9/29 the day the Elementalist died.
2/10 try harder next time.
Weirdest and least well thought out thread I’ve seen all day.
Thank you for your contribution.
It’s unfortunate that you cannot play at the same level as others, however that isn’t really something anet should balance around. You relied on one overpowered gimmick that got nerfed, and was hardly using the profession to its fullest. The class is still quite strong in pve/wvw, and in spvp if you run the meta build (the others are a different story).
You can always make new friends and/or start your own groups you know.
LOL this is brilliant, 10/10.
I guess I don’t really understand what the problem is. Are you saying that you use Cleric’s equipment or something and relied on the damage from Ice Bow 4 to contribute damage? I don’t really get why pressing the 1-0 buttons contributes to this because you still have to press them to activate Ice Bow 4 or your healing skills.
If the problem is just button-pressing, might I suggest a gaming mouse? I have a Logitech G600 which has 12 buttons right at your thumb. It makes firing off skills substantially easier (I still use 1-5 for Profession mechanics like Attunement Swapping, but that’s much less frequent than using skills). It’s also just a good mouse overall and usually goes for around $40 on Amazon.
I certainly don’t think Anet intended to screw you over specifically.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Next time use another profession for it. Can’t say you use ele because can’t spam skills when the class have 10 more weapon skills than any other, excluding engi.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Sounds like Druid is for you.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Not sure if troll post or serious… going to assume troll post based on the fact this is OP’s only post.
you might wanna buy a mouse with 12 buttons on it, no need to use a keyboard for skills.
I am not a troll. I have over 800 hrs of play time on my Ele. Now (thanks to this update) no one wants me in party because I’m a no damage healer…after spending a lot of time creating the build for my Ele.
Everyone seems to want glass cannons wait till HoT…Zerker will die too.
I am not a troll. I have over 800 hrs of play time on my Ele. Now (thanks to this update) no one wants me in party because I’m a no damage healer…after spending a lot of time creating the build for my Ele.
Everyone seems to want glass cannons wait till HoT…Zerker will die too.
To be perfectly honest, I’m a bit surprised you didn’t have trouble finding groups as a healer before, given how unnecessary dedicated healers are for the vast majority of current content. Most dungeon paths are do-able as an Ele wearing Soldier’s armor and camping in Fire.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
First I would recommend and second the Logitech G600 mouse for gaming, as that is what I use. Once you get used to it, you will love it…
Try a different build, never spec full heal. Ranger Elite spec (Druid) may be the only class who might be able to pull off some sort of dedicated healer…However, I dont know much about it or have yet to play one….so I can be totally wrong.
Whats your weapon of choice?
Look me up in game if you wish and maybe I can be of some help.
OP, if you are getting kicked from that many dungeons then it is NOT because ele was nerfed. It’s because you either don’t know how to play or run a horrible build. I haven’t even been kicked 1/4 of the times you have been kicked in my entire time of playing GW2 and I’ve most likely done more dungeon runs then you (5.4k hours play time here, 1k on my ele)
Also… from my experience ele is second worst when it comes to the number of buttons to press o.O I’d recommend a thief, not a healer but much less buttons…
(edited by Aguri.2896)
I have a couple suggestions that I think could help you – first of all, you’ve gotta try using modifiers. My primary suggestion is that you use Alt as a modifier. Most people prefer shift, but I find that Alt is much much easier to press and hold. You would use your thumb to hold the Alt key, and then push another key that would normally have another function. I would also try replacing some of the numbers that are hardest to reach with your Q and E key, as well as your R ankitteneys if you find those easy to press too. Keep in mind you can use the Alt modifier on any of these keys, so any other key you can hit easily is like 2 keys. My main suggestion involves more money I’m afraid, but perhaps it can help you. If you haven’t got one, getting a mouse with at least two extra buttons for you to use with your right thumb could really help you. You can also use those with the Alt modifier to make it 4 new easy to press buttons. Personally I use one of those buttons as my dodge button to react as quickly as possible when I need to dodge. A mouse with extra buttons is actually quite easy to find on Amazon or something for not too much. There are a lot of other peripherals that can make it easier. I use a Razer Orbweaver and it makes playing Ele a breeze, but it’s a little pricey and probably not for everyone as you have to go back and forth from it and a regular keyboard to type. If you change a ton around it will seem confusing at first. The best thing you can do to practice is to start by doing an easy rotation in the HotM PvP lobby on one of the golem dummies or try the class AI to get used to where your utility skills are.
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
The language filters a bit messed up. I meant that you can use R as well as C if you find those easy to press
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
Your frustration with clicking on all skils is understandable. But there are ways around it as Laurie wrote.
I have remapped 1-5 on Q, E, R and C.
Picking up things is under F, but ELite is under Shift+F.
The F1-F4 skills are remaopped to Shift Q, Shift E, Shift R etc.
