Anet why do you hate us?
They only care about pve. It was nerfed because of raid bosses. Same reason they didn’t give a flying crap about how broken ghost thief was until it managed to solo a raid boss. Balance in game is done entirely around pve with no care of how wvw is affected.
They only care about pve. It was nerfed because of raid bosses. Same reason they didn’t give a flying crap about how broken ghost thief was until it managed to solo a raid boss. Balance in game is done entirely around pve with no care of how wvw is affected.
They only care about raids something that is different from pve and often stays broken for years with out any real fixes. This game is being contorted by raids and raids only and ele because of Air overload and nothing else is getting the worst end of the stick.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Elementalist is highly weak in dealing damage nowadays. I play with my ele all the time in wvw and I still have fun with it. But apart from shooting meteor showers in specific places that others cannot reach, we have been replaced in every aspect. Even people tend to tank or heal the damage from the siege instead of using staff ele’s.
Btw OP, you are right. Necro or Rev is way more profitable than ele in zerg situation.
yes so in order to get stuff fixed, people need to abuse raids with specific class’s/builds.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
changing a spec to fix a feature (raiding) that is a tiny proportion of the whole game is foolish and smacks of raid dev/designer (is there such a thing here?) having an unbalanced influence and poor awareness. This is what tuned raiding can do to a game if you are not careful. Tail is wagging dog.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Stopped playing ele after the last nerf. You would think the squishiest class in the game would have the highest risk/reward ratio of them all, but not in this game. kittening raid-induced nerfs are destroying the game.
And the problem with these kittening devs is that when they nerf something, they don’t simply reduce the effectiveness, most of the time they completely kitten on it to the point of making it useless and unusable.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Stopped playing ele after the last nerf. You would think the squishiest class in the game.
i dunno about that, they are just as tanky as most other class’s. at 2500 armour/18k health and with all of the auras/protection they chuck out i rate them very durable, and thats with out building to play frontline aura share (wvw) not sure abut spvp but thats an amulet issue.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
But if I wanted to play a tanky class, I would have played warrior or guardian, wouldn’t I? Tanking aspect is not that bad but still the lack of dmg and mobility compared to other professions made meta ele only viable in large groups, and mostly as a tank.
Still elementalists/tempests are really durable, you are right.
Seriously though, why are you trying to make elementalist players quit the game.
I don’t know if that’s what they’re going for but it certainly did happen. All my elementalist friends left and so did I.
Waiting for xpac 2 to fix this kitten.
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
the issue with ele dps isnt aoe/large hit boxes.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
Ez mode? How is staff ez mode? just because you were attacking at range its not easy mode. And how is D/Wh fresh air overload spam harder than it?
Staff you had to rely on teammates to get aggro off you.
(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)
Scepter > Dagger.
Scepter leaves you vulnerable w/o Burning Speed at the cost of more damage.
With Staff you spam AoEs and the only skill there was was to aim the AoEs in the right spot.
It was easier for me than D/Wh or Sc/Wh.
Because it works fine in pve. in pvp u have even less options other then trying really hard and make a subpar build that can work provided u outskill your opposition. Sustain without healing power is non existent if u go for a damaging role, and since it’s armour is low u get kittened without protection. low armour, no healing power but somehow has a large portion of it’s sustain dependent on healing power. Sometimes I just don’t get why they make a class so kittening dependent on healing power for it’s sustain but then remove every kittening amulet that could potentially bring it in another role at comparable levels to the other great and meta builds. Man any power ele that doesn’t know how to kite regardless of thier builds get kittened up. U can fight a motherkittener for several minutes on end. u slip up once and u get kittened over by litterally auto attacks. so there is only one build comparable to the builds we have now and that is auramancer.
Stopped playing ele after the last nerf. You would think the squishiest class in the game.
i dunno about that, they are just as tanky as most other class’s. at 2500 armour/18k health and with all of the auras/protection they chuck out i rate them very durable, and thats with out building to play frontline aura share (wvw) not sure abut spvp but thats an amulet issue.
Don’t play aurashare anymore, you’ll replace your rev’s much better regen stacks and actually kill your party.
What they realty need to do is fix arcain effects and the line it self or at least the GM level. As things stand 100% crits do not fit arcain attks ele already getting fury what ele needs is unblockable effects. I suggest arcain attks should be unblockable and Arcane Power makes all your attks arcane for 5 or so sec there by making all your attks unblockable and have the added effect from Elemental Surge. Also elemental surge should give a blunt dmg + % for a few sec after using an arcain effect not the added crit dmg. That and fire needs to be switched from burning to a slow effect making the arcain line more of a ture power soft cc line that it should be not this weird crit dmg condi dmg thing that it is now.
