No new non-LS stuff?
If you don’t read the forum much, here are some answers:
1. Traits are being reworked right now. Changes are coming next week.
2. No idea
3. There’s still time before the end of the year. It will probably happen in December.
4. See #3
5. Will not happen in 2013, will probably be in early 2014 from what I read.
6. Will probably be in 2014
7. Will probably be in December
8. Being tested right now. No clear dates.
9. No idea
10. December
11. No idea
Technically speaking, we have gotten #2 already. It’s just one skill though.
I don’t recall them saying we’ll be getting Ascended armor this year. I wouldn’t care much either way, TBH. I’d rather they hold off on it a bit longer. I certainly don’t recall a promise Legendary weapons in PvP. The PvE skin solution was hinted at, but not for 2013 per se.
7 is likely to be coming in November 26th or December 10th. 10 is likely to be December 10th or December 24th.
And do keep in mind that what was announced months ago is what’s hoped to be released. Sometimes development doesn’t work out as initially thought – sometimes issues come up, sometimes ideas and opinions change.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
If you don’t read the forum much, here are some answers:
1. Traits are being reworked right now. Changes are coming next week.
Only a couple changes and those are the 26th (not next week).
And they said new traits, not reworked traits.
And do keep in mind that what was announced months ago is what’s hoped to be released. Sometimes development doesn’t work out as initially thought – sometimes issues come up, sometimes ideas and opinions change.
Pretty much this. Though the Fractals were promised to be out by end of year (same with Ascended armor I think). The rest is up for debate (except for Wintersday). I know precursor crafting/building isn’t likely, and they haven’t really talked about new legendaries since that post (at least that I can remember). I am curious about the last point. Wish they’d tell us something more about it (even if its only the achievement rewards from LS to be added to the zenith weapon panel thing).
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
If you don’t read the forum much, here are some answers:
1. Traits are being reworked right now. Changes are coming next week.
Only a couple changes and those are the 26th (not next week).
And they said new traits, not reworked traits.
Oups, my mistake on the date.
By “reworked”, I meant “reviewed” which includes new traits and changes to existing traits.
Oh and people, just give them some time! If they don’t have the time to fit in before 2014, you’ll see it in (early) 2014!
Personally if they fail to achieve the majority of those 11 things by the end of the year i dont think i will continue playing this game. I’m sick of the developers lying to us, there is no excuse for any of those things to be delayed till next year.
This is really ArenaNets last chance to prove to the majority of the player base that there current method of delivering content fortnightly is not a massive disaster.
Technically speaking, we have gotten #2 already. It’s just one skill though.
I don’t recall them saying we’ll be getting Ascended armor this year. I wouldn’t care much either way, TBH. I’d rather they hold off on it a bit longer. I certainly don’t recall a promise Legendary weapons in PvP. The PvE skin solution was hinted at, but not for 2013 per se.
7 is likely to be coming in November 26th or December 10th. 10 is likely to be December 10th or December 24th.
And do keep in mind that what was announced months ago is what’s hoped to be released. Sometimes development doesn’t work out as initially thought – sometimes issues come up, sometimes ideas and opinions change.
I realize things come up… but things come up is a fine excuse for 2-3 things at most… if you miss 11 out of the 15 or so things then there is some much bigger problem.
Reworking broken traits so they are balanced is by no stretch of the imagination “new”. Not even WoW tries to pull off crap like that.
same goes for the 1 new useless skill.
Legendary weapons in PvP was in the blog, it was just overshadowed by all the other spectacular promises they apparently aren’t going to be keeping.
I looked back and it’s true they gave no time frame on the PvE skin problem, just “soon” which could be anything from now until the end of time.
The game is on shaky ground, and competition is quickly approaching. Vague promises and random statements are no longer meaningful to me. They need to either put up or shut up at this point.
This thread seems to be largely about entitled whining. They can’t add new traits when they still need to rework the ones that are currently in for starters, and the things that won’t be in by the end of the year they’ve already talked about. Some of the items on the list, like pvp legendaries, I don’t believe were ever even given an actual deadline. and Wintersday has always been december into january content. and there’s been no talk of fractals so I’m sure that’s still at least on track.
