life blast x 6 = 17k in spvp???
Rofl in DS Necros have no access to utilities (meaning no heals/stun breaks / mobility / anything).
And to be honest, any class at all can afk auto-attack you down in 16 seconds if you stand there and don’t dodge or CC or heal or apparently do ANYTHING at all.
I have never played a necro, and I am here to say that yes, this is a learn to play issue.
On pretty much any other power based class you would have been gone way before that 12 seconds was up if you just tried to facetank it all.
gigi, chill out peeps, i see more drama in this topic then quick post that i fired after casual hotjoin. the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me (working on that one too). it’s not my main (i dont main) and as mesmer’s think, not even viable, but at least condi necros are facerol and mm – not sure, i’ve only played it for couple of nights, but i guess should not be too bad, since i can kite with cripple and can’t be immobilized. of all builds this one could easily stop that lb spam. as i said, i thought it was condi opponent, for which (when i play it) lb is obscure dont bother waste of a autoattack.
not to say that i think it’s ok. 3k auto attack with no requirement other then 600 range. notice that other necro ds skills with half of that single target damage have 15-20 sec cd and can be easily dodged with a very visible channeling graphics.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it? no damage loss for necros (as you say) and casual players like me could be happy, sounds like win-nonIssue. not that i care too much about it at this point (in fact plan to play that build in coming days), just curios how folks here will settle to have a cake and eat it too. so much for non-issue.
Again, in no way over-powered nor does it need a cd.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it?
It’s funny how you assume everyone who responded to you is automatically a Necro
just to give you an idea : I main an Engineer and a Guardian.
It’s funny how you assume everyone who responded to you is automatically a Necro
just to give you an idea : I main an Engineer and a Guardian.
since you are so specific about this conversation, you may have missed it, but should be obvious once highlighted: “every necro here pointed out” is one spell and “everyone in this topic is necro” is another :fyi:
gigi, chill out peeps, i see more drama in this topic then quick post that i fired after casual hotjoin. the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too). it’s not my main (i dont main) and as mesmer’s think, not even viable, but at least condi necros are facerol and mm – not sure, i’ve only played it for couple of nights, but i guess should not be too bad, since i can kite with cripple and can’t be immobilized. of all builds this one could easily stop that lb spam. as i said, i thought it was condi opponent, for which (when i play it) lb is obscure dont bother waste of a autoattack.
not to say that i think it’s ok. 3k auto attack with no requirement other then 600 range. notice that other necro ds skills with half of that single target damage have 15-20 sec cd and can be easily dodged with a very visible channeling graphics.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it? no damage loss for necros (as you say) and casual players like me could be happy, sounds like win-nonIssue. not that i care too much about it at this point (in fact plan to play that build in coming days), just curios how folks here will settle to have a cake and eat it too. so much for non-issue.
How do you survive elementalists fresh air burst builds if you can’t survive a necro auto attacking? They can do 15k ish damage in 2 seconds. I’m just wondering cause everything else your saying is just so bias no one should even respond to it.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
gigi, chill out peeps, i see more drama in this topic then quick post that i fired after casual hotjoin. the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too). it’s not my main (i dont main) and as mesmer’s think, not even viable, but at least condi necros are facerol and mm – not sure, i’ve only played it for couple of nights, but i guess should not be too bad, since i can kite with cripple and can’t be immobilized. of all builds this one could easily stop that lb spam. as i said, i thought it was condi opponent, for which (when i play it) lb is obscure dont bother waste of a autoattack.
not to say that i think it’s ok. 3k auto attack with no requirement other then 600 range. notice that other necro ds skills with half of that single target damage have 15-20 sec cd and can be easily dodged with a very visible channeling graphics.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it? no damage loss for necros (as you say) and casual players like me could be happy, sounds like win-nonIssue. not that i care too much about it at this point (in fact plan to play that build in coming days), just curios how folks here will settle to have a cake and eat it too. so much for non-issue.