This would go a long way to making staff ele and scepter ele viable in spvp and wvw.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Stopped playing ele after the last nerf. You would think the squishiest class in the game.
i dunno about that, they are just as tanky as most other class’s. at 2500 armour/18k health and with all of the auras/protection they chuck out i rate them very durable, and thats with out building to play frontline aura share (wvw) not sure abut spvp but thats an amulet issue.
Except you never play anything beside full zerk in PvE, where the numbers look… umm.. a bit differently.
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
1. In theory. In practice you dance on your keyboard trying to squeeze out as much dps as you can, then you look at the dps meter and see a thief who’s just autoattacking on his staff have the same numbers.
2. Staff has never been easy mode. There are still those eles who think it is, and these are the famous sub-10k dps eles.
(edited by Feanor.2358)
Ele complaining about large scale WvW…
Go see engy, ranger, thief & to a lesser extent mesmer for classes that actually have something to complain about on that front, and have largely had those complaints for years. (which tells you all you need to know about how much attention Anet give class balance in WvW)
Mesmers are super useful in large-scale WvW. Portal and Veil.
Frontline scrapper is pretty awesome to imo
lol someone is out of touch, mesmer and ranger are more demanded then elementalist these days. No commander wants eles anymore and anet doesn’t want people playing elementalist whatsoever because it sees to much play in pve.
lol someone is out of touch, mesmer and ranger are more demanded then elementalist these days. No commander wants eles anymore and anet doesn’t want people playing elementalist whatsoever because it sees to much play in pve.
what a load of rubbish lol. stop being kitten, eles are more then welcome in all formats in wvw since they are probably the most efficient class out taking out siege on walls. healing druid cant do anything like that and scrapper?? whoopy doo! stealth 5 people and act as a res bot at best.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
lol someone is out of touch, mesmer and ranger are more demanded then elementalist these days. No commander wants eles anymore and anet doesn’t want people playing elementalist whatsoever because it sees to much play in pve.
what a load of rubbish lol. stop being kitten, eles are more then welcome in all formats in wvw since they are probably the most efficient class out taking out siege on walls. healing druid cant do anything like that and scrapper?? whoopy doo! stealth 5 people and act as a res bot at best.
I know your referring to zerging with your last bit about scrapper cabbage, but since you mentioned all formats. I’d much rather a scrapper in a small roaming group then an ele
Mesmers are super useful in large-scale WvW. Portal and Veil.
Mesmer is useful. which is why I said to a lesser extent for them, but the reality is if you look over WvW over the course of this game, other than a brief period after HoT when boonshare mes was the thing, you only ever had 1 or 2 in a guild raid and only wanted 2 or 3 for an 80 man blob, eles have fared way better in comparison.
lol someone is out of touch…
The irony is strong with this one..
Commanders in EU don’t want rangers, thieves or engies at all for blobs, whilst with mesmers it is the same old story 2 or 3 is fine, any more they would rather have a GWREN class.
Which has been the pattern for pretty much the whole game outside of a brief period when boonshare mes was the big thing, so whining about the “terrible” state of ele in large scale WvW is hilarious.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
Mesmers are super useful in large-scale WvW. Portal and Veil.
Mesmer is useful. which is why I said to a lesser extent for them, but the reality is if you look over WvW over the course of this game, other than a brief period after HoT when boonshare mes was the thing, you only ever had 1 or 2 in a guild raid and only wanted 2 or 3 for an 80 man blob, eles have fared way better in comparison.
lol someone is out of touch…
The irony is strong with this one..
Commanders in EU don’t want rangers, thieves or engies at all for blobs, whilst with mesmers it is the same old story 2 or 3 is fine, any more they would rather have a GWREN class.
Which has been the pattern for pretty much the whole game outside of a brief period when boonshare mes was the big thing, so whining about the “terrible” state of ele in large scale WvW is hilarious.
Rangers thf and eng are all very able to stand on there own an ele needs a full zerg to be usable and that only on the level of support something that is leaving ele as a class for other classes like revs. Ele as a dmg dealing class in a zerg or massive combat in wvw is lacking due to how many blocks they added to the game and over all how much blunt counter power dmg there is in the game.