Now I also use a Logitec G602 mouse that has 6 thumb buttons, but also a clickable scrollwheel and two DPI buttons. So the THumb buttons use heal, dodge, utilities, weapon swap.
Once I configured this way, playing the game became a whole lot more intiutive, giving me more focus on gameplay rather than looking at the keyboard to find the right keys or spending time moving the mouse.
But you could do without such a mouse. You can also combine some of the functions to ALT+[key] to control the utilities.
THe only thing that will be weird at first is that you looose track of all where each skill is. But after a while you’ll get used to it and it becomes part of you.
Haven’t been kicked as an ele from any dungeons since the update, you must be doing something wrong.
I am not a troll. I have over 800 hrs of play time on my Ele. Now (thanks to this update) no one wants me in party because I’m a no damage healer…after spending a lot of time creating the build for my Ele.
Everyone seems to want glass cannons wait till HoT…Zerker will die too.To be perfectly honest, I’m a bit surprised you didn’t have trouble finding groups as a healer before, given how unnecessary dedicated healers are for the vast majority of current content. Most dungeon paths are do-able as an Ele wearing Soldier’s armor and camping in Fire.
Well, OP, the Frostbow nerf is not the end of the world, you still have Lightning hammer It’s not as cheesy as Frostbow but you’ll be able to cap the camp thank’s to the almost perma blind on auto attack. Add to this the auto attack blast finisher and you can grant might to your party just by auto attacking.
Anet giving me the finger and telling me they really don’t care about the players….PRICELESS!
I lost it at this point.
In case you are genuine, try looking up gaming pads (razer has some really good ones but pricey). While gaming mouse suits most, sometimes it can be difficult to coordinate the use of many buttons with mouse movement for one hand. Gaming pads let you use other hand without the need to “find” the buttons like on regular keyboard.
You are exaggerating the nerf OP. Ele is still meta. Even if it wasnt who cares? Necros and rangers have been getting kicked from pugs for at least 2 years. Still have longest stun, best AoE and best ranged DPS maybe even best single target DPS idk. If you really wanna go healer, create all welcome parties. Your complaint just sounds like LFG used wrong.
well.. Read the first three words and think about what you answer.
But its quite easy to use a fire ele to do a very good job too. Just not the extreme damage to large targets.
“Designated healer”
Good one m8
If you have trouble reaching for the number keys. I would recommend controllers like logitech g13 or razer tartarus/orbweaver controllers.
You can keep your thumb to move your character with the directional pad/stick, and use the rest of the 4 fingers exclusively to press the skill buttons, you can macro things, and even program more complex operations. Ele is still great at heal and dps.
Firstly, I’m autistic. I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 since it’s release three years ago. I mostly run Ele’s. Why? Because, I can’t spam the one through ten keys like most other players can.
This is why I was mostly PvE. (I just recently started doing WvW) I can’t do PvP because I can’t spam the skills! I have to rely heavily on my mouse to activate skills because I can’t hit the one through ten keys with my fingers. (I have tried it’s just to awkward for me!)
In WvW I was able to solo a camp. (Even with my awful keyboard skills) I’d use Earth first switch to fire to AOE then conjure frost bow and freeze the Lord then hit him with 4th skill this doesn’t kill him but after a few more fire skills, the camp is capped. I can’t do this anymore.
I was useful in PvE because of my healing build but now with the Frost Bow Nerf no one wants me in their party. I was the designated healer and the only DPS I had at my disposal was the frost bow and now I’m being kicked from PUG dungeon runs because my character I’ve been running for three years has been made useless. it doesn’t help that my guild had all up and left after the first Scarlet invasion. So I am forced to solo most days.
I have put more money into this game than I’d like to think about. I built a new computer just to play Guild Wars 2, now I don’t know what to do…
I guess it’s time to sell my account, sell my PC and go back to console.
Guild War 2 – $50
upgraded to Heroic edition – $30
4600 gems bought from the gem store – $70
HoT Ultimate edition – $100
New PC just to play this game – $900After 9/29 patch
Kicked from AC PUG 3 times
Kicked from SE PUG twice
Kicked from CoF PUG 4 times
Kicked from fractals PUG….more times than I’d like to admit.Anet giving me the finger and telling me they really don’t care about the players….PRICELESS!
“Guild Wars 2 has the friendliest MMO community.”
I guess that’s if your not running an Ele.
Autism causes certain uncomfort zones but to be honest your going to learn to adjust if you want to play mmorpgs, as someone else said get a razor mouse for all the keys, I have family that works with autistic kids and truth be told, as hard and sad as it is they have to learn to adjust to society the best they can. And they can but this also greatly depends on the parents focus on trying to help them adjust to the world and get more comfortable with situations they do not find comfortable. I am not saying it is fully controllable for some because it simply is not but it can be managed. So in other words just keep trying man play more games where you have to use the keys.