Burning Build Advice
between the build here and the video at the bottom especially the video, should get you headed in the right direction.
Thanks, that helped a lot.
So we are going earth for the added condi damage bonus only?
Crystal Desert
Why would you run Bowl of Sweet & Spicy Beans (40%), burning precision (60%), runes of balthazaar (+105%), AND a sigil of smoldering for +125% burning duration? You know you can’t go over 100% duration right so essentially you’re using a sigil that doesn’t do anything….Also, my build uses air instead of earth for glyph recharge, bonus ferocity, and more flat damage while targets are low. I think it’s better than slightly higher condi damage.
PS: You only need +36% condi duration food to get to the +100% cap…It’s cheaper than +40% duration ones.