At the end of the day other classes have choese to how they play going power or condi ele dose not and cant due to the way atuments work. In wvw meta that is mostly condi being only able to do power dmg weakens you and all the worst if they take away that counter siege ele use to have.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think this thread title fits perfectly the overall impressions of elementalists players ever since the nerf attack on the class started back 2 years ago.
It should be permanently pinned on top of the Elementalist class forum.
Remember, remember, we could once play zerk d/d in WvW.
Yes please pin this, upvote this, let it be known.
(edited by flarezi.9381)
Yes please pin this, upvote this, let it be known.
If we could get a name of a dev that works on ele that would be nice too because i do not think any of them are. They at least do not post any info on these forms any more about any thing. Feels more like talking into a void then any thing else.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
Ez mode? How is staff ez mode? just because you were attacking at range its not easy mode. And how is D/Wh fresh air overload spam harder than it?
Staff you had to rely on teammates to get aggro off you.
Uhmmmm, Dps doesn’t determine Aggro on the majority of all encounters in this game and no Boss in Raids has ever had Dps determine aggro…… The only time Raid bosses had a set aggro is based on Toughness/proximity nothing else, then there is the fixation mechanics on a select few bosses which is all but random for all intents and purpose.
Staff was ez mode due to Meteor shower Spam and air overload Spam for the most part.
And if your comment was in regards to WvW, staff is still ez mode with the amount of kiting that is possible with it in large scale fights, and yes opponents focus on the glass backline Eles because they would be extremely stupid to allow glass Eles to free cast on them, but again if the sides are approx even the Eles have a few decent tools to kite using Staff with proper positioning and kiting, between weapon skills and utilities.
(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)
Yes please pin this, upvote this, let it be known.
If we could get a name of a dev that works on ele that would be nice too because i do not think any of them are. They at least do not post any info on these forms any more about any thing. Feels more like talking into a void then any thing else.
Karl… He designed tempest and turned our class into a heal-bot class in all competitive modes.
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
Ez mode? How is staff ez mode? just because you were attacking at range its not easy mode. And how is D/Wh fresh air overload spam harder than it?
Staff you had to rely on teammates to get aggro off you.
Uhmmmm, Dps doesn’t determine Aggro on the majority of all encounters in this game and no Boss in Raids has ever had Dps determine aggro…… The only time Raid bosses had a set aggro is based on Toughness/proximity nothing else, then there is the fixation mechanics on a select few bosses which is all but random for all intents and purpose.
Staff was ez mode due to Meteor shower Spam and air overload Spam for the most part.
And if your comment was in regards to WvW, staff is still ez mode with the amount of kiting that is possible with it in large scale fights, and yes opponents focus on the glass backline Eles because they would be extremely stupid to allow glass Eles to free cast on them, but again if the sides are approx even the Eles have a few decent tools to kite using Staff with proper positioning and kiting, between weapon skills and utilities.
Your incredibly wrong I doubt you are above rank 100 in wvw with a perspective like that. Playing a glass staff ele in the MELEE META puts an unbelievable amount of pressure on any sort of ranged person to stay alive while the commander yolo pushes PAST ENEMY groups (this is how the melee meta works) .Now for damage you can either play a condi necro or our classic back line staff ele. Necro is going to do 4-5 times as much damage, have 3.3 k armor, and 60 k hp with shroud so it can easilly push with the melee meta. This is why dps necro has replaced backline glass ele, guess you might not of been on wvw in the last few months though, the meta changes so fast.
One word: Retaliation.
One word: Retaliation.
Yes THIS it is so nice to get killed in WvW by retaliation in 2 seconds, just because you casted a meteor shower on 6 enemy. I manage to take more damage to myself than doing to enemies.
Still hoping they would adjust Meteor Shower in a smarter way. Like, removing the ICD all together and reducing the base damage and scaling equal to Fireball.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Ele complaining about large scale WvW…
Go see engy, ranger, thief & to a lesser extent mesmer for classes that actually have something to complain about on that front, and have largely had those complaints for years. (which tells you all you need to know about how much attention Anet give class balance in WvW)
I thought Druid and Scrapper were really, really good in the current melee meta?
The devs has done nothing but nerfing the fun out of the game. Remember when meteor rocks didn’t look like a tiny cropped out of aspect ratio kittenty yellow thing?
