f.e. as in unfriendly, not listening, leeching off), stopped the random “friend of friend” invites, readjusted our invite-permissions and even demoted officers we didn’t knew / see for quite some time (they just have to go through a simliar enrollment if they’re still interested in commanding at our attemps).

For now, people will have to properly request an invite via our subredit, telling us what they can provide to our community of players. A simple rule is that if you’re using your brain, are friendly and actually accepting the community and listen to your leaders an invite shouldn’t be impossible if there ’s space.

That said moderating that large amount of players is still a pain in the kitten sometimes.

And having people on the official forums, asking to sabotage us certainly doesn’t help anyone aside from themself satisfying their own greed and is as unsocial as it can get.

We tried it with loose ties exactly as you suggested (our own officers could promote officers themself) and invited almost everyone when there was space but it makes managing the guilds nearly impossible and tired our leaders out having people not listen to you at all – so we stepped of the gas a bit. You might call that Elitist, but you know what? People will always complain, especially when you manage something good.

Ah yes, anyone reading KehxD threads knows just how social / friendly that guy and his basic idea is. Putting his (as in our Guilds) principles to question here,
somehow makes me laught (in a positive way ) .

So what, I’m off to relax now.

Klakk Bumm.

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: pdg.8462


Oh balderdash and hogwash OP.

I don’t doubt there are one or two bad apples who might have said what you claim they said. However, as a TTS member myself and who has killed Teq a whole bunch of times with them I can tell you straight up the only time I’ve seen us call out non-TTS people is to tell them to join the DPS zerg. Why? Because all of the TTS folks are on TeamSpeak (or should be) and we prefer people on TeamSpeak to operate the turrets and we prefer TeamSpeak people defending the turrets to be able to rapidly communicate with the turret operators. Regardless of whether or not TeamSpeak is necessary, those are the only occasions where I’ve seen non-TTS people called out in chat.

So get over yourself and stop posting disinformation and disparaging TTS and its members.

(edited by pdg.8462)

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Actually, I’m not even on TeamSpeak, and I’ve still ended up doing the turrets once or twice. North Turrets, so they don’t need that as much coordination, but still.

It’s as hardcore as you want to make it, but as long as most people are keeping focused and know their job, I think the “non-TTS to zerg” is just being over-serious.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I’m in TTS, when I reach the overflow, I like to represent my other guild so I can keep talking to them. I can say that I have gotten whispers from people in TTS while not representing, some of them ask if I’m in TTS, and some of them were nasty, vitriolic, and generally, comments you don’t want to say to other people for any reason….That being said, I have never been told to leave an overflow just because I was not repping at the time, or looked down on because I invited some friends from my actual guild over to paticipate in the Tequatl fight.

Oh, and OP, TTS isn’t going away any time soon, even if all the unorganized players find out how to kill him without a highly organized Zerg. If and when they update the Shatterer and Jormag fights, TTS will still be around, and thats the reason why I haven’t left yet.

Also, I want to say that Calling out non-guild people like PDG was talking about, only because you are on teamspeak and they aren’t, is still not right, and trying to justify that action because you are on teamspeak, so you are automatically better, and they aren’t, is kind of lame. Its the same thing with dungeons when players try to dictate what other player’s builds should be, and unless they act respectful about it, I look down on that without exception.

Its a game. If you can’t have fun with someone, even the elitist players who try to be an armchair general for the whole rest of the group, and even the unexperienced player that doesn’t know too much about the game yet,…chances are that your not going to have fun with anyone.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Gimli.9461


Hehehe nice post.

If anyone annoys you in whispers, peoples, I highly recommend the great feature GW2 provided: Right click the name and ignore the kitten . You are playing games for fun, just remember that.

I also highly recommend the easy interface for filtering out map/say/etc channels: had to turn off map channel when playing southsun survival once because a few people decided we now shall farm it and were trying to tell everyone what to do. General drama ensued: you’re kittened, get to the camp fire – I want to play this the way I want – you’re kittened – etc. Not something everyone wants to be a part of, for sure.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

if it had happened to me 1 screen shot later filed in with a report for abuse would of been my reaction. A fail for them is a fail for me in the end but I sure would made sure they suffered for it.


Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


I have not had the experiences that some have had. Most of the TxS people I have met have been more than generous with their help and at no time have I ever been treated with anything less than respect by the members that I have met.

The problem with very large guilds is that the leadership cannot possibly know what every member of their group is doing. The only time they ever know that someone is being an idiot is if the target of their idiocy reports them.

I am sure, as in any population, there are numbnuts that think they own the world and that they have the right to tell everyone else to sod off, but still… getting an attitude and deciding to ruin the event for everyone else is much worse than reporting a couple of people for abuse. It’s the mentality of “They hit me with a stick so I am going to hit them with an i-beam” and it’s just as reprehensible as the original offense, which in truth would have affected me about as much as a gnat.

Screenie the chat, make a report, and then talk to a guild officer and tell them what happened. Then go back to playing instead of carrying the grudge to the point of becoming as much of a kitten as the person who hurt your feelings.

Level 80 Elementalist

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: pdg.8462


… getting an attitude and deciding to ruin the event for everyone else is much worse than reporting a couple of people for abuse. It’s the mentality of “They hit me with a stick so I am going to hit them with an i-beam” and it’s just as reprehensible as the original offense, which in truth would have affected me about as much as a gnat.

Screenie the chat, make a report, and then talk to a guild officer and tell them what happened. Then go back to playing instead of carrying the grudge to the point of becoming as much of a kitten as the person who hurt your feelings.

^ This. Don’t become part of the problem and act out like a child. Just take responsible and reasonable action and move on. It’s just a game afterall.

Tequatl and disgusting, lingering elitism

in Living World

Posted by: SlappedYak.7489


I just wanted to say that I am sorry about getting angry in my original post, this is, after all, a game – but it’s amazing how a couple of bad people can really ruin your day x.x so I apologise because I was quite ragey It happened to another five people in my guild and quite upset them before it happened to me (dunno if same guys doing the whispering… never thought to screenie them) so I went all V for vendetta x.x

It was wrong of me to tar everyone in Teq guilds with the same brush based on a few kitten holes, and I appreciate that the majority of members aren’t like that. However I still think that the structure of the Teq event alienates a lot of players rather than unites them. I do hope that something major is done to revitalise Teq because the overflow system and long spawn window have pretty much killed this event for 98% of the player base.

The problem is that conflict; you want people to join, you want people to be included in the event in this big attempt… and yet if you advertise the server will fill up and everyone will be pushed to overflow… so it creates the need to keep times “secret” and to keep overflow locations all hushed up.. and that is a shame, because it ultimately undermines the community of the server itself. That isn’t the fault of Teq guilds though, it is the fault of Anet for making a good event with terrible peripheral mechanics like them bloody overflows… a shame indeed. This event could’ve been epic :/

Anyway yes, my rage is done, I have moved into WvW for the majority of my “end game” so now Kodash and Elonas Reach are a good way to funnel any excess aggression) Ty all, I appreciate the discussion, and I appreciate those taking the time to talk me down and make me re-evaluate my original knee-jerk reaction

Peace <3