What happen to Explorer Amoxtli/Savio/Kitabu?
Anyone remember Explorer Amoxtli, Explorer Savio, and Explorer Kitabu? They are Priory members. One a hylek the other two are human. They were in Dry Top the last time I remember. I couldn’t find them in Dry Top anymore. Where did they go?
They went home. Of course, by “home” I mean they headed east and overshot into the Crystal Desert.
They went home. Of course, by “home” I mean they headed east and overshot into the Crystal Desert.
I see what you did there ;D
Are they no longer at the third survivor camp? (The one that gets attacked by Skritt)
No. They disappeared from that camp when Silverwastes was opened, and I had assumed I’d find them there. But there’s no sign of them anywhere so far. (Of course, they may be in transit, but moving slower since they ate poor Susie.)
They’ve moved farther on west into the Maguuma Jungle/Magus Falls, where we will run into them next…if they manage to stay alive that is!
I sure hope they survive. They had interesting dialog. Poor Susie, they couldn’t teach her the Zephryite skills. RIP u_u
Hello, everyone. This is my first forum post, so I hope I don’t mess it up.
As of this week’s release, your question is answered by journal pages left behind by Explorer Kitabu at the Prosperity, Restoration Refuge, and Repair Station Waypoints. These lore scraps were intended to have been added as of Echoes of the Past to explain where the explorers went next, but I ran out of time to hook them up before that release.
Long story short: the team of Priory explorers have continued on, past the western boundaries of Dry Top to…parts unknown (or at least unknown to modern Tyrians). Susie came along with them in their bellies, slowly digesting.
Thanks for playing!
(edited by PeterFries.1057)
O_O did I read? Su-su-suzie…
Thanks for the info, Peter. Hopefully we’ll run into our explorer trio again sometime in the future.
Fries… I like that name!
Suzie? O.o I feel a reference to the ever-elusive deep sea dragon!
Suzie? What’s that? Some pet? A llama?
Suzie? What’s that? Some pet? A llama?
Susie is was their pack bull.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Suzie came along with them in their bellies, slowly digesting.
Wh..what? Why would you do that ;__; .
Since I’m confessing oversights I corrected later, I changed Explorer Amoxtli to be a green hylek while she and the others were at the Repair Station Waypoint, as of the Dragon’s Reach Part 2 release.
Amoxtli was always intended to be Zopatl, and therefore green-skinned, so the six weeks that she appeared blue in-game must have been a result of Savio spiking her water jugs with hylek blue hue potions as a practical joke. Ha ha!
Suzie came along with them in their bellies, slowly digesting.
Wh..what? Why would you do that ;__; .
If you listened to their conversation at the encampment by the Repair Station Waypoint you would understand(it has to do with Zephyrite skills).
That was actually wild speculation on my part that they went further west, though it did tie into the conversation the three where having at their encampment by the Repair Station Waypoint.
Since I’m confessing oversights I corrected later, I changed Explorer Amoxtli to be a green hylek while she and the others were at the Repair Station Waypoint, as of the Dragon’s Reach Part 2 release.
Amoxtli was always intended to be Zopatl, and therefore green-skinned, so the six weeks that she appeared blue in-game must have been a result of Savio spiking her water jugs with hylek blue hue potions as a practical joke. Ha ha!
Could you come in more often and comment on things.
We need more such interactions
Hey, I remember you, you’re the hilarious person from my TV.
Yes, please stop by all the time.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
:( they ate Susie!? I’m… sad now…
It seems hylek can change color over time if certain things are part of their diet.
So Maybe eating Susie made Amoxtli blue.
Hello, everyone. This is my first forum post, so I hope I don’t mess it up.
As of this week’s release, your question is answered by journal pages left behind by Explorer Kitabu at the Prosperity, Restoration Refuge, and Repair Station Waypoints. These lore scraps were intended to have been added as of Echoes of the Past to explain where the explorers went next, but I ran out of time to hook them up before that release.
Long story short: the team of Priory explorers have continued on, past the western boundaries of Dry Top to…parts unknown (or at least unknown to modern Tyrians). Susie came along with them in their bellies, slowly digesting.
Thanks for playing!
I noticed those a few days ago and was about to post them seeing this thread again.
