Assassin Trinket on Staff Ele in Tpvp - Video
whoa! very nice video, Diva! I saw you were very squishy but you handled it pretty well and your team was also quite good to carry you well. I have yet to try this new assassin trinket, your reduced HP pool scared me………..
Boooo, not available on mobile boo!
Boooo, not available on mobile boo!
Dear Bobby, you have got a cute account name!
And, please try the video on different browser, happened with another friend too, changing browser sorted it.
I think the term “glass cannon” doesn’t even define your build anymore lol. More like, a “twig bazooka”.
Boooo, not available on mobile boo!
Dear Bobby, you have got a cute account name
And, please try the video on different browser, happened with another friend too, changing browser sorted it.
Sry, tried it on 2-3 different browsers on 2 different mobile devices, doesn’t work. though i watched it on my computer.
and my name is not cute, grrr *mean face :P
I think the term “glass cannon” doesn’t even define your build anymore lol. More like, a “twig bazooka”.
LOL and did you try the build yourself? It does feel amazing to shoot bazookas
I tried a burst staff ele a while back to great effect. It really helps if you have a dedicated person with a lot of disables like a warrior or engineer just kind of tag along with you for most of the match or at the very least, stay near you when you’re bombing a point. They draw or stop and enemy bursters that otherwise would cut you down in seconds.
Always loved how eles could range from a deadly monster of glass to a nigh unkillable machine that wears you down through attrition.