I don’t believe some of the threads in this forum.
“and only thief is allowed to kill me”
“and my build is not suposed to die to necro”
Seriously? Hard to believe this is a real complaint and not someone trying to be funny.
This is a learn to play issue unfortunately – so go play and learn instead of complaining on internet forums.
Here’s a tip, if you run into and through the Necro his life blast will not hit you… keep running through him and screwing up the projectile – maybe you’ll wear out his Deathshroud if he’s not concious of resources and then you have a free kill.
3 second CD? Great, lets bone power Necros even more – people are using DS to attack because Axe and Dagger are so lacklustre to begin with. Both are close range power weapons that put the Necro in the thick of things. With no access to a ranged power weapon, DS is the way we roll.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too).
Hooooooly skritt … XD
edit: Now i can breathe again … Jeez … xD Khmm. So … Can a more experienced Mesmer comment on his build? It doesn’t look good to me.
(edited by Dalanor.5387)
Hey, if only thieves can (are allowed to) kill him, than it must be the bestest build.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
If OP was running this build (linked above), he had 2 dazes, stealth and Moa up his sleeve, but didn’t use them. Also, a stun on the offhand pistol.
So much could have been done to shut down the Necro.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
gigi, chill out peeps, i see more drama in this topic then quick post that i fired after casual hotjoin. the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too). it’s not my main (i dont main) and as mesmer’s think, not even viable, but at least condi necros are facerol and mm – not sure, i’ve only played it for couple of nights, but i guess should not be too bad, since i can kite with cripple and can’t be immobilized. of all builds this one could easily stop that lb spam. as i said, i thought it was condi opponent, for which (when i play it) lb is obscure dont bother waste of a autoattack.
not to say that i think it’s ok. 3k auto attack with no requirement other then 600 range. notice that other necro ds skills with half of that single target damage have 15-20 sec cd and can be easily dodged with a very visible channeling graphics.
in fact, if it is such an easily countered non issue as every necro pointed here, why not put a small, say 3 sec cd on it? no damage loss for necros (as you say) and casual players like me could be happy, sounds like win-nonIssue. not that i care too much about it at this point (in fact plan to play that build in coming days), just curios how folks here will settle to have a cake and eat it too. so much for non-issue.
….wow. Not sure if just Troll or really that level of fail.
Only two cures for your ailment:
A) Learn to play.
B) Uninstall and never come back.
You are complaining about being beaten by a completely preventable level of damage that the opposing Necro had to sink a resource investment into that can be achieved for less effort on other class options…automatically.
If OP was running this build (linked above), he had 2 dazes, stealth and Moa up his sleeve, but didn’t use them. Also, a stun on the offhand pistol.
So much could have been done to shut down the Necro.
I bet they were on cooldown. ;D
Ok so I run both Necro and Mesmer, between stun, daze and Moa you should have had more then enough CC to stop the Necro, coupled with vigor on crit. At the same time you lack the GM trait in the crit line that increases damage by 4% per readied mantra this is a much better trait then the GM power line one you did get.
that’s all I’m going to give you help wise. The fact you where playing a class you have little experience on against a build you have little experience against but still feel justified to ask for a Nerf to our class is sad. What you need to learn to do is ask how to counter it you would be surprised by how much the Necro and mesmer community is willing to help people.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I’ve run a DS power necro as my main for a few months now. So from this post I can figure out a few things:
1. This mesmer build/player must be downright awful, as most mesmers are too slippery to burst down with life blast spam alone.
2. OP did little to counter these life blasts, especially reflections, dodges, blocks, or CC of any kind which is a sime counter to this play.
3. He clearly didn’t understand that life blast can be potent if spammed directly into your face.
So this seems like a L2P issue as others have mentioned.
Also I wanted to comment that a lot of necro playstyle is spamming 111111 because – I think – necros have to be so aware of their positioning moreso than other classes with more readily available defense or escapes. So I can focus more on not getting focused down while I’m still dealing damage more because the auto attacks are still powerful. It’s just my theory, though.