Here’s how it was before, in the beginning:
The devs has done nothing but nerfing the fun out of the game. Remember when meteor rocks didn’t look like a tiny cropped out of aspect ratio kittenty yellow thing?
Here’s how it was before, in the beginning:
Funny thing is that the game actually was performing better back then, even with the better graphics. It just sucks that everything for this class got worse.
The devs has done nothing but nerfing the fun out of the game. Remember when meteor rocks didn’t look like a tiny cropped out of aspect ratio kittenty yellow thing?
Here’s how it was before, in the beginning: thing is that the game actually was performing better back then, even with the better graphics. It just sucks that everything for this class got worse.
Well ele is the worst class in gw2 because of all of this.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Funny thing is that the game actually was performing better back then, even with the better graphics. It just sucks that everything for this class got worse.
It wasn’t changed because of performance, it was changed (along with a slew of other abilities.) to reduce the visual noise of the game.
Meteor shower needs to do full damage against siege in wvw, Our class has been totally replaced by revenant and necromancer for either damage or healing builds, we have nothing and on top of everything you make it so meteor no longer takes out arrow carts. Seriously though, why are you trying to make elementalist players quit the game.
Revenant here, want to trade Staff, Centaur Stance and Hammer
Water Attunement, Ele Staff and Conjures?
We are no longer the flavor of the month. It was believed eles had gotten too strong & their support capability had to be toned down, that’s not even the worst part; Tempest that came with it, is. (I dislike tempest)
No… anet needs some free kills. To make ele less popular. Ele was most played class for like the last 3 years. Anet always buffs eles a tad and nerf to the ground. Those Mesmer, necro and warrior devs hate ele’s
Ele can counter warrior/zerker but in a slow boring battle. Also same with necro, but if someone jumps the 1v1 and sneeze on the ele it dies instantly. (if you don’t have any get out of jail card cantrips left) Ele’s don’t even try fighting high level hybrid mesmers. In theory its an attrition warfare that you will lose in time… got to love perplexity and torment.
Everyone that plays core ele dislikes tempest. It’s ez mode ham that got nerfed so hard it’s just a heal bot condi clear spam bot now. :P Core fire ele pre June 22 2015 roast tempest hands down, hence the epic nerf. If they didn’t nerf it pre hot release no core d/d ele main would purchase hot. Well they will but not for that same drive.
Everyone that plays core ele dislikes tempest.
Great generalization you have here. And, like all generalizations, it’s wrong. I played and loved ele back on vanilla, then I tried and loved tempest, too.
Everyone that plays core ele dislikes tempest.
Great generalization you have here. And, like all generalizations, it’s wrong. I played and loved ele back on vanilla, then I tried and loved tempest, too.
Right i play tempest and i HATE it over all its a elite spec for tankly support then anet realize it would not be used unless they tack on a dmg effect. So they make air and fire overlord do high enofe dmg to be viable in raids at the same time nerfing the crap out of core ele. There by making tempest the core class and the ele a non class.
Tempest as a class is a over cooked ideal with a lot of sauce to cover up for the fact.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Stopped playing ele after the last nerf. You would think the squishiest class in the game.
i dunno about that, they are just as tanky as most other class’s. at 2500 armour/18k health and with all of the auras/protection they chuck out i rate them very durable, and thats with out building to play frontline aura share (wvw) not sure abut spvp but thats an amulet issue.
Except you never play anything beside full zerk in PvE, where the numbers look… umm.. a bit differently.
Ele still has top DPS over large hitboxes (with Sc/Wh) and moderate DPS over small boxes (Sc/Wh)
Staff (e.g. ez mode) has been nerfed though.
1. In theory. In practice you dance on your keyboard trying to squeeze out as much dps as you can, then you look at the dps meter and see a thief who’s just autoattacking on his staff have the same numbers.
2. Staff has never been easy mode. There are still those eles who think it is, and these are the famous sub-10k dps eles.
Indeed, I never understood how people could think zerk staff is ez mode. Even in PvE, the high DPS rotation is not easy to get at all compared to many other professions.
And It is even harder if we talk about PvP or WvW. Try to stay alive with your “ez” paper staff build vs other humans. You will have the skill workout of your life and still, more often than not, die anyway.
Why do I keep finding necro’ed threads? And seriously, this title is the most overused title in the forums…
Right i play tempest and i HATE it
Then don’t play it.
Trust me, there are other classes that ANet seems to hate worse…rev’s is one example.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights