Wind bug wintersday jp
Avoid the wind? I have yet to ever get hit by it on the snowflakes. I suggest watch the wind and figure out its timing.
I have a suspicion about this.
You know that the JP drains your health, right? And when your health reaches 0, there’s a “gust of wind” effect that takes you back to the start. Is it possible this is what you’re seeing?
Ive been hit by this wind bug several tiems. yesterday I completed the puzzle 6 times no problem over 3-4 hours. I tried today for 30 minutes and I warped/glitched back to start without falling at least 15 times in those 30 minutes before I said kitten this. It’s kitten like this that will make me quit this game.
There’s a gust of wind by the snowman right after the presents, and another on the first very big peppermint after that. Those are the only two I’ve ever encountered, though. I have been doing the left path.
There’s a gust of wind by the snowman right after the presents, and another on the first very big peppermint after that. Those are the only two I’ve ever encountered, though. I have been doing the left path.
It’s true for all path. There is no wind on the snowflakes, only after.
There is a “chilling wind” visual effect when you lose by falling/losing all life, but it is a consequence of failing, not the cause.