I actually really enjoyed the cutscene c: She seems like quite an interesting character that I’d love to see develop in more ways. I particularly loved some of her lines where she was scoffing about the pale tree not approving and such c: I think this is probably one of my favourite cutscenes to date
I can’t wait to hear more about her motives and such c:
The only thing I’ve not been so keen on with her, lore wise, is that if she’s so high an mighty, in terms of graduating from all of the Asuran Colleges and other racial education facilities too, why have we never heard her mentioned before? (other than Mai Trin in the Aetherblade Retreat dungeon)
Of course, I understand that with a tight schedule and such, it’d be hard to implement something like this. But even a couple of NPC ambient city chatter audio clips, just mentioning it and snuck into game in the middle of the month, would do amazing things for piecing together the lore c:
Something like (NPC Chatter) “Hey, you know that Sylvari that graduated from the college of statics last month?”
“Yeah, what about her?”
“I wonder what happened to her, what she’s doing now? …It’s not often that the colleges let…y’know, bookah’s into their ranks”
…..I know this is a terrible example, I’m no writer xD but just something like that would be really cool c: Even if it was just a couple of them dotted around.
Chances are, at least a few people would hear it, and with some of the people invested in and helping spread the lore, in the Guild Wars 2 community (Wooden Potatoes anyone?) I’m sure the word would get out quickly, when it was found c:
and even if it was a case of you worrying about whether it’s worth it, if it’s not guaranteed to be noticed, why not put something in the patch notes for the Release 2 weeks prior to introducing a big character/event implying NPC’s are talking/rumours are spreading, so people interested will actively go seek them out c:
I really love the Guild Wars 2 lore and I’ve really been enjoying the living story a lot too. But I feel, in order to make it believable and seem..well…like a ‘Living Story’ the characters need to be built up a bit more, before shoving them into the story with…….“this character is evil, help stop them” kinda thing.
Just a few suggestions, I think would be good c: I get that you guys are on a tight schedule and I’ve seen so much improvement in the last few living stories, keep up the amazing work
Keeping GW2 in one of the MMO topspots