I’ve run a DS power necro as my main for a few months now. So from this post I can figure out a few things:
1. This mesmer build/player must be downright awful, as most mesmers are too slippery to burst down with life blast spam alone.
2. OP did little to counter these life blasts, especially reflections, dodges, blocks, or CC of any kind which is a sime counter to this play.
3. He clearly didn’t understand that life blast can be potent if spammed directly into your face.So this seems like a L2P issue as others have mentioned.
Also I wanted to comment that a lot of necro playstyle is spamming 111111 because – I think – necros have to be so aware of their positioning moreso than other classes with more readily available defense or escapes. So I can focus more on not getting focused down while I’m still dealing damage more because the auto attacks are still powerful. It’s just my theory, though.
DS necro spam 111111 because #2/3 do no damage, and #4/5 have an absurd 40s cooldown.
DS necro spam 111111 because #2/3 do no damage, and #4/5 have an absurd 40s cooldown.
The same could be said about most Necro weapon skills.
Axe being a pretty notable exception with #1 being super weak compared to #2.
The amount the attack hits for is irrelevent. What matters is the attacks DPS. the Necro community is claiming Life Blast has a 1.5 second total attack time. You’re alledging 3k a shot. That’s only 2k DPS.
Warrior Axe – Chop (Combo) – 2,079.056 DPS
Thief Dagger – Strike (Combo) – 2,469.400 DPSConsidering neither of these classes need to be in deathshroud or get life force before attacking, I’d say the damage is pretty reasonable. Especially when these are auto attack figures and not real burst skills.
Life Blast is ranged and a lot easier to hit then thief and warrior auto attack, not that the OP has a real argument in all of this.
This whole melee vs range argument has never stood up to challenge in any MMO in 25 years. When you give melee classes eleventybillion and one ways to get into melee range and keep targets there, but you only give your ranged classes eleventybillion ways to fight at range and stay there, the whole argument that range > melee goes out the window.
I’ve never played an MMO where some handicap due to an attack being ranged was warranted. No one has ever gotten ranged classes to the point where the range yields anything more than an opening strike. Least of all GW2. As if ranged kiting is a thing in this game.
So correct me if I am wrong, you are basically implying that if we gave axe and dagger 1,200 range, it wouldn’t matter at all because of all the gap-closers that are in this game and somehow that would be "balanced"?
The fact that melee autos require a gapcloser and CC in itself is argument enough. If you don’t have that, or if it is on CD, you do zero DPS. Not every class has that readily available and classes like Engis, D/D Eles, Thieves, Mesmers, Warriors, Sword Rangers (what that is like 6/8 classes) can easily kite around that.
Life Blast, despite being slow is still easier to hit because of its range and its relatively little reliance on gap-closing and CC. And you are probably taking less damage and less CC then somebody who is standing right in the middle of a fight.
I am not grasping the complaint here. A pure glass cannon necro, crit-ed well on the OP, who never blocked or dodged, and is complaining that they took a lot of damage? All I am reading in the OP is that an enemy player came up to him and he permitted him to land his initial attacks when he could clearly see them coming? Irrational complaints of this nature are ridiculous, and the cause of unnecessary concern. The OP needs to spend more time reacting properly in battle, and less time complaining on the forums about what happens when he doesn’t act, then takes damage.
How is this any different from a 8k Backstab, or Eviscerate?
Except for, you know, the fact that 17k over six Life Blasts averages to about 3k per Life Blast, which isn’t even that big a power hit.
Attaching Dhuumfire to Life Blast is a bad idea in my opinion, but not because Life Blast is too powerful.landing single backstab takes more then #111111111111111111
You let the Necro hit you repeatedly with a slow moving, long cast time projectile, that requires the Necro to have already built up life force, and can only be cast a set number of times before that life force runs out. Frankly, I’m not sure what to tell you.