Suzie? What’s that? Some pet? A llama?
iswas their pack bull.
The paper scraps left by the explorers call Susie a dolyak, not a bull. As did the spoken dialogue at their third camp, iirc. Amoxtli was previously told it was llama meat, and aghast to find out it was their dolyak.
Model slip?
Since I’m confessing oversights I corrected later, I changed Explorer Amoxtli to be a green hylek while she and the others were at the Repair Station Waypoint, as of the Dragon’s Reach Part 2 release.
Amoxtli was always intended to be Zopatl, and therefore green-skinned, so the six weeks that she appeared blue in-game must have been a result of Savio spiking her water jugs with hylek blue hue potions as a practical joke. Ha ha!
That explains that. Now explain the dolyak/bull mix-up! I doubt three Priory explorers don’t know what a bull is. :P
It seems hylek can change color over time if certain things are part of their diet.
So Maybe eating Susie made Amoxtli blue.
Unless they were eating Susie while Susie was alive and well, I don’t think that’s the situation. o.O
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
Hello, everyone. This is my first forum post, so I hope I don’t mess it up.
As of this week’s release, your question is answered by journal pages left behind by Explorer Kitabu at the Prosperity, Restoration Refuge, and Repair Station Waypoints. These lore scraps were intended to have been added as of Echoes of the Past to explain where the explorers went next, but I ran out of time to hook them up before that release.
Long story short: the team of Priory explorers have continued on, past the western boundaries of Dry Top to…parts unknown (or at least unknown to modern Tyrians). Susie came along with them in their bellies, slowly digesting.
Thanks for playing!
I noticed those a few days ago and was about to post them seeing this thread again.
Suzie? What’s that? Some pet? A llama?
iswas their pack bull.
The paper scraps left by the explorers call Susie a dolyak, not a bull. As did the spoken dialogue at their third camp, iirc. Amoxtli was previously told it was llama meat, and aghast to find out it was their dolyak.
Model slip?
Since I’m confessing oversights I corrected later, I changed Explorer Amoxtli to be a green hylek while she and the others were at the Repair Station Waypoint, as of the Dragon’s Reach Part 2 release.
Amoxtli was always intended to be Zopatl, and therefore green-skinned, so the six weeks that she appeared blue in-game must have been a result of Savio spiking her water jugs with hylek blue hue potions as a practical joke. Ha ha!
That explains that. Now explain the dolyak/bull mix-up! I doubt three Priory explorers don’t know what a bull is. :P
It seems hylek can change color over time if certain things are part of their diet.
So Maybe eating Susie made Amoxtli blue.
Unless they were eating Susie while Susie was alive and well, I don’t think that’s the situation. o.O
BUll only is the word for male bovines. cow is for bovine females.
so you have a dolyak bull and a dolyak cow. dolyaks are, as far i can see it, bovines.
Dolyaks have fur. Cows/bulls don’t have fur. Susie don’t have fur. Susie is a cow not a dolyak.
Or at least that is how I’d always differentiate the two.
Dolyaks have fur. Cows/bulls don’t have fur. Susie don’t have fur. Susie is a cow not a dolyak.
Or at least that is how I’d always differentiate the two.
The cattle you’re referring too have fur as well. It’s just short haired. And as said above, bulls refer to males (bull bison, bull buffalo, bull yaks, etc).
So though… A male bull named Susie?
(edited by Erukk.1408)
BUll only is the word for male bovines. cow is for bovine females.
so you have a dolyak bull and a dolyak cow. dolyaks are, as far i can see it, bovines.
Your logic would work except
- Susie used a bull model.
- They call Susie a dolyak.
If that was reverse – that Susie had a dolyak model but was called a bull – your argument would work… except that Susie is a female name and thus should logically be called a cow, not bull.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Susie was always intended to be a dolyak cow.
Apparently, this was another spawning error on my part that I didn’t even notice in game. If it wasn’t for the screenshot on the kittening wiki, I could have just accused you all of lying, but now it is I who am revealed to be the fool.
Funny that I messed that up twice, in two locations. At least I’m consistent.
I just wanted to interject: Yaaaay, Peter’s posting in the forums.
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
What were those guys thinking, bringing a dolyak to the Maguuma Wastes anyway? >.> The poor creature would have died of heat stroke within hours.