Keep in mind those are PvE and PvP issues, Theres a whole array of WvW things they have to get in as well they said would be in. None of us W3ers are holding our breathes though.
It’s true that the game is seeing some bad times right now and something needs to be done.
My belief is that since the last few patches (since Teq) have been especially small compared to past ones they’re saving a lot of resources to release it all at once in a big update by the end of the year.
Of course at this point my faith in this game has all but vanished. I still check from time to time in hopes that a game I really love will prove me wrong when I say it’s rubbish.
I can’t be bothered to bring myself to play it no matter how badly I may want to. So honestly unless a really big massive change happens by the end of the year I don’t see me being able to stick with this any longer.
There is a Class balancing patch coming on December 10th, btw.
I’m not sure why these things NEED to be in the game by years end. Those who have said that if they are not, they are done with the game, well that’s rather harsh to say. If you’re that disappointed with the game, move on then.
To say that you need 11 things fixed and done by years end or else you’re leaving because that’s just unacceptable honestly angers me. These are real people working daily on issues. Things such as life events and other complications can mess up any perfectly planned schedule. Just because the developers have an agenda and a date they hope to accomplish that agenda by, does not promise that it will be done by then.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
None of these changes were promised. It was merely mentioned that they were working on them and hope to have them ready before the end of the year. Wintersday would be the exception.
Everything on that list besides wintersday is being discussed in the appropriate forum section, and wintersday day… why would that show up in october/november?…
Well, we got a bunch of stuff that hadn’t been promised to anybody, so if some of these things take a few months longer then whatever. Especially if that means that the new content is tested more thoroughly.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
You guys must not be reading the same blog I am…
Some quotes from there:
“and discuss in more detail some of the systems you’ll see in the second half of 2013.” <- Specifically stated we will see these things in 2013
“We’ll begin regularly adding new skills and traits to the game for each profession to expand your characters and builds! You will be able to earn these new traits and skills by unlocking them.”
-Specifically stating these will be NEW skills and traits, not reworks and balance.
“These skills and traits will be designed to be balanced with the existing skills/traits we currently have in the game, and will simply compliment and expand the range of abilities and tactics available to each profession.”
- further proof these will be new skills. Also the new healing skill does not fit the requirement of expanded range of abilities and tactics to each profession.
“On top of this, you will (emphasis mine) also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013.
-straight up promise of new legendary weapons in 2013.
“The addition of new skills and traits on a regular basis will of course mean expanded variety of abilities, builds, and tactics in PvP as well. As these additional skills and traits are added, they’ll be automatically unlocked and available for competitive PvP”
-in case there was any doubt that the new skills/traits they mentioned have not been added this further confirms it.
“adding new map types, adding the ability to gain legendary weapon skins in PvP, providing additional rewards…”
- legendary weapons in PvP is indeed in there too
And finally they do say:
“As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems.”
Notice however they say the content, not the timing is subject to change. Therefore we can reasonable expect these items to be in game by the end of the year. I’m sorry if expecting the devs to deliver what they promised makes me some sort of entitled whiner… but I just consider that good business practice.
You guys must not be reading the same blog I am…
Some quotes from there:
“and discuss in more detail some of the systems you’ll see in the second half of 2013.” <- Specifically stated we will see these things in 2013
“We’ll begin regularly adding new skills and traits to the game for each profession to expand your characters and builds! You will be able to earn these new traits and skills by unlocking them.”
-Specifically stating these will be NEW skills and traits, not reworks and balance.
“These skills and traits will be designed to be balanced with the existing skills/traits we currently have in the game, and will simply compliment and expand the range of abilities and tactics available to each profession.”
- further proof these will be new skills. Also the new healing skill does not fit the requirement of expanded range of abilities and tactics to each profession.
“On top of this, you will (emphasis mine) also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013.
-straight up promise of new legendary weapons in 2013.