Did you dodge? Did you use an invulnerability/block skill? Did you CC the Necro? Did you damage the Necro to force them out of Death Shroud? Did you run away?
You hit the nail on the head, I’d imagine this guy just basically face tanked the damage. As you said, it’s easily countered avoided with basic gameplay. To many players are too quick to jump on the forums.
I was talking to an Ele yesterday who was complaining about my Perplex/Condi Engi that it needed “nerfing”. I explained to him that he had 5 cleanses available to him in his build, that confusion is countered my not spamming and all he has to worry about was cleansing my burns…he still complained and said he would paste it all over the forums. Unfortunately, it’s these players who are posting everywhere and causing unnecessary nerfs to professions, when in fact they just need to learn to play.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
lol, I’ll have to start handing out ego booster cookies, before the thread gets retired. nearly no posts here reveal me anything but authors character, which i dont have much use of either. i knew quite well what i should have done well before i opened this thread, i posted why i didn’t do it and i posted why i opened this topic anyway. if someone cant read or needs self-esteem boost, please leave me out of this.
in the end, take it easy ppl, i got over it.
ps: couple of posts mentioned mantra build suggestions, which i would like very much. if you happen to have any, there is a thread in mes forums.
So you are now upset that you were told learn to play? I know, you are not a necro, so it might sounded disrespectful, but please, learn to play.
The problem is the same. With that build you linked above, you had numerous way to handle the slow animation of Lifeblast, which uses a resource in the form of Life force, which degenerates by itself and can be further reduced by damage.
The question however is, why mantra build?
edit: This whole “i shouldnt die to a necro” stuff is just ridiculous and no one can take you seriously after that. So either stop with the trolling or drop that arrogant attitude.
Smells like "EgoKid"ing.
I’m really glad most of you took the time to criticize this thread. Power necro is my favorite and if it got nerfed because of a bunch of forum qq then I would probably quit.
I’m really glad most of you took the time to criticize this thread. Power necro is my favorite and if it got nerfed because of a bunch of forum qq then I would probably quit.
Prepare for the worst …
so u claim that this build is not supposed to die to anything else but thieves?
big lol from me.
here the issues with it:
u got only 2.4k armor= ull get hit hard
why do u use crippling clone death trait why u wanna move faster for active illusions?u dont even produce that many illusions as u dont have de nor condition dmg. those 2 trait choices dont make sense
u have power, but u use sword= u gotta get close to target, but u dont have leaps to get away from it.
u use scepter which is good for condi specs and block, but bad for power builds
u got 2 good phantasms that deal great dmg, but again u dont really spec for them or your weapons u use.
your main issue is that u spec for heals and condi removal, but not for toughness nor evades like blink. u dont need stability vs power necro u dont need to remove that many condis vs power necro.
power necro will crush u with a mantra build.
your trait choices are a bit random and maybe u wanna change your weapons. if u use mh sword u will need something to gain distance again so u can evade those lifeblasts. this build will actually die to many other classes and my power pu mes would crush u.
u already remove condis with heal, so u dont necessarily need the mantra, but if u wanna keep the mantra, then replace the trait for with something that helps u vs power specs. sry but i dobt that u can win vs thieves with this build also engi will crush u.
u no leaps, bad toughness, some useless traits, no stealth(good luck recharging the mantras without any of that). a full mantra build does not well in the current meta. in wvw: a backstab thief would crit u for 11-13k, a warrior would lock and burst u down and an ele will look at u funny and u will be downed before u even know what hit u. in spvp, sry but even an ele in its current state could kill u without even breaking a sweat.
the problem is not the necro lifblast, its your build. test out other mantra based builds if u wanna stick with mantras, but your build is way too random the way it is now and with those weapons….
btw OP just made this build and asked for advice in the mesmer forum, so the whole “my build is not supposed to die vs necro” doesnt really make sense at all
Isle of Kickaspenwood
(edited by selan.8354)
Power necro is extremely OP against bad mesmers and bad players, in general.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
How do you survive elementalists fresh air burst builds if you can’t survive a necro auto attacking? They can do 15k ish damage in 2 seconds. I’m just wondering cause everything else your saying is just so bias no one should even respond to it.
Actually a perfect burst combo kills a heavy golem with 22k hp and 2,597 armor in 2 seconds with 98% of damage during 1 second.
How do you survive elementalists fresh air burst builds if you can’t survive a necro auto attacking? They can do 15k ish damage in 2 seconds. I’m just wondering cause everything else your saying is just so bias no one should even respond to it.
Actually a perfect burst combo kills a heavy golem with 22k hp and 2,597 armor in 2 seconds with 98% of damage during 1 second.
Not gonna lie, that is really impressive. Tough to get that burst off on a human opponent, but even a partial burst will hurt massively.
How do you survive elementalists fresh air burst builds if you can’t survive a necro auto attacking? They can do 15k ish damage in 2 seconds. I’m just wondering cause everything else your saying is just so bias no one should even respond to it.
Actually a perfect burst combo kills a heavy golem with 22k hp and 2,597 armor in 2 seconds with 98% of damage during 1 second.
yeah dat fire grab hit me in wvw really hard…i think i got hit by 10k or so…and i have 2.7k armor on my mes…..XD big ouch
Isle of Kickaspenwood
I just have to wonder. If the original poster thinks that power necros are so overpowered, why doesn’t he try playing one himself?
All I see on this topic is alot of necros that dont want to get nerfed
How do you survive elementalists fresh air burst builds if you can’t survive a necro auto attacking? They can do 15k ish damage in 2 seconds. I’m just wondering cause everything else your saying is just so bias no one should even respond to it.
Actually a perfect burst combo kills a heavy golem with 22k hp and 2,597 armor in 2 seconds with 98% of damage during 1 second.
Thank you for keeping me informed and proving my point.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
All I see on this topic is alot of necros that dont want to get nerfed
I feel like we are in a very good spot.
the build i was playing is full mantra phanta mesmer and only thief is allowed to kill me
(working on that one too).
Hooooooly skritt … XD
edit: Now i can breathe again … Jeez … xD Khmm. So … Can a more experienced Mesmer comment on his build? It doesn’t look good to me.
It’s a horrible build, he has no idea what he’s doing.
All I see on this topic is alot of necros that dont want to get nerfed
All that necromancers see are bad players who loves to complain.
You know, I half wish that people would cry OP on Rifle Engies, just once in a while. It would make me feel like I’m not the only Engie using the Rifle.
On topic, 17k over 6 hits is pretty kitten slow, considering Warriors can hit much harder than that with their autos. In fact, I’m pretty sure that the Necro’s Dagger auto can hit similar DPS, but I may be wrong in that.
[YOHO] – Its a Pirate Life for Me
And then you check their posting history and see they’ve been around for at least 8 months.
It’s a horrible build, he has no idea what he’s doing.
i have no idea pretty much of anyone of those who posted here and don’t care much about what flaws of their character gives them condescension or rudeness, i dont see any of these as my issue at slightest. apart from you. which is to say, i don’t know much about you either, but i have seen you active in mesmer community and helpful to many including myself on couple of occasions. pity you still came off like this.
ps: havent changed my opinion on topic.
How is this any different from a 8k Backstab, or Eviscerate?
Except for, you know, the fact that 17k over six Life Blasts averages to about 3k per Life Blast, which isn’t even that big a power hit.
Attaching Dhuumfire to Life Blast is a bad idea in my opinion, but not because Life Blast is too powerful.landing single backstab takes more then #111111111111111111
So does building life force.
Welcome to class diversity.
And then you check their posting history and see they’ve been around for at least 8 months.
It’s a horrible build, he has no idea what he’s doing.i have no idea pretty much of anyone of those who posted here and don’t care much about what flaws of their character gives them condescension or rudeness, i dont see any of these as my issue at slightest. apart from you. which is to say, i don’t know much about you either, but i have seen you active in mesmer community and helpful to many including myself on couple of occasions. pity you still came off like this.
ps: havent changed my opinion on topic.
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
The ones who complain without cause and refuse to listen…
How is this any different from a 8k Backstab, or Eviscerate?
Except for, you know, the fact that 17k over six Life Blasts averages to about 3k per Life Blast, which isn’t even that big a power hit.
Attaching Dhuumfire to Life Blast is a bad idea in my opinion, but not because Life Blast is too powerful.landing single backstab takes more then #111111111111111111
Yes! #5 #1 #5 #1.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
The ones who complain without cause and refuse to listen…
This guy gets it.
I don’t want to sound offensive, but your build is bad, your attitude is bad, your thinking is bad. Take a rest gesho. Farewell!
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
The ones who complain without cause and refuse to listen…
This guy gets it.
excellent, i also got all the answers i needed with what little question i had.
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
The ones who complain without cause and refuse to listen…
This guy gets it.
excellent, i also got all the answers i needed with what little question i had.
well u didnt really ask a question. u wanted lifeblast to be nerfed, because u think you should not have died. u made a build asked in the mes forum, mes people told it was bad, but u come with the attitude that your build is not supposed to die.
of course people are attacking you for this nonsense. i play power necro although i main a mesmer and i die to power necros sometimes too, but never have i thought of lifeblast as op ever.
they are slow, have long aftercast and easy to dodge and your build is supposed to die to everything as u dont have anything to get distance from necro, no leaps, no stealth nothing specific. we all told u that a mantra build especially the way u made it is not viable. pyro tested it, i tested it too and a lot of mesmers tried to make mantrabuilds viable, but its not.
necro is fine and actually i think necro do need buffs in certain areas. and lifeblast is not a regular autoattack.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Thank kitten he didn’t pop Lich… LB spam on power necro is only for when it’s on cd…
I help people that ask for help, not those that complain without cause and refuse to listen. Such people deserve no help.
and to what kind of people are you rude and condescending?
The ones who complain without cause and refuse to listen…
This guy gets it.
excellent, i also got all the answers i needed with what little question i had.
well u didnt really ask a question. u wanted lifeblast to be nerfed, because u think you should not have died. u made a build asked in the mes forum, mes people told it was bad, but u come with the attitude that your build is not supposed to die.
of course people are attacking you for this nonsense. i play power necro although i main a mesmer and i die to power necros sometimes too, but never have i thought of lifeblast as op ever.
they are slow, have long aftercast and easy to dodge and your build is supposed to die to everything as u dont have anything to get distance from necro, no leaps, no stealth nothing specific. we all told u that a mantra build especially the way u made it is not viable. pyro tested it, i tested it too and a lot of mesmers tried to make mantrabuilds viable, but its not.
necro is fine and actually i think necro do need buffs in certain areas. and lifeblast is not a regular autoattack.
lol, buddy this is all fine. you have one opinion and i have different. my lb experience is very superficial, with just single encounter, i havent crunched numbers and there have been none offered on the other end of the argument either, this is all very amature conversation on both ends. but why is this a reason for rudness?
conversation can be dull, can be provocative, cab be accurate, or not, this is all fine, my concern rather is whether it is civil. for instance comments about someone’s personal traits is certainly out of bounds to any exchange with claim to civility.
Because the way you phrased your initial post and your attitude on further replies have led many to assume you have some sort of personal flaw blocking you from realizing just how badly you were outplayed.
I mean; did you seriously stand there and eat 6 lifeblasts in a row or something? That’s a minimum of 6 seconds of you doing nothing to stop them not counting the hidden aftercast times on each lifeblast.
So when you imply that power Necros are just spamming 1 ftw after that kind of posting setup, the one already crossing into incivility is you.