I Really Hate This Patch
your name says it all :P
The marionette requires luck on if lanes other than yours can win. That was fun losing twice due to other lanes losing.
This is a very valid point.
It’s okay to have some sort of epic event that requires teamwork. But it shouldn’t feel like a loss was inevitable, like there was literally nothing you as an individual could have done to affect the outcome.
Also I did like how with the marionette the majority of the fight is fighting trash mobs out of the zone and not the actual boss.
The marionette requires luck on if lanes other than yours can win. That was fun losing twice due to other lanes losing.
This is a very valid point.
It’s okay to have some sort of epic event that requires teamwork. But it shouldn’t feel like a loss was inevitable, like there was literally nothing you as an individual could have done to affect the outcome.
I knew we would fail both events before they ever started. It was a terrible feeling. I’m never going back to those two boss encounters. I would rather spend the next 3 years farming Seraph Observers Waypoint for butter and chocolate than to attempt those two bosses again.
Someone remind me again why these mechanically difficult bosses aren’t instanced? Especially the worm… that’s only going to be completed by guilds on overflows / huge servers only on reset in a few weeks. I’d much rather take 20-25 guildees and attempt these bosses for a night.
marionette is hard but not impossible it just requires everyone to run dps gear to kill the wardens on time in my server we lost 1 stage away from breaking all chains