“The addition of new skills and traits on a regular basis will of course mean expanded variety of abilities, builds, and tactics in PvP as well. As these additional skills and traits are added, they’ll be automatically unlocked and available for competitive PvP”
-in case there was any doubt that the new skills/traits they mentioned have not been added this further confirms it.
“adding new map types, adding the ability to gain legendary weapon skins in PvP, providing additional rewards…”
- legendary weapons in PvP is indeed in there too
And finally they do say:
“As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems.”
Notice however they say the content, not the timing is subject to change. Therefore we can reasonable expect these items to be in game by the end of the year. I’m sorry if expecting the devs to deliver what they promised makes me some sort of entitled whiner… but I just consider that good business practice.
yeah, that was posted in july, and if you followed the forums, you’d know they mentioned set backs.
You guys must not be reading the same blog I am…
Some quotes from there:
“and discuss in more detail some of the systems you’ll see in the second half of 2013.” <- Specifically stated we will see these things in 2013
“We’ll begin regularly adding new skills and traits to the game for each profession to expand your characters and builds! You will be able to earn these new traits and skills by unlocking them.”
-Specifically stating these will be NEW skills and traits, not reworks and balance.
“These skills and traits will be designed to be balanced with the existing skills/traits we currently have in the game, and will simply compliment and expand the range of abilities and tactics available to each profession.”
- further proof these will be new skills. Also the new healing skill does not fit the requirement of expanded range of abilities and tactics to each profession.
“On top of this, you will (emphasis mine) also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013.
-straight up promise of new legendary weapons in 2013.
“The addition of new skills and traits on a regular basis will of course mean expanded variety of abilities, builds, and tactics in PvP as well. As these additional skills and traits are added, they’ll be automatically unlocked and available for competitive PvP”
-in case there was any doubt that the new skills/traits they mentioned have not been added this further confirms it.
“adding new map types, adding the ability to gain legendary weapon skins in PvP, providing additional rewards…”
- legendary weapons in PvP is indeed in there too
And finally they do say:
“As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems.”
Notice however they say the content, not the timing is subject to change. Therefore we can reasonable expect these items to be in game by the end of the year. I’m sorry if expecting the devs to deliver what they promised makes me some sort of entitled whiner… but I just consider that good business practice.
yeah, that was posted in july, and if you followed the forums, you’d know they mentioned set backs.
I like playing devil’s advocate and you make it sound “oh so simple”. Humor us, link the threads where ANET was so kind to detail these delays for countless items.
I like playing devil’s advocate and you make it sound “oh so simple”. Humor us, link the threads where ANET was so kind to detail these delays for countless items.
That’s in regards to a delay in precursors and new legendaries. The rest should come out before the end of the year.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I like playing devil’s advocate and you make it sound “oh so simple”. Humor us, link the threads where ANET was so kind to detail these delays for countless items.
That’s in regards to a delay in precursors and new legendaries. The rest should come out before the end of the year.
I wonder if they can update the blog to reflect these changes. A random post by a dev in a random thread will mostly go unnoticed, even if you are paying attention. Many many people read the blog and think these things are coming and will be upset when they don’t.
I wonder if they can update the blog to reflect these changes. A random post by a dev in a random thread will mostly go unnoticed, even if you are paying attention. Many many people read the blog and think these things are coming and will be upset when they don’t.
And if they did people would complain about them trying to “hide” stuff.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I wonder if they can update the blog to reflect these changes. A random post by a dev in a random thread will mostly go unnoticed, even if you are paying attention. Many many people read the blog and think these things are coming and will be upset when they don’t.
And if they did people would complain about them trying to “hide” stuff.
They just need to do it in a way that doesn’t convey that message. Add to the original blog in bold with a message saying that they couldn’t complete this and it will be pushed back. No need to remove any of the original text. But as long as the information is available somewhere then at least that is something.
As far as I know the ascended armor crafting, and fractals have both been said to be on schedule so whatever patch they land in should be a big one, and people might explode if they are both in the same patch.
I realize things come up… but things come up is a fine excuse for 2-3 things at most… if you miss 11 out of the 15 or so things then there is some much bigger problem.
Going back to the OP list, 5 and 6 got announced to be delayed – possibly 9 by extension. 7 and 10 are upcoming still. 3 and 4 are pretty much the same thing. I’m pretty sure 8 was announced to be testing now, as are 1 and 2 and they’re probably saving 9 for when 8 is finished. And 11 wasn’t said to be coming in 2013.
So what “11 out of 15”? Stop counting your eggs before they hatch, as the saying goes. Besides, it isn’t 11 but 7 – 1 and 2 are the same more or less, 3 and 4 are the same more or less, 5 and 6 are the same more or less, and 11 isn’t included in 2013.
You guys must not be reading the same blog I am…
You do realize that it is entirely possible for people to give themselves more things to do than they’re actually capable of?
Imagine if you had a set order you want to do stuff in, and give yourself a deadline for them all. But one thing takes more time than you expected, thus you aren’t able to get even half of what you wanted done, done.
Possible it happened? Yeah. Likely? Probably not. But kitten does happen and as shown in this post the one thing that was outright stated to be in 2013 was said to be having delays.
And face it, new traits and skills cannot be added willy-nilly. They need to properly test and balance them in all three formats, to ensure no one’s getting an unreasonable upper hand anywhere. And that’s probably among the first on their list (though I think it shouldn’t be).
As far as I know the ascended armor crafting, and fractals have both been said to be on schedule so whatever patch they land in should be a big one, and people might explode if they are both in the same patch.
I’m sure they will be, given how tied Fractals and Ascended gear is.
And it’ll likely be coming in the Nov 26th or Dec 10th update(s).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
I dunno, so far from my awesome selective reading skillz:
bi-weekly release of living story
Champion rewards
dungeon completion reward (tho I’m not too happy about this)
account magic find
crafting DID went up to 500
ability to set stats on legendaries
wvw map change
They were all implemented, along with some nice extras I didn’t expect.
Oh and that ‘the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems.’ Obviously the lot of you have never done real business before eh? There’s always that tiny little clause somewhere.
I’m still really happy with this game, no sub fee and gem purchases are up to my own fancy. I’m only sad that their legendary revamp did not include enlarging the Predator’s footfalls, :<
We’ve gotten plenty of new traits. Examples that come to mind: Dhuumfire, Deathly Precision and Cleansing Ire.
I don’t know why people always forget them.
Fractals have to make it this year. Period. We voted for Ellen Kiel and she promised a Fractal. I don’t want to hear any, “politics” as an argument. It was a game decision made by the devs. If it doesn’t come out this year we should get a re-vote because she won’t deserve to be in office anymore and this isn’t a case of art imitating life.
The ascended armor and precursor things are on the top of a lot of people’s lists. The said the precursor thing might not make the cut for this year which is a shame because they have been talking about it since January.
Fractals have to make it this year. Period. We voted for Ellen Kiel and she promised a Fractal. I don’t want to hear any, “politics” as an argument. It was a game decision made by the devs. If it doesn’t come out this year we should get a re-vote because she won’t deserve to be in office anymore and this isn’t a case of art imitating life.
So if something unexpected happen so that they simply CAN’T release it in time they should make a completely new release (which will take even more time) in order for us to re-vote?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Fractals have to make it this year. Period. We voted for Ellen Kiel and she promised a Fractal. I don’t want to hear any, “politics” as an argument. It was a game decision made by the devs. If it doesn’t come out this year we should get a re-vote because she won’t deserve to be in office anymore and this isn’t a case of art imitating life.
The ascended armor and precursor things are on the top of a lot of people’s lists. The said the precursor thing might not make the cut for this year which is a shame because they have been talking about it since January.
Because ellen kiel is a real life dev working on making the fractal, and they haven’t actually even started working on it. Right…
We’ve gotten plenty of new traits. Examples that come to mind: Dhuumfire, Deathly Precision and Cleansing Ire.
I don’t know why people always forget them.
I just checked all my level 80’s. Every trait line still only has 12 trait choices. I was unable to find the extra new traits you are speaking of.
Unless you are referring to reworked traits, which just makes them reworked, not new.
It has more to do with certain traits getting removed and new added then traits being reworked.
So technically they are still new.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Welcome to Anet’s game Zudet.
They aren’t a horrible company. But they are far from being an exception. Just don’t hold too much expectations regarding what they said they were going to do and when they were going to do it.
Like other have said : you got new traits, you got a new skill (that’s enough for them since they didn’t specify the number). For everything that won’t make it in time, they’ll just say “sorry, didn’t have enough time. You’ll see that soon though” (“soon” most likely being 6 months later, I mean look at the guesting feature >.>).
Of course, if they need more time it’s because they want to finish it and make sure it’s good. But they should really stop giving themselves deadlines when everyone knows they won’t make them.
And if they don’t give us details people whine about them not telling us what they are planning.
So what can they do?
If they don’t tell us people whine,
if they tell us but things turns up people whine,
heck even if they tell us and everything goes exactly as expected people whine.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Welcome to Anet’s game Zudet.
They aren’t a horrible company. But they are far from being an exception. Just don’t hold too much expectations regarding what they said they were going to do and when they were going to do it.
Like other have said : you got new traits, you got a new skill (that’s enough for them since they didn’t specify the number). For everything that won’t make it in time, they’ll just say “sorry, didn’t have enough time. You’ll see that soon though” (“soon” most likely being 6 months later, I mean look at the guesting feature >.>).
Of course, if they need more time it’s because they want to finish it and make sure it’s good. But they should really stop giving themselves deadlines when everyone knows they won’t make them.
Well they did kinda specify the number of skills and traits, by making both of them plural, which means we need more than one for each of them. A skill (what we have) is not skills (which is what they said). As for them pushing deadlines, I could care less, as long as its not pushed too far out (or gotten rid of completely). I’m still waiting on precursor crafting/building before I ever think of starting a legendary. Been waiting this long, can wait longer (as long as their other choices (ie. insane Halloween Item costs) don’t push me away).
Please give us a keyring…
Actually, if you want to pull technicalities, there have been some new traits because there have been a few cases of traits being merged into one to give way to new ones, while keeping the number of traits the same, and as for new skills, well the engineer has a tool belt skill for the healing, it’s not entirely true to say they added multiple skills, but hey.
There are only 4 patches before the end of the year, yet there are 11 separate LARGE projects that are supposed to make an appearance before the end of the year. Yet in the past 3 patches we haven’t seen a single one.
1. New traits
2. New skills
3. Crafting to 500 for armor
4. Ascended armor
5. Precursor crafting
6. New legendary weapons
7. New fractals
8. New PvP game modes
9. Legendary weapons in PvP
10. Wintersday
11. Hinted at PvE skin solutionI can’t image all these things dropping in the same patch. Where is the info on these? What patch are they coming in?
1) Dec 10th patch (plus we’ve had newerish traits/revamps to old ones a few months back).
2) Already got a new skill. A 25-pt AOE healing kill last patch.
3-4) Both are linked, but developer said two patches ago that it might not make it in before end of year. They want to make it work just right.
5) In progress, but in same comment related to 3/4 it was said that might not make it in before end of year.
6) New Legendary ITEMS, before weapons. Weapons are set as something longer down the line, but items are coming first (in particular, they’re doing jewelry first). Those are being done by item teams that takes time [considering they’re doing all the above 3,4, and 5 items too].
7) Being worked on, no word yet.
8) Nowhere did they say they’d come out with new PvP modes. I’d like to know where that information came from, if possible? Sure there was that one leaker who said that they’re working on Deathmatch/King-of-the-Hill, but that information was never confirmed or denied. It’s purely speculation only.
9) Legendary weapon skins in sPvP was something said not in the mid-year report, but in the Anniversary panel about something that they have planned to do down the line. No time frame was given at the time.
10) Wintersday is going to happen. It would be ludicrous to assume otherwise.
11) What are you talking about?
10) Wintersday is going to happen. It would be ludicrous to assume otherwise.
11) What are you talking about?
10) will happen, but will probably be butchered just like Blood and Madness did to Halloween.
11) It was in a video interview with Colin, I believe/iirc. He said something about a kind of skin closet type thing, but they only just started discussing it amongst themselves (at the time of the video), so no real info about it yet.
Please give us a keyring…
Dude, then quit.
It’s called game development, you get two basic choices:
Content that takes longer than expected
Content that is less feature-complete than desired.
Having worked in software (including some game dev projects) for over ten years now, I can assure you, one of these two options is inevitable in any instance there is a real or percieved deadline.
If this bothers you, I suggest you stop playing MMOs entirely, as there is only ever one solution to " get more done faster “which is get more money, hire more staff” a the GW2 financial model is already established. Thus, unless something highly unlikely happens, like everyone buying 100 bucks in gems for no reason, I would expect content patches every 2 weeks and new/upgraded features to release when they’re finished.
Whether that’s something you can put up with is up to you.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Dude, then quit.
It’s called game development, you get two basic choices:
Content that takes longer than expected
Content that is less feature-complete than desired.
Having worked in software (including some game dev projects) for over ten years now, I can assure you, one of these two options is inevitable in any instance there is a real or percieved deadline.
If this bothers you, I suggest you stop playing MMOs entirely, as there is only ever one solution to " get more done faster “which is get more money, hire more staff” a the GW2 financial model is already established. Thus, unless something highly unlikely happens, like everyone buying 100 bucks in gems for no reason, I would expect content patches every 2 weeks and new/upgraded features to release when they’re finished.
Whether that’s something you can put up with is up to you.
Ahh yes the inevitable “if you don’t like it then quit” argument. Indeed a powerful argument… it was used so often and effectively in SWTOR that 90% of their player base ended up quitting and the game sank to a P2W cash shop fest that it is now.
Things don’t get done, promises are forgotten, and somehow the only reasonable solution is to either deal with it or quit…
Here I am suggesting a third option… the devs tell us the truth and are open with us on where they stand with things. They explain what the delays are, keep their promises as best they can, and treat us like customers and not cows to be herded about and kept playing. But yes, perhaps I should just quit and find a different game… because that has worked SO well for games in the past.
GW2 has enjoyed a very blessed first year. It is one of the only years in the past decade where NO major MMO’s were launched. That window is closing, GW2 will be compared to its first actual competition soon. I would strongly advise against telling people to quit, because they just might listen to you.
And if they don’t give us details people whine about them not telling us what they are planning.
So what can they do?
If they don’t tell us people whine,
if they tell us but things turns up people whine,
heck even if they tell us and everything goes exactly as expected people whine.
Of course people will whine, people will whine about everything because people isn’t one person.
But personally, I grew tired long ago about Anet’s hype. Because that’s what they are doing : they are hyping everything they are planning on doing. Like Southsun…
Some of things they did were good (like champ boxes and I like getting gold at the end of dungeons). But a lot of the things they did were hyped by them (like getting gold at the end of dungeons).
You might say it’s because we are reading too much into it. But we all know Anet loves to play on word and make enough space for them to back up without being branded as liars.
Except when it’s too exaggerated and they pull a “well we didn’t finish it in time because we really want to do it perfectly” kind of like mini games (which they declared months before the release that they were perfectly and completely done and yet for some reason weren’t there at release, still aren’t there and got brushed off with “meh we have more important things to work on”).
Looks like Fractals are going to be next patch…
Also I would encourage you to check out this reddit thread:
(edited by adrianz.9672)
Looks like Fractals are going to be next patch… I would encourage you to check out this reddit thread:
So it looks kinda like they’re starting the precursor/legendary stuff, eventually anyways. Wonder if the book things at the bottom are pvp only items (at work so I can’t check the chat codes).
Please give us a keyring…
So it looks kinda like they’re starting the precursor/legendary stuff, eventually anyways. Wonder if the book things at the bottom are pvp only items (at work so I can’t check the chat codes
I remember hearing something about precursor scavenger hunts being a possibility. I feel like it’s likely related to that. Can’t say for sure though, just being optimistic.
This thread seems to be largely about entitled whining. They can’t add new traits when they still need to rework the ones that are currently in for starters, and the things that won’t be in by the end of the year they’ve already talked about. Some of the items on the list, like pvp legendaries, I don’t believe were ever even given an actual deadline. and Wintersday has always been december into january content. and there’s been no talk of fractals so I’m sure that’s still at least on track.
I don’t see it as “entitled whining”, I see it as valid criticism on how Anet is going about adding content. A lot of these game changing and exciting features are taking longer because Anet has decided to put all their eggs in the living story basket. And I think most can agree it has mixed results at best. Sure it keeps a lot of players playing to some degree, but for how long? There really hasn’t been a whole lot in exciting changes this last year that wow me, just more and more LS content. And with no expansion on the horizon, it has me worried on what is going to keep me logging in. LS is really wearing me down. Most of it is just mediocre with a few flashes of brilliance and the occasional flat out “disasters”. Less focus on LS and more focus on those features above would make this game better and that is something I firmly believe and hope to see.
So it looks kinda like they’re starting the precursor/legendary stuff, eventually anyways. Wonder if the book things at the bottom are pvp only items (at work so I can’t check the chat codes
I remember hearing something about precursor scavenger hunts being a possibility. I feel like it’s likely related to that. Can’t say for sure though, just being optimistic.
Well Colin said precursor scavenger thing was likely to not be this year, so thats why I’m not sure if its just a PvP thing, with the existing legendaries being added as PvP rewards.
Please give us a keyring…
This thread seems to be largely about entitled whining. They can’t add new traits when they still need to rework the ones that are currently in for starters, and the things that won’t be in by the end of the year they’ve already talked about. Some of the items on the list, like pvp legendaries, I don’t believe were ever even given an actual deadline. and Wintersday has always been december into january content. and there’s been no talk of fractals so I’m sure that’s still at least on track.
I don’t see it as “entitled whining”, I see it as valid criticism on how Anet is going about adding content. A lot of these game changing and exciting features are taking longer because Anet has decided to put all their eggs in the living story basket. And I think most can agree it has mixed results at best. Sure it keeps a lot of players playing to some degree, but for how long? There really hasn’t been a whole lot in exciting changes this last year that wow me, just more and more LS content. And with no expansion on the horizon, it has me worried on what is going to keep me logging in. LS is really wearing me down. Most of it is just mediocre with a few flashes of brilliance and the occasional flat out “disasters”. Less focus on LS and more focus on those features above would make this game better and that is something I firmly believe and hope to see.
If I had to choose to have all of the above listed in two weeks at the expense of having no LS updates for the remainder of the year, I would choose to delay in favor of the LS as well.
Mine isn’t a popular (forum-warrior) opinion, but I like the living story’s 2 week cadence. Themepark MMOs are very fire-and-forget affairs that thrive on one thing and one thing only: new content. The current 2 week cycle keeps up with (and at times exceeds) the pace at which I consume content, and that keeps me from getting bored.
If it’s necessary to have slightly smaller feature teams in order to make that happen, so be it. I don’t need anything on the list as much as i need to have things to do when I log in.
I think that’s the point people are missing with the LS. Without it you’d be complaining that there’s nothing to do but farm the same spot for months. Before the LS Penn/Shelter farms were literally the entire endgame. You logged in and you farmed, or you just plain didn’t log in. I myself just plain didn’t log in because I got bored of farming after… well… probably after about three weeks of doing it.
The game is in good enough shape that i don’t feel it’s out of line to wait a little for some minor QoL fixes, provided that I’m entertained (for free) in the mean time. That’s why I bought the game. To be entertained.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest